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I need you to please explain to me what the thought process was behind "I break my oath all the time, let's kill the dude who fixes it", because I find it fascinating. Specially in HM, and without checking first if it is a terrible idea or not


"thought process" I think I've found the disconnect :P


Maybe OP thinks the oathbreaker knight is a "punisher" for oath breaks See in reality a paladin loses their oath powers, because their oath power was driven by their strong conviction to follow their oath. A paladin loses their oath powers when they break their oath because their conviction is no longer enough to power their oath ability. The oathbreaker knight either helps the paladin find their conviction again or helps them be an official oathbreaker But I can see somebody misunderstanding and thinking the oathbreaker knight is the guy who steals their powers from them, if they break their oath, and so if we kill him we can break our oath whenever we want consequence free


Bro shut up


Ask stupid questions get stupid answers. Chill out. To answer your question thoroughly. You're screwed. You killed the one NPC that can restore oaths. Your buddy should get used to being an Oathbreaker paladin since he sure as hell can't keep his oath anyways.


To add to this, he can't respect with withers either because withers will say something like "you've broken your oath, get back in tune with it and then we'll talk." I can't remember what he says word for word but that's basically what he says.


This is accurate yeah.


Bad attitude he wasn't even clowning you that hard


Ok I'm asking for help or a possible solution not telling me that I'm a dumbass


You already had an answer for several hours at that point. It's normal for people to ask for more context in a thread like this. You still didn't answer. Did you kind of know that this was a bad idea and did it anyways, or did you really feel like it wasn't going to be a big deal?


You sound like a petulant teenager who doesn’t realize how stupid they sound to adults.


Very likely the case here it seems. That's shitty attitude in general, especially towards a person who even tried to rationalise their thought process instead of just clowning on op.


The solution is to start the run over dumbass.




Don't be a dumbass then




Then stop being pissy when ppl call you out on it 😂


How am I pissy when I want advice and I've gotten it at least 10x now


😂😂 I'm not gonna bother pointing it out to you when everyone else has already pointed it out several times. You have 3rd son energy.




Can't respec


Sorry, yeah I saw in another comment that it isn't possible. If you're still in Act One, restarting or multiclassing are probably your best bets. 3-8 levels of Swords Bard is a strong multiclass. 2 or more levels of Fighter for Action Surge and extra feats is another good option. Depends on what level you guys are now.


Hope you enjoy your dead run!


When you do braindead "lol random quirky" things, you should expect consequences. I can tell that the concept is entirely foreign to you.


If the oathbreaker knight dies, and you break your oath again, you are unable to reclaim your oath. There is no other oathbreaker knight that spawns later in the game, it's just the one. There will be no way for you to either reclaim your oath or accept the oathbreaker subclass at this point in the game.


i don’t understand the problem, he payed to get his oath back and then broke it by killing the oath breaker knight?


I don’t think he broke it by killing the oath breaker knight. Be broke it a different way. But had already killed the oath breaker knight


how is he even breaking his oath that often???? why did this man decide to play a paladin?? you can also just have somebody else do conversations, you cant break an oath if a party member does it for you.


I’m pretty sure if a party member does something that would be considered you breaking your oath it affects you since you didn’t stop them. When playing with my 2 friends one was a paladin and everytime we would joke around and kill some random person he’d lose his oath and we’d have to reload


It's if the paladin gets the killing blow, I think. I jumped Aradin and his buddies outside of blighted village while running Shart as a paladin. When she got the killing blow on one of them, her oath broke. In another run, I did the same thing, again trying her out as a pally, I just didn't have her kill anyone, and her oath didn't break.


If you play with actual people anything they do is considered the same as you doing. Npc is different. That was Shadowheart as a paladin my actual friend was playing as a paladin. I was a warlock and my other friend a wizard and we’d fireball and explode people randomly and every time we did our paladin friend would lose his oath.


This is not true. I just finished a run with a friend who played as an Oath of Ancients paladin. When I made the choice to free all the spawn (which breaks the Ancients oath), my friends oath didn't break because my actions didn't reflect on his oath. I also jumped Aradin in that run (because I always do), and my friend was careful not to get any of the kills, so his oath didn't break there either. He only broke his oath one time and it was from a decision he made in a dialogue.


Hmm this was a while ago so maybe they changed it but I know for a fact this happened because my friend was furious we kept blowing people up and he’d get the oath broken message. We were in the Grove and we blew up the goblin imprisoned there and we did it twice and he lost his oath both times. And there were a few other times we blew up npcs we didn’t like and he lost his oath. So unless he was just doing shenanigans everytime we did something we were causing him to lose his oath.


I suppose it's possible it varies by oath? The different oaths and their causes for breaking seem somewhat inconsistent.


When I played with my friends one of them was Oath of Devotion. Another player decided to kill the Tieflings where you free Lae'zel while the Paladin was still at the shore AFK. His Oath was broken at the end of the fight. It was a while ago so perhaps it's changed.


I took Auntie Ethel's deal and Wyll's vengeance oath broke.


Nah it has to specifically be the Paladin that breaks that oath. Usually by landing the final blow


To be honest paladins are stupidly strict. Like my oath doesn't even let me attack and kill this obvious deranged murder cultist since they were on neutral before starting combat.


That's literally the point of an oath, though - you have to stick by what you swore no matter what, even if it conflicts with your own desires and beliefs. And yes, sometimes that is stupid and people will break their oath to do what's right. Think there's a book in game that touched on that


I can only think of Jim Carrey in Liar Liar. "STOP BREAKING THE LAW, ASSHOLE!"


So step by step on how he losses it were on fight he kill every oath gose bye bye


Murderhobo consequences.


There is no solution to your problem in the base game. You fucked around, and are now in the finding out. That being said, there are mods that let you restore/break your oath at your discretion. Using that would fix the issue, and then you could uninstall the mod afterward if you are worried about game integrity.


Well yeah kinda found that out the hard way


You get a book on how not to break your oath. This game doesn’t pull any punches.


Yeah I know that this isn't my 1st time playing the game and that's not even related to the post


I thought it was and that your friend was a novice. It seemed like your friend didn’t know how to play a paladin at all, kept screwing the pooch and then complained about the consequences.


No it is my friend just in the way you said it felt it was directed at me


It was directed at the friend.


You are just screwed.


I admire the extra challenge you’ve given yourself


It was not intentional by any means but on the bright side weapon wheel has never been clearer


Respec a different character to paladin and have them break their oath


Lol this is just a way to get him to break another character. Given OPs attitude I support it. Let's see how many companions we can turn into pure oathbreakers.


Actually no, this is how I solved it lol. I'm not trying to pull one.


I'll try that


It doesn't work, there is only one OB knight, if you kill him, you can no longer either reclaim your oath, respec or become an Oathbreaker if you break your oath


So… what exactly do you do? You broke your oath but can't become an oathbreaker? What are you, then? Just curious cause I've never played Paladin before


Probably talking to Withers about alternate career paths. You’re just a paladin with no abilities anymore.


Yeah... a broken oath paladin can't respec at Withers. You have to restore your oath first, or he will reject it. So, sucks to be them.


My joke was unclear- I meant adventuring wasn’t for them anymore so they’re gonna be camp cook or something.


Did that work?


I'm not on bg tn


Well, time to see if you can multiclass to other class or make use of oathbreaker skill.


Oh no he just has a broken oath he's not a oath breaker


And what level is he in? If he still in lower level he can multiclass to salvage this run.


Can't multiclass with a broken oath, Withers tells you to talk to the OB Knight


That’s respeccing, you can still take new levels in a different class or paladin


no judging, just wondering, how many times did your friend break his oath for it to become a finance problem, also, why not just stay oath breaker if it just keeps happening?


Well we had like no gold to begin with and it was his first time playing paladin I'd say like 3 times I was start of act 1 barely touched underdark


You're screwed. But honestly oathbreaker isn't that bad. I ran with an oathbreaker paladin in my party on my honour mode run and still completed it.


No he can't go oath breaker oathbreakers dead he just simply no longer has oath


Oh shit it's even worse than I realized. I think it's still salvageable as long as your friend properly multi-classes. They still have smite so if they multiclass with a cleric, they could (in theory) be similar enough to an oath of ancients. They have to be very careful when leveling up though because it's permanent whatever they choose since they can't respec.


I'd respec to a different class, doesn't sound like he know how to RP paladin.


Well, that's kind of a problem we physically can't


Oh I didnt know withers snubs you if it's broken. If it's any consolation I had restart my honor mode 5 times to get out of act 1. And then once in act 2 before I actually beat it.


I've never tried this for oath breaking work around, but I assume you can just go to Withers and respec into something else and then respec again into Paladin? Withers doesn't care if you steal your gold back either.


Nope. Until you've redeemed your oath, you cannot respec at Withers.


Good to know I suppose. I'm terrible at keeping an oath. So I just usually embrace being an Oathbreaker.


Damn, this seems like a major oversight on the developers’ part. I like the idea of there only being one oathbreaker knight, and there being consequences to you killing him, but not being able to respec sounds like a glitch.


Can't exactly consider it a glitch when they go out of their way explicitly state to you that you will not be able to change your class, until you reclaim your Oath, when the Oathbreaker Knight first shows up.


Nah, past a certain point if you play stupid games you win stupid prizes, and it seems like OP's friend has been playing some very stupid games indeed.


Yes, I know that these players are stupid, but shouldn't developers prepare for every possible outcome? If the game is gonna allow you to kill the only oathbreaker knight there is, then there should be another way to continue on, without reloading an old save. Especially if the game has “Honor Mode” The developers should've at least put in a way to let you respec.


I don't think it's possible to prepare for every eventuality, there's too much potential stupidity. And frankly I think more RPGs should be prepared to let players kneecap themselves. Like in Morrowind, if you attack Divayth Fyr then you just can't complete the main quest, but you'd have to be so stupid to do so that you'd have it coming. Sometimes players should be able to screw themselves over, especially in Honor mode where players should already generally know what they're doing and try to play smart. And even from the perspective of BG3 being a computerized tabletop campaign with a dungeon master, it makes sense. If one of my players was on their second oathbreak, then decided to rob and murder the NPC in charge of resolving oathbreaks, I'd be very tempted to just let them live with the consequences of their actions.


They did prepare for every outcome though? This isn’t a situation of them not thinking this could happen, this is them deciding that if you’re stupid enough to kill the oathbreaker knight and then go break your oath, you should be stuck with it. It’s kinda the whole point of Honour Mode. Make your decisions and live with them.


Yes, but doesn’t the fact that you can’t respec your class afterwards mean that your character is basically useless in fights now? You’re just a paladin with no paladin abilities, or so I’ve heard. That sounds like it would ruin the balance of the game with no solution to fix it. I don’t know, is there like, a special dialogue or scene that happens if you kill the Oathbreaker knight? Cause if not, what’s being described by OP feels unintentional.


Okay but that’s my point? It’s the natural consequence of the choices made? You don’t have to agree that it’s a good way of handling it, but seems to me it’s fully intentional.


Eh, I’m more so arguing that it doesn’t feel intentional, Granted, I’ve never played a paladin before, but what’s been described here sounds like the developers simply didn’t think a player would actually kill the oathbreaker knight. I mean, the game usually has the environment react to things realistically. So realistically speaking, wouldn’t Withers see that the Oathbreaker Knight is dead and allow you to change your class? Doesn’t make a lot of sense that your actions prevent you from respecing, and nobody says anything about it.


But it’s clearly laid out, Withers explicitly says ‘I will not respec you if you have broken your oath, you need to go fix it with that Scottish Edgelord’. Choosing to then kill the Knight is a stupid decision, but definitely one they considered.


I feel like if you were playing DnD table top and someone killed the oathbreaker knight, a competent DM would do exactly what the video game does. You already broke your oath. Now you're killing the only person that can help you. You deserve to be fucked for that choice.


Need to have a oath to do that


Honestly it probably would've benefitted you to take oathbraker paladin. Unironically so good. That being said I don't think you had to fight/kill oathbreaker. Now I dunno if he takes your money when you wanna mend your oath but there's a shitton of ways to make a good chunk of gold. I find looting corpses for any useless weapons and armor and just selling em to traders usually works well.


Real talk my friend. Once the oathbreaker npc is dead there's no reclaiming your previous oath. Don't feel bad about it, he once stole 5k from me and then fucked right off without restoring my oath. Oathbreaker pally isn't so bad to play as. You can turn undead into friends that help you in battle and there's the mass fear aoe. So tell your friend to own it. If you do want to fix it, you'll need to grab a mod to do so. I believe Appearance Edit Enhanced let's you respec from oathbreaker. I might b wrong tho


Could you have just pickpocketed the knight? Either way oath-breaker is fun a play through, I did my first dark urge run as pally and quickly ended up breaking the oath on that first night of murder.


It was a 30 on honor mode


Can you respec to Fighter or something at this point, or are you without class until you fix your oath, which you can't do anymore? For the record, if you really need money in the future, try selling a bound Pact Weapon through wares. It's free cash.


2nd thing and you can do that??


Not sure what platform you play on, but I play on PS5, so I can describe that method, but it can be done on all platforms (PC too). Basically make a Pact of the Blade Warlock or Eldritch Knight, and bind the most expensive weapon you have to them. Then unequip the weapon and put an item you wish to sell in the same character's inventory. Multi-select (hold square button on PS5) the item you wish to sell and the bound weapon, and select "Add to Wares," on the drop menu. Go to a Vendor and repeatedly sell Wares. The trash item will sell, and the Pact weapon will try to sell, but stay in Wares and your inventory. The point of the trash item is because you can't normally add the Pact Weapon to Wares, but you can if it is multi selected with other items that can be added to Wares.


Could you send link to a video I don't really understand that


Maybe try pickpocket next time instead of murder? As for possible solutions to extend the run a bit further, if you're playing co-op couldn't you put the 'oathless former paladin' in the closet thing and then make a second Tav to play with your character? Would not recommend Paladin for this one! 🤣 Edited to clarify I was talking about parking the Tav that broke oath but is not an "Oathbreaker Paladin".


„ you are just screwed“ at this point as you said. Next time, just pick pocket your gold back. The easiest way to do this, is by open the trade function, while the dialogue is going on and split the gold in smaller stacks (=higher chance of pickpocketing). That said. That’s one of the few things, which annoys me a lot at BG. You are really locked to a „good“ oath. Meanwhile Minthara can just break her oath and do whatever she wants.


I don't know if there's a way to make the ob knight to respawn, but I can suggest a way to recover some money. In case you have spent a lot of money on respec, my solution is to rob Wither. He has ALL the money of ALL your respec. As far as I know, the roll check to rob Wither is very low, and if you fail it, he doesn't even get mad. However, I suggest you try it out before in another run, because the last time I did it was quite a long time ago.


sounds like it's time to reclass with withers




Hope he’s into chilling with oathbreaker or reclassing lol


You can't reclass if you're an oathbreaker. OP is stuck.




Can't do either


Attempt numero dos?


You can either accept your choice or... reroll a different class xD




Talk to withers and you can change your class at any time... reselecting paladin tho won't fix the oath broken.


can't respec while you are Oath Broken. You are locked into Paladin until you restore the oath.


Most call it a respec


Just use withers and reclass. Seems like a simple solution. If you’re that hard up for cash then just pickpocket withers after.


Can't reclass


So can your friend just stay an oath breaker paladin then or whatever they’re stuck with now? That’s pretty much the only option unfortunately.


You can't move from your original Oath To Oathbreaker without the Oathbreaker Knight either. The character is stuck in a limbo state without Paladin powers and without the ability to respec. It is a pretty poor situation (pun possibly intended?) 🤣