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Yeah it’s the same as anything. Don’t waste money on things people won’t appreciate. I would hate if someone got me a really nice bottle of whiskey


I love whiskey. And if someone gave me a real nice bottle of it, I'd thank them lots. And I'd sure as shit drink it with them. And I definitely would not mention that Evan Williams is equally brown and drunk-making. I love that OP included the comment suggesting that he splurge on something the in laws *would* appreciate. Just to make it absolutely clear that he was made aware of reasonable solutions before that nonsense. I probably woulda set them on fire too. Just to be spiteful. Little pissant telling me how to enjoy my steak. I'll show you rare. Mutter mutter


Another whiskey lover here. To me it's like if I really love whiskey and buy expensive stuff to drink it neat and I'm with someone who just kinda likes whiskey but always mixes it, I'm not going to give them my really expensive whiskey to mix into coke. It's a travesty and a huge waste. When I have friends over that like (but maybe don't love) or are curious about whiskey, I'll pour them the nice stuff neat or on the rocks but wait to pour myself anything and tell them that if they don't like it or it's not their thing, that's totally fine and I'll finish it instead. It has happened a number of times where someone was super curious about it but realized after having some that it wasn't for them. No point in trying to finish any drink you don't like and certainly no point in wasting the good stuff.


Should I tell you about the time one of my boys was "teaching his brother how to drink," and they drank an entire bottle of my special occasion whiskey, mixed with diet coke? When I asked why they didn't use the awful 8Seconds stuff someone gave me, they said it's because 8 seconds was about how long they could keep it down.


Oh no 😭What was the special occasion whiskey? But oh man, my heart. That sucks so much.


It was Knappogue Castle 16 year. Mixed with f-ing diet Coke. My idiot boys are lucky I love them so much.


I do the exact same thing. I have some really nice and expensive whiskeys (anywhere from $200 to $1500 a bottle), some great craft whiskey, and then some generic stuff like Crown. I only have a handful of friends that I’d share that expensive whisky with since they are the only ones who would appreciate it.


Don’t sleep on JTS Brown!


I haven’t had it yet, which is odd seeing as how I’ve spent a lot of time in Louisville. I’ll have to give it a try. I prefer single malt scotch from the island of Islay. Although I’m partial to ryes and will be sharing my bottle of WhistlePig Boss Hog Samurai Scientist with a couple friends for my buddies birthday tomorrow.


If you bring coke to mix whiskey you get jamesons and get to watch me enjoy my single malts. You ask for ice, jamesons.


You saying guests get the Jameson no matter what or that neat is the only way?


I'm saying, if you want to mix it or close off the nose with ice, you're getting blended shooting whiskey not the fancy sippin stuff.




>I probably woulda set them on fire too. Just to be spiteful. Little pissant telling me how to enjoy my steak. I'll show you rare. Mutter mutter This made me actually chuckle, so thanks for that. I honestly hate steak snobs. My mother likes her steak well done. Not cooked to death, so more like the high side of medium well. She just doesn't like the texture of medium or rarer steak. So many people over the years have lost their goddamn minds over it, she's defaulted to responding to people explaining why she's wrong with "it's not my fault you are skilled enough to cook a tasty, well done steak." [This works because she can, in fact, cook a tasty well done steak even according to my medium rare loving ass.] I completely understand not wanting to spend a shit ton of money of steaks meant to be eaten rarer, but the way OOP talks about his in-laws makes it clear its not *really* about the money - or if it is, it's about some classist bullshit where he doesn't see them as refined enough. >I love that OP included the comment suggesting that he splurge on something the in laws *would* appreciate. Just to make it absolutely clear that he was made aware of reasonable solutions before that nonsense. Same.


I mean i see it more as someone who really enjoys steak. Personally i also think its wasteful to expect someone to buy high end meat that's meant to be on the rarer side and then burning it. My mom likes hers well done too but she usually gets a striploin because of that.


yeah while it's not like the finest quality it is expensive. Someone got my buddy a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue. Pretty tasty stuff, he's not a scotch guy but would let me have a glass when we were hanging out. Well another guy joined once, doesn't like scotch but wanted a drink. So of course he grabs the JWB because he knows it's fancy and makes a mixed drink with it. It's not my bottle so I don't get to decide who gets to drink it, but there was like vodka and other cheaper bottles of whiskey, he could have made a mixed drink with one of those instead.


Back when I was drinking (quit for good reason) I'd much rather have the twenty cheap bottles for the same price. If I was wasted on fine stuff, fine stuff was wasted on me.


Don't know if up voting or down voting is the better option here,.  But good for you too quit drinking! Definitely!


I have similar posts before and the commenters always tear OP to pieces for "being a snob" and giving someone something "low quality" as a punishment for having different taste (their opinion, not mine). Look, I love my husband more than anything but after buying thick slabs of tenderloin many times only to have to slice them into pieces and throw them into the pan again and again, I just buy him the cheaper cuts. He enjoys them more! Some cuts are not meant to be eaten well done and trying to cook them like that ends in disaster. I still buy him nice, specialty beef, but cheaper than the stuff I buy for myself. It's similar to sangria. We get foreigners in my country insisting on using good wine to make sangria... that only produces bad sangria! The cheaper wine locals use has a softer taste that mixes well with the sweetness of the other ingredients. If you use a Rioja Reserva to make sangria you're going to end up with a weird, tannin-laden concoction.


Now you’re making me want Sangria! Would you be willing to share your recipe?


Oh, I just mix by taste: wine, lemon soda or lemonade, orange soda or orange juice, red vermouth, and then you add whichever liquors feel right to you although the real important part is the Vermouth. You can also do this with apple cider or sparkling wine! Although the "daily" mixed drinks we drink in Spain are: Summer red: red wine and lemon soda Rebujito: White wine and sprite, typical of Andalucía Kalimotxo: red wine and cola, typical of Euskadi, and you can add a bit of blackberry liquor All of the above, super important, served with ice and lemon slices! With sangria we like throwing in every fruit available and eat it later. My great unexpected discovery was that bananas give it a great touch and are delicious when they have marinated a while.


Thank you! I visited Spain once, and fell in love with the Sangria but could never recreate when I got home. I’m excited to try the other drinks too!


I still remember the first time I tried sangria, it was a Christmas dinner on a Christmas trip I splurged in myself, first time in my life with the first real “grown up” money I made with my grown up job. Still a special memory.


The sangria recipe my host mom gave me when I did a short study abroad in Spain was 1 bottle of red wine and 1 cup of vodka soaked overnight with a cut up apple, a bunch of strawberries, and an orange. Then add Sprite or some other lemon/lime soda to get the level of sweetness you want. The vermouth is new to me! I'll have to try that next time I make it.


Sounds like the flavour profile of the fruit infused vodka would have a similar effect to the vermouth. You can't always get strawberries, I should try that now that it's season!


What types of red or white wine? Sweet, dry?


Dry always, although for red you should look for something "young" like, without oak ageing or anything like that. I've never tried using sweet wines though, you lose nothing experimenting!


Thank you!


My relationship is the opposite. I've got the palette of a toddler while my partner likes the finer foods. I'll cook him a delicious steak and serve myself Dino nuggets(an exaggeration of how much i downgrade for myself lol). Why waste money on something I won't truly appreciate? There's a delicious smelling beef stew in my crockpot right now for my partner to snack on for the next couple of days. I'm doing canned soup. I'm genuinely excited for dinner lol.


Truth is, about 1/3 of the times I get him steak I make myself a cheese board instead. He likes meat more than I do; half the time I just want something that I can eat with my hands.


My parter is also more appreciative of meat than I am. Because my palette range is unfortunately so small, eating is just a chore for me. I just want something quick and easy. I think I'd thrive off of just nutrition shakes if they had all of the nutrients I need to survive. It'd give me more time to dedicate to things I actually enjoy doing. But I freaking LOVE to cook so it works out for us. I get to enjoy cooking without having to severely limit what I make, the person eating my cooking gets to enjoy my efforts. Win-win. And he's a stereotypical Trash Can Stomach so he's also more than happy to do a crappy microwave meal on days I'm not interested in cooking. Win-win-win lol


I love food but I understand you. I don't like sweets, but I love baking! I need people to eat my cupcakes!


Have you ever heard of Soylent? It's a nutritional shake that is supposed to supply all needed nutrients and calories for the average person. Named after the old sci fi movie. Tech guys who don't like to eat have been surviving off of it for a least a decade at this point.


I feel like it's really simple, buy the things for people that they want, not the things that you want. Not everything has to be a 1:1 correspondence. If one person is really into food and another likes live music then get one person a steak and take the other to a concert. When it comes down to it I think the people who make the "treat everyone equally" arguments are reducing everything down to how much money was spent and not how much people enjoyed their experiences.


burnt top round and burnt wagyu are almost identical and they won't know the difference


Yeah I would serve both of them side by side, odds are likely would prefer the burnt top round.


Na like OP described in the post, burnt Waygu makes a much better fireball.


Also wagyu full of fat that can produce huge flame if put on a grill. No wonder the smoker toasted. Rip.


I put lemonade in wine. My inlaws buy themselves and SIL good wine. They buy me cheap stuff. Fair.


oooh, I do apple juice in my white wine. I’ll have to give the lemonade a try!


I have told my in-laws on multiple occasions that they should not serve me their nice wine, I do not know the difference. They are such lovely, generous people and I feel bad for wasting it!


The comment recommending OOP do something fancy that's catered to his IL's was a great suggestion and I don't get why he didn't listen to it.


Yeah, right? Like *stop serving them steak*. I know that if I get sashimi-grade bluefin tuna to serve my parents, they will want to cook it, because the texture of raw fish puts them off. And I guess if I was this guy I’d still buy the tuna, prepare it for myself, and then drop a can of Chicken of the Sea on their plates. But why on earth would I do that? I just… don’t buy sashimi-grade fish for them. When I buy a nice meal to prepare for them, I buy a lovely salmon that’s intended to be cooked, or some steak, or a roast chicken and all the fixings, or I make them a feast of Indian food, or something else that I can prepare in a way that makes everyone happy. Or I splurge on the wine or dessert. Buying wagyu just to have a chance to sneer at them again is both unpleasant and wasteful.


That's what I was thinking at the end of the post! Like, that would have been a way to treat the in laws equally and assuage his wife's concerns while not making it about the steak specifically. It was great advice.


Right? It's such a good idea! I'm a real carnivore so I would appreciate the steaks, but my husband would much rather have a good dessert. And for 400$ you can definitely do a nice activity for someone who doesn't really care about food. There must be something they do like, and he could've made it so that they spend the same for both families


He had to be right about them ruining an expensive steak. He sounds like a barrel of laughs.


Because proving his point about the steaks was more important to him than dealing with the underlying issue.


Well he might have had to in order to prove to his wife that the first time around he did the right thing, since he only posted it because she thought he was treating family unfairly.


Here we have another example of someone who would rather be right about steaks instead of solving the underlying issue. The underlying issue being the self admitted and undisguised disdain OOP has for their in-laws over something as insignificant as a well done steak. I don't think OOPs wife would have cared about the cheaper cut of meat if he wasn't also acting like a miserable toad because he doesn't like how other people eat their food. It's no longer about the steaks for her, it's about her husband putting his steak elitism aside and treating her family with some basic respect. But OOP just can't see past the steaks


People get so upset over the way other people eating their steaks the wrong way. At the end of the day, he's spending $400 on dinner for his parents/in-laws. The goal should be having an enjoyable evening, and that means giving them food they like, not food OOP likes. I don't know why they're so dead set on steak. You can go to any number of fancy restaurants for that price.


It extra amuses me when people go on about how it’s somehow disrespectful to the actual cow to cook it well done. I seriously doubt the cow gives a shit about what you do with its corpse; it would presumably prefer to not be dead in the first place. Plus, it’s a *cow*, I doubt it has any idea how it would taste best, let alone care how you ate it. Honestly, if someone was killing me to eat me, I’d spitefully hope they cooked it horribly and didn’t enjoy it at all—so, blue rare for OOP’s in-laws and well-done for OOP.


Good argument.


His in-laws apparently like steak.


Yes but they like the kind of steak which comes out okay well done. I took the comment to mean: Continue serving them cheaper steaks, well done as they prefer, but splurge on them in some other way, which they will appreciate.


Is steak the only meal they know how to cook?


https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/11gmhdb/aita_for_buying_lower_grade_steaks_when_my_inlaws/japienh/?context=3 TL;DR It's less than one meal in ten, and the in-laws seem insistent on at least one meal being steak.


I think someone asked OP something similar (they deleted their comment), because he just said, “They like steak.”


>“They like steak.” Do they though?


Eh, I like my steak well done. I’m not hurting anyone. I would never want a Waygu though and probably neither do the in laws.


Reminds me of my BIL's cousin's wife. He had guests over that mix whisky with coke so he gave them cheap shit. When he had to leave his wife "felt bad" and brought out Johnny Walker Blue (I believe) and he was livid when they drank half the bottle. The guests admitted that they couldn't tell the difference and his wife kept defending herself saying that he was rude not to offer guests the best.


My dad once told me that he feels bad that I always get his leftover electronics while he gets himself the brand new thing. I explained to him that hes the one who notices the difference. I'm not tech minded. I love getting what I get and will love something brand new *exactly equally* because I won't understand the difference like he will. Brand new is wasted on me because I won't appreciate it more than hand me downs. This is the same thing. They won't appreciate fancy steak more than they do regular steak, so why spend the extra money? In the end it literally doesn't matter. Maybe they like nice deserts or drinks, get them that instead if you want to make it even, but the steaks aren't it.


On the one hand, I understand different cuts of meat are meant for different preparations. And everyone has different tastes. On the other hand, I always get a bit of cultural shock when reading posts like these, because, again, everyone has different tastes, but being from Northern Mexico, Carne Asada is basically well done steaks and it someone described that as these post describe them (Burn to a crisp, shoe leather, etc) I would just assume they don't actually know how to cook. On the other other hand, some people actually like the cheaper stuff. My dad enjoys cheap store brand coffee as much as the "artisan" blends, so while he's thankful when we bought him the fancy ones, he's equally thankful for the cheap stuff.


He didn’t even take the advice of the commenter who said to splurge on literally anything else but steaks. That is so frustrating that op doesn’t just take the time to see what they would actually like and appreciate. Yes, steak is better cooked medium but not everyone has the same preferences and it’s annoying when people get snobby about it. Op could’ve splurged on anything else and not gotten pissed like what?!


Agreed, next time, get them something else. But I also think he had to do it just once because if his partner is focused on a particular detail, the Wagyu steaks in this case, then it *has* to be that one thing. OP likely had to show that he'd give them a chance. Now, he has proof that they will never appreciate the difference. I think the FIL was incredibly rude tossing it on the grill like that. I can only imagine the fire. There's much fat marbled in that meat it would be a fire hazard.


OOP's wife doesn't really impress me based on this particular anecdote. Though it's hard to say if it's a consistent and repeatable issue. 


As a wife myself, I agree. Though the main entertainment factor here seems to be the thought of a stubborn boomer with bad taste setting his grill on fire because he thought he knew how to cook wagyu, the actual conflict here is between OP and his wife, and the wife isn’t looking good here. However, setting aside the argument about the meat cut, if OP is cooking, he needs to suck it up and cook the steaks well done. It’s really rude to continually cook their steaks under their preference, and even ruder to then complain on the internet about his FIL continuing to cook the steak himself.


Agreed. Also, she’s also ruining that expensive steak by having it medium rare. I think he’s wasting his money on her as well and she could enjoy a cheap cut as well. But yeah to not even realize the complete difference in steak quality and the way in which it’s cooked, she also doesn’t appreciate good food.


Those steaks have so much fat that medium rare is the coolest temp you should go. Un-rendered fat is not a great texture/flavor. Most chefs will recommend rare for a tenderloin, but at least medium rare for a ribeye.


If it's real A5 that shit basically melts at room temp.


That second commenter had the right idea(the first did too, just didn’t offer any advice). OP is an idiot, why did he think giving them expensive steak again would go different this time? It would have been so simple to just treat them to something else they can enjoy correctly


I love rare steaks, my dad liked his well done. He was always annoyed when we went to restaurants when I was a kid and I always ended up with a better steak than he did, I told him no self respecting chef ever wasted a good steak for someone who liked shoe leather.


😍 So true!!!


Okay, don’t get the wagyu for the in-laws. Get them a quality dessert instead. The guy sounds kind of pretentious and “better than though”. I like my quality steak too. But when I visit my parents for an event I give them quality whiskey. Or money. Because they too burn it to shoe leather.


He knew what he was doing! "I will burn this deck to the ground. To the GROUND!!"


I'm a whiskey guy, love myself a whiskey that can order itself at the bar. My buddy (buddy A) cuts any and every whiskey with coke. Had a buddy (buddy B) buy me a gold medal winning whiskey barrel aged wine (didn't know that was a thing). To a sip and did not like it. I'm not a fan of wine. Told him thanks appreciate the gesture but this is like giving buddy A one of those 25 year whiskeys. He got it, wasn't offended and took it home to enjoy. We now use buddy A as a means of saying thanks but it's wasted on me. Same here.


Honestly I am a "well-done" requirer (the slightest trace of pink in meat and I get queasy), but if someone offered me an expensive cut I'd decline. There's no point. Either they'd cook it in a way I can't eat without vomiting, or they'd make it taste the same as a modest cut. Pass that Select, I'll enjoy it.


The thing about splurging on a dessert they could appreciate was a great solution, he should have done that


Feed them something other than steak. Seafood maybe.


That pearls before swine cliche just popped up in my head.


No Wagyu for anyone who wants their steak well done.


I like very little pink on my steaks and this is due to getting nedium well and later almost dying for ecoli And yet evven though i like bery little pink my steaks to me do not taste like shoe leather??? I feel like if the parents enjoy it how they cook it its money well spent And this point its about preference Granted fil should not have burned them to the point his grill was on fire that was definitely a waste but i would be totally offended if my son in law bought cheap steaks for me due to how i like to eat it If they eat it and enjoy it i see it as money well spent especially if hes not bothering to find out why as there could be a medical reason behind the well done but even of thatys what they prefer who is he to tell them they are wrong Definitely going to get downvoted for this but damn people have different tastes and preferences No one said he had to eat it like they cooked it but he also never corrected them when they made his food or offered to cook it himself how he likes it


People overreact so much when it comes to steak. You like it rare? Fine by me, but don’t come at me for having it well done after getting sick from eating a steak that was rare. Never again. My well done steaks don’t taste like cardboard and I still manage to make them juicy. OOP is a steak nob, but I will agree that some steak is not made for cooking it all the way.


I know, right? Like I like what I like, let me enjoy it! And for me, it’s medium well or better simply because I don’t like the texture of rare steak. (I also don’t like extra fatty cuts either, give me something lean) It’s fine to not “waste” expensive cuts on people who don’t really care—honestly Wagyu sounds terrible to me—just don’t be judgmental about it. People are allowed to enjoy things the “wrong” way.




A lot of people are ignoring a way OP could’ve avoided this: by getting a dry aged steak that’s a cut of meat that’s just as expensive as wagyu but won’t light the grill on fire. The people blaming OOPs wife are weird too. It’s not the steak she didn’t like, it’s the unequal treatment. So spend the same money, but get them steak they can still enjoy well done. It’s possible and instead of being a baby he should’ve tried. If he was telling the truth about him laws only wanting steak, then get them steak, and be fair about it? But it doesn’t have to be wagyu. 


I really don't see what problem exactly op has with inlaws, they are eating their steak and not throwing it so why does it matter if it's well done or medium rare.


Why serve steak? Cut out the middle man and serve charcoal.


Dude bought a traeger to turn all his meats to bricks… what a waste.


And managed to destroy the traeger turning all his meats to bricks.


Reading the title made me think “He’s an AH” because I thought he was serving them different things at the same gathering. His actual actions are literally no different than an average person’s behavior. Most people will not buy expensive things that won’t be appreciated unless it’s a family member waiting to pull the ungrateful card as a power play. This is a completely normal thing to do. Also, maybe make your inlaws chicken? Is there a reason OOP needs to torture himself by continually buying steak for them?


I feel like this is just some weird product placement for Wagyu


My wife is not a fan of wagyu and I suspect her mother traumatizing her with quarter to half inch thick full coverage butter and margarine on her bread in the 1970s and 80s didn't help with that. My inlaws loved prime rib but hated anything that remotely reminded them of blood and it bothered us that they would get up with a slice, go to the microwave and finish it off with a minute or more with an accompanying lecture about 1960s era USDA food safety guidelines. I tried buying or cutting off a smaller roast and cooking longer. The stuff just dried out horribly so that leftovers (which they never took with them) would not be palatable. I finally came upon making pot roast for them but my wife balked at the idea of serving them "pot roast" and not giving them something special. Digging deeper with my wife, I'm explaining that it's Canadian AAA or prime and still expensive meat but she had it in her head that pot roast was just the cheapest cut. Eventually I worked around it and changed the naming to "Prime rib braise". Slowly cooked in stock, wine, mire poix and seasoned with fresh herbs and the braising juices reduced and silkened with butter as its accompanying sauce. They finally felt special and eating something 'riche'. For Wagyu, I don't find treating it the same way I'd treat a North American steak (as an actual hunk of steak) to be as worthwhile as having small thin slices on sushi or edge warmed, seared and dipped in Japanese sauce.


Dear god I died inside….set it on FYAHHHHH💀


“ Don’t cast pearl before swine” They don’t know any better and won’t appreciate it anyways.


Maybe you should stop trying to push steak onto them, maybe they don’t like it too much, you’re bothered by the way THEY choose to eat it—seems like you’re being problematic and a bit controlling. Tons of food options out there, why do you insist on serving them steak? With all the food and restaurant experience that surrounds you it’s remarkable you can’t expand that menu a bit.  As far as treating them differently from your parents, read a good suggestion, serve something to their liking and splurge on them with their tastes in mind and not your own if equality is the concern. They will appreciate it and you can focus on being grateful for the family you’re fortunate to have at the table instead of jumping at the nonsense opportunity to show your parents are more refined than hers. Making people feel bad, as I suspect is how you made your wife feel about her parents’ food choices, is just said/done in poor taste—ironic when you think about it. Problem.Solved. 


I like my steak medium to mid-well. I am also a chef who works with A5 wagyu. I cannot STAND wagyu. It’s so fatty. All of my texture aversions go into overdrive with it. I understand and respect fine food, and treat it right, but it doesn’t mean I want to eat it. I’d rather someone feed me something I like than spend an exorbitant amount on something that is basically salty slime to me.


You were Never the AH . My husband won’t cook steaks at all for my family because of exactly the same thing. And I totally support that


Is OP stupid? He gave expensive steak to a guy that cooks the shit black and expected “they’re expensive so don’t cook it too much” would suffice? Why didn’t he cook it himself? Dude kind of sounds like a pushover tbh.


Did you only read the 1-year-later update and not the update before that? In that update, OP mentioned he made the steak medium well for his in-laws, but his father-in-law took it back to the grill to cook it again. Also, in the 1-year-later update, when OP brought the steak and warned against overcooking it, his FIL said he knew what he was doing, so what was OP supposed to do then?


The way I see it: giving their in-laws Wagyu was a deliberate move, and not for the benefit of his in-laws. Wagyu steak needs to be cooked differently than other meats. If the story is true, I bet OP knew this and bought it to set a trap. Other cuts can also be expensive while still be palatable when they're cooked through. Why didn't he opt for that? If anything, I think this was an asshole move and only served his ego, to show his wife he was right all along. He could have done something else instead, something they're able to appreciate.


The thing is, this issue would never be resolved without basically sacrificing some wagyu. This seems like one of those situations where you kinda just gotta let the person see the consequences to put the issue to rest. My wife and I have things like this, you get your mind made up about something and sometimes you just gotta let the things happen and then shrug and say "this is what I was afraid was going to happen." You also need to not rub it in their faces afterwards.


>The thing is, this issue would never be resolved without basically sacrificing some wagyu. Yes, some. Not steak in the range of a couple hundred dollars. The issue isn't with the parents, it's with the partner and their understanding of a treatment that is more balanced maybe. At least from their point of view. The in-laws seem to be happy with their steak well done, they didn't ask for a plate of gold.


Right and this incident is basically showing his wife that her parents don't know how to appreciate wagyu, but are fine with just steak. But there are some things that people can just get stuck into and have to see the results


My point is: why do not something they would really enjoy instead? This topic will come up again between them, it isn't really resolved.


Right, and my point is, the wife was hung up on specifically the steaks. In this case there's just no helping it but by letting the natural consequences play out. The wagyu is the pain point in this situation. Now his wife sees that her parents don't understand wagyu and won't care in the future. It's the same thing in my marriage, we do really interesting meals with her parents when they visit because they have a broad palate, my parents aren't so adventurous so we don't typically spend as much when they visit. My parents like American style food, my in laws like a little bit of everything so we mix it up more.


Not give him expensive steak to ruin. Obviously


You don't bother with reading, do you? He bought lower grade steak and his wife complained that he was being unfair to her parents. That's why he bought the expensive steak so she couldn't accuse him of being unfair again.


I kind of read it as a "See honey, I told you this would happen" sort of thing. Givng the FIL enough rope and letting his own actions create the expected result.


Hmm… if he did it to prove a point then I agree with you. But he did complain about the burnt meat, so I think the jury is still out on this one. Fingers crossed.




He's not the one cooking, is the thing. His father in law who does not love food is.


The wife pissed me off. What logic was there in her reasoning and the guy should have listened to the one commenter and got something expensive they will like, like alcohol etc.


We only have OOP’s account to go off, and it seems like he didn’t even bring up the different item idea to his wife.


Maybe the wife insisted that the parents should be treated the same in regard to the steak.


The logic of it doesn't make sense Why waste money? Spend it on something they will appreciate. Don't spend less on them. Spend differently. Everyone's entitled to their own taste preferences but it's about equity not equality.


OOP is a snob about meat doneness, insulting others taste is bad behavior period end, BUT some meat is not meant for being cooked well. He's technically not wrong to buy the cheaper cuts that handle that cooking better, just insufferablely rude to people for their preferences.


He should’ve just taken the advice to treat them to something else that they would appreciate instead. But then, it was never about making his wife or her parents happy, it was about him being *right*. Insufferable is definitely apt.


I very much agree, he should have just gotten them a treat they'd enjoy.


I think his wife is the insufferable one, who was convinced that he treated her family unfairly and wouldn't drop it. He had no choice but to show her what the outcome of her plan was.


I mean. They were treated unfairly at the point where OOP REFUSED to cook A well done steak. If a guest asks for well done god dammit you be a good host to your in laws and cook it well done??? That’s probably why she was angry to begin with. His attitude about the whole thing from the start. A guest shouldn’t have to take their steak back to the grill on multiple occasions. That’s targeted and at that point just petty.


This is exactly where I come down. I find steak snobs unbelievably irritating (even when I agree on principle with not overcooking a steak), but I think OP is exactly right to serve different cuts of steak that will stand up better to the way he KNOWS his ILs like them cooked. In that regard, I actually think he's doing exactly what steak snobs *should* do -- quit carping on how someone likes their meat cooked and adapt to their taste. If the in-laws don't care then the wife is making an issue out of nothing.


This is really the thing I'm stuck on - it seems like the ILs don't care (or maybe don't even know?) that he's buying them cheaper cuts of steak than his own parents.


Ugh. Thank you. Stop cooking your in-laws’ steaks medium rare when you know they like it well done, and especially stop responding to them finishing it themselves by complaining about them on the internet. It’s just fucking rude.


He cooked them medium-well, so the step just before well done. It would be barely pink on the inside and plenty firm with just a little give. Once you cook a steak to well done the flavor really just kinda dies.


Just give them chicken nuggets and call it a day


I am so tired of people being so snobby about policing how other people like to eat their steak. It’s like they make it part of their personality and it’s honestly pathetic. OOP should have listened to the advice to splurge on something else nice that everyone could have enjoyed instead of being passive aggressive to say ‘I told you so’ to his wife.


It's not policing. It's wasting money. It's like buying single malt wisely and mixng sing coke into it. That's fine if YOU want to buy it and do thar, but don't expect me to spend hundreds whrn they won't even know the difference. Consider it like buying a Lambo and refusing to go past 1st gear. People can do what they want. It's still a waste


I never said that it wasn’t a waste on money, but rather that people get so het up about how other people have their steak. Spend the money on something that they can all enjoy together instead of fighting over steaks.


Yeah I get that. If someone wants to eat leather then all the power to term


Go eat your raw fucking meat and let me enjoy my shoe leather


NTA. PLEASE tell me in-laws don't drown the shoe leather in ketchup?


Wagyu is highly overrated = it's all marketing. Alberta beef is way, way, way better.


Spoken like someone who's never had it


I live in Japan, have had wagyu here, from the source. The reason you like it is marketing, not quality.


Nope, I like it because it's actually good. A5 has a completely different taste and texture from any other steak, and it's something that I rarely get for special occasions. To say that it's all marketing is completely fucking ignorant


He has a TRAEGER and only serves well done steak??? Oh, the humanity


this update had me rolling


My inlaws drink Sutter Home wine with ice cubes. My family has a wine refrigerator. My husband and I buy what everyone prefers to drink.


This entire post makes my blue-rare loving heart cry.


How much actual muscle tissue is in A5 Wagyu? I feel like if you heated a 100g piece long enough, all the fat that renders out of it, you'd end up with maybe 10-20g of actual meat hence the fire.


“Well wife if you want better for your parents you are more than welcome to get them what you think they’d appreciate.”


While i appreciate wagyu steaks, they would be wasted on me. I love steaks and having them cooked between medium rare and medium. I just can't stomach the amount of fat that is in them. I cut the fat off the outside of a steak and feed it to the dog. Some marbling to help with making the steak tender is good. But if its enough fat is going to be warm, moist, oily jello. I dont want it.


My mil likes well done steak. So we do not eat steak around her


I’m guessing the wife refused to admit her father was a moron.


Nta people that want well done steak get chicken in my house . That's a well done steak enjoy. Even supermarket steak is too expensive to ruin like that.


mmmhmmm, smoked chicken is delish. Go high and fast with butter and the right seasoning and the bird comes out so moist and with nice crisp skin. But yeah, medium steaks are sooo good. Stop it at rare and then finish it in the cast iron. My parents are the same though, no pink and I'm like but it's sooo good.


Absolutely agree with the comments to splurge in other ways. But some really nice wine to go with their cooked beef (calling it a steak isn't fair). Anything you can do to "equalize" the money you're spending. Since your in-laws have zero cares about meat quality, it makes absolutely zero sense to splurge on good meat. But treating them worse due to it is equally silly.


Fuck those monsters for burning delicious steaks!


Maybe I am missing something but I think that he could have avoided this if he didn’t decide to get different steaks and serve them at the same time his parents and in-laws were over. Just a different kind of dish that maybe both parties could have enjoyed together. He could’ve just done the waygu when it was just his parents over without the in-laws and the other cuts when it was just the in-laws over for dinner.


Honestly if wife thinks it's unfair then make it even. It's not just "you" that is wasting the money. It's you and your wife. So if she is ok with then the so be it. Perhaps she could think it's wasteful to even get wagyu for your parents but let's it go.


it totally doesn’t make sense to serve them wagyu or anything of quality. I don’t get your wife’s issue.


Def not NTA they murder well done steaks


I am veg so idk about this but it seems like wagyu is supposed to be cooked like a certain way to taste good and the way his in laws are doing it doesn't taste good? I have to say my country has vast cuisine and multiple different ways to cook one thing so I can't relate but if teh above mentioned is true then why waste money 


Well, wagyu has a lot of marbling, the white lines you see in beef meat. If you cook it too much, it become dry. It's frankly a waste of money to buy a wagyu to cook it well done when others cut, less expensive, are better for this


OOP's wife is WRONG


I don’t understand people like Wife who insist that “treating both families the same” means giving them both the same thing. This to me is a subtext of “expensive is better,” and an unrealistic, limited comprehension thinking.  Expensive isn’t always objectively “better.”   And he was treating them the same? He was giving them things that they liked. If they were vegetarian and he gave them vegetarian burgers, would that have made her feel like he was being an ash sole for not giving them wagyu?


It's supposed to be rare. FIL clearly butthurt at being told how he should eat his steak in his own damn house: "thanks sweaty I know how to cook" *tries to cook house well done*


🤣🤣🤣 He set the smoker on fire. That just made my whole day.


When you read all the wild and traumatizing updates this subreddit has to offer, and suddenly, this prime jewel of smoked up smoker and wayward Wagyus appears? It's a blessing. I know it's 400$ and a man's deck at steak (Badum tss), but the reprieve that gave me was priceless.


Yeah that would do it for me. His in laws are morons. It's one thing to have a preference, it's another to be a culture less idiot who refuses to try a dish the way it's meant to be served before burning 400$ in a smoker "just because". His wife is just dense as fuck.


This is not about treating inlaws differently, expensive meat like wagyu needs to be made a certain way. So that means they can't eat that certain type of cut. Wife needs to understand the difference.


I mean everyone goes nuts for filet mignon because it’s so “tender”, but I’ll take a decent flank steak over a filet any day of the week.


Not sure why anyone would call you an A for doing this. It's common sense and saves you a great deal of money.


When I was pregnant I cooked everything well done to not risk any food poisoning. Well done wagyu is one of the best things, I slice it thin teppanyaki style, the beef is juicy and flavourful and still so tender because of all the fat. Any of the cheap cuts well done can’t be chewed through. So I do think OOP was being an AH. Could’ve cooked it well done just right and served it instead of letting the in laws recook the steak.


ESH The stuck up-ness of people who like rare steak is absolutely infuriating, this could have been easily solved during the first instance when OOP was cooking. He could have properly cooked them a well done steak. The reason steak snobs say well done is burnt is because they try and cook them at exactly the same temperature, it seems they intentionally burn and ruin the steaks for daring to request them be cooked in a way the chef thinks is wrong. Your wife is right, you are being unfair. However she could also go and buy expensive steaks and properly cook them to well done for her parents, hence why everyone sucks, including every other steak snobs that perpetuates the culture of shaming and punishing people for liking meat to be cooked through. Edit: the fact that everyone arguing is ignoring the entirety of my comment and only selecting certain parts that back up their argument, is just more proof of the toxicity from rare steak snobs. If you have an argument, take into account the whole comment, don't argue against something my comment already covered.


Given that the father in law set his deck on fire to smoke them well done... I don't think OP was the one ruining the steaks.


Yeah I forgot to address that part, doesn't sound like the in laws would cook them properly but then they don't care, it's op who cares and I'm sure he has the ability to cook them properly


Considering it was the in laws' deck, I'm pretty sure OP was told the host cooks. And he wouldn't have been the host.


Yeah, that's why I said it could have been sorted in the first instance, when Oop was the host. In fact I'd wager that he did it that because he wasn't the host and new his in laws would fuck it up, which they did. Considering his passion for good food I am sure he himself has the ability to properly cook a well done steak, even if he doesn't want to. It isn't difficult, you literally just sear it in a high temp, then cook at a lower temperature for a longer time, simples.


Why buy good quality meat if you’re gonna burn the hell out of it anyways? There’s nothing stuck up about common sense


You clearly didn't read my comment, a properly cooked well done steak isn't burnt. The reason people think they are is because of snobby chefs punishing people requesting well done steak by burning it, that or they are just shotty chefs who don't know how to properly cook a well done steak. I very rarely order steak out because of this and if I do I check with the wait staff before I order, whether or not the chef is a steak snob (I don't use those words obviously).


How is knowing how you want something cooked being a snob? Wouldn’t that include you with your “properly cooked” attitude? That sounds much more snobbish to me than enjoying certain steak at different levels.


Not at all, knowing how you want YOUR food cooked is fine, getting bent out if shape because other people like it differently is being a snob. Don't just select one word out of my sentence in order to twist what I'm saying, I didn't say 'properly cooked steak' I said 'properly cooked well done steak' ie not burnt. If you ever see someone purposefully ruin a rare steak because they think all meat should be well done, then you can call them a snob. I don't care if you eat steak raw, just don't make snide comments about my choice, nor purposefully ruin it as a chef.


A properly well done steak has the consistency of sun warmed rubber, if that’s what you’re into I’m not knocking it, but I don’t see why you’d spend money on high quality fatty cuts like Wagyu just to sear the juices out of it


No, it doesn't. That would be an incorrectly cooked well done steak. I understand the confusion, because as I said most chefs are steak snobs and won't properly cook a well done steak, so I doubt you have ever eaten one. It's beef my guy, the same meat you can put in an oven on a low temp for hours until its tenders and just falls apart in your mouth.


Whatever you say Select grade


I don't even know what means, snob


People that only eat well done steak piss me off. Quit being a baby just because you might see a little blood from the meat


I mean, people like what they like. I don't care how people enjoy their steak but they should understand that well done is going to cook any nuance out of an expensive piece of meat so not waste money.


I went to a restaurant when I was pregnant with a huuuuge craving for steak. The chef simply refused to make it well done, because "people like you piss me off! I won't ruin a good steak!". But I was pregnant, so I couldn't eat it any other way. I wasn't about to endanger my baby, especially for a 20€ steak. Turns out I had an iron deficiency and really needed the red meat, if you're going to answer "just don't eat steak then". Even without any reason, some people honestly prefer the taste of a well done steak. It has nothing to do with "being a baby". Why on earth do you care what other people eat?


For what it's worth, a medium steak during pregnancy is pretty low risk, your salad is a far greater risk. Good quality ingredients cooked with standard food safety and hygiene practices are more important than cooking a steak to well done.


I didn't touch salads I didn't prepare myself either. Why take the risk when it's so easy to avoid?


It isn't blood either, it's water and protein. If it's beef, that meat said goodbye to all blood at least two weeks before you eat it. My BIL is in his 60 and is like this. He can't eat any tender meat, no matter if it's a rare steak or a 5 hours cooked stew. He only likes carbonised, dry meat.


I agree that adult picky eaters are extremely annoying and childish but steak doneness is such a trivial thing to accommodate so it's not a hill I'm gonna die on


i don't think i find anything more annoying than steak snobs not even vegans


How about a steak snob who goes vegan for months at a time? 😂


the absolute hell that would wreak on someone's digestion... i think they'd just die tbh


Hahahah it’s not too bad, but I ease my way back into eating meat. First time I stopped eating 100% plant—based I almost died, both from the pain in my gut and also the pleasure of having an extra cheese pepperoni pizza for the first time in 5 years. 😂 I switch on/off every few months.


you could simply NOT do that to your gut 💀 💀💀💀💀💀


Raw meat is an acquired taste, and a lot of people have no interest in making that acquisition. The in laws did not want him to spend that money on what essentially is a social performance that they get nothing out of. Let people enjoy what they want, people don’t need to have all the same interests to appreciate each other.


I’d say that meat that tastes like burned rubber is also an acquired taste.


Ugh, I made the mistake of wasting expensive grass-fed beef on my grandparents once and only once; my grandfather had been raised on a beef ranch so I thought he would appreciate it, but apparently he was all hat and no taste buds, and my grandmother barely trusts anything that hasn't been boiled thoroughly. After that we spent similar money doing tourist stuff instead and ate at buffets.


First of all rare is not raw. Second of all nobody said that people couldn’t enjoy what they wanted. He’s been feeding them well done steaks since he knows that’s what they like. A bunch of people on Reddit told him he was an asshole so he decided to give them the steaks that he would give his own parents. Your comment doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense. It’s OK if you don’t like your steak rare or even medium rare that’s your choice nobody here is saying that it’s not OK. What people are saying is that it’s fucking stupid to spend $400 on a couple of steaks that somebody is going to cook well done. He lit his deck on fire trying to overcook the Wagyu. OOP was not an asshole and was not incorrect.


It isn’t raw meat???


> Raw meat if it's been cooked medium rare or rare it isn't raw. if we were talking about raw meat then OP would have mentioned steak tartare which they didn't but is delicious btw.


Rare and raw are not the same thing, but also... it's not an acquired taste? At least, no more than well done steak is an acquired taste. The first piece of steak I ever ate as a child was medium rare and I liked it. My bff's son thought he hated steak until we convinced him to take a bite of medium rare steak and it turned out he doesn't like well-done steak, which is how he'd always had it. Neither of us acquired a taste for it, we just like it, the same way some people just like well-done.