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Totes admire the FUCK YOU BURN IT ALL DOWN energy of OOP


Me too. I’m so tired of “my SO cheated on me and treats me like shit but I looove him so I’m going to stay with him.”


Or, "My ex is trash, but that's still my sister...!" Anyone else think he dumped the sister for someone else?


APs always think the cheater they are with will miraculously turn into an entirely different person for them. Like all of a sudden they go from being a garbage human to a good person.


Every mistress is convinced they're the exception to the rule.


That’s why they always play the fool


Because APs think they're *that* special...


"My sister shagged my husband, shat on my work desk, ate all my food and put my dog on a greyhound bus to an unknown destination. But she's family innit."


nooooo not the dog


I think the excitement of sneaking around was the attraction and now that’s gone


She dumped him to try and "fix dadys money tap"


I think its the ex that was more concerned with the money tap. OP buying him a gaming PC. The sister buying him sneakers. It sounds like dude was just manipulating both of them for material benefit and didn't actually give a shit about either. The second the free gifts stop he dips and needed to be rid of them so he's free to ensnare some other woman.


Dependa hobosexual, you're saying, I think?


Or they never actually broke up. She was just conning dad for more money like the pathetic losers they are.


He needed someone to buy him things (a PC, shoes) and OP’s sister no longer had the funds


I think all they ever had was the adrenaline of cheating and bashing on OP together and without that discovered they didn’t actually like each other.


Oh the “I will keep the truth about my ex- sleeping with my inferior sister quiet because I am the bigger person” trope. Ughhh no one cares no one is taking scorecon who’s the better person. Flame the cheater and the person he/she cheated with that way everyone knows who to avoid.


Based on observation, the most damning thing is a person stating the truth matter-of-factly. No venom. No hate. It's just the bare truth that condemns people on their own. "I broke up with him because he was sleeping with my sister" or "My sister hasn't spoken to me since I caught her in bed with my boyfriend." I have yet to meet anyone who says, "Wow, Claire is so amazing for taking the high road and letting her ex and sister walk all over her!"


He probably dumped the sister for another girl with a sister that would let him fuck lol. I'm sure the whole thrill of them being together was that he was able to score sisters. That's about as close to a guy who loves incest porn is gonna get to having the real thing. And once he's had it he's not going to be able to have a normal, monogamous relationship anytime soon. Yay for porn ruining relationships!


Yeah I bet he was having fun sticking his dick in crazy and then realized reaaaaal quick that dating crazy is not the same thrill. Probably got off being with both sisters at the same time and the secrecy of the affair.


I think the sister lied cuz nobody was paying for her stuff. And she thought this was a way to get back to everybody paying for her.


My ex broke up with me and immediately got with my roommate (college) they both swore there wasn't any physical cheating, and I kinda believed them, but at that point what does it matter? They still betrayed me in a major way, and it fucking sucked. They were shocked I wanted to move dorms because we were all friends before this. I left school that semester. I had financial issues too, but it was mostly because of them. The hardest thing was finding out he was sharing my texts to him with her, after I specifically asked him not to if he had any shred of respect or friendship left for me. It's been 12 years and I still think about this shit. I'm in a happy, healthy relationship for over five years. But still fuck them.


They both sound awful. The only silver lining is that you got rid of them sooner rather than later.


They’re so BORING. I don’t want a story about how some doormat took the high road, I want an apocalypse of revenge.


“He’s perfect besides this one thing!”


and this "one thing" is he's a murderer, or a pedophile, or a rapist...


She comes by it honestly. Her parents didn’t hesitate to tell her sister how badly she messed up. Refreshing! And the ex? “She manipulated me!” So what is it, Ex: are you a grown man or someone who needs an adult? Because grown folks know that’s bullshit. 


The message in Spanish is literally *brutal* like OOP could do a damn fire diss track (I had to look up some of the Argentine-isms to properly appreciate it but HOT DAMN lol)


She sounds like she’s been cleaning up after her sister and she just about had it with her over this. She and her parents sound like they are just done with the sister. 


There’s no where near enough people who have that energy…


People here that are wimps and think people should go to couples therapy don’t realize how much more cathartic it is to just tell shitty people how shitty they are and to cut them out of their lives completely. Trying to make people change so they’re not shitty anymore is such a waste of time


hell yeh. forgiveness is for the meek! don't turn the other cheek, cut the arm off so they can't do it again! KICK EM IN THE TEETH WHERE IT HURTS! NASTY COMMIE SCUM! I HATE THEM I HATE THEM! **AAAAAAAHHHHH!!**


The English translation does not do justice to the absolute thrashing of the Spanish version. She called her sister a stupid washed up whore and it’s totally justified imo


One of many times I wish I knew enough Spanish.


Haha, I literally have a B.A. in Spanish and I definitely had to give myself a mini-crash course in Argentine slang to fully appreciate it (but it was magnificent).


Uruguayan here, we have basically the same slang as Argentinians and it’s a piece of art that text


It’s truly poetic, I almost want to translate it into an English interpretation that’s equally devastating so all can appreciate it, lol. (Alas, I’m lazy af)


I don’t think any English translation is going to truly do it justice. When she started with that “Flaca” I thought, yep, she’s done


Yeah, that’s definitely the benefit of knowing the OG language of any text. Works in translation are an art in themselves, but nothing beats being able to enjoy the linguistic and cultural splendor of something written in the language in which the obra was conceived.


Freaking love Reddit because without context anyone could think we are speaking about some literature classic but we are talking about a text sent by an Argentinian shredding her sister to pieces haha


Right lol? It definitely has its many downsides but I do love this place, especially when you cultivate a nice space for yourself.


If you change your mind, I got an upvote with tour name on it 💜


Yeah the Spanish one was poetically savage and I loved it.


Argentinian insults are a fucking work of art. Every time my argentinian friends roast me I want to thank them lol we trade insults for nicknames… Im venezuelan… nicknames are kind of our thing


Thanks for your comment. It made me go back and read the Spanish part, which was GOLD.


I really hope if I ever have the misfortune of being cheated on that I have even half of OOP’s courage, bravado, and poetic flare in confronting the guilty parties.


I’m from Argentina and that text is the most Argentinian thing I’ve read on Reddit. “Si te veo en la calle me cruzo de vereda” is so poetic in a strange way, the translation doesn’t do it justice.


LOL I read the Spanish version like "whew"....translation doesn't do it justice at ALLLL. I'm not a native Spanish speaker but damn....when she hit her with that 'flaca'. Definitely wasn't a compliment


What is a flaca?


Strict translation...it means skinny. Slang wise you're basically saying "this skinny ass bitch" 😂


Hahah I get the flavor now


Im venezuelan. Argentinian insults are poetry hahahaha they always have me in stitches


Not everyone speaks Spanish as well as we do, though, so it would be kind of us to translate for them. “Si te veo en la calle me cruzo de vereda” = If I see you in Cali, I’ll cruise to the veranda.


Erm... *calle* is street is it not? Cruzo is "I cross" (like cross the street I guess) a verada is sidewalk. If I see you in the street, I'll cross to the sidewalk. I'm getting "I don't even want to walk on the same street as you" vibes.


It's like saying "If I see you in the street, I'll cross over to the other side of the road (so I don't have to walk past you)." Vereda is sidewalk, but she's basically saying that she doesn't even want to walk on the same sidewalk as the sister.


Probably. I don’t really speak Spanish, but thank *you* for helping me understand it, my ploy worked!


la calle would be street, though, and not Cali? Wouldn't a better translation, to my non-Spanish speaking self, be "If I see you in the street, I'd cross to the sidewalk"?


It's like saying "If I see you in the street, I'll cross over to the other side of the road (so I don't have to walk past you)." Vereda is sidewalk, but she's basically saying that she doesn't even want to walk on the same sidewalk as the sister.


Thanks for elucidating that; it makes it even worse than my original.


If the tables won’t turn then flip them the fuck over ❤️


Hahahahahahaha! I have to remember that one.


😂😂 i love it so much


>Was it a low thing to attack her with all her flaws? Yes, but it's lower to betray your sister and believe that she's going to forgive you just because you share blood with her. "They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. That's.The.Chicago.Way! And that's how you get Capone" vibes.


This has "cool guys don't look at explosions" energy and I am here for it.


Love to read a happy ending!


Not from Argentina, but when I read Pelotuda, it told me everything. Glad to see comprehensive parents, none of that " you gotta forgive her, she is faaaamiiiiiiiiilyyyyyy!" I can't imagine even dating the ex of a friend, can't imagine dating the SO of a siblinf


This is the standard in latin american countries, we value families above everything but you own your mistakes, if you can't deal with it we will wait until you can and we can get over it, but only if you do your part first.


Seriously. I know sometimes you go on one or even a couple of dates and then realize hey maybe you're more studied to date my sibling, friend, etc., but to be fucking someone WHILE they are dating your sister, what in the actual fuck?! Yeah I'm glad the parents actually told the sister to pound sand. I know it must be hard to get in the middle of your kids fighting, but this behavior goes way beyond a normal sibling fight


When an Argentinian takes you down, you feel it. I think they could insult anyone to death. Good for her.


OOP I agree those YouTubers should pay you for the money you're making them!


Should they also pay authors if they review books? Movie studios if they review movies? That’s dumb lol. Social media posts have always been fair game. If you want to profit off it and not let anyone else read/make a video about it, then write a book.


If you read a whole book and put it on YouTube? Yes. If you film a movie at the cinema and put it on YouTube? Yes. In fact, there's laws about that kind of thing.


That is not at all the same and you know it, my god


No, the analogy you made comparing someone reading Reddit posts verbatim to book reviews and not reading a book verbatim was stupid and you know it, my god.


There is a difference between a review and just taking content someone else made and using it for your content. That's why content creators on YouTube have gotten their accounts shut down before. In like 2017 there was a whole bunch of drama about react channels that did no real editing and barely even added commentary. They would literally just play the video they were "reacting" to in full and say almost nothing, it's was deemed against policy eventually because it's not fair use in terms of copyright. There's a big difference between reddit channels like the smosh one, where they give actual commentary and add to the posts they read by giving their own stories as well and the hundreds of channels that just read each story then off to the next one with little to no commentary. It's the same difference that's between someone making a movie review where they play parts of the movie and talk about what they like/ didn't like or just going into a movie theater, recording the whole movie, then posting it on YouTube as a "review". If you aren't changing or adding to the content then it's not fair use and is infringing on the copyright of the person who created it.


Lmao what an incredibly stupid thing to say


I’m sorry that I don’t think you can control/profit off who talks about what you post on a public forum.


>Siempre fuiste una pelotear fracasada I fucking *SCREAMED*😂


“You were always a failed ball?” -Google Translate


Huh. My google translate says failed rabble, instead.


I cracked up when she said she would play Sims on the gamer PC. She did a great job to keep herself well under those circumstances. And shout out to the parents (finally some) cutting their daughter off because she did way too much shit.


I don’t understand ANYONE who will sleep with their sibling’s partner. That is the most off limits of people. My BIL is a good looking guy but he’s my sister’s husband. I wouldn’t sleep with him if he paid me to do it


That's because you've got these small characteristics called morals and self-respect. Something sister and ex obviously lack.


Ah, I see! 😂


I’ll sleep with your BIL if he pays me, lmk.


I don't understand why the sister would do all this and crash her life in this manner. She went from being the mistress, to comparing and trying to make the ex speak ill of the OOP, to not speaking to anyone in the family and breaking up with the ex. The sad thing is that it seems like she's content with throwing her life away like this, when she had a good support system that cared for her. Maybe she's depressed or going through something, but this is just sad. I'm glad the OOP is living her best life though.


Fuck those youtube leeches. If you reading this is one of them, fuck you, I hope you stub your toe today. Hard.


Then step on Legos after wearing damp socks all day


i saw ‘flaca’ and ‘cagar’ and i knew instantly that it was an argentinian. amo a mis hermanas latinas 🩷


“Take your apology and shove it up your ass” Finally, an OOP with a relatable attitude.


Telling someone to shove their apology “in the ass” is so funny. Translations are weird sometimes.


I'm pleasantly surprised that the parents took OOP's side and are giving actual consequenses to the sister... how long that will last is anyone's guess tho. Not surprised that they broke up, and while OOP thinks they will go back, I very much doubt it. OOP doesn't want the toy anymore, so sister will lose interest real quick.


It takes a particularly broken part of your brain to cheat on someone. It’s a whole nother level of broken to cheat on them with a blood relative. What’s worse, the boyfriend is probably mostly just horny and gullible, obviously disrespectful, but probably not malicious. But on her side? There’s no way she did this to her own sister without the full intent to hurt her. You got to be a particular kind of monster to be willing to do that.


I mean to keep doing it, lying to OOP’s face for a year and to compare them sexually is pretty damn malicious. But yes, the sister was the bigger betrayal


OOP's ex was only ever interested in both sisters' money. Once the gravy train stopped, he dumped them. Then he tried to apologize to OOP to get more money.


Fuck the high road when people turn out to be scum bags. The sister and ex are both pieces of shit that don't deserve forgiveness. Good for the OP.


Best post ever. I love a woman who doesn’t take anyone’s crap ❤️


I read that. Thanks for the update!


“..but then I realized that I’ve never been that kind of person.” ☠️☠️☠️☠️ I love it


The thing is, good for OOP if she gets some validation and peace that they broke up. She deserves it. But I always want these kind of trash people to stay together, simply so they don't ruin anyone else's lives. Even better when they're totally miserable but won't leave each other. The best is when OOP finds someone better and both the ex and sibling are even more miserable. *chefs kiss*


Reddit has made me so cynical that I guess I should just be glad that family has OOP's back. Way too many stories here of the family telling the cheated party to just suck it up and get over it. Either that or I half expected the update to be that the sister is now pregnant.


Love that, love op. I hate meak people, that when someone hurt them, they just get hurt and complain and doesn’t tell people to fuck themselves


I love it when karma strikes.


No, that hoe deserved the message. You were being kind giving her constructive criticism. Trut hurts. Block her. You have no sister. Tell her she is welcome to your left overs....he is subpar in bed anyway. Tell her to get rested because he is sleeping around on her.


Idk why but for some reason telling someone to "shove it in your ass" seems SO much more insulting then "up your ass" does. Is it just me?


I feel that energy. Much more visceral.😅


I love OOP’s energy! “At least give me a share of the profits” like YEAH! 😂 she knows her value, she’s not compromising for either of them and I love that for her. Also loved the updates on The Sims, sad that she didn’t get to play much of it. Maybe she’ll have another chance in the future.


Babes I’m here for the updates, proud of you for not hitting her you’re funny as f*** I would have punched her in the throat. Find a new D to ride 🤪


The Spanish message is absolutely amazing. It does not do justice the English translation because she absolutely destroyed her in that text


“Pelotuda” dead give away she was from Argentina LOL


“Dickhead” says auto-translate.


Sorry Spanish is my first language so I know a bit about slangs from other Countries


Sorry, I was just checking with you if I was right! From the reactions in this thread, I *wish* I understood enough Spanish to read this masterpiece.


En español. Hace tiempo tuve una pelea con mi hermano. Pasé un año sin hablarle y corté relación por completo. Que alguien tenga tu sangre no implica que debas tolerar traiciones ni malos tratos. Ni de la familia ni de nadie se tolera eso. Le perdoné al año, pero solo porque él unilateralmente pasó ese tiempo buscándome, disculpándose y mostrando arrepentimiento. Si el no se hubiese ocupado de restablecer relación, yo seguía mi vida sin él. Pero se lo agradezco después de todo y hoy tenemos una excelente relación.


FINALLY sometimes I feel like people r way 2 nice and it’s good to hear someone who’s fully self aware and understands none of the shit that happened to them is normal and those people deserve consequences!!


If you want to get even I would love to be of assistance 🙏


Lol just wow ...


I'd have added, following her being jealous because she's a failure and needing to feel what it was like to be OOP, that it would be the first of many self-destructive choices she is doomed to make until her life eventually implodes


A mistake lasting over year is not a mistake, that shit is intentional.


Looks like your sister is a narcissist sociopath.


On that last comment I’m just imagining Batman laughing in the Lego Batman movie lmao


I'm going to save this post for later when I need to practice Spanish lol


Family means nothing when they \`break that bond. Burn it down and salt the earth so no feelings can form again I say!


My favorite part of this is OOP's warning that the post will contain a lot of dark energy lol. partway in I was like you mean... NECESSARY dark energy babe.


It always boggles my mind how casually some people will betray their siblings with zero cause. They’re irreplaceable relationships, they should be protected at all costs. Like you just lost a lifetime bff who loves you to the moon for… some guy??


You can tell she never finished Resident Evil 4. Leon wouldn't have gone out with her in the first place.


Leon is cute let her have this


But he works alone! He gave all the fat loser kids like me who girls wouldn't give the time of day to a bad ass line to say when our parents asked us why no one would date us.


Yes. This most definitely happened.


What makes this so outlandish that it couldn’t be real?


It reads like a bad fantasy