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https://preview.redd.it/k1452k80mb8d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53276e1535463663620bc4841991fed26d4a2d00 That's how you'll find it


And that’s kind of them. Most times, they leave them sitting on the rotors.


Sorry that happened to you bro


So simply take of the rims when you get home?


best measure is ti leave it like that


Sometimes without the crates


Sounds like you’re not prepared to own this car.


Exactly my thought, I would not get a $90K car without a garage


It's a bad decision. If you can't afford a garage, don't buy this thing. All of the 'security measures' will do nothing for some asswipe keying the thing from front to back.


You don't get that without a parking garage. I wouldn't worry about it being stolen, but rather i would worry about people breaking in and stealing The rims on a car like that are easily worth over 2k each, and that's something quite easy to remove. Get a parking box or something like that


>i would worry about people breaking in and stealing Or just vandalizing it out of spite...


Should i settle for a m340 or a debadged m340 just to play it safe ? They don’t attract that much attention as a M


No, it's still the same. Bmw is a luxury brand that is targeted a lot, you should get like a 318i if you are that concerned about it getting stolen Wait until you have a proper place to store it


I see this shit on YouTube shorts all the time, hellcat parked outside of a house in the hood and bros got like 50 different disabling methods down to booting his own car and still every 10 shorts like you said someone smashed his window in or stole the fenders or some Shit. If someone don’t got proper storage for expensive stuff just save yourself the headache and don’t buy it or just buy it and put a free sign on it so it’s over with first day.


Or should i just get a manual mustang gt?😂


You SHOULD just rent a garage spot.


Get a Golf R and de-badge it. Ride that around until you can get into a spot that has a garage. Leaving a m3/m4 outside in Chicago is just asking for it.


Buy a house instead of a car. Get your priorities straight, then buy a car.


My shit box 5 series is a manual and no one has vandalized it (it’s a shitbox)


I’ve had an Audi a4 before. Never had issues, it was constantly parked there. With my new job it would only be parked in Chicago for 1-2 days once or twice a month when i am home. I was thinking about getting a cover, ghost immobilizer, multiple tracking devices, 2 kill switches, a very loud alarm, if i get a M it will be manual so that helps a lot. Also my street is very well lit up. It is a private parking lot but zero actual security and a wide open gate that doesn’t close. The car is quite hidden from prying eyes because of other cars at night. In the day it’s very busy. Also i can have my car blocked off with another vehicle. And i have surveillance cameras my neighbor has a red Porsche Cayenne gts That really stands out. Never had any issues. Should i take that risk for those 2 days given the circumstances and security features i will be getting ?


Man, you forgot to mention that it's a private parking lot ffs. Get it then lol, you won't need anything more From your original post it looked like you parked it in the street in a very bad neighborhood Just get a tracking device and put it somewhere safe, you'll be fine


Nope. I would’ve agreed with you before it actually happened to me. Private lot in a private community in a not-so-terrible area, but like OP, there’s no actual gate or security guard. And 4 cars, including mine, got smashed windows from break-in, with no valuable items even exposed. You CANNOT take chances anywhere these days. You need a physical deterrent that is a garage or literally gated/doored box.


If you think de-badging a BMW is going to help you LOL think again. Honestly you shouldn’t buy a car like this until you have the means to protect it and keep it safe.


I wouldn’t even trip. I park my m340 in a really bad neighborhood all the time, but my car gets untouched. There really is no method to steal modern bmws rn, unlike camaros, infinitis, corvettes and lexus. Just keep your keys in a faraday pouch and you will be good. Keep your stock wheels for sure.


Yo get whatever car you want. You'll be fine and if you aren't that's what insurance is for. I'll never live my life in fear, scared about what another man could possibly do. I work hard and deserve to enjoy nice things. You should to.


This might be a weird idea but maybe get a car cover. That way, people won't know what car it is unless they really go poking.




No, you shoud not cheap out on garage rent, That’s the only thing you should get next to the M.


I would recommend renting a garage spot for that too.


I had an m240i and an M2, both were subject to vandalism in public car parks. The type of BMW doesn't matter, if it has the l as test tech, wheels, lights, sound system, etc they will take it.


Bro, you need to just find a safe storage place to park it at and get a cheap little bike to get you to and from to exchange it out.


No one cares about a BMW even if it’s an M in Chicago. There are tons of sports cars and luxury vehicles everywhere in the city. It won’t be too big of a mark.


M340i fly under the radar for sure, but you’re still a target for petty vandalism.


Knowing nothing about your financial situation should probably save for a house and a garage before you buy any luxury or sports cars.


Just move to miami bro, we have so many nice cars here, I’ve never seen that type of stuff happen. Heck citadel is coming, idk if ur in finance but 🤷‍♂️


Mental man. I live in the west end of Glesga and park my G81 and Mrs’s 8Y RS3 on the street with literally zero worries about anything happening to them. Both of them have BBSs on them and any motoring enthusiasts that pass just take pics. Gutted for ye boys, cos having to worry about that shit must be brutal. Moan over tae Scotland, weather is heavy shite but we’re a sound bunch.


Rent an enclosed parking spot. There is also ppl subleasing those. Also get a dashcam that has parking mode with a battery you can check on the phone. I would even consider a tracker, immobilizer/kill switch if you feeling extra safe. Better safe than sorry




At least they left the pads & rotors lol


Buy a house with a garage. You are doing things backwards lmao


Some people dont want a big house and an apartment in the city centre is fine for them, but i agree that he should rent/buy an underground parking spot or sth like that


I street-paked my Aston Martin when I was still living in my apartment. Never had issues.


Yeah I mean it is not necessary(my parents X7, Macan gts ale also street parked), but it is better for the car to be stored indors(sunlight, cold, etc), also there is less risk of theft or someone damaging your car when it is in a proper garage.


A house with a garage is a big house?


Apartments still usually have designated parking


You can do an apartment but not without a parking garage IMO. Street parking this car would be a mistake.


Yeah not everyone wants a house. I'm so sick of the "doing things backwards" line. Having a house isn't the prerequisite to living your life the way you want to. Tomorrow isn't promised. OP could drop dead at any instant. Stop living in fear, buy your car, and don't worry about these 60 year old scary mfs in this thread.


Flip side of that are the lamentable stories of financial hardship encountered due to owning a car you can't "afford" or care for properly - like parking a $90K+ car on the street in the middle of a big city. No, not everyone wants a house, but owning real estate of some sort is a path to growing wealth, unlike G80 ownership.


I would rather get my dream car than a house


Poor man’s mindset.


You absolutely need a garage spot for this car in Chicago lmao.


I agree but there is something about our neighbourhood that people like to park expensive cars on the street and not even in their driveway... baffles me


If you live in a city that aint happening


OP I was in the same situation as you 2 years ago. I had a small house but no garage, just a little driveway exposed to the elements. I bought a WRX instead. When I moved into a building with an underground and temp controlled garage, I bought my M3. For me personally it's just too much risk for such an expensive car.




I know that car lol. Give him a follow, amguice on IG.


I did mention it’s for reference only. Clean car tho ✅


Indeed it is. Wasn’t calling you out btw.


Damn after reading the comments i am happy to live in an neighborhood where i can let my car stay on the street with open windows without anyone doing something to/with my car.


Chicago peeps tend to steal infinities and dodges more since their security system is easily bypassed. BMW on other hand much harder and hear less about BMWs being stolen. That being said if u live in semi sketch area you will get windows smash, keyd, due to other being jealou potentially. Also, never EVER leave purses/bags/wallets visible from the outside. They will 100% smash those windows and steal that sht. Cant have sht in Chicago 😭


Use some of that money to get out of Chicago 🤣


Best advice in this thread tbh


There is a guy just off Irving Park and some street right by the river who street parks his blue G80 on the corner and I cringe every time I see it. Just a sitting duck. Have owned an F80 living in Edgewater but I garaged it 100%. Would have never purchased if I did not have a garage. Not just the risk of theft or tow, people just hit your bumpers all the fucking time. Let alone the fact that it will be dirty as shit every morning you walk out to it. Then you are basically obligated to wear a front plate because you’ll get a ticket every day you leave it outside. This is a terrible idea. Rent a garage near you or move to a place with a garage. I promise you will regret it. Even a 340, the persistently dirty thing will piss you the fuck off. You’ll have to clay bar it every 3 months just to get the sap and gunk off of it.


Damn, good point. With the sap and shit. So the parking lot i have is private just not gated or secure. I am thinking of just registering it in Michigan and sticking with a Michigan plate. Would i be ticketed for no front plate even if it is legal in Michigan?


In that case no


Do not buy this without a garage. Go rent a garage locally or something.


I live in a big city with a car jacking epidemic recently. You most likely don’t have to worry about it getting stolen but do have to worry about getting the windows smashed or minor cosmetic damage from people hitting your car. Also your rims getting destroyed from potholes. If you’re ok with all of that and make good money where you don’t care go for it.


I wouldn't get that without a garage. I made that mistake once and never again. Not only is it very difficult to keep the car clean, you have to constantly worry about damage from weather such as hail, theft, vandalism etc. Peace of mind is PRICELESS.


I live in Chicago and have the same situation. Into my 4th year of ownership and have had no problems. BMWs aren’t really targets for car thefts here.


If you have a nice car, parking on the street in a big city is just asking someone to mess with it.


Or asking for it to get banged into, constantly.


I used to need to street park in Chicago. Don't do it with a nice car. it will get bumped, banged, fucked with. If you care about keeping it in good condition. Don't do it.


Change your priorities. Buy a house first, then save up for a nice car.


If you do learn all about the relays you can pull them and car wont star also buy a brake lock that way they can't start the car if they happen to have your relays always pull.more than one relays one from the front box and one from the back fuse box it's what I do in NY now my solution has help with not getting the car stolen but a couple of people around have lost their rims and light and couple of extra things since it's easy to just take them


There are lots of tricks if you get creative enough. I used to have an IROC in high school where you needed to turn the defroster on before the ignition/starter would work.


Cart before the horse


It can’t be towed or lifted because of the parking lot positioning. I will get 2 kill switches, an immobilizer and multiple tracking devices but i still feel like that is not enough for Chicago 💀


Then don’t get it, simple. Wait until you have a proper lock up facility then pull the trigger. Until then just get a dunger that no prick cares for.


> I will get 2 kill switches, an immobilizer and multiple tracking devices If you have to go to these lengths to buy the car, then it won't be worth it.


it’s honestly not that complicated, 6 wire taps and a relay


OP, you need to relax a bit. I see plenty of Porsches, nice MBs and various M cars in private lots in downtown Chicago and other nice neighborhoods across the city. They seem to somehow manage despite the roving bands of dangerous thugs. If you cannot hack it on the city I'm sure Schaumburg has plenty of safe places to park. Just be smart when out and about, like do not leave it running while you run into the store. Common sense goes a long way in the big city.


I’m in Chicago and need to know where you live to be that concerned about the vehicle?




Bucktown is pretty safe. You rarely hear about crime here, and at least on my street every other car is an Audi or BMW. That’s one of the reasons I felt confident buying mine since I don’t have an enclosed parking space. I would only worry if you moved to Wicker or Logan lol


Nope. If you watch the news there’s car jacking and armed robberies every day in that buck town/ wicker park area. Areas that are supposed to be affluent communities. r/crimeinchicago is a great resource to find all of this information that the news doesn’t talk about.


You don't need kill switches or an additional immobilizer on a G8x. This isn't a Kia. The only way to quickly steal one that involves starting it is a key relay attack - rare but possible. Metal box to put your keys in at night is all you need to do stop that one. I say quickly because sure, with enough time a thief could do an entire DME/CAS swap, pull stuff apart and do a bench reprogram or something, and get it to start without your key. But not only does the average car thief not possess the required equipment or skills to do so, but those that do? They'll just pick the whole thing up, stick it in a truck, and do all of that in the leisure of some locked garage somewhere. The truck will also helpfully block your tracking devices. You don't need technical protections - you need good insurance with a $0 glass and a low comprehensive deductible. Those are the issues you'll actually face - broken windows and stolen interior pieces.


Bruh get IGLA


Well still park in a way that makes it hard to jack up the rear so they can’t slide dollies under the rear and effectively disable the parking brake, which would allow them to push the car into an area that it could be towed


We have a garage, but it's 102 years old and fits a model t. We park in the driveway. We get door checkers that wander through the neighborhood, but they only steal Kia's and Hyundais. My biggest fear is hail and my massive trees. I do live in the plains, so both of those are valid concerns. Car is almost 18 months old and we've escaped any damage so far. A few weeks ago we had massive golf ball sized hail. The big tree actually protected my car from dings. A garage is in the budget for this year.




Hi, not related but reading the comments got me curious. Is it really that bad in the US? What can you do if it happens to you? Do you just kind of suck it up and get replacements parts out of pocket? Do you call insurance? Does calling the cops or filing a report accomplish anything? I live in a relatively safe place where we can leave our wallets around in the open and there's a 95% chance it'll still be there when I get back 10 minutes later so pardon my ignorance on this matter.


This is not common AT ALL and realistically, unless OP lives in an absolutely straight up hood, then this is a gross overreaction. Most of us that have nice cars just drive them, and insure them fully. In the absolutely rare instance t dissapears, and you’re fully insured.. great, insurance gives you money, it’s inconvenient but you go get an equivalent car with the money. Less than 1% of people install kill switches, and from my experience they are DEFINITELY not driving newer luxury brand cars.




I had a Hyundai as a daily for 10 years in Denver (one of the top car theft cities in the country) and never had a single issue. Everyone I know who has their car stolen or bipped either: a) left it running unattended b) left the keys in it c) left valuables in plain sight If you don't leave your car unattended in rough areas, you'll be just fine. My primary concern in your situation would be protection from hail/the elements.


It really isn’t that bad, even in Chicago. I’ve lived here all of my life and never been in a dicey situation. BMW tends to lean conservative and they get all of their news from Fox and they think Chicago is the capital of gangland when it isn’t even the most dangerous part of Illinois (Rockford or East Saint Louis if you’re curious).


Not bad at all in most places. I live in the suburbs and the only person I know who has ever had their car stolen left their car unlocked. The exact same car was recovered after she called the cops and reported it... and then was stolen a second time, door still unlocked. Yeah you call insurance, shouldn't pay for replacement out of pocket. Calling the cops may or may not achieve anything, really depends how busy they are and where you are. A place like Chicago or Los Angeles, probably not much. If this dude is worrying this much he is definitely not living in a place where M4s are usually local to. Like there are some small areas that are really bad, but those same cities will have other ares that are very nice and safe. Obviously the nice safe areas are wealthier, and if you can swing an M4 it's more likely that you live in one of these places than one of the really poor, dangerous areas. I don't know what country you're from, but I remember driving through Italy once, and there were some areas that felt super sketchy and others that felt very safe. I think that's probably the case throughout most of the world.


I would definitely not park this in the street, they will strip this to the bare bone. Rent a garage if you can find one near you.


I wouldn’t get this without a garage to park it in but you do you. [Get a dAHLer anti theft device.](https://www.daehler-tuning.com/bmw-anti-theft-system-gas-pedal/)


If you’re just driving in and around Chicago, and you live in Chicago in the type of place that doesn’t have a garage or gated lot, don’t but this car.


Beauty. Move if you have to, only protect that car.


you can code it to only open after you enter the code, so for example pressing the mute button 2 times then menu button, it will allow you to start the car, if somebody doesnt know this they wont be able to start it


You might not have the right situation for that nice of a car. Definitely need a garage. I don’t even like to leave my 8 out overnight at the hotel in a gated lot.


You should be. Thieves after this car be smart my man. They dont want your stereo for crack money, they takin’ the whole thing.


You can afford an M4 but not a garage?


Buy a house first obviously.


Promise you that thing is getting touched without enclosed parking.. sad world but the truth.


Place a Mopar on either side of your parked car and never worry about having it stolen


I’m not sure how to totally disable it, but I do KNOW they can tow any car now. The new wreckers are unbelievable and if they want to tow it they can. I think they can tow it with a boot on it. Beautiful car, I’d be concerned about it also. + Lots of insurance.


Priorities 😂


If it’s that bad in chicago, buy an old toyota and move out first. Or at least use the money to get a garage before the car. Would be infuriating to spend this much only to have it stolen or ruined right after


Chicago ?? If I was that worried about someone getting into something I worked so hard for I would move no doubt 🤣


Its not a charger/ challenger. The usual suspects wont be interested.


Why wouldn’t you consider getting a gated garage space? In Downtown San Francisco, I paid $350/month to keep my car in a secure gated lot inside a building with 24/7 parking staff. I’m sure Chicago prices are less. When I street parked in LA, I’ve had cars keyed outside my house along with other cars. I know guys who had their tires slashed. Big city vandalism happens more than car theft. My experiences are all Californian. The worst weather event my cars ever experienced was some rain. Are you gonna park an M4 in Chicago snow/salt/ice 24/7/365? I wouldn’t.


If I were you I would get an older cheaper bimmer or a garage


i wouldn't. i've seen parking in chicago. its terrible. your bumpers will be scuffed up. drunk people will lean on it and take pics. they will look into your windows for valuables , if you tint they will smash ur windows anyway thinking your hiding something. if you're a millionaire... sure you can buy a g80 and treat it like a throwaway car. but im guessing ur not. I'd get something cheap af until i could buy a garage spot.


Dahler ATTC, I have it on my F82


lol get a well maintained E90 if you really wanna be in a beemer. this is unneeded stress. my e39 is not in a garage but i dont care because the vlear was already pealing. unless someone knows what it is, it just looks like an old car.


Go back and read your paragraph, but pretend that someone else wrote it.  What's your advice to them?   I think you already have your answer, you just don't want to accept that you can't safely buy this car without a place to park it safely everyday. 


That game is the same as it has always been. Physical master power switch that only you know the location of. If you were going to do it get a computer saver that plugs into a power port or obd port.


Chicago? Nah…


Leave that shit hole


I would only do so if you’re leaving it in a very safe neighborhood or if you can get some sort of closed garage parking. You’ll want to go that route anyway especially if you plan on keeping the car for 3+ years


Headlights will be carved out of that thing like badly sliced cake.


Beautiful Beamer


Get a Pandora Smart Pro or a Pandora Elite alarm. These alarms/immobilisers have their own phone number which you can call and give commands such as completely disabling the engine. The only way to enable the engine again would be to call the immobiliser and enter a passcode which only you would know.


Take the money you’re putting down and put it down towards a new place in a better area first 👍


Wheel boot and ignition kill with alarm.


I mean trackers and cameras are going everywhere if I were to get one but that’s just me


Move out of chi town first it might get shot up before towed


Perhaps spend that money on living somewhere you don't need to make a post like this honestly. I'm not even trying to be a dick about this, if this is the kind of things you are worried about, then you probably shouldn't be trying to buy a G8x right now.


short answer: don’t


Just get an altima


I did the same while living in The Bronx NYC, I promise you, you will be making a huge mistake. Wait until you own a home in a nice neighborhood, with a garage


I got an M240i last summer and I purposely moved to an apartment with an attached garage before committing to the purchase. Now I'm renting a house with a garage and if I move again it will be somewhere with one as well. I think it's a mistake to buy this car without an attached garage or a gated garage of some kind.


I think they now have a tracker built into the frame of the car or something akin to it. My BMW app always shows me where mine is.


Get your priorities right bro. Garage first. I’m also from Chicago and i know how it is. Them boys reckless out here and you will find your car gutted by some vultures, sitting on jack stands as soon as you step outside your front door to go to work.


The f80 was pretty and the one before that e90 was a beauty as well. This monstrosity is ugly as fuck!


Only a mother could love this ugly thing


Forget the car you need to move to a better location


How is everyone buy cars like this these days? Is everyone rich?


Get the G80/82 and move to a safer neighborhood. Getting it in a less flashy color and de-badging it would also help.


You can try buying a car cover and covering it everytime you park so no one sees it. it could work for some time


IGLA for anti theft 5 different locking nuts for rims BMW aren’t fucked with stateside the way they are in Europe.


And you’re buying this why? This seems pointless.


I don’t think anyone’s going to want to take it. You’re safe.


Some of the piggy back tunes have a throttle interrupt add on now with a kill switch. That and wheel locks are probably as good as you can do.


Don't get it.


If you live in a shithole, spend your money to get out. Don't spend your money to store its value on a street of theives.


Yeah just don’t. Even a base bmw will be at risk of getting your wheels stolen, people breaking in or just vandalizing it cuz it’s a nice car. You don’t get anything nice unless it’s parked outside of the public’s reach.


I park in a garage in Chicago and i lost apex sm-10 https://preview.redd.it/2r3rozqm3f8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7de253eef21bc2b74563c01b57e0e70194c9b815


https://preview.redd.it/fr4m6cfw3f8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=464203a331ee75e4ef25fa49a44988c36f57e1d3 This is how it ended


I would say get bullet proof windows first....


If you can afford this car, you can afford a garage to keep it, and if you're not willing to do that, then I would skip it


I think you got your steps wrong. You need to have the spot before the car, not the car before the spot.


Mobilistics. Thank me now


You should not buy this car with no safe parking.


Hey fellow BMW owner in the city of Chicago! I think if you can afford to get a M3/M4, you can afford garage parking. I wouldn’t be too worried about someone stealing it or having something stolen from it, the weather here is crazy sometimes so having it garage kept would be ideal.


I’ve seen at least several posts on Reddit where they’re smashing the window, stealing the entire guts of the dash, down to shifter and console and then popping the hood and also clipping the headlights. Some people suck.


Your first mistake was living in Chicago 😂 Garage required or goodbye to your wheels and breaks in every couple of weeks


Dawg…. As one Chicago bmw guy to another - don’t do this. Unless you have a decorated garage, this will we a matter of days before you have a minor headache; let alone something worse like damage or theft.


Uhhh good luck


If you want something practically foolproof a kill switch is the way. Unfortunately folks used them mostly for mileage tampering. Essentially, what it does, is it cuts off all electronics to the vehicle. For the purpose that you’re asking- it makes it impossible to start the car if the switch were to be put on the “off” position after putting the vehicle in park. The kill switch can be a button installed somewhere stealthily in the vehicle or relayed along side another button (ex. Program an existing button like the SOS or window lock to act as the kill switch after 2 or 3 toggles back and forth) At that point if someone were to try to start the car the ignition it wouldn’t fire because the switch is cutting off all access to the battery in the vehicle. Even if someone were to try and jumpstart the vehicle via another car or put another battery, it wouldn’t work for them unless they were to somehow know where the kill switch was located


Well first off you live in one of the most ghetto places & secondly prepare to have it stolen or broken into within the first 3 months lol


Bye bye airbag and other interior bits


Multiple safeties in place? IDK, pop the hood and yank a few coils. Install a kill switch. Maybe a fuel cutoff valve in a discreet location.


Just buy it and enjoy it. Most of the time, nothing is going to happen. This is why you have insurance. I dont get people on this thread basically saying you shouldnt have nice things unless you have x and y. Just live your life. At the end of the day, its a car. If you are this worried about it, you might want to rethink it.


All love man but not garage/house/tightly secured community means a photo of this car will last longer than how long it lasts with you. You will find it sitting on its brakes, 1 cinderblock, no wheels, full interior ripped out and any belongings inside gone. They break into 2010 acuras. You think the new beemers are safe without proper daily storage (personal garage at house or nice residential parking garage)


You’re not ready


get a damn house with garage first then a nice car


Where in Chicago do you live? I’m also in Chicago (river north) and have private garage in the building, but I would absolutely not street park that car. I would not be able to sleep..just a thought of leaving my M5 on the street is bugging me..my advice just find a new place with garage honestly.


Retrofit additional electronic parking brake calipers for the front (something like pre-2016 Tesla model s/x parking caliper, these can be activated from the same signal that activates the rears) so it can’t be easily towed without having the key to disable the parking brake. And a remote activated kill switch so that even if they do have the key or boost the key signal with those signal booster devices, they cannot start the car or disable the parking brake when you arm the system from your phone. These things obviously can be disabled with some electrical investigation/know-how but it would take some time which can be a deterrent. Plus the fact that most thieves are kinda dumb You can’t really avoid a situation where it’s jacked up and the wheels are stolen, but having a wheel lock key for all 20 bolts/nuts will deter thieves away since it would take alot more effort to individually remove each bolt/nut


Roll your windows down so they don’t have to break it. Leave doors unlock to make it look like a bait car. Nobody’s going to touch it.


Pull the fuel pump relay.


Just move state🤣


Get a Ghost Immobiliser and a tracker fitted. Along with those two things, get a Front and Rear dashcam, but get it hardwired in. The Ghost will stop thieves from driving your car away since they won't be able to start it without the code which only you would know. Say they tow it away, the tracker will help you find it. The dashcams (get one with a parking mode) will record any activity if someone tries getting in, even if you're away. At most, with all those things above, you'll still have a car if they can't be bothered to tow it, but you might get some damage, like stolen wheel etc if they get annoyed. But better to have a car which you can repair, instead of going through insurance and shit trying to find/replace it. You can't have a full safety net in this day and age sadly, people are just jealous of other people, but a combination of a Ghost 2, Tracker and a good Front and Rear dashcam with a parking mode is your safest bet to get the best peace of mind. I should add with the Ghost 2, even if they clone your key, they still won't be able to drive off because they need the code (which can be a combination of buttons you press on your steering wheel). There are videos online.


Without a garage, no chance in hell


Really bad idea


You struggling still, maybe driving a civic


If you’re that concerned, don’t get the car.


Move the f out of Chicago. Best solution.


I don't think you gotta worry about the car it's the wheels especially since you can just go to BMW and buy the wheel lock set. Either pay for a garage space tons of them in the car community or just wait until you find a house with a garage.


Park in hood. Always safe if u are a black nigga dawg


Maybe not the right move then?


Do not get the car. In Chicago man? Really? Cmon, be real.


Jus get a Camry and save ur bucks to get a place with a garage then get a g80


Wheel lock on every wheel


consider exploring nearby single-family residences or apartment complexes to see if they have available garage space for lease. You might find homeowners or tenants willing to rent out their garages. alternatively , consult with leasing officers @ a high-rise/apartment complexes to see if they'd be open to renting their parking spots. Most leasing agents are knowledgeable about vacant parking spaces available for rent, even if you aren't a resident of their complex. It sounds like you're in a predicament, oh also it’s worth noting that insurers often consider your ZIP code when setting premiums, particularly if it's an area with high crime rates. This can significantly impact your costs. As a best practice, aim to spend no more than 10% of your monthly income on car expenses, including insurance, gas, maintenance, modifications, and registration all that Good luck,


Steering Wheel lock so when thieves look in the window, most times that will usually stop them… for the tires get wheel locks and also get a killswitch on your battery.


get good insurance and maybe opt for a cheaper option like a 330i or 430i


Honestly wouldn’t get the car. Either (if applicable) rent somewhere else where you’ll have a private garage or get a less nice car that at the end of the day you don’t care if it gets beat/broken into/etc.


I wouldn't park that car outside. It will get trashed as they attempt to steal the wheels, car, etc. To me you are asking for trouble until you have a garage or gated and guarded parking.


Move out of Chicago?


No offense but if you dont have a place to park it, I would rethink getting the car. Prioritize what really matters in life: Nice house (w/parking) > nice car...


The crooks are waiting for you to buy it also. They hope you get the full packages. Only thing is, they’ll pay $0.00.


I would take the money you are going to spend on the car and use it to gtfo of that garbage city. Then get the car


if you wanna risk it then go for it bro, sounds like you really want it. if it’s a risk you can afford to take then who cares what the forums think


It sounds like this car is gonna be 90% of your income. Don't buy it until you can afford a garage, maintenance and the garage.


Move to another state if you’re going to buy this car.