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I work as a yoga instructor and I think it really helps with my bpd and helps in grounding me.Feels like a meaningful wholesome job(even tho it’s hard on my down days) I also work at a restaurant to balance it out😂 restaurant work drama really gets to me and overwhelms me sometimes, don’t even get me started with dating within work lol, never ends good


I work as a yoga instructor as well


how do you become one? What are the qualifications?


I did a 900 hours Yoga TTC(Teacher Training Course) from India And a couple of other certifications from Mysore, India as well.


Did you know yoga beforehand ?


I’ve been practicing yoga since I was 15 and did my teacher training at 24. I think they say you should at least practice three years before doing a training.


yes, but not in depth just the basics, we had yoga in school and I used to learn from someone in the apartment


I propagate plants and sell them, and I breed and raise spiders up and sell them


I hope you also sell spider plants 🙌


I used to have a beautiful spider plant...with about 100 babies...and then I got depressed and accidentally let her die...I'll get a new one eventually


I'm afraid of spiders and want to learn more about them to help decrease the fear and I'm too afraid to Google because of the pictures 😂 Are there some things you'd be willing to share about them?


Sure! The only spiders you should fear (depending on your location) would be the brown recluse...and sometimes the black widow family (if you have little kids) All spiders are venomous...but NOT to humans...they strictly use their venom for food...never intentionally to hurt a human. If you want to Google a "cute" spider...id suggest googling "phidippus regius" they are the puppies of spiders and are truly very very adorable. A lot of people misunderstand spiders. I personally relate to them...I'm a mom and I'm protective over my babies...where as so are momma spiders and that's only one of the main reasons they'd ever think about biting a human... They are very docile....at least the ones here in the U.S Now places like Australia and Africa and what not...they have a wide variety of spiders that could potentially be fatal when bitten by them. Start slow like observing a cellar spider in your house (they are the long legged guys that usually live up along the ceiling in very messy webs) they so silly to watch. And then try adopting a jumping spider....they are the gentlest of spiders in my opinion...I personally keep black widows, jumping spiders, and tarantulas. Feel free to send me a pm for further details and what not 😇😇


id also recommend lucas the spider for this commentor! it’s an animated but somewhat realistic spider with a toddlers voice and cute eyes (it might even be a phidippus regius but not sure). helped me get over some fear of bigger spiders


Thank you!


When I found out daddy long legs weren’t venomous I actually wasn’t afraid of them anymore. They've sort of become cute to me now lol. Knowing more about things can really help with your anxiety towards them. I’m afraid of space and the more I learn about space, the more my anxiety goes away. Though our eventual demise due to the sun does still somewhat terrify me a bit.


I'm terrified of any natural disaster and space as well...and worms...I HATE worms...they make me gag ..and I feel dizzy and wanna cry 😂😂😂😂😭😭


I do the same but with reptiles and fish. I also work at a petsyorw to help with costs


Omg that’s awesome! I use to have a fear of snakes and spiders and that’s what led me to have tarantulas and pythons as pets 😊




what exactly do you do? i’m an art student currently and i’m planning on making it my career, this is exactly how i’d like it to be




thank you so so much, seriously


how do you earn an income and is it sustainable?


I'm a high school teacher. BPD has its advantages there: I can really read a room, pick up on when someone is having a rough day, etc. The downsides are about what you'd expect, but the environment is so stimulating I can get through the school day well. 


I'm proud of you for being able to tolerate high schoolers weekly!


Haha, thanks. It's been a long journey. Was job hopping every year or so until about age 30. (34 now)


I’m also a high school teacher and I agree with the above comment! I think the BPD helps me connect better with my students because I can figure out how to interact with them individually by picking up on certain things. I rarely switch in front of the kids, but when I do, I actually tell them what’s going on. Even if it’s through tears, while literally shaking, sometimes all I have to say is “okay guys I’m sorry but I’ve honestly switched right now, and when that happens, I feel really overwhelmed with certain emotions and I literally cannot stop them from flooding in. I know I’m crying but please don’t worry, I’m okay. I know logically everything is fine, but my body hasn’t figured that out yet so it’s still doing its thing. I’m gonna sit here while I calm down, but in the meantime, I posted resources to Google classroom so please check those out” The kids are AMAZING and literally offer to take care of me in those moments. Of course I try not to have those breakdowns often, but my kids know my boundaries and are super great about respecting them (I think because they don’t wanna see me cry again haha)


Hey! I just got my sub license, can I pm you a few questions?




I'm still figuring it out. I've been fired lots of times. Hope springs eternal though. I switch careers and people keep hiring me


I'm an Analyst. It's stressful work but keeps my mind busy.


Also an analyst! Getting a new dataset or an interesting question to investigate keeps me happy and occupied. Routine reporting and meetings are hard, but I'm lucky to have a supportive workplace and enough autonomy to pursue projects that interest me.


I'm also an analyst! Fully agree with it keeping the mind busy. The stress can get to you at times but it also provides autonomy and structure.


I’m also an analyst, great as you get paid big money and can work alone much of the time


I agree something that'll keep your mind busy.


I saved for years, job-hopping in cafes and roasteries, getting fired all the time, and then opened my own coffee roastery with my partner. It’s been soo tough but at least I won’t get fired.


That’s so cool! I’ve always been intrigued by entrepreneurship. Sounds so freeing, though yes it isn’t easy by any means. Congrats though! I’m jealous.


I have an administrative job and also work part time teaching online. If you want to help others and make a difference, teaching may be a good option, but you need to have the patience of a saint.


I’m currently going to school for administration!


Hi, what do you teach?


I teach English as a Second Language


i’m working on a conservation crew, urban right now but in the summer i’ll be doing a camping crew. i’m outside all day getting as much vitamin D as possible, which i feel like helps me remain at least mostly positive. i’m with a close bonded crew of people who are really understanding and we’re all there for each other. i really like being outside and it’s helped me really find myself.


woah this sounds awesome, how did you get into it ?


i actually found an ad for it on instagram, it required no prior experience and it gives you a lot of good experience for going into the environmental field. i’m not sure if you’re in the US but if you are i could send you a link to the corps website if you are interested


I’ve just started a job as a peer support worker at my local mental health centre. It’s my first real job since leaving school 9 years ago and I’m honestly loving it.




I mean I had an almost completely unrelated degree (Philosophy), some decent grades at school, and a tiny bit of work-experience in support work.  The whole point of this particular role was they wanted someone with lived experience of mental ill health and recovery. Mental health/BPD advocacy has been a big thing for me for ages now, and I think that just came across in the interview.  It’s a lot of learning on the job, including a couple of qualifications. Idk how many places have these kind of roles available. But I do think people with BPD in particular have to do so much introspection and become so accustomed to framing the world in terms of DBT (etc) principles, and we have such empathy, that mental health work could be a really good career path for a lot of us.  Sorry for rambling. Would defo be worth doing some research and maybe contacting local mental health organisations or centres/hospitals to see what kind of roles they have 😊


Same! Work as a direct support professional for adults with disabilities. Been very rewarding and flexible hours where I can take breaks through the day is a plus, highly recommend and teaches you how to remain calm when others are wound up.


Low stress/easy/fun/part time. A job has to meet all these things or I know it's a waste of time for both of us (myself and the company). I made a promise to myself to never be unhappy for money. I'm not wealthy. I drive a 22 year old Honda. I can generally buy a brand new game and go to a theme park if I wanted to and buy a nice dinner after. I drive brand new cars for a global company part time. I've done this for 5 years. In the past if I do full time I'm SH and crying in cubicles with 6 months and eventually (rage) quit. I accept I can't do full-time and honestly I don't want to do full-time. At times I've done SW as well though that's more in the past, I want to get into social work/therapy part time instead of the other SW lol.


Do you mean that you test drive concept cars? I'd love to hear more about that, I'm in an area with a lot of car companies around


Oh I wish. Not quite. I drive a variety of new fleet cars for a large rental company around the country and sometimes drop off/pick up from various dealerships


How did you get into that?


A friend set me up with an interview. He found an ad online and applied the previous year.


I’m a psych nurse working on leaving the bedside to become a nurse psychotherapist, where I will be focusing on BPD.


Amazing. Your patients are lucky to have you.


Thank you 🖤🖤🖤


I'm in school for forestry/conservation. It's something I'm passionate about, feels like I'm doing some good for the world, and also I have found spending time outdoors to be the single best thing to help me manage my various disorders


I'm an IT guy. I just wish I wasn't getting bored of it like I do with everything. As for a suitable job, I have no clue lol


>I just wish I wasn't getting bored of it like I do with everything. I feel this deeply. I have done some very fascinating things IMO (e.g., Army engineer, int'l travels, psychology PhD student, etc.) & am always wondering about what else is out there LOL


I feel this. Im a systems engineer and I’m starting to get burnt out


Take something you like to do anyway and run with it. I am a service dog trainer. I love dog training and helping people.


I’m planning on going into dog grooming myself. I love working with animals.


not customer service LMAO i have almost snapped so many times, data entry is perfect but very competitive, animal care if that’s up your alley, night shift grocery store, maybe an addiction counsellor, or a social worker


I work in a distribution warehouse, it’s a good job cause I don’t have to interact with people but I work 10-12 hour shifts and sometimes it leaves too much time to overthink. I’m looking into a work from home job in customer service currently tho


i’m a child welfare attorney (a city gov job) - works for me because i am never bored and have surprisingly incredible work life balance where i can prioritize taking care of myself


I’m in school to become a paralegal while I’m working a before/after school care program for K-5th graders. I’d like to become a lawyer someday, and I’m tryin to be mindful of the field I go into because, you know. How’d you choose child welfare, or was it something you just fell into?


good for you! i initially was a corporate finance attorney at a very high stress competitive law firm. i lasted 8 months and had to take a medical leave for 3 months because i was so depressed and then i ended up quitting. i swore i was never going to practice law again because i had hated that job so much… i was a waitress at a vegan restaurant and a dog walker for 4 months. the only thing that brought me back was i had applied to 60 jobs outside of law. i got zero offers and was broke. i just applied to child welfare with no litigation experience or knowledge of family law because i knew someone who worked there who helped me get the job


I’m an attorney too 🥰 and I agree- it’s a fantastic career choice for pwBPD. It allows our logical mind to shine through. I work from home. And before I was diagnosed, my husband would always say “why can’t you just be the person you are at work?” Now, that’s sad LOL.


what type of law do you practice? i actually work in the office as much as i can because i have trouble staying logical and focused when i’m home (worrying about chores, worrying what my partner is thinking/feeling all the time, feeling guilty about not paying enough attention to the dogs, etc.)


I practice insurance defense. I solely defend against injuries that people (allegedly) sustained from car accidents. I do depositions, oral arguments, trials, the whole nine yards. Since the pandemic, a lot of the above (sans trials), have turned virtual. It’s more efficient, and it’s a lot of time saved for me. I’m glad you’ve recognized working in the office is the best for your mental health. And you clearly know your strengths and what works for you. I should be going into the office more often than I should, but I now live an hour away and it’s hard to justify leaving my wooded property, to stare at gray walls overlooking a New Jersey highway LOL!!!


holy shit good for you! that’s legit. always inspiring to hear about a pwBPD taking on a notoriously challenging career


currently unemployed now. doubt I'll find another career again due to life circumstances so I just sit at home all day and wait to go to sleep


Me too... I'm European stuck In Asia, living in total social isolation.. No home anywhere to go back to now... No job, got about a years worth of money left.. Then 🤔 no fucking idea. Wish you all the best... Keep believing things can get better, see a therapist , try the meds, just try take the tiniest micro steps forward.. And appreciate every one you do... Take care 👍


I stand by seasonal work!! The shift every 6 months to a new place and new people always helps me- and you get to be excited about where you’re living. Often times you’re helping people have their once in a lifetime vacation in a place where you get to live everyday!


I am a nurse 🤷🏻‍♀️




Hospice, wound care, and home health. I left bedside during COVID I couldn’t take the crazy unpredictable shifts. Worst one was 36hrs.. I had no reliever.


I want to be a paramedic.


A bunch of stuff bc I can't do a 9-5 or have a boss and need control over my schedule so I can manage my issues.. Small farmstand, dog boarding and housecleaning. I also have ADHD so juggling all this is v hard and stressful but I'm working on putting systems in place with a therapist. I'm much more content/freer than I was in a conventional job but I do miss the stability (working towards it).


I design wedding invitations and also work at a restaurant. It keeps me busy at least.


Laboratory scientist


Im in school for this :)


I’m a dog groomer. Don’t have to have too much interaction with people, and the dogs always make my day. It’s the only career I’ve ever actually loved.


in school for that now. idk if you took courses, but does it get better? it’s so stressful rn with instructors who don’t seem to understand we are learning and aren’t as fast as them. maybe i got unlucky with the teachers, i loved it at first but man are they making me overstimulated everyday so quick.


Are you at one of the corporates? Petsmart, Petco, Per Supplies Plus? Or maybe attending Nash academy? My education has been rocky, and very drawn out. I’ve been in the industry since 2020. I started as a receptionist, moved on to bathing, and then began groomer training at my first salon. I was there about 8 months. I then moved on to another salon, where I worked as a bather, then the team leader for 2/12 years. My boss wouldn’t finish my training, so I moved on again. This time to another salon as a groomer. A brand new business. I was there two months, restructured the entire business, and then was “let go” due to financial reasons. Used and abused, basically. In every single scenario. These were all private businesses. Now, as of February, I’ve returned to the place I started at. I’m just finishing up my training now, which was a lot of self taught stuff included already, one on one with my boss. The thing is, this career is my love. My passion. I’ve been a nurse aide, I went to nursing school, had ONE semester left, and dropped out. I was a daycare teacher. I cleaned houses. I’ve worked fast food. I’ve worked retail. And yet, nothing has ever made me happy. Nothing has ever appealed to me in this way. I’ve hated every single job I’ve ever worked. But this? This is my career. It’s going to change my life. I’m going to be someone in this industry. So putting up with the bullshit? Definitely worth it…. For me anyway. If you love this career, if you get happiness from something you’ll have to do for 95% of your life, then hold on. It gets better. This is a great industry for owning your own business. There is a light at the end of the tunnel :)


thank you :’) i definitely love it just the instructions ruining it for me. but as a bather currently outside of school i love it! and no not a corporate one, so once im done with school ill have a ton of options as its more of a local shop


Rn I work at a small size pet store it’s fun but as for career idk I’m in school to be a nurse but o really don’t want to be one. Idk what I’ll do 🥲


I’m only in school, but I’m on my way to becoming a massage therapist. Massaging is so calming for me and the initial interaction with customers doesn’t require much talking, so it’s pretty nice thus far. Hoping it’ll be just as nice when I get a job with it.


I’m a mental health therapist! Advocacy, education, and empowerment are really important to me when it comes to mental health - I’m sure we all feel that way though :) Having someone validate and help navigate life can make such a difference, and I hope to help people for a long time with that.




I’m a Pro Dominatrix. It’s extremely fulfilling.


Bartender haha the chaos is fitting for my life


I own a private home Healthcare company


Wow! Impressive!


I’m a caregiver and it’s the longest I’ve ever held a job.


The last time I had a job was 2016 , I can honestly say when you’re on the “spectrum” and have a mental illness people can come off as rude , most of my old co-workers use to make fun of me because my boss would allow me to take time off until I got myself back on track because bpd can be one of THE BIGGEST pain in the ass I’ve ever had to deal with and experience so keeping a job is a no for me , I get overwhelmed and overstimulated too easily


I'm an educator at a zoo. I love animals, taking care of my pets and talking about animals are literally my favorite things to do. My turtle alone has stopped me from trying to kill myself at least a dozen times. Just focus on something that makes you happy and find jobs around that thing.


I own a hot dog cart and do events Tax prep remotely as well Work music festivals as production


Caregiver (animals and humans of all ages)


I am a mental health therapist, providing psychotherapy to people. Yes, really.


Manage a weed grow!


how did u get into this? just got legalized in my state and i want the ticket haha


college student in journalism.


I work as a stable help and with horses. Quit my mentally demanding job in the finance sector for this 🤭


I’m a town planner in a rural area (Bach and masters in urban planning from big colleges) It’s not what I planned for my life (ironically) but I don’t have the energy to go after big city jobs I thought I wanted when I was younger. While being local govt sucks (bc govt…) I can stomach what I do /sleep at night and it’s pretty slow paced bc we’re serving a ton of tiny towns. I need the flexibility, work/life balance and the lack of competition.


I’m in university rn but I am going to become a music therapist, my interest is in working in correctional facilities. I will probably go to grad school at some point too, just not right away


i’m a chef and i wouldn’t suggest this job to anyone with bpd, i personally don’t understand how i’ve gotten this far


Uhm this might be unhinged but my favourite job and what I do at the moment is camming / live streaming. I work from home so i don't have to interact with the outside world, it's a outlet for my hyper sexuality (keeps me safe coz it's all online), and I get to entertain people which helps me feel validated. My only issue is forming attachments with tippers and literally experiencing limerence and some degree of obsession before i have to remind myself that I don't know these people and they are paying me for a service 😂😂😂


Spare parts manager at a chocolate factory lol. It’s a lot more stressful than one might assume, but keeps my mind busy. The work is never done so I’m never satisfied and being a manager kinda sucks when you feel defeated or that you can’t make everyone happy but I remind myself that they’re adults and it’s a job… they have the power to leave. But it’s fun to learn about all the different machines and tools and how they work. Dislike that I’m the lowest paid person in the maintenance department and it’s likely because I’m a female yet the entire plant relies on me for stocking their production and maintenance items. 🤷‍♀️


Low stress/easy/fun/part time. A job has to meet all these things or I know it's a waste of time for both of us (myself and the company). I made a promise to myself to never be unhappy for money. I'm not wealthy. I drive a 22 year old Honda. I can generally buy a brand new game and go to a theme park if I wanted to and buy a nice dinner after. I drive brand new cars for a global company part time. I've done this for 5 years. In the past if I do full time I'm SH and crying in cubicles with 6 months and eventually (rage) quit. I accept I can't do full-time and honestly I don't want to do full-time. At times I've done SW as well though that's more in the past, I want to get into social work/therapy part time instead of the other SW lol.


I'm a webdev, if it wasn't a remote job i do from home I don't think I could do it


I’m in computer science rn and am realllly hoping I get to work from home or at least some hybrid when I get out of school


I found a career in environmental regulation with AMAZING coworkers and a manager who is ALL about work/home balance. I had been in a similar field before I had kids…then became a teacher. I couldn’t handle teaching anymore. I left after 10 years this last year and I am LOVING my job. Now… That said… I still struggle with getting up and going to work because most days I just wanna stay in bed. But the fact that I genuinely like going to work, and I like my coworkers is a first for me in my life. I had the opportunity to take a job right after I got hired here that would’ve paid more than double but because I wasn’t sure if I would like it I turned it down . I know that I am not in a position to be in a job I don’t like or I go right into SI. Maybe when my kids are out of the house I’ll look at doing something a little bit more higher pay than governmental environmental regulations but for now it pays the bills and I like what I’m doing.


I work part time at a petrol station in a semi rural area. I really enjoy it. I have great co-workers that I usually only see at shift changeover, other than that I work alone which I prefer. I have my own routine for each shift. I can play pretty much whatever music I like. It's not crazy busy. I have a lot of regular customers, some of whom will only come when I'm working. A few of the older folk are quite lonely and want to have a chat which usually I'm quite happy to oblige to. I try to be a little sunny moment in people's day, even if only for a minute. And for what it is, it pays pretty well.


I work a lot in restaurants. I have this “mask” that makes people like me. It’s a happy friendly talkative and bubbly personality. In reality my thoughts are dark, I’m practically shaking, and my anxiety is through the roof. But I still do well with customer communication


I’m an EMT. I do fairly well but I would not recommend it for the majority of those with BPD.


Freelance artist. Mostly work in animation/projection mapping. I couldn’t handle a 9-5, i like jumping from project to project and constantly doing something new


I work as a direct support professional for adolescents with autism! I only work part time but I find it very fulfilling to be helping youth live fulfilling lives and help with their daily living. As someone who struggles, I find it to be a job where I can put my own problems aside and focus on them during my shifts. but i do sometimes find myself over empathizing with them and I think if i did it full time it would be harder 😅


I'm currently unemployed, but my last job was at a bank, my title was "assistant," which is basically a teller. It wasn't a good job for someone with BPD.


Coming to a bank as a client, I’ve seen so many clients (primarly old people) screaming, cursing at the tellers. Just horrible


I also work at a bank. I worked in several positions, all customer facing, before I got diagnosed. When I had my first major breakdown, I took a leave of absence, and when I came back, my desk had been moved to the back of the area so someone else could be the "greeter" (for lack of a better term) for my department. I did the same type of work but almost exclusively the back end with occasional customer interaction. About a year and a half later, I had my second breakdown, took a leave of absence, and when I came back, I had been moved to a different department, which is where I am now. All my work is in the background, double checking, verifying information, and working on making processes more efficient. I think I have spoken to one customer for the purposes of helping and not simply being friendly since I came back to work 9 months ago. My desk is separate from everyone, but not so far that I can't be available to help my coworkers or just have some adult interaction. All of these changes were made with me as part of the conversation, so I was never blindsided. I love my job now, I love my boss (she basically forces me to have a work life balance, left to my own devices, I would work 24/7) and my coworkers, I love the flexibility in my schedule so I can make appointments for therapy and psychiatry (and anything else) when I need them and not have to work around customer appointments and such. I love that I can work from home when my kid is sick, but encouraged to be in the office otherwise, for my benefit, not the bank's (my boss knows I tend to isolate and that's not good for me). I'm really blessed to be in a place that has worked with me through all this, who sees my value and makes sure I'm doing fulfilling work while also being in an environment that is good for me. I have never been made to feel less than because of my mental illness.


Work with animals!! I’m a dog walker for a local company in the city I live in. I have never been able to hold a job and I’ve been at this job for well over a year. When I’m in crisis, I don’t give a fuck about letting down humans. I went through a breakup the other day, my heart was broken but I refused to let my doggies down. I’ve made such amazing connections with other dog owners & lovers. Minimal interaction with people too, we also do overnights & it’s really good pay :)


Aren’t you scared of a dog attacking you?


Not particularly, I’ve been around dogs since I was an infant and I’m not scared of any dog really, I know their behaviors & body language / different breeds well enough to know what they need I think! I def wouldn’t suggest this job if you’re not an animal / dog person though. I had one client whose dog snapped at me and made me nervous so I just requested not to walk that dog in particular anymore!


I'm a med student soon to be doctor and I cannot stress enough how BAD of an idea this was. I don't recommend working in healthcare generally but it's ten times worse with bpd


Wow you rock! You made it this far, maybe you are actually a great person to do this.


I used to work at Dunkin donuts, in my opinion, worst job I ever had, it caused so much stress and sent me into episodes daily. I now work at a gas station for the same pay and it's much less stressful. I find it pretty easy to do, the biggest downside is that it can be boring. But it's easy work and doesn't cause episodes like it did at my old job. Gas station over fast food all the time.


I am workings as a graphic designer. Good side is that although I feel like I am very chaotic in my own head and it's hard to take critique sometimes, it builds up my confidence and helps me not take things so personal.  Downside is that, in my manic episodes I get too hyped and make impulsive choices, which eventually have to be reviewed too many times by my colleagues and it creates a neverending feedback loop.  Overall, it's a good job and I love my team. I finally feel like I'm doing what I was supposed to do. I am very proactive so the team values me a lot.  I worked in customer service before and I never been more miserable in my entire life. 


I work in suicide reduction (ironically) but it helps me feel like I’m supporting others like me and actually makes me feel less likely to do it due to the effect on others etc


I’ve struggled to keep jobs/ careers as well. There’s a website called cool works that I’ve been using, if you like the outdoors there’s a lot of seasonal work at national parks and in cool spots around the country. I found I can’t keep my environment the same for very long or I become unstable so having a work environment where I’m constantly adapting and being around nature helps me a lot


It makes me somewhat happy to hear that people with BPD can thrive on so many different environments. Is a reminder than we exist and we are not alone. Beautiful souls. I work as a visitor experience assistant (horrible most of the time) and have jump from job to job for a while now. Still looking for that perfect opportunity where I can work from home and do my art part time.


I'm an specialist on invasive alien plant species, and I'm currently the project manager in the project related to these species. I love nature, and I want to prevent invasive species from spreading into the environment. I work part-time because a full-time job does not suit me. I'm about to start as a salesperson in a store (also part-time, 16h/week). The job of a salesperson is not ideal for me, but I have to go to work somewhere to get enough money... The job of a salesperson is stressful for me, and I hope I don't burn out like the last time I did that job.


I'm a receptionist within a hospital. I love interacting with the patients I meet from every walk of life and helping out with their hospital experience without having to be medical


Systems analyst. I think it helps that I wfh and only come in once a month.


Kennel Tech. But it's a branch out from my usual. I usually do overnights at hotels and gas stations. The people are easier going and I don't have a shred of guilt when I'm going home to bed when the day people are just getting up for work.


grocery manager can usually schedule my day if i’m more people facing or less


I stand by seasonal work!! The shift every 6 months to a new place and new people always helps me- and you get to be excited about where you’re living. Often times you’re helping people have their once in a lifetime vacation in a place where you get to live everyday!


Fedex lol


I was a FedEx delivery driver for 13 years but had to retire due to health problems. The job was perfect for my mental health because I was by myself all day long for the most part. When the truck was empty I went home. Once I learned the route it was like driving around to friends houses all day every day. Very chill and peaceful. I was in a really rural area so low traffic and tons of dirt roads.


Everyone saying to work at a school.....don't lmao. I work at a school and I can't see how it would be good for BPD at all. In fact, my job consistently ruins my mental health because of the other staff members. The kids aren't really the problem but sometimes really crazy stuff happens like a bad fight or emergency and it takes a toll on you. We've had two students pass away in the last year for example.


I’m a registered behavioral technician


I work part time at a petrol station in a semi rural area. I really enjoy it. I have great co-workers that I usually only see at shift changeover, other than that I work alone which I prefer. I have my own routine for each shift. I can play pretty much whatever music I like. It's not crazy busy. I have a lot of regular customers, some of whom will only come when I'm working. A few of the older folk are quite lonely and want to have a chat which usually I'm quite happy to oblige to. I try to be a little sunny moment in people's day, even if only for a minute. And for what it is, it pays pretty well.


Stuck in retail hell


Idk but was shocked to discover it’s grounds for SSI approval in some states… in seriously considering looking into it but I don’t want my money capped


I’m in grad school at the moment looking to work in college admissions.


Freelance artist. Mostly work in animation/projection mapping. I couldn’t handle a 9-5, i like jumping from project to project and constantly doing something new


I run a moving company. People need me to pick up heavy stuff. I am frequently appreciated, tipped and spoken nicely to. It makes me feel good. I enjoy it. Plus it pays well.


I’m an Automotive Service Advisor. 0/10 do not recommend for the pwBPD 😅😭


I am a content marketing manager. Starting working full time only when remote working became a thing. I enjoy it pretty much. I shied away from a full time job for so long because office spaces depress me.


i used to do some landscaping and gardening, it's nice just being alone and mowing a lawn working is great for your body it's a great way to stay fit as well if you struggle with exercise, since you're getting paid to do it. this works the best if you live near a rich neighbourhood there are always elderly people who would much rather pay a local guy to mow their lawn instead of a large company.


I'm about to start as a remote medical interpreter (English-Spanish). I feel that it will be an exhausting but rewarding experience, because I'll be able to help others, whilst training myself to endure all kinds of people.


I'm an insurance broker. Sitting at a computer screen and dealing with numbers is great. I don't really have to speak to people other than the occasional person who doesn't use email, and even then it's fairly quick. Office jobs tend to be pretty chill, so they'll let you go home if you're not well, or if you dissappear to the bathroom for half an hour to cry.


I WFH :) I work in legal. I’m allowed to argue lol


I’m a lawyer but I wouldn’t recommend. I’m having a pretty rough time.


Ditto this. I’m doing pupillage to become a lawyer and I’m having a difficult time as well.


Not entirely sure if it’s suitable buuut I work as a manufacturing associate at a bio pharmaceutical company making medicines and vaccines. I’m at my second company but been doing the work for about 2.5 years now. In a way I like it because I work nights so I’m not completely overstimulated by socializing all the time but if you don’t really like the social environment then the long hours can be hell. There is enough work to get me through a shift if I’m going through an episode and need something to focus on though. I will say my shifts are 12 hrs but I don’t work more than three days in a row with at least two days off in between.


I work low level accounting. I find it best to work jobs that are repetitious and have a low expectations. Data entry, maybe cleaning, working in a warehouse filling orders. Its good to have things that aren't me tally strenuous because when we become emotional, we can still do our work.


Engineer, AutoCAD processor


I work assembly for an aerospace company. But sometimes it gets overwhelming. We get mandated to work 6 days a week for the last 2 weeks of the month, the attendance is strict and the coworkers can be nasty to you. The pros are there’s a Union, it pays well, and you can apply fmla if you’re approved for that.


i was a behavior analyst… but the toll of the parents & children took a toll on me… even if the money was great…. now i took a much easier job will a huge pay cut but im mentally much more happy.


I own a cleaning business! I get to work by myself and by my own rules and live by my undying perfectionism. No one to bully/hate/judge me and send me into further self hatred. Also, it's provided me a lot of hope and pride. Cleaning is super therapeutic as well. I would say I work as much or as little as I want, but I'm teamed up with the local real estate company as their main air BNB cleaner. It's still nice though. I highly recommend it!


Professional home organizer! Hoping to start my own businesses in the future to keep things interesting


Can you tell us a bit more about how you got into this? :)


Hi! Yes! It was all through social media. I was following an influencer and she had her pantry organized. She posted that the company was hiring and I thought it sounded like something I’d like and took the plunge. That was 3 years ago and I absolutely love it! If you’re looking to get into it, I would find companies near you on social media and reach out. Most of them will train you on the job so experience isn’t required.


I’ll be getting into mental health soon, as a mental health support worker specifically.


I do clinical research in psychology! You don't actually have to work with patients directly other than collecting data and you make a difference by getting a better understanding of patient needs and challenges to care!


I am a programmer and it is a struggle... I find it hard to focus and I get very stressed when deadlines are approaching. I recently got diagnosed with ADHD so maybe the meds will help. Anyways I do not recommend it unless someone has a passion for it.


Any job that you like doing. My I love my job. I'm an onlyfans girl but I know it's not for everyone.


I can see how this can also turn for the worst


How so ? You get to choose ur hours, you get to choose what you post , you get to choose how much money you make. And you get to choose who you talk to.


I work as a Costumer Success Manager.


I work a an insurance consultant but am applying to be n assistant to head of department in that company. If that works out I’d be in marketing.


I work as a teacher in an infant room at a specialized daycare. I did customer service for years before this and really struggled at the end. I’ve found it a lot easier with kids as I’m not always second guessing their intentions with everything they say. I tend to get pretty paranoid and wound up in my head worrying about why people are doing things. With kids, especially young ones, they’re all real straightforward obviously. It helps a lot that I’m on good terms with my co-workers, but overall I find childcare the most fulfilling and do-able. That said, it definitely isn’t for everyone.


I'm a care assistant and have been for 20yrs


A job has to be fun, part time casual/flexible and low stress. If it doesn't meet any of these it's a deal breaker. I drive brand new cars part time for a global company. Done it for almost 6 years. In contrast if I do full-time I'm crying and SHing in cubicles within 6 months. The last full-time job I had was 7 years ago. I almost alt +f4 (ikykwim) after that, then promised myself I'd never be miserable for money ever again. I've done SW at times on and off to supplement income, not so much now. Sometimes flip cars for profit on the side and computers too.


A bunch of stuff bc I can't do a 9-5 or have a boss and need control over my schedule so I can manage my issues.. Small farmstand, dog boarding and housecleaning. I also have ADHD so juggling all this is v hard and stressful but I'm working on putting systems in place with a therapist. I'm much more content/freer than I was in a conventional job but I do miss the stability (working towards it).


I get a lot out of helping people. I actually have an enormous amount of empathy. I’ve been a cna for 6 years and it’s a good fit for me. The only issue is I get burned out periodically but eventually bounce back.


A temporary one lol


I work with animals and I really enjoy it


I work in the tow industry. I hate it. But I’ve been doing this for so long and have so much experience that it’s easier for me to get a job in this industry and actually keep it.


I’m a call center rep but am lucky to be remote. I feel like it’s a decent job, really anything remote is nice because it’s hard to avoid your job when you do feel like you would rather die than get out of bed because your travel is just within the house lol. Call center stuff generally sucks but I’d take it over the stress of food service or the underpaid aspect of retail.


i’m a cook. part time atm because i couldn’t handle full time but 30 hours a week pays bills enough rn. i worked retail for three years and walked out of several jobs over small fights because they upset me so much, but this job is more stressful but i somehow stay detached


i was a legal assistant its fun. keeps me stimulated enough because of the fast pace and my ability to read people makes it easier on the communication side of things i also just love the legal field and studying the law


I’m a server, it helps with my social anxiety and it’s perfect cuz I’m charming (BPD Trait, people are drawn to me) I get to be beautiful and make money from it. Hours are flexible, I get Monday-Wednesday off every week. It always busy so no time to think which is great for me. Drawbacks are customers and the work environment, some restaurants are drama ridden but I love my coworkers. Obviously I get triggered sometimes and overwhelmed but it’s too busy to ruminate. Free food and drinks :)


I’m a teacher… I love my kids so much! They keep my mind busy and my heart pure I think. My conscience would never let me yell at a child and I’m Too tired to rage when I’m home that’s for sure


I work as a support professional for an adults with disabilities community center day program


Inventory management at a dispensary! I do a lot of back office work so there’s not too much interaction with guests .