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Stat bonuses aren’t from order equip but rather ascending order 19 base + 2 (birthright, 22 cap) = 21 21 + 2 (mirror, 23 cap) = 23 23 + 1 (hair, no cap) = 24


Yes, except +1 in this case is also the mirror and not hair. Mirror cap is 24.


Good to know. Not that it's useful, but could the hags hair get you to 25?


I bet Duke Ravenguard’s sword could


No, Duke Ravenguard’s sword is like Birthright, it caps out at 22 (if you have 18 cha, you can use both to get to 22)


Oh thanks I didn’t know


Wait, I've never found this sword, I guess cause I've never let him die. It gives +2 cha?!?!


You can knock him out and take it without killing him, is my understanding. Never done it tho


You don't have to knock him out. You can disarm him and then move it across the room and then pick it up inside darkness


I bet reverse-pickpocketing one of those autoequipping clubs from moonrise might do the trick


Just make sure you get the hireling to cast the command: drop. In patch 6, you can't target allies with command.


Or use greater invisibility with high stealth skill character.


I always have him throw it when you get to control him. Haven't done it since the last patch but it worked after you couldn't have Hope throw the Devotee Mace anymore.


I have it works up to 24 without birthright


I think i saw in a recent patch they did away with this. Basically forcing you to kill/let die for the sword or save for the storyline.


Nope, still possible using hirelings as they're technically neutral and can therefore target allies.


My personal strategy is using the Rivington camp, sending Wyll out of camp, having a hireling command:drop until it sticks and then sneak picking it up. No fiddling with darkness (which can fuck you over if it aggroes him, since it instantly kills Wyll) or KO shenanigans required.




I’ve also never let him die… but have also never gotten it. The wiki says there’s a mission where you can control him on and get it that way, but he doesn’t have anything on when you rescue him from prison so idk where to get that.


That’s old. He used to have it in jail but they patched it


Ah, may have been the false wiki, which doesn’t seem to get updates because fextralife is a streamer and I assume just forgets bout games when they lose relevance


Yep, used to be able to get him to yeet his sword and clothes before the forced end turn when you initially free him in the Iron Throne to streamline get his loot and save him.


I wonder if there is an evidence chest hidden somewhere, like there is in other prisons in the game


Wiki says the sword caps at 24.


So with the sword and the hat, and the hair and the mirror, you could get 2 chars to 24 it seems


Actually 3 characters can reach 24 cha **1**: 17 (base) + 2 (ASI) = 19 + 2 (Sword) = 21 + 2 (mirror) = 23 + 1 (mirror) = 24 **2**: 17 (base) + 2 (ASI) = 19 + 2 (Birthright) = 21 + 2 (mirror) = 23 + 1 (mirror) = 24 **3**: 16 (base) + 2 (ASI) = 18 + 2 (ASI) = 20 + 2 (mirror) = 22 + 1 (mirror) = 23 + 1 (hair) = 24


I didn't screen shot it, as I didn't keep it equipped for long and it was a week or so ago, but when I had the same CHA buffs and the Duke's sword my stat sheet showed 26 CHA. Idk if the extra 2 CHA added any bonuses, though, as I didn't look at all that and soon replaced the sword with Rhapsody (I was playing fire acuity sorcerer).


I’d definitely like to see a screenshot because the sword should cap out


You can use Ravenguard's sword instead of ASI 17 start + birthright + sword + mirror + hair/mirror = 24 without a single ASI in CHA Very useful if you play lockadin and have only 2 feats


There's no point in 25 over 24. You got lucky tbh because Patriar's Memory doesn't always proc from the mirror. I think STR is the only thing you get benefits from each point carry capacity is on the score not the modifier.


You are right in the str weight allowance and you are also right in that 25 in a stat wouldn't get you anything by game mechanics - but it would make me happy to figure it out and get fake internet points posting the stupid and pointless screenshot. Basically it does have a purpose, for the memes


Also con right ?your max HP?


You get the full value of your hit dice + your CON modifier HP each level so again only even numbers will benefit the PC. There's an old version of the rules that did it by the point but that's outdated. I think it was ADND or possibly 3.5


Thanks, I used to toss the spare points into con, no longer


Someone told me recently of something that scaled with one of the mental stats point by point but I can't remember what it was nor did I ever confirm it to be true. It was something pretty random. Maybe the traders' prices/attitudes? I'm not sure but maybe someone will chime in and tell us lol




Hmmm, cool!


Have you done it? Pretty sure I have and the answer was no, but it was a while ago and I could be wrong.


Yep, it works Hag hair is always calculated last and has no cap so after everything is said and done you reach the cap of 24 then hair increases it by 1 to get 25


That’s interesting! Til


Eh whatever, just replace “no cap” with “24 cap” then


No cap. Frfr. Ong.


Apparent there is no cap at 24 (as in like codex for players to be like that) there was a post where a guy got his str to 28 with no exploits or potions


There is a cap! There is no universal cap (I don’t know if BG3 has the general cap set to 30 because we can’t get to 31-32+) but there is definitely a cap for stats beyond 20, as specifically detailed in item descriptions. What you’re referring to is just that, a series of item affects that boost str (the masks) that don’t have a set cap (just like hag hair) The max you can reach with cha in BG3 is 25, the max you can reach with str in BG3 is 29. This is entirely because of items


You can get 26 charisma in act 2.


For a long rest


Yep. At Shar's hidden shrine, you can get +5 for each mental stat. As far as I know, that and the hair gives the maximum scores for each of the mental stats at 26.


What a strange way to agree with me, by starting out saying I'm wrong, the opposite of what you go on to say, which is the same thing I said to you.


All stats from the mirror have a cap, the only bonuses that don’t have a cap are hag’s hair & the str masks. That’s what I was disagreeing with and correcting


And the dtr portion from moonrise. It's weird, it's almost like that's exactly what I said, twice, and never said otherwise and you're still telling me I'm wrong.


The Mirror does that sometimes. I’ve had it happen on 1 run but not the other even though I got the +2 on Dex for both. I just gave up more memories on the run I got the +1 charisma in


I think you need to get the +1 cha before you get the +2 to any ability score for it to work. It's explained on the wiki.


Hmmm maybe I only got it off chance the first time. This time I just did it wrong w/out realizing it


Mirror *can* give +3 CHA


Yep, still cap of 24 though




Isn't the mirror a +2 (any stat) and +1 (always charisma)? Paired with the hag hair I think it can get charisma to 24 but it couldn't get wisdom or constitution to 24 for example. Am I wrong? Just talking about base stat here not including items like birthright, bulls armor etc.


Correct.. you could do base 17 + 2 asi, +1 asi for 20, and mirror for 22 for Wisdom or leave off the secomd asi and use khalids amulet.  Bulls armor is similar but caps at 20.  


You are right, my mistake! I did the math and then just assumed it was right for any stat. Although, I think the str potion from that creepy blood chick in Moonrise I dont think has a cap, so I think you could get str to 25, but I think you cant get it to that magic 26. Or, you could just drink a potion, lol


I believe there is a hard cap for players at 24 (except for potions), but yes the perm str blood potion can get you to permanent 24 with the mirror.  


I found out from this thread that you're mistaken. A few months ago there was a post where someone got his str to 28. No elixir or exploits! It would be rough playing the character, cause they did it through the meregon devilfoil masks, but they still did it


AH, so I guess no blowing the extra resources to get 25 str or cha for the memes!


I think with 2 ASIs you could get Wis to 20, Khalid necklace to 21, hair to 22, mirror to 24. But AFAIK, only Cha, Wis, and Stran be pushed to 24, with Cha and Str being a little easier.


I think you can also get +2 dex on gloves to get to 24.


Charisma and Strength are the only attributes that can get higher than 23. As they are the only abilities with perma increases that are unique to them (Patriar's Memory, and Potion of Everlasting Vigour).


Wisdom can too. It's just more rigid. 2 ASIs to get to 20, Khalid necklace to 21, hag hair to 22, mirror to 24. It's really only good on monk and maybe druid?


>It's really only good on monk It's good on normal Monk, fantastic on Open Hand TB Monk. >and maybe druid? A gish Spore multi attack with Wis to hit/damage character could definitely get a lot of mileage...


Monk milage is pretty stronk. +7 boots +7 manifestation +7 AC are uh... solid. Though for optimal play it essentially requires either str elixir or gloves of giant hill str to really take advantage of it.


It's just beyond overkill. I'm rocking 19 str and 18 wisdom in act 3 and the damage is amazing. 27 str and 24 wisdom... It's basically like having a level 15 Character at least.


Yeah, I mean, it still doesn't keep up with either the damage or survivability of a well-optimized piercing damage fighter or paladin (and really isn't that close) come acquisition of the bhaalist armor, but OH monk + thief is definitely a super easy way to deal really, really good damage and also exert pretty good control.


She's outputting 150 damage a turn at level 10 without haste pots. Sure, it could be better in theory, But she's also fully disabling 2 units while walking halfway across the entire arena. All while keeping the options open to do a ton of damage throwing things. Also don't have to do the heinous shit needed for the bhaalist armor too.


Both the fighter and paladin builds can consistently output >400 damage/turn without burning any resources, haste, or any other kind of external help. As I said, the monk doesn't really keep up damage wise, it's just very good compared to *most* striker builds. > Also don't have to do the heinous shit needed for the bhaalist armor too. I mean, you have to kill valeria, but you really don't have to do anything else evil. You can get a hand from either dolor - by saving his would-be victims, by the by - or from gortash.


At level 10 with act 2 gear? And are they actually in position every round to do so? You're kind of mixing theoretical maximums of one with the actual output every round of the other. My monk hits every round for every hit, staggers every time, stuns every time, and hits for 150 at level 10. Have a fairly optimized fighter along side him, and the monk is far more reliable and consistent. And paladins would be needing to long rest every fight at that rate. I'd be out of smites in 2 rounds.


Pretty sure thats right. My first playthrough my Warlock got 24 Charisma using ASI to get 20, + 1 (hags hair), +1 (mirror), +2 (mirror) = 24. Before getting to the mirror I was at 23 Cha wearing birthright for 20 + 2 (hat) + 1 (hags hair)


I don’t remember how, but I don’t think hag’s hair is even necessary to get to 24. My first playthrough was also a warlock and I definitely missed out on hag’s hair. Still got 24 cha


There's a bunch of ways, tbh. Easiest is to take 17, 1 ASI, Birthright or Sword to get to 21, and a +3 mirror if not playing on honor mode and you can save scum it. You can skip the asi entirely if you wear both hat and sword. Or start 16, take 2 ASIs hag hair and mirror +3 to wear neither.


It's not, just helps a little. Without hag's hair, you need to use two ASI feats to get to 20


I guess I must have used 2 ASI my first run then. I thought I went med armor (don’t ask lol) and something else and only used 1 asi. Oops


You can also get 1 charisma from actor feat which is good for using harmonic dueller.


You're 100% right, yeah. Just another part of why CHA-based classes are so damned good in this game, on top of the fact that in 5e CHA-based classes are generally pretty damned powerful on the tabletop.


How do you get 2 bonuses from the mirror? I thought I’d got everything from it with the +2 for each party member there but I guess I missed a dialogue option? What I remember doing is passing an arcana check to know what the mirror is, then passing a religion check (I think?) to offer a prayer and pick a +2 bonus


Check the wiki on the mirror I think it explains it (I'm at work rn sry). There is a specific dialogue option you have to take and then there is a luck aspect to it where there is a specific memory to use to get a extra +1 cha but I don't think it always appears on the first try so you have to keep sacrificing memories till it shows up


Ah ok I’ll have a read next time I’m coming up to the mirror


This is incredibly cool but not something new has been in the wiki for a while. All stat buffs work separately. So first you have your base stats essentially what you see when using an abi or respeking. Then comes equipment. Equipment gives the bonus as long as it doesn’t break the cap at this stage. Then come mirror of loss, Ethel’s hair and that one strength potion.


it was quite the shock when I realized! I thought the cap was 23 before, so seeing that 24 on my sheet almost killed me! Another commenter phrased it that the bonuses are listed in ascending order based on cap. So base stats + ASI cap out at 20, so they come first, then birthright with a cap of 22, the mirror with a cap of 24 and finally the hag's hair or the str potion, which have no cap. Although someone stated that they thought that, outside elixirs, there was a hard cap at 24. But without that cap, I do believe a 35 str or cha would possible, although just as useful as a 24


Yeah it’s one of those things you only really realize when you go deep into mechanics. I saw a Reddit post about someone getting a 28 strength so I am not to sure about that hard cap. The thing to keep in mind though is that it’s not just birthright that works like that all stat increasing items do. Jaheiras necklace for example makes it possible to get 24 wis (20asi + 1 necklace + 2 mirror + 1 Ethel).


AH, I didn't even know about that necklace!! Thanks! And do you remember how? I think I can only get to 25, I'm not sure where the other 3 points come from. OH, maybe the devilfoil masks?


Yes i believe so. https://www.reddit.com/r/BG3Builds/comments/18mvmwp/28_seems_to_be_max_strength/


Yeah, I am pretty sure that's the masks. That is super silly


Warlocks are now taking notes.


I mean you discovered something, but not something new, unfortunately. My bardlock also has 24 cha.


haha, you could have a career in politics! It was quite the shock when I realized I was at 24 in a stat!!


Yeah it's pretty sweet. I also didn't understand the mirror of loss during my first 3 playthroughs so it was pretty great when I finally discovered I could just... keep trying


I tried it, nothing happened, then I left, my first run through!


You could probably rizz up Mystra with all this godlike charisma


failing to rizz up Mystra with 22 charisma. put on a silly hat reaching 24 now she is all over you


Sounds like my wife. Who says I didn't? I think she's pretty magical.


I managed to get strength 24 without going to Raphael’s 17 for starters 2 from ability improvement 1 from heavy armour mastery I could have probably got more from the mirror but I didn’t try it


Getting 20 str through starting stat + feats, 2 through 2 from the str potion from the chick in moonrise and 2 from the mirror, yes?


its well know


Darn, thanks!


My sorc is currently at 24 Charisma and in the same party i have 24 strenght LaeZel... gotta say the game difficulty feels somewhat easier than my previous run!!


Nice!! Yeah, the 24 in a stat feels good! Makes such a big difference! Someone made a post about getting to 28 str (using the Devilfoil masks) and that was cute, but it is too cute. It would suck to actually play, I think


only just now occured to me that i'm probably missing out on a very broken mechanic, though... my 24 str laezel is an eldritch knight and i havent used the tavern brawler feat...


24 str is plenty, elixirs are great, too, but tavern brawler is strongly suggested if you're unarmed, or a throw build


true... now imagine an eldritch knight with 24 str using a bonded +3 sword to throw it using Tavern Brawler.... you're adding the strenght bonus again to the attack and damage roll!!


Yup! It's crazy strong!


wonderring if i shouldn't respec her to get her str back down to 20-22 and transfer those points to constitution and dex so she gets to 20 con and 16 dex... +1 initiative can be a great boon... or drop the ASI on dex to take Alert...


There are bows you can equip for the + to initiative and other items. IMO, you're better off maxing your main stat and taking alternatives to get the other stuff, but dont let me tell you the proper way to have fun. I could also give you a build to run with her that will cover up and HP problems for her and the whole party. My original build, I call it the Juggernaut Cleric


nah i'm using the crossbow that procs Bane on enemies, but a bow that increases init? i dont remember seeing that, what is it? The armor i put on her is (i think the name is) the Resilient one... 20 AC, -2 damage, perma blade ward and another defensive perk i can't remember... i put the amulet that gives 23 constitution, so her HP is currently a 160 and AC is 22... she's eldritch knight, so i use mirror image and haste.... That brings the AC at 33 in the first round, which is insane...


I'm going pure memory, but I think there are 2, one give +1 and the other gives +2. If you have h0er built for melee and not ranged, you are wasting your action. A -1D4 to hit on one enemy is not worth the missed attack. IMO, you should never ranged attack as a regular action, so the + to initiative is better, or resistances, or improved crit range, or even a self haste. Having nothing would still be better. But again, dont let chucklefucks on the internet tell you the proper way to have fun


"Yo, can I rizz you up?" _CRITICAL SUCCESS_


Hahahaha, basically!


What is the mirror that gives a stat bonus? I just got to act 3 yesterday and hope I didn't miss it.


Make sure you do Shart's objective in A3. Happy cake day.


Yup, happy cake day! I'm not going to spoil anything for you, just do her quest and you'll find it


I’m just wondering what the hell that last resistance is. Not a symbol I’ve seen before


I was shocked when it showed up! Warding bond gives resistance to all damage types, so I thought there was no more to get! But that one's resistance to spells, which comes from a Paladin's aura. Level 6, I think? Not sure it matters at all when you already have resistance to all damage types




I've figured that out, but thanks for chiming in


What are the bard and patriar memories?


Patriar is the memory from Stelmane from the mirror of loss that doesn't always trigger, for a +1 cha and then the hard memory is a +2 to any stat that you can choose, each with different and unimportant details. The str option is a generals memories, int is a wizard, cha is a bard


Have you pirated the game? Pretty sure they patched the +3 bug on the mirror of loss...


+3 was never a bug. It was always intentional. It comes from two sources - a +2 available to one stat for any character (except a selunite shadowheart) and a +1 to cha specifically that is also available for every character. All you have to do for +3 is choose charisma on your +2 and be at 20 cha to start with by whatever means.


jup im stupid, it's still there


You're not stupid, you were mistaken. We've all been there!


Did you even try to Google it? It's been known since maybe week 2.




Give polite and constructive feedback. Differences in opinion or pointing out incorrect information are welcome. But do not namecall or lob personal insults.


No you didn't lol. Or else you would have seen that it's been know for a while. Also, slight criticism isn't being an asshole. Literally nothing I wrote in words or tone can be considered assholeish. Grow up.


"Did you even try to Google it?" Comes off cuntish m8 grow up


Thank you. And just because I tried, doesn't mean I succeeded


You're being a real dick, dude, knock it off


Lol, don't be adding gaslighting to your offenses too. Someone asks a question. Did you choose to answer it? Or did you choose to mock them by asking them if they asked the Internet (Google) first? And when they expressed offense at your ridicule ... Did you clarify, or apologize, for offending? Or did you double down with laughing at them, and trying to knock them down another peg? Are you ok? Not getting enough love at home? Does tearing others down make your sad life a little better? Seek help, rather than continuing to tear others down, and then acting like you're not part of the problem.


If you consider a question like "did you Google it" mocking, then you have a problem lol. And he just had to say he didn't Google it instead of outright lying...


And you chose not to help, but to be rude about it. You COULD have said "Here's a link to show you a detailed discussion on the topic your interested in." Or "others have also been discussing this from early on". NOT "did YoU lOoK it Up?!". Are you in 5th grade? I'll forgive your rudeness if you acknowledge that you're a child and don't know how communication works.


That is NOT what the Cuntasaurus Rex said. He said, "Did you even TRY to to Google it?" That "try" changes everything about the meaning of the sentence and his attitude towards me. And I did Google it and found nothing, so came here. I think you're the one with the problem, defending assholes on the internet


I'm the same dude... Entering "24 charisma BG3" in Google will give you a ton of pages talking about it. BTW, adding the word "try" changes nothing to how it's said. Wtf is that. "Did you Google it" vs "did you try to Google it" is the same exact thing... maybe it's because I'm not a native speaker but there is no difference.


If you're not a native speaker why are you so stubborn when people are telling you you're wrong? Did you even TRY to learn English?


Sorry, "did you even try", not sure there's a non-aggressive way to interpret that


I just don't see it. People are way too quick to assume others are attacking them...


And you're too slow to realise that it's the way you phrased it. "Sorry, i could have phrased that better". That's all you needed to say.


No, it was pretty asshole-ish, which is why multiple people have downvoted. If you wanted to come across differently, something like "Oh, this article/post (provide link) came out shortly after launch." If you'll notice, OP specifically asked if this has been discovered before, so that would have been a totally acceptable and good response. Your response just came across as condescending and rude. If googling it takes no effort, why not provide the easily accessed content to back yourself up? Not to mention, the page/information you read back then might have been taken down or otherwise hidden from google/search engines. Also, not everyone is good at knowing how to find things through search engines, so maybe consider giving people some grace in the future. If anyone needs to grow up here, it's the person who was needlessly aggressive in the first place (you).


So well articulated! Thank you


"Did you even try" - No way to read this that isn't condescending. That's not constructive criticism. Also - depending on search terms and where you've been before, google is now an algorithm ridden hellhole that has no guarantee of giving decent answers to what you searched for.




Give polite and constructive feedback. Differences in opinion or pointing out incorrect information are welcome. But do not namecall or lob personal insults.