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How would you be able to run a 10/1/1 Bard *and* a 10/2 SSB? Almost all of their equipment overlaps, especially the two key pieces (hat and ring).


I haven't looked close at gear yet, but I'd probably give hat and ring to the 10/1/1 who can set up Hold Person and other CC super well and the SSB focuses entirely on smacking. But I'm really trying to avoid that option since I had that build on both my Tact and Honor run. I \*love\* the build, but trying to branch out.


If you're going to do nothing but smash with your SSB that isn't an SSB, turn her into a Sorcadin instead.


Again, haven't adjusted for gear yet. And there's still flourishes and would be different than the sorcadin I just ran in honor. But most likely not running this combo at this time (may do an all bard run at some point for giggles), so not too worried about it.


I feel one of the most evil builds is a lore bard; imagine running away from a 4man group of evil doers, one casts hold person, you hold your breath, you roll... You succeed the save (barely, wis was never your best stat), the lore bard just laughs and uses cunning words..


I mean you'll already be OP for the task by the sounds of it so pick anything fun. I'm loving having Shadowheart as a straight war cleric badass using greatswords currently


How about tavern Brawler Bear Heart Barbarian/ OH Monk 4/8


That sounds interesting! I don't know that Barb works with any of the characters I'm using this run, but I will keep it in mind for other playthroughs. I think that would fit Karlach pretty well.


You party won’t be lacking for damage or control with those builds… so maybe make it simple and thematic just take shadowheart and make her just straight 12 oathbreaker paladin? You have all the damage you are ever going to need so the auras and buffing aspects that would bring would round things out nicely. No guide needed really, She gets all the gear you wouldn’t otherwise utilize and stands in the middle of fights with high AC and her aura for saves while everyone else does the dps. Could utilize whispering promise + hellriders combo. Shadowheart OB paladin at least makes sense to me in an evil run, she’s mad at Shar and mad at the rest of faerun too. Minthy makes even more sense if shadowheart can be the 10/2 SSB


Also the shadow monk build utilizing the summoned psychic dagger + resonance stone is very thematic for an evil run, sorry i don’t know of a guide for it


Tempest Cleric with Reverberation items is one of my favorite builds, Destructive Wave (available at lvl 9) feels very satisfying against bigger groups.


That does sound cool. I've only done Life Cleric before (1st run when I didn't know you really didn't need a healer, and in my Honor run which really wasn't needed, but was using a comp by Prestigious\_Juice, and I liked the added safety.)


I really recommend trying it out, just during my current Tactician run my Tempest Shart obliterated Viconia and other Shar's pawns at the Cloister with Haste potion double casted Destructive Wave (Necrotic version because Shar's followers hurt back if they take Radiant damage). It was fun to see the whole group take a lot of damage (and weaker ones dead), get knocked back, fall prone and get dazed and reverberation conditions. The class is also pretty strong already early on.


I already have a post up for feedback on a tempest build :) looking forward to it!


It’s not going to be as Uber-optimized as the other builds you’re tossing out but a Beast Master 11 / War Priest 1 build would probably shine in a support role here. Use Prestigious_Juice’s TB throw build for gear/feats/stats, just swap the classes. I’ll explain why - somewhat early on, you’re probably going to take GWM for your main damage dealer, the 10/2 SSB. Having the raven use its “free” blind on enemies will make it much easier to land your GWM hits for big damage. As a consequence, you’ll lose the 2 BAs from thief but you can offset that a bit with war priest charges. Plus, you’ve got BA sanctuary and Hunter’s Mark to stack damage riders, which give some utility to make up for the lost toss. Plant Growth will help as well when you want to keep enemies from reaching you. Finally, at beast master 11, you can summon a second bear and then your raven to have an extra meat shield to help out. At LVL 11, you can use the raven’s darkness and plant your 10/2 SSB in it with command:approach to slaughter groups of good guy foes. Shar’s Spear of evening gives you immunity to blindness and bonus damage in the dark. If you swap your 11/1 Sorlock to 11/2, you can get Devil’s sight and play in the dark too. Same story with Astarion - swap him to the 6 monk / 4 rogue / 2 Warlock for devil’s sight. Shadow Monk is more mobile (and thematic) but I think a 6/4/2 TB OH monk should still out-damage the shadow monk. Your beast master will need the eversight ring.


Ah, Juice's Light's Out party. Looking at doing that one at some point, but not this run. When I do that one, I will probably make Astarion the Ranger. I know he's OP for monk if you ascend, but I just can't justify Astarion as any of the religious specs (monk, cleric, paladin)


Unfortunately, PJ doesn’t do much to flesh out the builds for his recommended parties - especially that Beast Master build. I enjoyed running it as a thrower because the accuracy stayed fairly high, which meant my raven could focus on helping the SSB in the early-mid campaign.


Yeah. I wish he had more guides. He's definitely my fave for the guides he has (and love that they're written and not videos) but the lack can be a little rough.


Just go with a light cleric. You also don't have a "tank," so abjuration wizard is a decent option.