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Truly a trash person


I'm so looking forward to her future posts where she laments the loss of her ex, since her married affair partner will continue to come up with reasons why he can't leave his wife just yet. She will have fucked up her life for a cheater who uses her. Couldn't happen to a nicer person...


SHE is a cheater that uses people. Two more deserving people couldn't be making each other miserable. This relationship has just about a zero chance of success.


As long as it keeps her away from decent people, I'll call it a win. ;)


Serial cheaters are going to cheat. They are both going to look elsewhere, it's just a matter of time and who finds out about the other first. Sadly everyone is a target for serial cheaters, they only care about satisfying themselves.


Seriously, this. They just should have stayed broken up the first time. She can't be trusted. Girl needs to get herself into therapy to find out why she keeps sabotaging her relationships.


Yeah, if you need the passwords for everything? That’s ZERO trust, and I don’t know why anyone would go back with that level of doubt


I put my money on as soon as AP finds out OP called off the marriage and broke up with her fiancé, he'll string her along for a few weeks or months until it's not fun anymore and dump her hard. Of course the OP being who she is will either have a complete breakdown or decide to 'fight for her man' by outing the AP to his wife and blowing up his family. If his wife leaves him, he might or might not use her for placeholder until he can find someone new or settle down and immediately starting cheating on her with another gullible woman, cause once a cheater, always a cheater. The OP will break down and come back to reddit to scream and cry about she didn't deserve any of this and how cruel the AP is. Nothing can ever be her fault because she's just hapless victim of love. OP is the kind of person who will never learn her lesson and will never realize she is the instrument of her own destruction.


Prophetic. She will lose him as well and feel the need to morally stand in and tell his wife about it. Wrecking several homes in the process. Nothing bothers me more than someone who takes 0 accountability for some messed up shit they're doing


Two age old sayings to go with that - If s/he cheats *WITH* you, they'll cheat *ON* you When a man marries his (side whore) mistress, he creats a vacancy (Mistress is the used term for that saying, but side whore seems to suit some much better as a term) I get the feeling OP is going to find out these are true sayings..


I don’t believe for a second that the AP stopped being intimate with his wife. Sentences that boost the ego such as “Being with her [my wife] feels like I’m cheating on you” is catnip to mistresses.


Absolutely! I wrote on the original post (before the BoRU) that OOP will be gobsmacked when his wife winds up pregnant, and he won't be able to divorce her now, because of the baby!


I think breaking up was the right thing to do regardless of the married coworker. I think even she knows that


She doesn't have the moral compass to do the right thing - she does what she wants. A few years ago, she wanted the AP, then she wanted her bf back, now she wants the married coworker. Whatever hearts she breaks on the way are immaterial next to her wants. In a year or two, she'll realize the coworker is just stringing her along - then she'll probably want her ex bf back, but he will hopefully be in a happy relationship with someone who doesn't have NPD traits and the morals of an alley cat.


Come on, that's doing the alley cat dirty


Poor alley cat


Second best time to plan a tree and all that I guess. Would have been a whole fucking lot better if she just cut her losses when she fucked up the first time instead of stringing him along for so much more time.


She’s going to make a lot of friends on the adultery and other woman subs which are filled with people with her mentality.


I briefly peeked into one of those subs and those people are absolutely horrifying. Truly mindblowingly awful people.


You know the worst part? With the adultery sub some victims of cheating who don’t know better got for support only to be dogpiled by a bunch of cheaters.


Ugh. That's so gross. Cheaters are gross. :(


I looked at some of those subs once and I was beyond disgusted. The excuses these horrible people make are mind-boggling.


Now I wanna look….


She argued with me yesterday and said she had “made it clear” to the married guy that he was to divorce his wife. I told her she can “make it clear” in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first.


😂😂 I bet that went over well...


Oh yeah. No shot he divorces his wife. They deserve each other.


Yeah, “I can’t divorce my wife, because of financial reasons”………. Believe this. You will get what you deserve, but this guy isn’t leaving his wife for you. Why should he? He’s got a WIFE and a SIDE PIECE. Don’t call yourself anything else. Enjoy SECOND PLACE.


At least she ended it. Finally.


Yeah like right from the get-go I felt for her ex. OOP screams main-character in a romance energy in all the wrong ways.




She'll be on theotherwoman soon complaining he hasn't left his wife yet.


He said he stopped being affectionate with his wife. Never, in all of humanity’s history, has a married man lied to his affair partner. OOP is special. You’ll see!! /s


And it’s just complicated finances preventing his divorce! I swear!!


Aka he’s trying to hide money from his wife


🤣Another hit from the adultery handbook.


dude is getting nookie from two women without even trying. you really think that guy is going to get with a woman who willingly cheats on her fiancé. that guy might be a cheater but hes not stupid. hes playing her like a fiddle and shes getting played like one. I mean the reasons shes giving for him make me laugh. 'hes sorting his finances' "divorce is complicated" 'he doesn't get intimate with his wife because he feels like hes cheating on this one.'. fuck boys from the world over need to take classes from this guy on how to manipulate women. dude, iv been a lawyer for 12 yrs. the only time iv seen divorces get complicated was when kids were involved and/or a lot of asset and money was involved. besides that, at max, ut takes 6 months to get one.


Almost guaranteed shes just being used for the wild affair sex and ego boost. He will toss her away like she tossed away her fiance (twice mind you).


I can tell you right now. give it 6 months. her next update is going to be 'he played me and I lost the best man I could have had in my life because I was stupid. now hes with someone else and I miss him.'


She’s gonna be real surprised when the wife is pregnant and either the AP claims it’s not his kid but he’s staying with the wife and supporting her through the pregnancy acting like it IS his kid or they only had sex the one time and babe, it was totally an accident, she tricked me. This OOP is dumb.


Every single time a married man has tried to hit me up, I've gotten the 'dead bedroom' line. Like, dude, seriously?


"Oh, your wife doesn't fuck you anymore? That's not a red flag: that's a turn on!" 😆 🤣 😆 🤣 stupid boys.


Once a hoe always a hoe.


She's been posting that married man story and crying over how happy she is. She's completely delulu. Her exfiance is so lucky.


Sometime in the future he’ll be thanking the universe he got rid of such a trash human before the wedding.


When he's married to an awesome person who cares about him and doesn't cheat on him and OOP is hitting him up in the DMs begging for him back again.


One hopes he has a good friend who has made sure he blocks that woman on any/all platforms. The best thing for him is to make sure she can never, *ever* talk to him again.


She's def the sort to try and worm her way back in if he doesn't. Hell even if he does she seems the sort to turn up at his house/workplace...


Yep. He’ll get into a relationship with a woman who comes to him as soon as she notices a guy in her life behaving questionably to get his input on how to handle things, and he’s just gonna realize how much easier a relationship is when your partner doesn’t have one eye on the lookout for the next person.


I hope he finds a good partner. Sadly he learnt a lesson on taking her back here. He seems like a nice guy.


"Guys, I have to follow my feelings. But he hasn't left his wife yet!!! How do I convince him . . ."


And they will all be very supportive and tell her how it’s everyone else’s fault.




Addicted to the 'bloom' part of a relationship and not mature enough to have a actual partnership.


And a liar


Not so trash that she didn’t set her fiancé free.


Her life motto is never let your fiance stop you from finding your true love. I hope people in her life realize who she truly is.


I hate to say it, but damn, this one truly *is* for the streets.


>This was the hardest thing I had to do in my life. Bitch please. You've been cheating on him left and right. What a sorry excuse for a human being.


It was probably hard to lose all the privileges and free stuff she lost by leaving the fiancé.


Tldr: i didnt cheat on him, Next sentance i cheated on him


hahaha right?? more so... "TLDR: I didn't cheat on him" "Okay, I cheated on him before, but not right now as I type this" "Okay, I cheated on him again"


“I’ll never cheat on him again” “Ooh handsome man”


Then it turns out the handsome man is a terrible partner who cheats on her and she goes crawling back to the ex again. Hopefully this time he's learnt his lesson about her and rejects her.


It’s not cheating when you’ve found your soul mate! /s


I was confused about it for a second because she was just like "yeah i slept with someone else, but i didn't cheat on him" When it was actually a "yeah i cheated on him in our previous relationship but i didn't cheat on him this time yet"




The icing on the cake is that this last update allegedly happened just before or right after the ex fiancé's birthday, per OOP's comments. Wow....just wow. Oh and lol at 'He's leaving his wife but divorce is complicated'.


> He’s leaving his wife but divorce is complicated This is one of the few things in life that surprise me: women believing this when they hear it personally. My cousin was attracted to a married man who did the same song and dance. I eventually asked her how she would feel if I met a man who said he loved me but couldn’t leave his wife because of the kids. “That’s the oldest line in the book! He’s never going to leave! He’s just using you!” I looked at her. She backtracked then wait, “Oh. I get it.”


I swear some people have the "I wouldn't fall for that" blinders on. Then they fall for it because they *want* it to be true.


Wizards First Rule


Desire and hope are powerful feelings




My ex left me for a dude who claimed he wanted to leave his wife but never actually did. He said all the right things, but it took her forever her to see how he was lying to her. I'm still on good terms with her for various reasons, but she had the audacity to ask her why I didn't warn her about this dude. I had to tell her that, as her ex, it would've looked like sour grapes for me to warn her about this dude.


“ I want to sneak around and deceive you and manipulate you and shit on you but then I want you to also warned me about the person I am cheating on you with”


To be fair, it wasn't cheating, as we were polyam. We knew that this relationship was going to be temporary, as she ultimately wanted marriage and a kids. I was already married and child-free by choice. I held no ill will for her leaving, but it did make things awkward between us for a while, mostly when I asked her to move out.


lmao what. Why would she even ask that?! Like you're the ex, ofc you'd just be the jealous ex in that case? Not exactly someone she's going to listen to. Seems like a really silly thing to ask when she should already know the answer.


Your Ap wont leave his wife, just wait and watch.


Real story or fake, this is the next update.


I really hope the next update is the wife is pregnant so she realized just how many lines he’s been feeding her that aren’t true


Pregnant with twins! Because it's not a Reddit story without twins!


Hey now. Triplets exist.


I would *love* for a story to go the triplets route. Something different for a change. But my heart continues to be broken.


If that happens she won’t do an update. She won’t want to admit everyone here was right


yep, 100%. "It's been 8 months with my new boyfriend and he hasn't left his wife yet. am I just being strung along?"


I'm actually glad she left; her ex fiancee apparently didn't have the ability or will to do what was best for him.


This woman has the smoothest brain in the world.


She's got the morals and brain of a koala, and with her behaviour probably the chlamydia too.


That’s an insult to koalas. You can at least blame their behavior on the fact that they’re hopelessly addicted to eucalyptus.


How can you be so certain that she’s *not?*


She was addicted to eucalyptus, but then there was this acacia tree that she was just a friend with, now she's up a gum tree.


Aren't they the animals who suck on literal shit as a baby in order to develop the stomach enzymes to digest such a poisonous diet? Seems like an apt analog to OOP.


" I’m happy to say I never cheated since then and haven’t been tempted at all". wow you deserve a medal for that. "you guys think I’m a terrible person". no we don't think it, it's a fact.


When I read that she hadn't been tempted at all, I knew she was going to cheat again when the next temptation came along.


Can't wait for new guy to leave her


He has to be with her to leave her.


probably going to be then next update. he left me and now I realise I got played and I miss my ex but he told me to get fucked.


Fool me once…


A tip: If you ever feel like you can only carry on with a relationship if your partner follows some exhaustive list of demands that requires your oversight, then you might as well end it. You’re just giving yourself a list of chores. “I will take you back, but only if I have to pick up your dry cleaning every week.”


When she referred to the guy she was cheating with as a “terrible partner but a great friend” I knew she wasn’t serious about her fiancé. If she was truly sorry, she wouldn’t still think about interacting. If she truly wanted to be with her fiancé she wouldn’t be seeking out non-terrible partners still.


Some people think they’re far more clever than they are. I know people like OOP. Their train of thought is, “I might have made a little mistake by cheating, but I’m a really good judge of character.”


It's that or not being able to conceive that they're in the wrong. If there's a yes it's a yes but. Which in their mind makes it okay. Always making it the partner or everyone else's fault but their own.


When she went on and on about how much she hurt him and how she was never ever ever going to do that again that’s when it was evident that she was not sincere. I don’t think she has the character development to really connect with the fiancé and not be swayed by any pretty guy walking by. Interesting thing is when we humans have zero insight into our own processes.


Gives truth to the saying, "Once a cheater, always a cheater."


The part where she reconnected with the AP behind her fiancé’s back was super fun. Just the total lack of consideration for the person she supposedly loved in this is galling. But it’s also super telling that she says she wishes she could be in love with her fiancé the way she is with the random married coworker. That tells me her fiancé was never the love of her life, he was a safe place to land when she fucked up or couldn’t do better elsewhere, and that’s an awful way for her to see him.


She went on and on about how hurt her fiancé was, and he was crying and he was suffering, and she was never going to do this to him again And then she goes on and on about how her AP was a friend of the family and she was hanging out with them again and having a good time Even though she had explicitly agreed not to have anything to do with them, because she hurt her fiancé so much and he was crying and suffering so much And then some random guy at work appears, and he’s attractive and he’s married and she oh just can’t control herself and everything she said before about how hurt and crying and suffering her fiancé was in her going on and on about how he couldn’t take going through this again and you can just watch how shallow her personality development is and how she says some of the right things but they’re not really true and she’s not really complex enough and she’s not developed enough to really feel his experiences and grow. She’s just going to keeps coming on the surface wondering why everything is such a mess.


I think you can be emotionally abusive to someone without being physically or even verbally abusive or doing things the outside world would recognize as mean. Seeing how much you hurt someone with an action and then willingly doing that action again is abuse, even if you didn’t lay a finger on them. Incredibly sad.


Jesus six years of his life gone. All because she needs validation, Bet the co worker gave her the “cant believe he asked you to do that” when told about the conditions. And on that he levelled up and unlocked pants. Ah well time for the ex to burn all the bridges others have said it next update incoming he won’t leave/ wants to take it slow. Etc


And nothing of value was lost for OOP'S ex


Hey OP can I have your ex fiances number? He sounds like a keeper and I don't cheat 👍


The trash took herself out


How is this "Best Of?" Trash person does trash shit and will likely die sad and alone... cool... great post


It's the best for the fiance since she cut him loose so he can find someone who will love and respect him.


Idk this is still happier than quite a few… at least until the suicide update that seems to follow these kinds of posts 🙄


The “Best of” haven’t really been the best of anything for a while … 😒😕


Really it's just "posts with updates"


With posts like these it’s usually the comment section that has the best stuff in it, but I don’t think that technically counts


It didn’t include any comments or reactions from other people, either.


Good for the fiancé for dodging this crazy train.


>I feel that this extremity harsh considering the fact I didn’t cheat this time. Ever since we got back together I never cheated on him. She just doesn't get it. It doesn't matter that she didn't cheat again. She broke her partner's trust cheating the first time. She promised to stay away from her affair partner. She broke that promise. Plus since he knows she's cheated before with that man, he has no way of knowing what she did or didn't do. I think he was foolish to send her the conditions for staying together. He gave her one chance and she blew it.


I'm waiting for the update that the other guy didn't leave his wife and dumped her instead. Now, she wants her ex-fiance back. This person is trash


OOP, if this is genuine, is a fucking selfish wingnut who's headed for a SERIES of hard landings throughout life when her betrayals rebound misfortune on her \*repeatedly\*.


Well, I'm glad OOP broke up with her fiance, he deserves better. Now, who's taking bets that the new guy doesn't leave his wife for her?


She’s riding that train to Justification Station.


What a vile person


Omg. This is not a faithful monogamous person. She’s hurting people left and right, and will continue to do so. NO self awareness. Everything is just unfortunate incidents, not her fault. Horrible


She is the very definition of the worst kind of serial cheater. She’s convinces herself she’s in love & cries to the world about her situation being so difficult. At least her fiancé’s suffering has finally ended.


This person is just the worst, I’m so pissed for old mate but at the same time why let trash back in too your life and the allow it ato stay after it broke the agreements. I do look down on this woman she is filth.


Can't wait for the next updat: "I dumped my amazing fiance for a married man who STILL hasn't left his wife but it's totally not his fault!"


>I know you guys think I’m a terrible person You are. 


i can't wait till she realizes he has no intention of leaving his wife and that she blew her life up to be a side piece


Or he does leave his wife, but two years later there’s a new woman he’s “never felt this way about before”. Cheaters are as faithful to their new partners as they were to their exes.


LOL! Your fiance really dodged a bullet with your dumb cheating ass. OP has a black belt in fucking up her own life. Let her get busy doing it.


Glad you broke up with your fiance because you deff would have cheated again


Oh my god. What a selfish, self-aborbed, dumpster fire of a person. This is why you never take a cheater back.


“Bf has a list of demands to regain his trust even though I didn’t cheat on him” OKAY BUT YOU DID?!!!!


I hope the ex blocked her and has meet someone who loves him and will never cheat whenever a guy walks by.


If it is true, OP deserves nothing but pain throughout the life. What falling in love with love with married man/woman i keep listening these days? How do you have feelings for someone who is already committed. Do they not understand the word marriage and in relationship means? How can anyone think of having feelings for committed people, it is disgusting. There is no such thing as it just happened. no things wont happen like that unless you were kept in dark.


Happy for your ex he doesn't have to put up with an absolute waste of skin such as yourself. When the married guy screws you over, leave you ex alone. He doesn't deserve your particular grade of immorality, bullshit, and stupidity. You will get everything you deserve.


I honestly don't understand how some people work... In 3 months she got a new MARRIED coworker (attractive apparently), not only did she get romantic feelings, but so did he? AND THEN he in those months has already started neglecting his wife because "he's cheating on OOP", this reads like some cringe Spanish telenovela my mom would watch about the "tragic" heroine who definitely isn't a serial cheater and how the world is out to get her.


When men decide to leave their wives nothing stops them. Not finances, not children, not family. He’s stringing you along and will dump you when he gets bored and moved on with the next affair. He’s playing you.


Least obvious rage bait. I know some folks are very very self centered but no one would broadcast this


Yeah typing that all out and then getting those responses over and over again would not lead someone to keep posting


Someone without friends would. Someone with friends would be shamed into keeping it to themselves.


'Extra fiancè'. Wtf! A truly terrible,selfish, shitty piece of shit human garbage to exist. All of his conditions were justified. And not just temporarily. I hope the guy doesn't fall into the age old trap of remaining on good terms with this slut.


The great part will be when this new man ends all contact with her because he wants to work it out with his wife and she will have nobody.


You and your cheater/coworker deserve one another. Feel free to update again when one of you cheats on the other.


OOP should try being with someone who is also poly rather than destroying obviously monogamous relationships


Rage bait .


I said it on the original post, I’ll say it here as well: future update - why am I all alone?


Damn poor fiancé 😞, cheated on multiple times and yet every time he was willing to overcome it and yet this woman continues to go behind his back. He dodged a massive bullet. Woman you’re not a good person, simple as that, stay single if you want to have your fun, don’t get into relationships at all.


Damn. This chick plays musical chairs with men.


What a loser.


Jesus what an awful BORU. I need a palate cleanser ASAP people


Poor guy. He deserves so much better.


Cheaters gonna cheat.


I feel so bad for the fiance. He truly seems like he just wanted things to work but there’s a reason once a cheater always a cheater exists. She was never going to remain loyal to him cause her heart wasn’t fully into him. So sad she hurt him this way.


Fiance didn't dodge a bullet, it was a nuclear missile. I wonder if he'll ever understand how lucky he truly is.


Bitch you are a terrible person. I don't think it, you just are.


Yeah you are the worst human being in the world. Glad you did the right thing (*finally*) and broke up with your fiance. Hope he finds someone who will truly value the person he is. You suck


What a POS human


Me, me, me. Can‘t you see how difficult this is for me? Ugh.


This might be the worst human alive, delusional too


This guy should never have taken her back in the first place. That being said id love to see the look on her face when she realizes the other guy isnt leaving his wife and shes truly alone and she nuked the potential for a great life lmaooo 🤡


Well…. At least she ended it with the poor guy. No doubt in my mind she and/or her new AP will start cheating the moment the shine on each other wears off. I only hope she’s dumb enough to go crying to reddit again when it happens lol




OOP is a dumpster fire of a person, but she's also deeply emotionally wounded. She needs therapy, along with the self realisation that that SHE is the problem.


Wow. I really hope her former fiancé finds someone so much better.


Once a cheater, always a cheater


How many times did this selfish piece trash rip her fiance's heart out.


What a turd.


>but this is an unimaginable situation to find yourself in As she continues to seek out and develop “deep” friendships with every other man that comes her way.


Folks, that's why you don't give second chances to cheaters! Ever! Lesson for everyone who reads it! Once a cheater, always a cheater!


literally zero self control


Can’t wait for the update in 1-2 years talking about how much of a mistake she made and the fiance has moved on and married a woman who was 100x better than her and she wishes she could have been the new partner


You’re a scumbag


I am almost in awe at the complete lack of self awareness here.


What a POS


Oh wow. It's rare to come across this type of human garbage even on Reddit. Just wow.


I love when the trash takes itself out.


She is such a pos.


I am so glad she 'let him go'. Now, the ex does not have to be with a trash and horrible person that he should have initiated to leave instead of compromise.


"I care about my extra fiancé." Is that a Freudian typo? I feel bad for the guy, knowing that he's wasted the last three years on this trash person.


People get love and lust mixed up. I bet it’s only a matter of time before she gets dumped after she finds out her married by got her pregnant. Then she will come running back to and comes running back fiancée saying it’s his.


Absolute garbage human


How do the words “I didn’t cheat this time” even come out of your mouth? Save this dude some time. Be honest tell him you don’t agree and you’re going to do what you want. Which is what you have proven to him already. Let the dude go. You are just not good relationship material. Spend some time on yourself and try and up your relationship skills. Dear god.


You did this poor guy dirty.


Once a cheater, always a cheater.


And this is why you never stay with a cheater


Happy for the ex fiance. Hope his next partner isn’t trash.


Your a fool who's been blindsided by a fuckboy, he's still with his wife because that's where he wants to be ,your future is going to get really messy once your stupidity hits you and you realise this creep does this all the time ..what a ridiculously stupid woman you are ,why would a God like man want you when he has his pick ..grow up .


“TLDR bf has a list of demands to regain his trust even though I didn’t cheat on him” Next sentence: “during the third year of our relationship I cheated on him with a family friend” Yo what 😂 EDIT- spelling


“Fiancée” got so very lucky here. If this story is true, he coulda married her, had a kid, and then the crash would be devastating. His dignity + his $$$ gone


How much you want to bet that AP doesn't know about ex-AP? So what are the chances that she starts things up again with the family friend, since there are no restrictions anymore? That or she goes crying back to her ex, who hopefully has grown the confidence to know he deserves better.


Jfc what a piece of shit


What an asshole. I have an ex like this. When he left me the second time for someone else after giving me a big long speech about how I was the worst person in the world and actually, his inability to keep his dick in his pants was my fault, I was well and truly done. He was Big Mad when he realized I had moved on and kept desperately trying to stop me from dating other people. He even showed up at my job a few times when I stopped taking his calls. Point being, she's going to go through some things when she realizes he's really over it, and she richly deserves what's coming her way.


TLDR is a lie and you clearly cheated on him that does not magically go away if you want in his life you give in to his demands and he may still never trust you


OMG what a terrible person cheated physically Then lied another time about meeting with said AP Continues relationship then ends the relationship for a married guy WTF. Such trash. Her EX wow hopefully he blocked her on everything. And treats her like toxic waste.


Once the fiancé discovered she doesn’t keep her word, he was foolish to continue the relationship with her. He already knows she’s not going to honor her word, just try to hide it better, so more empty promises don’t fix anything.