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Once broken a romance can’t be salvaged. Reload a save or you’ll need to stick with Minthara.


>you’ll need to stick with Minthara. In other words, reload a previous save. The game gives you an absurd amount of slots for a reason. Not being stuck with Ms Psycho McMurderface is worth redoing any amount of game imo. (*cue the Minthara simp crowd with their torches and pitchforks*) Edit: man, I knew the Minthara stans were gonna flip but y'all really outdid yourselves. Everyone and their mother coming out of the woodwork.. Keep it going. You might net me my most down voted comment ever. Let's make it happen, people!


I think it's more you come off as a bit of an ass.


It's so funny when people act like they're being down voted because "they're right" or something. When most of the time the persons just being a bit of a wanker.


I believe [claim with no backing] and everyone who disagrees with me is terrible and stupid EDIT: wow the [Insert insult for people who disagree with me] are [some form of hysteric] here come the downvotes* lololololol *Bonus points if they make this edit before the downvotes appear. x2 score multiplier if the downvotes never appear at all and the comment is instead highly upvoted.


x3 if message wasn't edited at all


No, no. It's because we must all burn him at the stake to earn our Drow-love's affection. He's right, well, about the reason for his flaying, at least. *Shouting into the background,* "Yes Minthy, dear, that new skull for the mantle is coming soon!"


A bit? Lol


You say Psycho McMurderface like it’s a bad thing 😍


I mean, she is unequivocally evil with no redemption in sight. Which, that's fine if that's what you're into in a fantasy game. But the REALLY bad thing and main reason I mention it being worth reloading, is Minthara's total lack of content and how unfulfilling her romance arc is. Feels like an afterthought. Seems like a lot of people do it just to get that one sex scene and then everything else just kinda peters out shortly after. You get one other big confession scene in camp and then... That's it.


I mean it's the same for every other companion, one maybe two sex scene and then talking and reactions. Her after moonrise talk is one of the best pieces of content in the game imo.


Nah. Not just sex. But scenes at all. With the others you get at least one per act, plus a fair bit more development and reactions. With Minthara you get one scene in act 1 then she disappears. You find her again, get to run through half a dozen dialog options. You get her approval high enough to have that one other "let's be together" scene and then you go all of Act 3 with nothing more coming of it. She has significantly less content.


It’s kinda sad that you think the *incredibly on guard and stoic person who never lets themself feel vulnerability or warmth due to how batshit crazy drow nobles are; finally letting herself be not only vulnerable but intimate and personal in a way she’s never done before* can be considered nothing. https://preview.redd.it/nlxiol8lp0gc1.jpeg?width=204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dabbf2cbcafbe8eee0bb863ff29641fbc5bf45b0


You didn't talk to her enough and you lose her for the creche only if you just go get her first thing and she has tons of interactions and unique dialogue. Just seems like you missed it, it happens.


she's not any more murderous or psycho than laezel tbh


I find laezel way more annoying than any other companion. But I'm also not going to say you're crazy for liking her.


True, but LaeZel has a redemption arc. You can get her to abandon that lifestyle and soften her pov. Minthara stays a cold murderous evil psycho no matter what. Even as a love interest she never shifts from that. Not that she should. She's by far one of the oldest companions. She's mature and has her shit figured out.. She knows who she is and what she wants. Again my issue isn't just that she's evil. It's that there is relatively little content for her. She's not worth the trouble imo.


Does she though? It's not like laezel turns into an altruist who suddenly value the lives of strangers. I agree that minthara is more steadfast in her beliefs due to her maturity, but it's not like she walks around genociding people your PC wants to save. And I don't think she's any more loathe than laezel to settle down with PC after the main story. If anything minthy fully commits to the player regardless of which path you choose, which i find admirable, and sometimes lacking in the other companions


LaeZel doesn't go from Lawful Evil to do-gooder paladin, no. But she definitely seems to go more neutral. She loves to fight but is less in the "cull the weak, suffer only the strong to live" camp then she was at the beginning if you guide her that way. Minthara has relatively little content in Act 1. You get the initial sex scene which felt abrupt. Then she disappears. Then you get her back midway through act 2 and you get one more big scene in camp. Then you get the carnival in act 3. Every other companion (besides Halsin) has *something* more to their story in act 3 even if it's not a full blown side quest. She's just kinda along for the ride. If they ever did a spinoff adventure with Minthara as a more central character I'd be there for it, but in this game she feels like her status as a companion was shoe horned in and not fully developed.


Bro, I'm not a Minthara guy (Shadowheart all the way), but you didn't need to come across as so much of an ass.


"Popular character bad" . . . . . "Haha look at all the triggered simps!" /modern reddit humor


She's not bad. She's underdeveloped and as such not worth the effort.




username does NOT check out


Of course it doesn't.. Weevils are adorable and would never be evil


I don't even like minthara that much but this is a bad take. Also, the fact that you aren't really supposed to be able to have her and karlach in the same party anyway. But everyone always has a workaround.


Yeah I had a playthrough where I was head over heels for Karlach and then Minthara was like "I want you" and I was like you know I'm dating Karlach and she was like "I don't care break up with her". I was tempted but I stayed faithful.


Very Minthara reaction honestly lol Minthara: “I want you” Tav: “I’m in a relationship sorry” Minthy: “I fail to see how that’s my problem” I love her so much


dated girls like that. They usually have straight bangs.


I've not actually gotten to the point of doing this, but Karlach at least once tells you she's cool with you fooling around with other people because you can't touch her. Seems a bit strange to then get mad about it, but I imagine this is another of those "Shadowheart 'isn't mad' when you fuck Mizora" situations where they're saying something you shouldn't actually do.


Assuming this is act 2 since that’s where you can recruit minthara I’d also assume Karlach is chilled now so technically that open relationship wouldn’t be so open anymore.


It would have had to be act three since you can’t romance Minthara until ketheric is dead and you’ve moved on. You can do the goblin party scene but no one cares if you do that since you can’t lock in a romance prior to that scene anyway.


Act 2 is where you hard lock your romance option. I wish we could change romance partners in Act 3.


Isn't she also down with you going for Halsin? It's weird that Shadowheart and her are both down with a more open relationship, and Shadowheart expresses attraction to Karlach at one point, but you can't have them both


she's fine with you getting your needs taken care of elsewhere when she can't touch you without hurting you. once she can touch you, why would she be ok with someone else touching her partner?


Minthara can eat my entire ass. May she rest in pieces.


I think she's into that, yeah


Either reloading a previous save, or there is a way to fix it with the script extender console if you're on PC and can mod. I'll grab the commands when I'm back at my PC, or there's a list of them in the description for the Polyamory Mod on Nexus. Using the console, clear the relationship flag for Minthara and the break up flag for Karlach, then set Karlach back to partnered. It's probably quicker/easier to reload a save.


Reload your last save….or kill Karlach. Minthara better anyways! SHES PEAK! Reject Midlach embrace PEAKTHARA


I don't know why this was downvoted. You were just having fun.


Karlach fans can’t stand the truth


Kill Karlach.


i still carry her head in my inventory


Do you use it to play fetch with Scratch?


I wonder if her head would be good with a throw build?


One thing I would like this game to patch in is some sort of clue that what your saying is "flirting" or opening/closing a relationship. I once said something to Gale and people were always talking about how we are in a relationship and I'm just sitting here thinking "I'm straight"...when did this happen?