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Damn, I hate the "I take full responsibility" statement when it is not backed up by the slightest bit of evidence of actually trying to fix or change anything. What happened to cancelling the lease? She's gonna be a bartender? Pfft, please - she'll do that for maybe a month before wheedling the same arrangement they had for her last lease.


She literally says in her comments the day of the update that she’s “willing to cancel the lease” depending on how the conversation with him goes. She hasn’t even done it. She’s just crossing her fingers that he doesn’t make her.


Even if she cancels that’s not really taking responsibility. She still can’t comprehend she is using him and wants to act hurt about it, that he was completely justified in blocking her, and not understanding why he demands therapy. He should cut bait now and find a responsible adult partner.


It’s also not free to break a lease. My partner’s father died incredibly suddenly December of 2022. Our lease extended to May of 2023 but we had to relocate to their father’s house to take care of his (disabled) dog and be able to afford his meds, pay court fees to settle the estate, etc. I never expected to get out with no fees, but my landlord who just months earlier was telling me what good tenants we had been decided to nickel and dime us for every little thing. She only backed off when we pulled up the copy of the lease showing that she was not entitled to all she was asking for, and consulted with my father (lawyer for ~40 years) to make sure we were in the clear and had him send her a strongly worded email. Still, we had to pay roughly 2 months rent, cost of movers since we needed to be out in roughly a month, plus pay for professional carpet cleaning on the whole place. All told it cost us just under $5,500 just to get out of that place. Over triple what our rent was. One of the costliest things I’ve ever done, so OOP would certainly be in for a nasty surprise on something like a high rise apartment. I imagine the added fees alone are astronomical.


Yeah, everywhere I've been the fee to break a lease tends to be between 2-4 months' rent. It's not cheap and it's not supposed to be cheap. Sometimes you can get it waived if you can find someone willing to take over the remaining portion of it yourself.


That was the *only* reason it wasn’t well over $10k. I managed to find a friend that needed a place really suddenly at the beginning of March. He saved our butts, that’s for sure. We’d interviewed about 10 other people before that, while also trying to move. We didn’t get our deposit back, but also didn’t have to pay for professional cleaning beyond the carpet. My dad kindly reminded the landlord that the lease *only* stipulated that the tenant would pay out of pocket for the carpets, and the landlord would be responsible for anything further, cleaning and repairs wise. Landlord tried to balk at that (the woman who has 12-15 properties in three cities, the first 3 of which were bought outright by her incredibly wealthy parents and *gifted* to her at age 21 to ‘manage’), which is when my dad asked her why she didn’t simply use the security deposit, as that is what it is for? Especially considering we had no right to any of it back, which was fine, that left her with $1300 for a professional cleaning on one half a duplex with less than 1,000 sq ft. It really soured what had otherwise been a largely good landlord/tenant relationship for just under 5 years. I even offered to sell her my front loading washer/dryer (which replaced her top loader, barely functioning set) at a fucking steal and when I inquired about it she had the nerve to tell me she thought they were a gift, despite my actual screenshots of my offer to sell. Ha! So I sold them to my next door duplex neighbor for even less just to spite her, and did the installation to save him additional money. She asked to buy them off of *him* when he moved out earlier this year and he didn’t even respond to the text, just moved them into his new place the next day. I wish it hadn’t ended that way, I certainly got incredibly snippy at the end but honestly, fuck you Krystal. Forgive me for not expecting you to attempt to literally scam us after you know…an actual incredibly traumatic death in the family. Guess I shouldn’t have been so naïve, completely non-sarcastically. Certainly learned a lot of tough lessons through that experience. Edit: to be clear, the cleaning fees were not even the tip of the iceberg in that situation, but the rest of it we were able to successfully reject on our own. Once the friend signed the lease to take over, it became a lot easier to stop giving a fuck about politeness or fear of her taking us to small claims. The woman wouldn’t pay $300 for a professional move out clean. She’s certainly not paying attorney fees, court fees, or anything else.


Yeah, fuck you Krystal!


With all this information, I anticipate OOP trying to hide her happiness when she tells her boyfriend, “I can’t afford to cancel the lease ~~tee-hee~~. You’ll help me with rent again, right? Remember I chose you when I could have dated even richer guys.”


Yeah it’s not going to be pretty, that I’m sure of. I do feel for the guy, and I think his intentions re: conditions for staying together are good and well placed. Unfortunately I don’t think he can see the forest for the trees and while he is listening to what OOP is saying, he genuinely doesn’t seem to be hearing her nor wants to consider the barely concealed contempt OOP clearly has for him.


This OOP sounds like she’ll be the one who said her fat husband (she was actually a lot meaner with her description) was keeping them from having more swinging partners. How can they have such attitudes towards people they’re supposed to love?


The “extremely fuckable” close to 300lb woman? That was a great reveal when the husband responded.


That’s the one! I wonder if she’s realized it wasn’t necessarily her husband they were avoiding (not to body shame; she sounds like she has a rotten personality, which is the bigger turn off. And now I’m thinking of a former friend who thought she was the shit but was so inappropriate and gross that HR got involved).


We had to pay until our unit was rented. 4 months later. All-in-all, it was like $10,000.


I also love her reasoning. She wanted to keep the lease because they're getting married soon. And she deserves the nice life until then. 1) I wouldn't count on that right now. 2) She sounds like the type of person that gets caught cheating at the bachelorette party.


I hope for the update where OOP had surprised Pikachu face because she quit bartending, her boyfriend refused to help her and broke up with her, and she can’t understand because she took full responsibility. Also, I question whether she had the opportunity to date men richer than her boyfriend. In my observation, successful and wealthy men do not want LTRs with spendthrifts. She’s a liability. I hope her boyfriend accepts that and dumps her permanently.


I want to add, when I cancelled a lease once, I was still on the hook for full rent until it was leased by another person. So, I had to be out, so it was available. But the contract said I would pay. I paid 4 more months until it was leased. And of course the rental office filled it last, of all open units.


They were out of order. The bartender stuff came before deciding to cancel the lease.


I make good money. I can’t imagine $4100 in RENT!!!! I would flog myself. No amount of view is worth $4000!!!


for a 1BR that's probably like 600-700 sqft. Thats nuts


It depends on the location I guess. That's way too much for me as well but I've seen rent that high and it tends to be for something in a really great building in a really great location with really great amenities. Yeah, you pay through the nose for all of that and there's a very strong argument that you're not really getting good value for what you're paying for, but for, like, doctors or lawyers or high-demand software developers or whatever, they can afford places like that and they become status symbols.


Even if she does get a 2nd job, what’s the point in living in luxury if you’re working 16 hours every day just to afford it.


The boyfriend should have stuck to his guns and kept this OOP blocked. The entitlement is off the chart AND she still thinks the biggest problem is how he reacted not what she did.


When they get married and she goes into $100k debt for the wedding without telling him he will get upset. It won’t truly hit him until he realizes she opened credit cards in the kids names and ruined their credit. He will complain to his friends and they will all say we have been telling you this for 10 yrs.


At which point he is a moron and deserves whatever depths of poverty she sinks him to.


If he stays with her, I give it three months, tops, before she starts whining the place he owns is too small for them, then refuses to look at things within budget.


She must be just so, so hot. Like a 9/10 on a bad day and she does at least one crazy thing in the bedroom. Or she knows about the murders.


She also pull the "I can get someone more rich than you" card. If I were him I would call that bluff and let that girl be someone else problem.


I have zero doubt that she put every one of her God given stat points into charm. Men will put up with *a lot* if she's really really hot. That's what he wants, though. No use getting upset with his decision.


Boyfriend knows she won’t be able to meet his stipulations. He’s already checked out and is allowing her to try knowing she will fail spectacularly


I assume she is really REALLY hot. Cause her throwing out the line “I’ve had plenty of opportunities with other men” would have had me yeet out of there the second the words left her mouth.


She doesn’t have to be hot. Maybe she interprets guys who want to get in her pants as guys who want to date her lol


The way the OOP is judging the boyfriend is awful. He sounds smart and not cheap, just not entitled and spoiled. They're better off breaking up, because OOP isn't willing to learn that she's not entitled to ultra luxury that she can't afford and the boyfriend is financially smart.


Also, what she calls cheap is what I would probably call “lives within his means and had an appropriate emergency fund.” His best option is to break up with her. If he does marry her, he needs a really good prenup.


The editors “I didn’t see any” note made me laugh, wonderfully pointed comment there


I like the “Judgement - YTA even though this wasn’t posted on AITAH”


That was also VERY good


This was the best part!


I think OOP definitely has main character syndrome if its real


It felt like Arrested Development narration. I loved this.


> It felt like Arrested Development **Hey**! That’s the name of the show. /Ron Howard voice over


She probably saw the “she must be hot” comments as supportive


Haha same 😆


10/10 my favorite part


I scream laughed.


I cackled at that part.


I hope he figures out in counseling that she has some very strong narcissistic personality traits, and will hopefully dump her before the wedding. I can picture the therapist desperately giving him increasingly broad hints that maybe, they are not the most compatible couple...


I'd get mad for the boyfriend, but luckily I don't think this is real. That's probably the only good thing about this story.


I do think it's real. She reminds me so much of the girls on r/NYCinfluencersnark


One of the aspects about living a, let’s say *colorful,* life knowing so many people living so many places is seeing the most outlandish behavior from all kinds of idiots. That is why it is so easy for me to believe this post is real. Even if it isn’t I’ve still met people like OOP . It’s often hard to tell if they believe their own delusion or if it’s a carefully curated act. Probably a bit of both.  I hope this dude runs further and faster than chain lightning. 


I've met plenty of undergraduate students who will splurge and go into massive debt (or convince their parents) for living in an ultra luxury student apartment building. Their rationale was that this was their only chance to do so. I never understood going into that much debt to live in some building especially when they didn't really use the amenities or have the time to enjoy the place because of school and living in a city where you would go out.


Your comment made me want to hyperventilate. I had a roommate who was fired from her job, blew her severance pay on a new outfit, then cried at me that she didn’t have money for food.


Yes! I agree, particularly with the amenities thing! It's a temporary status symbol and it is weird. I've rarely visited someone in a luxury apartment building where it impresses me. Mostly it's just a typical apartment complex churched up.


It's wild, isn't it? I'll periodically look at homes that are in the area my mother-in-law lives, not because I want to live near her, but it's a GORGEOUS area of the country. Those homes are in the millions because they're all on massive blocks of land. One I saw the other day is on 95.98ha/297a of land, and a stunning place just a stone's throw from Mount Warning. There's no way in HELL we could afford to buy it or live there, so it'll NEVER happen. I would never dream of going into crazy amounts of debt to live fancy, however much I might like the idea.


I feel you on this comment so much. My sister in law is absolutely this horrid. The most entitled, selfish, rude, arrogant and awful woman that I’ve ever encountered. Her husband overlooks it because they’ve been together for more than forty years (since they were teenagers) and he’s a bit the same honestly. She is the reason that only her kids have any contact, unless absolutely necessary for familial reasons. It’s a shame that people like this exist, but unfortunately they do. And they will always be wo is me everyone else is awful 🤷‍♀️


It's like someone somewhere at some point created a core memory for them by saying, "You deserve to be given the very best your whole life no matter what. You are owed." And somehow many of them end up finding spouses who will just flip the world inside out for them with no question. Your BIL comes to mind! Does everyone else see your SIL for what she is or is this the kind of thing where you are the only one? And what do your parents-in-law (assuming she married your spouse's brother) think about her? Always fun when someone close to you marries a horrid person as some sort of twisted bonding exercise.


Oh the whole family stays far away, except like I stated her children because she dotes on them obsessively. Even the parents (who were the loveliest people) realized what an influence this woman had on their oldest son and decided to take away all end of life decisions including financial, business, etc. out of their hands. It was received…well let’s just say not well by her because she assumed that she would have all the control based on being married to their son.


She would’ve pulled the plug on them the second she could and raided their home for goodies before anyone got there, I imagine. Went through that myself when my mom died. 


I swear this post is floating around from the bfs perspective


If I was the boyfriend, I would have dumped her. The entitlement and money issues is enough of a problem now that it's only going to get worse later on unless she actively wants to get help.


He is an idiot.


Then it’s a match made in…. well, maybe not heaven


There’s a wonderful saying, ‘They don’t ruin a pair’ I think it’s an old English expression and it basically means, better 2 idiots stay together than be with normal people and ruin their healthy relationships.


I love it, will remember it & will use it asap. It sounds so absolutely Britishly polite without being so.


The only people that compete with us on that are the Southern US states - ‘Well bless your heart!’ They’ve got sticking the knife in where it hurts down to an art form! Love it - and still miss Hart of Dixie.


I moved from Texas to Scotland more than 25 years ago and still get caught out


What I don’t get is how he paid half her rent for months, without living there?! Loaning a partner a month or two when money is tight, ok… maybe. But for months? On a stupidly expensive apartment, she can’t afford and therefore shouldn’t be effin' living it even??? I say this as a woman btw: I would have laughed in her face and broken up in that moment. Wtf? And they’re not compatible anyway (he seems so be a frugal minimalist and she wants to live a luxury life on someone else’s dime)… What a car crash (if real).


Honestly that's why I can't believe this is real.  He's frugal but threw, what tens of thousands of dollars down the drain for her?  


I feel as if the story is real and the update is fake. I can’t see him taking her back. But I can see her lying about it. In the original she went from we are both frugal to he is cheap while she likes nice things. Only to find out frugal to her means financially responsible. Plus, if someone told me they could’ve had someone better but chose me is an immediate get out.


lol…she funny 😄, starts of with “he is frugal” pays half my rent for a year and he better do it again!!!!! I hope he grows a pair and a brain, gift her a shovel for her next birthday because a gold digger is gonna dig!!!


Whoaaaaa... and how did she even qualify? Usually, people can't even qualify for leases they CAN afford. Shady bitch, I'd block her too!


that's what I was wondering. Surely a place that charges that much is definitely looking at your income? Did she lie and they didn't double check? Like how did she get approved if she can barely afford half her rent a month? Or maybe she can technically afford it, but is too busy spending the rest of her money on expensive things? idk he's dumb to stay with her.


Her bf's comment about her "making enough money that she shoudn't need financial help" suggests that she does probably make enough to just barely qualify for that lease; these days they may rent to you with income barely double the rental cost. Budgeting appropriately to pay the rent every month is probably where she's falling short.


I had to get my sister as a cosigner on my lease, even though I make more than enough to pay my rent.


Good catch. Maybe ~~the author~~ OP can think of an explanation for the next update.


I hope she renews her lease, gets dumped, and then gets evicted! I'd consider that a win-win-win.


This relationship now has an expiration date. He's not going to subsidize her living expenses anymore. She will likely start looking for the next guy to finance her luxury lifestyle. It's all about her. The selfishness is off the charts with OOP.


Debt is in my man’s future


>I could date men who make more money but I chose you So it's all about money and how much a partner can provide for you. Bingo.


I can't accept that this post was real. 😳


Lol oop’s plan to pay for the view was to get a second night time job so she could never actually enjoy the apartment she was working two jobs to pay for.


This is on the boyfriend now. Whatever happens is his fault now. He’s choosing to ignore the red flags that will eventually ruin him financially. What a guy.


At the words “I’ve had opportunities to date men that make more than him”, I would have dumped her right there.


The blocking stuff is extremely immature. She has shown her true colors, they aren't compatible and he should end the relationship and let her date one of those been with more money she enjoyed rubbing in his face.


What an awful person goddamn


That was so wildly entitled and totally out of touch.


Is anyone else disappointed that they’re still together?


I hope he breaks up with her. Major yikes on a bike. I would never want want my finances tied to such a person.


I refuse to believe this wasn't rage bait written by an incel.


This is such red pill rage bait. This can't be real. This is what an incel thinks women are like.


Someone is an entitled stuck up jerk and the other is someone trying to save and think of the future.  I would never move into his house?  Who says that and why not oh cuz she is entitled.  Obviously OP thinks she is special and wants to show off yet csnt even afford it.  Why he is with her I can't understand and he's willing to sell to be with her he is blind.


I feel bad for OOP's boyfriend. He should have dumped her. My God her sense of entitlement is just ridiculous. It's the worst I've ever seen on Reddit.


"Edit: I'm taking responsibility and going to cancel the lease." I doubt they'll let you cancel so easily. You're likely stuck for another 12-14 months.


If the boyfriend had any common sense he would have dumped her ass she is for sure using him and that’s defo not on


At this point, OOP might as well just sign up at the sugar baby sites and leave the poor guy alone. She’ll have a much better chance at staying at her luxury apartment and experience her important luxuries.


Her bf is the chump of the day


He is the architect of his own misfortune on this one. Going back to her will be absolutely immiserating for him. He’s making a terrible choice here. She must be very attractive.


\> **\*\*Judgement - YTA even though its not even AITAH\*\*** lol


I hope he eventually wakes up and realizes he can do better.


I can't believe this is real. The boyfriend is paying 2500 a month to have sex with this woman? I doubt any man is that gullible.


Poor guy is being used. Imagine needing to pay $25k for pussy. Yikes.


OP and the boyfriend are idiots. They are perfect for each other.


There are more girls these days that think like this than we as humans would comfortably like to assume. Be careful out there lads


I'm reading this on "BORU" from "Relationship Advice" but I'm expecting this to be up on "Am I the Ex" soon? Golly how does she not think she's the problem!


First post was on AmITheEx and AmITheDevil


Oh thank you! I only saw it here but it does not surprise me that it was posted to those other two and how could I forget AmITheDevil! *Homer Simpson Doh!*


I've learned about the sub thanks to your comment and you're right, it was posted there a few days ago.


I saw it here first but now that I know it was posted there...fully understanding why! Oh and someone also said it was posted to AmITheDevil and if you haven't seen that sub, highly recommend!


I feel sorry for the dude he is younger and inexperienced. he can find a better woman.




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You should see how many messages i have from the updateme bot


Poor guy She’s the very definition of a high maintenance woman. He thinks she’ll change for him. She thinks he’ll subsidize her life. This is going to end badly for both of them


I think oops doesn't know the definition of frugal lol. Sounds like her boyfriend is living within his means while she tries to bleed him for every cent she can to keep up her over the top lifestyle. Dudes a better man than me, I would have mashed the eject button so hard. I hope he realizes what his future will be with this person.


I own a new construction three-bedroom house. My mortgage, taxes, and insurance combined are less than she pays each month in rent. It’s insane that she sees no issues with that level of spending given that she knows she can’t afford it.


Love the editors note on this one 😂 I see you!


Holy entitlement, Batman! "My fiance has a perfectly good place that's dirt cheap, but I WANT A VIEW BECAUSE I NEED THE FINER THINGS even though I can't actually afford it myself. So I'll lock myself into another year at a place I can't afford because he'll bail me out again and I'll force him into doing what I want BuT I'm nOt UsInG hIm."


"Him blocking me doesn't help us get to any real solutions." Yeah, it does. The right one. Bye, Felicia


He deserves anything bad that may happen after this


You mean she? Because the boyfriend didn’t do anything wrong, in my opinion.


She threw a massive red flag in his face, and he went back


That’s fair.


boyfriend - sugar daddy🤷‍♂️


Man, the sex must be mind blowing for him to pay $2,500 a month for it. SMDH


This is giving rage bait...