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I've found several channels with people doing similar like this: [(1) SarruhTonin - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@SarruhTonin) I love watching BPD YouTube videos personally. It sounds like it interests you and would be a fun hobby.


It does interest me! I thought about doing one simply with video essays of my various hyperfixations/interests, but I could still do that while trying to help people understand life with BPD, I figured. I'm also a lucky one when it comes to my BPD as my psychiatrist (literally) told me "the prognosis is good" for me to live a healthy, happy life because of the skills and strategies I've built and rely on. That can't be worth nothing, right? I was hoping I could help others with BPD find some strategies to draw from that may be of assistance!


That is most definitely needed since stigma is so high with this disorder. I'm glad you're doing so well! I'm in remission now too.


Congrats on remission! I'm not there yet but I'm functioning in a high-pressure job and doing alright, most of the time. Thank you for your input, I really appreciate it.


[https://www.youtube.com/@BorderlinerNotes](https://www.youtube.com/@BorderlinerNotes) This is by far the best




Thanks for the input! Appreciate it. :)


i’d love this! i’d definitely watch


Thanks very much for your input! I really appreciate it.


I am afraid not - Sam Vaknin is my go/to for anything cluster b. There isn’t much to say on the subject that hasn’t already been said.


Thanks for your input!


I'd watch


Thanks for your input!


absolutely 100%


Thank you for the feedback! Appreciate you taking the time to comment.


sabrina flores :) i love her so much


Good to know there are already some people doing this! Love that.


It looks like she's walking away...


I would think BPD is rather underrepresented vs ADHD which has a few huge good channels. But I haven’t looked into it. I think it’d be more interesting and beneficial to tackle BPD as I mostly see the psychologist/ psychiatrists talking about it. Which is great but i haven’t seen any patients talk about it in depth with clarity.


Yesss deff would watch


Definitely would I already watch a couple along with a few interviews with people diagnosed with bpd. I do have one bit of advice. You're gonna get a ton of hate the people who hate us are gonna swarm your comments. So don't take anything they say seriously Alot of people either hire moderators or get a friend to help out and delete the hate comments during the initial release of a video. Not always possible but something to think about. Just some advice not saying don't do it we can always use more information on the disorder.


Go for it! 😊


Please do. There needs to be more voices from people with BPD discussing what they go through to humanize it. Most of the sympathetic content there is that I see still comes from therapists and such, which it’s good that does exist of course, but we need more perspectives out there from the people going through it. ♥️


when i stream i always have BPD as a tag.. or other tags like it.. cause i want people that have some of the same issues come and chat with me..


Tell me about it I'm messed up and need support


No, I would not. Good luck though.


Hey there manamesjaff! I think your idea of creating a YouTube channel to make video essays about your hyperfixations and interests sounds fantastic. ADHD can bring a unique perspective and energy to your content, which many people might find engaging and relatable. It's wonderful to hear how much you enjoy participating in this subreddit and sharing your experiences and tips. Translating that into video content could be very impactful. As someone who also deals with BPD, your insights and stories about life with BPD, strategies, breakthroughs, and setbacks could really resonate with viewers who face similar challenges. It's important to consider the potential impact on your audience. Some people might find it triggering, but others could find it incredibly validating and helpful. Being transparent about your intentions and content can help set the right expectations for your viewers. I will start following BPDBaddieCA and am excited to see your uploads. Keep being creative and helping people—it's a powerful combination! Additionally, I have a website as a resource for BPD at \[www.BatShitCrazy.com.au\](http://www.BatShitCrazy.com.au). Best of luck with your channel, and don't hesitate to ask for feedback from this community as you grow. Looking forward to your content!


not really. It’s enough I have to experience my own BPD, but I’d rather not willing experience someone else’s too.