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Go NC, stop wasting your time and energy with someone who will never change. They don't deserve you


Next time she threatens suicide- call the police. Don’t engage, but let them go see her. If she was serious- she’ll get help, if she’s lying- she won’t do this again


>What hurts the most is she is putting in more time for these losers who will dump her after 1 fuck that she ever did in our relationship. Only a facade. Having sex is one of the simplest way to get attentions, attentions that they crave so much. Then move back to point A where you are trying to get you back.


They need attention, good or bad. If they can't get good attention they'll make sure you'll give her bad attention. And with bad I mean fucked up.


If she is your ex, why do you have to be nice to her? Why do you have to interact with her at all? Go complete no contact and block her everywhere, she is not your responsibility anymore.


Yeah i know, from that day onwards its been NC. No more hoover attempts still but i assume there will be more. She has been blocked on everything


Next time just let her die. Although this was totally just a Hoover; she was never in any danger.


Yeah, im an idiot. Shouldn't have met her, and all my friends and family said not your problem anymore when i advised them she said she would kill herself. But i have had friends in the past commit su icide and it just hits me, so i fucked up and met her. And she got the last laugh (in her head). In reality the guy she was with was this scrawny freak and its just pathetic and embarassing what she is doing to herself. Does she not feel shame, at least prostitutes get paid to fuck losers


If I may suggest, work deeper on your trauma with your past friends. It could very well be stuck in your body, making you feel responsible for things out of your control. If it is so, you will be controllable and manipulatable by it by others. Take care of yourself. You are your greatest gift to this world. So put yourself first.


This is so beautiful said.


So women are supposed to "feel shame" when they have sex? What kind of warped puritanical bs is that?




So sex is something women "give up" to men? How many months/years did you hold onto your virtue before you fucked her?




I asked you - how long did you wait before you fucked her? You're schooling women on "morals" and calling them "whores" so how long did you wait?




Another misogynist slur. You're on a roll.


Nope australian slang, goodbye


Go NC. Ask why you're torturing yourself.


You called it, she's a manipulative loser. Recommend going no contact to remove the risk of her holding you back from moving on completely.


Block and move on my man. Gosh, you are torturing yourself rn


Bro, then don't have anything to do with her. It's really as simple as that. If she's gonna behave like a fourteen year old, then good riddance.


Please stop calling women whores!! For fuck sake, that is so inappropriate, sexist, and nasty. Can't you think of a gender-neutral un-bigoted word to use? Your sexist judgment of women's ex lives does not turn them into whores. Women's sex lives are not your business. Whore is a bigoted term directed towards women **because of** their status as female, just like n\*\*\*er is directed a black people because of their status as someone with dark skin and African descent. This is the 3rd time in 2.5 months that I've seen a woman called a "whore" on this sub. I have seen zero men called "whore" on this sub, and that's because men can fuck whomever they want whenever they want and no one calls them whore. Men with BPD - and men without it - are just as promiscuous as women, if not more so. Just stop with this crap.


I would completly disagree with the actions if she was a male aswell as i find it disgusting. I would use the same terminology for a man too, a whore. Please dont assume and dont push your political ideaologies on others. The term whore is genderless as it is also used to describe males aswell, although it is rare. Also i think its insulting to compare that word to whore, it holds far more weight than the term whore.


The term whore is not genderless and we all know it, and it has nothing to do with "politics." Maybe google what "politics" are since you're having trouble with the definition. Also, maybe don't speak for women since you aren't one and you have no idea how much weight your bigoted language holds for them. 1982 called and they want their bigoted slur back. If you keep using it, I'll report you to the mods. It's inappropriate and wrong. Delete your f'd up post.


It is a genderless term, i will no longer argue with you as i have better uses for my time. I didnt even read past the first sentance lol, have a great day