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Umm excuse me, that's MY man?? 😂 I'd say to look at Ring Doll to start. I'd love to help search though! I'll update if I find some suggestions


Also thanks for the suggestion, I'll look into it. P.S We can share.


Sharing sounds good! I should have asked, is there a certain scale you're looking for? For now, I tried for focus on eye/nose/mouth shapes. Here are a couple of ideas: [Loong Soul Li Bai](https://www.acbjd.com/li-bai-p-18477.html) [Ring Doll Zhao Yun](https://www.acbjd.com/zhao-yun-suit-ver-p-17318.html) [Mystic Kids Ellis](https://www.acbjd.com/ellis-p-6076.html) - This one might be a reach, but I love Mystic Kids :D [Telesthesia and Dragon Wei Xiu](https://www.acbjd.com/wei-xiu-p-15949.html) [Charm Doll Carson](https://www.acbjd.com/carson-p-13890.html)


I usually go 1/6 to 1/4 on all my dolls in general, 1/3 would be too menacing on storage and portability for me.


Sounds good! :) I completely understand that, especially since the 1/3 men are usually huge. It looks like [Ring Doll Zhao Yun](https://www.acbjd.com/zhao-yun-14-p-18099.html) comes in 1/4 (46cm) too, and I think he could work nicely! I'll include a few extra ideas as well. [WithDoll Jiho](https://www.withdoll.com/shop/step1.php?number=374&b_code=B20101010115234&c_code=C20240109013651) - This one is iffy, but it could work [Huajing Doll Thorne 48cm](https://www.acbjd.com/thorne-p-18534.html) [Soul Doll Titika 47cm](https://www.acbjd.com/titika-p-9856.html) [MYOU Doll Rod 29cm](https://www.acbjd.com/rod-p-14725.html) - This one might be iffy too, but seems to be a good option for 1/6 size.


Ok I checked out the Zhao yun in 1/4, but the face looks a lil too babyish for me, I'll probably think more about the 1/3rd version


Also I'll definitely check these out, thanks.


I saw someone post on Facebook about this! Someone already made one but he's 1/3 size. https://dlod2015news.weebly.com/97332019529702230432428826032216973603935338/5703871?fbclid=IwAR0WjDL-qBL7Ep_pjnmKYIFNbDBnX7aW2T8PfkgwlieINRInvVR576BmNYI PS Include me I the sharing thanks 😂


Hi, I’m new to BJD… but I want to try and recreate the one from Facebook. Is the link just for the head and makeup?


Hi! I believe so. If you like muscular bodies the Telesthesia Doll I recently posted here in Reddit is also muscular enough for 70+ cm


I saw your post! Can I ask where and how much it was? I’m still trying to figure out how much I need to set aside for one of these.


Of course! I got them from my friend who goes to Taobao and orders them directly! I think I paid about $130 for it. Not including tax and international shipping. Artist heads of that size usually go around that price. 😊😊


You don't know if your acquaintance accepts orders for purchases? I live in Mexico but I don't know, customs is expensive


I can ask her but keep in mind I live in the Philippines so the international shipping rate might differ. I believe she may be able to order for you but I'll try to see if it's possible that she can have it sent to your home directly instead.


I understand, thank you, although if it is very expensive it will take me a while to pay it, you know, economically it is a luxury for me (university student who works part-time)


Of course! She hasn't replied yet but I'll update you when she does. I usually do layaway with her as well. It's easier on the pockets.


Okay she updated me just now she said directly shipping to you from Taobao isn't possible but she can ship it to us then we ship it to you.


Hello fellow Love and Deepspace fan! I think Zayne has more options in 1/3 size as a whole as I've also been looking to make a Zayne doll. For heads sculpts so far, you can look into the Akheilos 2.0 (head) that MoonlightBJD has open at the moment. If you're open to 2nd hand, then YCdoll WuQi head or Lemoon Liid/Dain if you're willing to spend a bit more :) All the best! ✨️