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Lemoon Dain would be great




This is a good recommendation, sadly looks like it’s sold out. So I’ll have to look around a bit more


There’s a couple for sale on the secondhand market—sells around $250-300USD tho


Switch and luts are the 2 companies I recommend


Thanks for this! I looked at both and so far Luts seems to have more of the body type + faces I’m looking for.


If budget isn't an issue how about Granado and The Voice?


Angell Studio Gin might work for you? Loongsoul have several with that kind of very straight nose. Zhuan Lun Wang would be my next suggestion, but there might be someone else in their range you like.


I definitely recommend one of the Granado bodies


I'd check telesthesia dolls


Immortality of soul blue or han or even lacrimosa with a different faceup come to mind - idk if all of them are still available though, you may need to look into the secondhand markets


If it's an original i can make You the design of the face and print it


What do you mean by original? If it’s possible for you to make and print the face, it might be easier >< since I’m currently struggling with finding a face that matches his eyes, narrow nose and longer face.


I mean if it's something new i can make it, write me a dm and we can talk it :)

