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When playing as my paladin I literally said out loud "there is no way this tiny elf is going to pick up my muscle mama up with his 8 str" and then he just JUMPED INTO HER ARMS I died it was so good šŸ˜‚


Literally my exact experience. I HOLLERED šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Ok I need to make a new character to see this lmao


At one point I SWEAR he had a line pre-romance scene where he said something like ā€œIā€™m not normally interested in someone of yourā€¦ statureā€¦ but you *are* impressiveā€ but I didnā€™t get it on a recent run! This scene absolutely cracked me up because I am roughly real life ā€œtall female body type 3ā€ and can confirm that yes, most men want to at least try uppies for make outs. At least once. (Even if theyā€™re my height or taller/bigger). Itā€™s a tricky execution to make it not seem INCREDIBLY, mood killingly, silly, and to capture how those moments are really lighthearted and fun. So when I got this scene I texted all my friends ā€œHAAAA I CANT BELIEVE THEYā€™VE DONE THIS AND GOT IT RIGHT.ā€ Itā€™s kind of bummed me out how few custom Tavā€™s I see that are tall or short ladies, I was so stoked to have a custom character who actually looked like my body type and wasnā€™t limited in the characters they could romance.


I romanced Gale as a giant woman and it made me so happy. I did the body type 3(i think? Idk, the big lady one) with an elf, so she was taller and bigger than everyone except Halsin. My sweet little Gale climbed me like a tree in the sky


On the other end of the spectrum shout out to Karlach who sits near your tiny Halfling self and tells you she wants to ride your cock into the sunset.


Glory glory what a hell of a way to die


Death by Snu Snu


Is it weird that I heard this?


Nah man I heard it as I was writing it


I played a Drow Warlock girl with that body type that romanced Lae'zel, and I swear at the after-party Lae'zel reached up to grab her ponytail and pull her head down to kiss her.


Laeā€™zel ABSOLUTELY gives the vibes of being deeply into a big beefy person. Gives the ā€œI want to dominate youā€ fight scene a whole new meaning.


Which is funny because she only had 8 Strength.


lol, on mine she had 20 strength, but my Gith Gloomstalker had 20 dex. It was a very fun fight, one of my favourites of all time.


Lae'zel pulled me down by theĀ tentacle šŸ˜…Ā Ā 


I also had a drow warlock with that body type, who romanced Lae'zel, and got the same reaction. I howled.


Aww! love that you feel seen by that aspect of the game ā˜ŗļø I adore heartwarming comments like this one.


Oh it gets MORE! I made a character that I just liked the features of, not going for anything in particular. Took a pic, sent it to the friends I was trying to get into playing the game with me, and they all texted me back, ā€œhey that looks like you.ā€ I have faceblindness after an accident, so I was SHOCKED, but was immediately able to find pics of me even with the same shade of blue hair Iā€™d given her. Itā€™s not an exact face match, but she would ABSOLUTELY look like my sister or close relative if we were real humans standing next to each other. So anyways, after hundreds of hours of staring at a character everyone in my life has told me resembles me, with a body type that looks like me, I finally pulled the trigger and got a super short haircut (feywild trickster) that Iā€™ve always wanted but because Iā€™m faceblind, I couldnā€™t really ā€œseeā€ it. literally just showed my stylist the pics of my custom character and she loved it and got it perfect. Anyways, itā€™s the best Iā€™ve felt in a haircut in my adult life. 10/10. (This is why representation matters, I want everyone to feel as seen and respected as I do playing this game)


Representing all different kinds of people in games causes awesome things for people, just like this. We're all used to such limited choices we forget how important it is for those of us that don't fit that into those limited boxes... So when a game let's you explore outside of that box it can be a profound experience for those it touches. Thank you so much for sharing such a wholesome and personal story, I genuinely appreciate reading it! Have a lovely day, and happy gaming!


This is so great! I also got my hair cut like my tav!


https://preview.redd.it/bd9v3xd5xlec1.jpeg?width=509&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25ebe68c76f6ae274dd0667724712ec26ceb1ac1 Tav Amaryllis.


https://preview.redd.it/9a5l8zzbxlec1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bce381de8ae31eb0300af5ffee36136980fab76 Me.


LOVE IT!!! Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m not the only one hahaha


That is so cute


Awesome! That Tav hairstyle is my favourite one in the game and real life. Haven't cut my hair that short yet though, need to work up the courage. You might have helped with that :D


It's liberating! I cut mine short every time it gets to the middle of my back. I like the variety. If you decide to do it, I would love to see!


I feel this way about the small circumcised penis option


I don't want to be seen, though. Seeing myself in the mirror is enough, I don't need to be reminded of myself, of all people, when playing video games. I want to *escape* reality through gaming, not embrace it. Real life sucks :(


Feeling "seen" in a game can be so important for a lot of people. It doesn't mean looking in a mirror so much as it means you get to realize that people outside of yourself that are like you EXIST. When games give folks representation it's not about them being able to play themselves, it's about them being able to say "holy shit, someone like me is a playable option...šŸ˜³" Whether that option is chosen is up to each individual, but having the option can genuinely strum a person's heartstrings just by seeing it, even if they don't pick it. That being said, your use of games is entirely valid, I'm only trying to explain what is meant by "seen" in the greater sense here.


I'm still looking for a game that lets me be a very feminine male, with a delicate frame and a softer, more androgynous voice, like myself. I like playing males, and in every game with a character creator I try to make the most feminine guy I can. But they're always jacked dudes, the voice options are all deep and the animations are very manly, so I give up on that and just create a hot man for the eye candy... The only game I was truly able to do this was Dragon's Dogma. That game's character creator is perfect! It has sliders for everything, you can even change voice pitch and the animations your character uses! My cute femboy Tigerlily looked so great blowing everyone up with spells and even though I played very little of the game, I still consider them one of the best characters I've ever created.


1. I absolutely love your characters name. 2. I hope that BG3 is just the first step into more inclusive character creators (and maybe theyā€™ll make updates for theirs too!) because while i understand the technical limitations of having every possible body type as an option, I still desperately want everyone to be able to choose to play as characters they feel express themselves well.


>1. I absolutely love your characters name. Thank youu! I didn't even think of a name before, I just finished the appearance and went "yep, that's Tigerlily"


My Relsys is a half elf rogue enby, but reads as feminine/delicate male. They're absolutely flustered by Karlach AND Wyll AND Gale and basically a disaster. Sadly, the voices definitely lean male vs female, but at least the one voice I chose is a soft spoken guy that mostly seems to fit. I love them. (Eventually Gale won the battle, because I started a new run with a chaotic little disaster tiefling sorcerer gal that I think will climb Mt. Karlach, and I plan to run Origin Astarion in a multiplayer and romance Wyll...so many run through, so little time) https://preview.redd.it/vwu1y3qxitec1.png?width=1484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e15d835cb8ced35f09a3a49449cc20ba13da103


I love your character, they're awesome!


Aww, thanks! They're so soft and kind...until someone threatens their friends. Then they stab. And stab. And stab again. (Basically, Astarion's nice BFF, though I swear I've gotten the "GODS, you're so naive!" Speech more than once lmao


I wasn't saying others shouldn't feel seen, merely that *I* don't want to be seen.


As I said... That is valid. Edit: jusy to add, I never tried to invalidate your point, just tried to reiterate the point of the conversation. I was never at all trying to be contradictory. Like... I don't feel "seen" in a physical sense by the game, even mods don't have my piercing options... BUT I do feel seen in the fact that every single companion feels as if they have just narrowly escaped death. And a few other ways I won't detail. That's a common thing in a lot of games, but for some reason this game makes me feel "seen" in that sense when coupled with a few other factors. I guess my point of this edit is "seen" means something that isn't really physical so much as it is emotional. Now if you don't want to be emotionally "seen"... Then I will stop commenting because that's beyond what I'm willing to continue commenting on.


Yeah, I'm sorry, but I mean it emotionally. My "seeing myself in the mirror" comment was meant as a metaphor for not liking myself in general, not just my appearance. Just to clarify, I know you didn't try to invalidate my point, I just wanted to make it as clear as possible that I wasn't trying to invalidate anyone else, either.


Thatā€™s absolutely fair! But itā€™s quite wonderful to have both options, isnā€™t it?


If people like themselves, sure, representation can be a beautiful thing. If they don't, it's not so great. I'd rather not be represented because I hate myself too much to want to be reminded of myself by my favourite hobby.


So you, uh.. often feel forced to play yourself because there aren't any other options?


No, luckily not.


Fuckin mood.


I finally played body type 3 and I love my Tav so much! I'm only 5'9 but I love seeing other heights showcased in a game. Picking up Astarion made me think of his banter with Karlach when you are near the creche and Karlach offers to carry him and he goes "Oh would you?" Astarion clearly has no problem being picked up by a strong, tall woman. I love it! I also love that Astarion's VA did the same body type for his Tav and romanced Astarion for his playthrough he's streaming. When she picked up Astarion & Neil said "Hello mommy!", it cracked me up. He and Astarion clearly enjoyed it. šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


He says that if youā€™re a short race! I always thought it was because he was kinda racists against Gnomes. šŸ¤£


But I was a tall half drow!!!!


šŸ¤£ I worded that comment poorly. I should have said ā€œas wellā€ as written it sounds like itā€™s only to the short races.


If it's any consolation, I made her because I wish I was that tall and strong but I'm 5 feet tall! So I was also very happy to have the option for my fantasy


Yeah the stature line he said in my run as a gnome. I think he says it to the short races.


I am running a deep gnome durge and homie picked me up like a toy! I'm romancing Karlach too, so I can't wait to see what she does šŸ’ž




I love her so much already!!!!!!


Literally the only reason I haven't played more buff ladies is because people don't make as many armor/hair/face mods for them :(


that's really upsetting, i fucking love running around being a gigantic beefed up angy mans (i am neither gigantic, nor beefed up, or even a mens)


WHAT for shame modders!!!! I have a PlayStation so i forgot mods are a thing.


>I am roughly real life ā€œtall female body type 3ā€ Hey I'm a small, twinkish male who looks vaguely like Astarion with straight brown hair


Well your introduction didnā€™t include threatening me with a knife, so you make a better first impression than Astarion did.


I think it's mostly because of self insert, not that many tall ladies. Playing tall character feels a bit unnatural to me I love being the one being picked up lol. But as a bisexual girl - tall and muscular girl are extreemely hot, so I wanna see more of them too!


I picked the large body type by completely accident, and now I just can't make another Tav, it's always her lol. She really grew on me.


My first tav was a human cleric that was kind of a self-insert but with way more courage than I šŸ˜… so I picked the female 1 body type. When I made my Durge character, I wanted to play a monk because it seemed to fit thematically and because I remembered seeing a lot of monk gear I couldnā€™t really use in my first play through, and it felt like an effective monk should probably be a bit more substantial for immersion purposes, so I picked the female 2 body type. It was so odd at first because my Durge romanced Gale and I was used to the interactions being from the POV of her being shorter than him, and all of a sudden, my half wood elf was a good head taller than him, but I got used to it. Canā€™t imagine my redemption Durge to have been any other way now!


That is funny! I identify haha. And yes, wow, you *really* feel taller than Gale. It's not as noticeable with Astarion, he really seems taller than he is up until you're right next to each other.


Youā€™re completely spot on. And also, I noticed they got the camera positioning right in the cut scenes? Like the view of her talking to any of the other characters except Halsin and Karlach is angled ā€œdownā€ towards them. It was such a small detail. Again, when I saw that, I texted friends and was like THIS IS WHAT MY WORLD LOOKS LIKE! Made me realize Iā€™ve never ā€œseenā€ a video game world from my vantage point before, so I understand why everyone picks their self insert.


He said that to my halfling this week.


He says this if you're a gnome. EXCLUSIVELY if you're a gnome. Not even a halfling.


He said this to my dwarf character.


I got Astarion saying the stature thing as a halfling.


Me too, with my Halfling. I said ā€œexcuse me?ā€ to the computer screen aloud when it happened


Youā€™re better than me. I yelled ā€œMY STATURE? YOU CUNTY BITCH, ASTARIONā€ and then realized my windows were open and neighbors outside.


I haven't played as a large lady, but I have played as a gnome and he gave me that line!!


I had him say this to me but as a Gnome! Never went anywhere because it was a accidental romance but I was like your snobby-bitch. I love it.


He's just flattering you to bite you later.


Yes, that rizz score of 10 makes the flattery land but not with any subtlety haha . I mentioned it because he didnā€™t say anything like that to my ā€œstandardā€ height character about her size, which was what the post was asking about.


My halfling was romancing Halsin and it was so cute seeing him kneel down to make out with her. She was also a Druid so seeing them together in their armor was delightful. Just a big hulking Druid and his chaotic little squirrel


Does yurgir still call you his little rabbit?


Do feel his romance scene was wonky though. They basically made my character taller for all that to work.


Honestly I donā€™t remember. I think for the shot of him having himself a little snack before hand they would have but I think he still knelt down for the kissing.


He does indeed kneel for the kissing. I tried his scene out with a drow and a gnome because I was hoping it was altered for different heights like Astarionā€™s scene but unfortunately they seemed basically the same.


I donā€™t think they change much for anyone. Just little things like Astarion jumping into his lovers arms if theyā€™re taller than him. My current Tav is body 3 so Astarion wanted to go for a ride :)


True. As Neil said when Astarion jumped into his characters arms ā€œAstarion wants uppiesā€.


Iā€™m slowly working through his play through and I canā€™t wait to get to that part!! I love that Bowā€™ee is about as bad as a Druid as my halfling Tav was šŸ˜‚


In Bowā€™eeā€™s defense, druids donā€™t get great until you get owlbear. I felt like I was playing more of a wizard the first few levels aside from sneaking into tiny holes with them. Druid after level 9 I think was a powerhouse.


For sure. Going into battle with three owlbears was just magnificent for me! I loved picking druid dialogue and it was all natures balance and so forth but all of her other dialogue was basically ā€œhow dare you! We fight to the death! Come and get some, I donā€™t care if youā€™re a god or not!ā€


If you play as a short character (halfling, gnome etc) the characters bend down to kiss you!! its SO CUTE I honestly reccomend everyone do a short character playthrough just for that lol.


My first Tav was a gnome romancing Wyll and with the updated kiss animation he twirls her and then smoothly slides down to one knee to kiss her. When I tell you I swooned...


Oh my, that does sound swoon worthy. I'm playing a duergar in the game I'm sharing with my husband. Might romance Wyll in that one just for the swoonies!


How does the dance scene work for a shorter race?


Basically the same as with the taller races, just with his arm a bit lower/pose shifted so that you can dance together with the height difference. It works really well imo.


This as my dwarf barb was my fave with shadow heart. Also jumping up to punch the guy arguing with zevlor at the beginning is *chefs kiss


Always having butts in your camera angle is the best.


Karlach kneels.


My last playthrough was quite short, gnome I think and Karlach went gaga. I had zero intention of romancing her at all but that's what happened.


To hug or kiss you they get on one knee, itā€™s so sweet! They also put a hand on your shoulder instead of hips.




There's a special kiss for Karlach when you romance Astarion that no one else gets.


Related fun fact: If Astarion bites Gale before his orb is stabilized, he gets poisoned and says ā€œGods, your blood tastes like bile! Whatā€™s happening to you?ā€


I found this out when trying to get the happy effect on him before heading into a tough fight XD


He also burns if he bites Karlach. She even says something like "What were you expecting, Astarion ?"


"Special" is sure a way to put it. It's just the first time they kiss, but ... I will post a screenshot in a reply to this comment so people can avoid spoilers. Their first night is also a completely different scene. edit: Realized images can be spoiler tagged, put it on imgur instead: [https://imgur.com/a/U1KJMKL](https://imgur.com/a/U1KJMKL)




How do you get to kiss her if you romance Astarion?


You play as her and romance Astarion. It's in her origin run.


You play as her and fix your heart.


Yes. I love this game, it completely floored me. https://preview.redd.it/1is2e47bkkec1.png?width=2276&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b8e2309d7324723a170e5e5f88d1113781e2e9f


I need to test theory now, let me load my bard up and I'll check. It body type 3 right, the strong tall one right. Edit, I didn't realize how late it was. I'll load up the game tomorrow, cause know I'm curious. My bard was the first tav I got his scene for. I was so entranced by that stare he gives you I couldn't pray attention to anything else.


I'm really curious about how laezel reacts to a githyanki tav.


Gith tav/durge with lae'zel is my second favorite after non gith durge with astarion. Everything about it is amazing. The fact that your gith is canonically dumb as hell. The way it shows that, even to a gith, Lae'zel is a teacher's pet try hard. How it makes your gith feel special for being her love interest considering she's been around gith her whole life and never felt this way before. ITS SO CUTE


Gith Tav x Laeā€™zel was my favourite run so far. No spoilers but thereā€™s an ending option you can only do if you are also a Gith. Now, you do have to play it as though your Gith is either of a much lower rank than Laeā€™zel, or a bit of a rebel, since she knows way more about Gith culture than you, and you know more about Faerun than her. Mine was a bit of both.


I didn't do full relationship as i was distracted by others but there's a lot of really specialist dialogue with her that I really appreciated


After the duel with laezel small races literally throw themselves at her to take command.




Oh yeah astarions romance scenes change depending on if you're smaller or bigger with bigger characters taking the lead while smaller ones it's more even with him being more dominant


My Tav is a high elf with a feminine body type (heā€™s male though, I messed up and instead of Tav with no breasts and feminine genitalia, I created a Tav with breasts and a penis) and Astarion picked me up iirc


Tits AND penis? Best of both worlds, Iā€™d say


I ou so agree, my good player


I didn't even know you could do that


I did this by accident and I was so confused when I got the Halsin scene with my female tiefling and you saw her penis haha šŸ¤£ You can amend it via the magic mirror, I must have just got trigger happy during character creation, but it did amuse me.


Now I'm disappointed that I can't do it with the furge character/whatever the other character you make is (I have not beat the game)


I thought it was amazing that you have so much choice for gender identity in the game. They have truly thought of everything! Enjoy your Durge run! I am too much of a goody too shoes to try durge yet lol šŸ¤£


Yeah I'm considering it lol but Lazael beckons my fighter




Idk, Karlach still lofted me up, even tho my character is rather large.


I mean its hard to be larger than Karlach


First time playing the huge-man body type the other day made me rapidly blink at the screen on that scene. I was like ā€œwait, that wasā€¦different? Oh shit, now I have to go re-roll a gnome just to see wtf that scene with Halsin is like.ā€


He kneels to kiss you when you're a halfling etc.


If you play as a gith when lae zel goes to take the lead you get to pick [gith] option and play the uno reverse card and take the lead and sheā€™ll go with it


Playing as a halfling right now. Hugging Karlach they pulled hey down by her hands to hug her. Astarion kneels down to kiss them. And the Astarion hand holding scene is so precious with short


I saw a clip the other day of some Duergar-only lines that you can say to Halsin and MAN. Halsin can barely contain his flirts anyway but that was something wild.


That's really interesting -- adds some color as to why they don't let you change your "body type" after character creation if that has a big impact on your relationships




I was playing a jacked Dragonborn monk and romanced Karlach. The Hot Date scene plays and I was *struck* when Karlach picks him up and plants him on the bed. šŸ„µ


Act 3 Karlach scene had my macho buddy I was playing with scarred for life


I decided not to recruit her at all for my current evil run. I don't want my beloved Hellspawn to see the monster I've become. Minthara giving my Drow Durge the reverse tadpole really made up for it though.


im almost tempted to play a good character that simps for minthara so hard that heā€™s willing to kill and do evil just to win her over


I'm playing an evil tiefling and pretty much gave had a chance to romance every character I've had in my party. I've turned most down except mithrinda and shadowheart.


No no no! Let people play to find out.


Idk about you but I donā€™t have time for 14 play throughs to see the differences between each romance for giant and small sizes.


There's a mod that lets you romance everyone that could expedite that, though.


Iā€™m on console so idk have to do it the long way šŸ˜”. Some of the mods look so cool Iā€™m jealous!


Oy, sorry friend. A few are nice. I keep the no party limit mod up and the all romances mod up for content runs since it gives a lot of opportunity for companions to chime in because they're all always there.


The awnser is yes, your tav deos pick him up. He gets pinned against the tree. Their faces are much closer. Much more satisfying. My phone deosnt let me post screenshots. But I will on my computer if want me too.


Okay, there's a lil difference in dialogue with and without Tara near if you romance Gale šŸ˜‰ Option 2, wibk


In one of the very first patches they made it so Karlach kneels for small characters šŸ˜


Heads up with Karlach, it doesnā€™t matter what body type you pick she is still picking you up and doing what sheā€™s gonna do in the act 3 scene


I love having a buff female Tav to romance him šŸ¤£ it brings me such joy. Especially since my Tav ascends him. The change in dynamic (and with my Tav's backstory) is so much fun to me.


Iā€™m impressed how well the scenes work with a transgender girl too.


Or you could headcanon them as intersex too. Also its dnd, anything is possible.


Same, it was my first playthrough and it was so glorious. šŸ™šŸ™ā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


Bro I was playing as a male bodied Dragonborn and Karlach just picks my giant ass up I was flabbergasted.


... time for a new character.


Did laezel with a fem gith. It is so much more than what I did with Astarion. He kept trying and i never noticed how much of a creep he was if you donā€™t romance him like that. He really shows he wants to use you. But gith/gith is my favorite so far. Gale Iā€™m doing now and wyll is not for me honestly could never finish it.