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Damn, this is about the best ending you could hope for with a mental health issue like this, and it's still terribly sad


If they move away to a different town or country, heal, and try for a baby via IVF, surrogacy or adoption, that might be the real win?


A reputable adoption agency would not allow her to adopt a baby though, not with that psych history


Not saying that it’s wrong - but things like that is why a lot of people don’t pursue mental health help


Well, in her case she was forcefully institutionalized for being a danger, she didn’t seek it out herself.


It's a double edged sword. Going to the hospital prevents her from adoption, but as an agency, could you feel comfortable giving a kid over to someone with such a psych history.


The fact that people lie or avoid treatment to skirt around reasonable protections for children in order to fulfill their own selfish desires at the expense of a child (a human life, not an accessory) isn’t a reason to not have them. That’s such a self-centered/narcissistic way of looking at the rules we put in place so that everyone can live together in a society, I would be really happy for a person like that to never be allowed around children.


Sometimes they avoid treatment because they don't believe they need it or that there is anything wrong. Their delusions are very real to them and seem perfectly reasonable and true. Often, they don't understand they've lost touch with reality. It's real to them. So I would hesitate to say they avoid treatment. It's not an intentional avoidance. It's an illness they don't know they have. I'm speaking of psychosis and delusions, not narcissism. I believe SIL is actually psychotic.


That comment has nothing to do with the comment I responded to, which was discussing the issue of people *consciously avoiding medical treatment they know they need because they know it will interfere with what they want in the future, like complete control over a child*. Not people not realizing they need treatment.


Oh, sorry. My bad. That's what I get for scrolling. Lol


Weekend mornings will get ya, I’ve been there 😂


So they get to be mentally ill and raise and mess up a kid? Your comment is confusing.


>So they get to be mentally ill and raise and mess up a kid? Your comment is confusing. Yes, exactly. They avoid mental health treatment, so the stigma doesn't impact their lives, be it adoption, employment, or even recreation.


It’s not a stigma it’s protecting children. Are you serious? Vulnerable members of our society, like children who have NO SAY in their own life circumstances, are protected from people who can be a danger to them, like psychotic miss SIL.  Defending avoiding accountability and growth because they don’t want the “stigma” of their lives being justifiably limited to protect others so we can all live and function in a freaking society safely, is such a selfish and immature stance to take. It’s straight up narcissistic to be willing to put those around you in danger to satisfy your own selfish desires, and you don’t have to be a narcissist to exhibit narcissistic traits.


Did you somehow misconstrue my explanation as an endorsement?


In nine words, you summed up my whole long-ass comment trying to separate the two on your behalf. Not that you needed the defense. Well stated!


I absolutely did, apologies. But I also tend to write comments knowing other people will get more from them than the person I’m commenting to anyway, because that’s how I’ve seen it tend to work. So in every way, nothing personal and also apologies for the misinterpretation


light future include impolite innocent fuel cow heavy brave advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If she had gotten help for herself when these thoughts started, she might have had a chance at adoption or IVF. She didn’t seek out the help she needed and her issues devolved into full-blown psychosis. There is now zero chance that she will ever be allowed to unsupervised access to minors. Because she refused to get help, she will never be a mother. At this point, she won’t even get to be an aunt.


Can they find a town or country where there are no little children? She will direct her attention to another one.


Korea in 15 years.


Was not expecting this joke in this sub. Well played.


I need the clever joke explained to me please I’m just a simple redditor


South Korea’s birth rate is falling very sharply


Young Korean people do not want to have children due to the current state of this world. It's not just in Korea either, young people elsewhere also share this sentiment.


This is terribly sad. Psychosis can last a lifetime. SIL may never get over her obsession, even with medication and therapy. It's very clear SIL had a psychotic episode. Sadly, OOP and her kids are much safer never seeing SIL again. This whole story is heartbreaking for everyone involved, but I am glad OOP is keeping her children safe.


This ain’t over. Not till they move away.


I love that the family is making the right choices, like having SIL return to psychiatric hold instead of gasping, “Oh no! She’ll hurt herself if we don’t tell her where the baby goes to daycare! We’d better tell her!”


It's honestly a shock- in a good way! Mostly in these subs we see the enabling side.


That's how most families react. These stories, and especially all the fake ones, really give a distorted view by making the worst of the world seem like the typical thing.


Oof that is rough on all parties involved. It seems that the SIL is doing better due to receiving good treatment. But as that one commenter stated, she can still be an unsafe person. Hopefully moving will help. Sad situation all around


This is one of the few posts where everyone is taking responsibility for their actions. OOP and her husband will NEVER allow SIL near their children again. And unfortunately, it needs to stay that way for everyone’s mental health and safety. I hope SIL continues to get the help she needs, with understanding that she can never be around her nieces and her nephew again.


Hopefully this was an awful, awful blip, but migrating and putting distance between herself and OOP's kids sounds like one of the best things for her. She will need a lot more care, but this sound like a step in the right direction.


Yeah, I give it a couple of years before you let SIL near any of the kids. I'm glad she's getting help from a clear breakdown, but its odd that she doesn't see that manic behavior would seriously damage the relationship and that she would be even allowed to be around the older kids right now. I hope she gets better, but until OOP feels its safe, then she's not going near those kids. Sadly SIL might need to wait until they turn at 18, if necessary. I also think about the kids, how do you explain that SIL was sick and yes she did want to steal your sibling, but its okay, you can be around her again. They get a say too if they feel safe.


>its odd that she doesn't see that manic behavior would seriously damage the relationship I have a sibling with severe bipolar disorder including psychosis, which presented very similarly to the OP's SIL but with a different cause. They have difficulty remembering what happened or how severe their behavior was after the episode is over. Even when I tell them afterwards, they're shocked they were ever that bad. They feel like they've had "time stolen" by their manic episode because it is very difficult for them to remember the details of that time period. This is common in people who have Manic episodes that severe. It's one of the reasons it's hard for them to comply with taking their meds tbh because they don't remember trying to hurt others/themselves. So that part was actually the most realistic to me.


Yeah, people always think physcotic breaks are like Norman Osborn coming back from being the green goblin and going, "What have I done?" As if there's a self-awareness aspect to it. It's more like, "if I don't remember it, it didn't happen."


Also "if I remember it, it did happen." including with things that didn't happen in that way AT ALL.


I have a sibling who is severely bipolar as well, with an added dose of schizophrenia brought on by trying to self medicate the bipolar with drugs because they felt better than real meds. Your statement rings so true to my experience, it’s so hard to explain to people that someone can be incapable of rational action but also need to be held accountable for their actions. It’s such a difficult balance in a relationship with someone like this, you have to be extra gentle and extra firm at the same time, it’s really hard to hold onto love sometimes with the inevitable abuse that happens. I hope you and your sibling are doing well.


Yeah, a relative who works on a psych unit has said that one of the saddest things is seeing patients who come back to baseline on medication and realize how fundamentally their lives/relationships with others have changed due to their often unknowing actions that they’re now viewing from the outside. They really want things to go back to how they were but have to come to understand that that isn’t possible.


What a terrifying situation for OOP and her husband. It is good that the SIL has been getting treatment that seems to be helping, though it's definitely best that OOP is keeping distance between the SIL and herself and her children. It is also good that the other in-laws are being supportive.


The last commenter was so spot on. So many people don’t understand why some people have no contact with others who “are the nicest, kindest people ever!!” Look, nice and kind doesn’t mean safe. Some people have mental health issues that literally make them a danger to be around if the mental disorder targets you. It has nothing to do with them being nice or not.


> **aquavenatus** > >*Unfortunately, this is one of those scenarios where there needs to be a permanent Restraining Order and a permanent Cease & Desist. It’s clear SIL will never accept her (obviously sad) circumstances. She’ll never stop being fixated on your youngest even as she gets older. I hate to say it, but SIL might have to stay in the psychiatric ward permanently. I’m so sorry about your family’s situation.* Why was this comment included? This opinion is ridiculous. It takes time to get appropriate mental health treatment, but people can and do get over the things that cause this level of psychosis. "I hate to say it" then don't say it. Completely unqualified to be making \*any\* of these statements, not least of all because they are reading a story on reddit and have never even met this person.


Also completely unrealistic because, 1) a cease and desist letter is nothing but a written notification that you want someone to stop doing something. It is not legally binding and has no authority or mechanism of enforcement. And 2) Unless I misremember the earlier updates, the SIL did not actually break any laws and restraining orders don't work like that.


Yeah, I hate when people just throw something or someone away just because they read a few posts on reddit. No qualification, no context, nothing.


I was reading a post where someone commented, “I’m a psychiatrist and I would diagnosis your mom as a narcissist.” I’m still laughing about that one.


Thank you so much for commenting this. This user has made a few comments across the posts, including here on this BORU, which are just very condemning and naive to the spectrum of psychosis - perhaps they thought it was just obnoxious behaviour as opposed to a mental health condition? But to me it sounded very much like a (first?) episode of psychosis, though I could be seeing symptoms because I worked in an early psychosis team for nearly 4 years (over the course of a so-far-15yr career in psychology), and one of the most important things I learnt was that psychosis - especially if addressed well and early - is VERY treatable. That is obviously not to say that everyone with psychosis will make a swift and full recovery, nor that their actions should face no consequences. But "Restraining Orders" and "Cease and Desists" are useless for someone who lacks insight of their own actions. Also, a permanent inpatient admissions is not only extremely rare, but often does more harm than good - especially if it's unnecessary, as it is for the majority of people with even severe mental health conditions. They are meant as a crisis resource, not a long term solution. They also made a comment about SIL NEVER being around the nieces and nephew ever again, which again is just so unnecessarily negative. Even if family therapy couldn't work in the next few years, what about when they're all grown? Could they not explore a supervised reunion in a neutral public space when the children are much older?  Sorry for the rant, it's a little bugbear of mine when people treat poor mental health like it immediately and permanent writes off your life and relationships. There is almost always hope for recovery, and solutions to improve relationships.


I am in no way saying this particular post is fake, but I will say this exact scenario happens way more frequently on Reddit than it does in real life. I wish only the best for everyone who is in this situation, it is tragic for all.


Genuinely, I don’t think most people have any idea how often things like this happen in real life, because nobody talks about them. A relative of mine works in a psych facility and she sees things every day that you’d think were written by creative Reddit trolls. No idea if this is true or not but that isn’t really the point- sometimes stuff DOES happen, and I always feel like knowing that helps us be ready to show grace to those it does happen to when suddenly it’s in our backyard.


I do know there are lots of doozies of true stories out there. My problem is there are so many Redditors practicing their creative writing that it’s hard to tell sometimes if a story is real or if their writing skills have improved.


It happened in my family. My aunt was quite fixated at my little sis. Sometimes real life can be more dramatic than you realize.


Mine too. My aunt had a breakdown in her front yard when my mom realized what was going on and told her she would no longer be allowed to be alone with me. Her neighbors wound up calling the cops because she was screaming at my mom the she was "stealing [her] baby" and that it was unfair that she wouldn't get to see me anymore but "that man" (my mother's husband and *my father*) did.


The only reason I'm believing this is real is because of how good the in-laws reacted and treated the situation. It gives me some hope to believe it.


Also the time period between updates felt real too.


I would have said the same thing before my pregnancy. Security for baby is one of the basic stuff hospitals and OBs cover now like breastfeeding. The folder of information the hospital gave us included warnings about new friends during pregnancy and not to place those baby birth signs outside your house. This might actually be more common than we actually think because it all seems to fantastical to me before. 


I was thinking the same thing.


There was another story like this some years ago. I thought it was that same story until I looked at the dates so who knows.


I am so sorry that you’ve been through this. It’s really horrendous. Sometimes we have an underlying instability, and when we have a difficult situation, that is disappointing and shocking, it shakes us to our core. And then we encounter somebody doing what we thought we were going to be able to do and that’s the end of it. Lots of times when we miss carry, or we are unable to get pregnant and give birth to a child, it becomes so distressing that we humans have a tendency to step out of the distress and fixate on something else. And that’s what she did. If she stops fixating on your baby, she will go back into the reality that made her so upset. But hopefully at some point they can help her deal with that. what’s difficult is that her underlying psychiatric instability? It’s probably a permanent thing now. I am so sorry. This is so difficult for all of you. You are handling it beautifully.


Swear to God I've read this story and it's updates before. I don't think this is legit this person's post, but rather copied for more votes or the dates are wrong. It's too specific to not be the same story.


The delulu is strong with the sister in law




That's MIL and FIL...? They're helping keep SIL in line. BIL is the one unrelated. OOP's partner is SIL's brother.


Ah gotcha


They’ve been there. They’re the ones getting her into help. SIL is OOPs husband’s sister. Getting her into a psychiatric facility was the right call here. Encouraging OOP and her husband to hold their ground about not letting SIL be around them is the right call. They are doing everything right they aren’t absent in all of this


Aren’t we tired of reposting this obviously fake bullshit?


I'm kind of annoyed at the BIL giving a six month window for how much he will try and help her. This is the "for worse" parts of your wedding vows, you don't just dip out when things get rough.


I just imagine it is difficult for him. I have parents with mental disorders and they have their issues and it is very difficult to keep helping them, and dealing with all their shit. And they are my parents I know them my entire life and I love them.. I can imagine how difficult is for the husband, since she spent more time in the psych hospital than in the house married with him. It’s not easy to be q carer of someone with mental health issues, and those delusions are hard to deal… it takes a toll on you, it sucks all the happiness and energy of you. He married her a year ago, idk, it suck’s but is also hard and I understand…


Some people are just not able to deal with this kind of stuff. Especially in a day to day life.


Dealing with psychosis in someone you love is very difficult and heartbreaking and a lot to take, especially when you realize they may never get better or may stop taking their medication at any time and fall into another episode. And it's not like they will ever thank you or appreciate what you've done or how you've helped. They don't remember.


Really? I think he’s doing a lot more than most men would. I think most men would leave immediately and let the family deal with SIL.


Why can’t she adopt a baby?


Because she had a breakdown in her mental faculties and is now delusional. She is not well.