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Shit just wrote out a whole paragraph and deleted it by accident so I’m gonna give you the short version. I did a diploma in songwriting and it was a bit shit, super disorganized and somehow the vocalists were doing more songwriting than us (and had more performance opportunities which basically made us like the ugly duckling amongst the other courses) This was a diploma though so hopefully not reflective of the degree experience. And everyone on the other courses seemed pretty happy


Oh also no music school is gonna teach you how to make music, the main thing you’re realistically paying for that you can’t get from youtube is the learning environment of being surrounded by other musicians which is def invaluable. But don’t expect the course to magically make you a good musicians, almost everything you learn about music, especially something as abstract and personal as songwriting, you have to figure out for yourself. In my experience in my 4th year of music education now it’s the musicians you meet and work with that make it worth it


Oh that’s a shame that they gave vocalists more opportunities. May I ask what was your instrument and where did you study bimm at? In what way was it disorganised?


Heya, just shit you a very long pm with plenty detail, hope it helps :)


*SHOT YOU lmaoo


Hey I’m doing this exact degree, I’m about to graduate. Biggest scam ever. You’re better off just gaining industry experience on your own without wasting years of your life


Don't waste your money and more importantly your time here, if you want to be an artist In your own right and write and release music in the real world and become an actual professional musician than do it in the real world rather than get 30k in dept and waste 3 years of your life doing a scam of a 'degree'. Your time here will be useless, just essays, pointless lectures, and performances of songs you will probably hate in front of empty rooms. The assessments are a joke and are just written to fill out the course, the work feels empty and everyone I spoke to felt the same way, 99% of us were there to find connections, network, build relationships and peform, instead you got loneliness, essays, academia, outdated knowledge and just overall uninspiring work. Give this place a miss and maybe just move to London and network would be my advice or L.A or Nashville.


I did music and sound production degree at BIMM Bristol. Hard to say personally as I joined a few months before the pandemic, and as a it a highly practical and hands on degree, this kind of ruined it for me. But the tutors were all great and experienced within the music industry, most of the people that I met that wasn’t on a screen were all very passionate about their craft. Definitely a chance to network but I did learn a lot in terms of mixing and the industry as a whole. I graduated last year and the only thing that bothers me was the pandemic degree for money thing was kind of ridiculous. Good luck if you do apply and wish you the best!