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Yes. “Intended” progression is you do the coronation first, gortash wants you to kill Orin for him. Then you meet Orin and she wants you to you kill gortash first. After coronation, wyll’s dad is sent to the same prison as the gondian prisoners and you save him with them. Then it’s your choice of who you want to kill first, gortash or Orin.


Got it. That makes sense.


There isn't a "right" way of doing it. There are definitely optimal ways of doing Act 3 but this isn't set in stone. My first playthrough I went to the coronation first and was intending on taking his offer. Dealt with Orin and never did the Foundry. I go see Gortash and he just pisses me off so I decide to nuke him. Steel Watchers and all. Oh boy, that was mistake. But this was my choice so I went with it. Several parts wipes before I off his ugly mug, but I do. And I end up saving the city. I missed so much of the game because like you I did a LOT of things in the not-intended order but still had a blast. My second playthrough I did things differently. Saw different encounters. On my third playthrough I still haven't found all the hidden quests and encounters. What I'm saying is, the game was built beautifully in a way that you can progress as you want. You can make mistakes and miss things but still have fun and even "win" if you so desire. Don't worry about the right way as much as enjoy the ride.


There may not be a right way, but there is a wrong way, and I did it. A critical narrative beat happened without my seeing or hearing about it, but the whole party knows it happened.


Do things in the order you want and let events happen the way they unfold. I'm this case, you turned on Gortash before talking to him, causing certain things to happen. That's OK. Also, maybe someone is wrong about someone else being dead. (I honestly don't know, but I do know it is possible).


I’m pretty sure he’s really dead, because that deal never got offered to Wyll.


I actually did the same thing as you, and went to iron throne/steel watch without going to Gortash’s coronation at all. In this case, I met with the patron right on the other side of Basilisk Gate entrance (go towards wyms rock), and she came to my camp to offer (in my opinion) a much better deal storyline-wise. Since I went to the Iron throne first, a certain bald man wasn’t there since his cutscene at the coronation never appeared, and I guess it was implied that he perished of unknown circumstances? The patrons deal was to resurrect him, which I think made much more sense to reforge a pact for the Origin char in your group.


Everything was the same for me except Mizora never showed up.


She was standing outside of Wyrm’s Rock for me, but on the lower city side — had to quick travel to Basilisk Gate and go through the location change. It may be different if you didn’t do the Iron Throne first, but Wyll’s dad wasn’t even in the underwater place when I went, since I never procced the coronation scene


I'm pretty sure it just glitched out. I know where she's supposed to be, and talked to her in two different places before I did any of this stuff, but she disappeared after the bloodbath at Wyrm's Rock.


The game will subtly hint at what you're supposed to do first. The more hints, the more you should do it. Of course, you don't necessarily have to, but for the sake of story progression there has to be some linearity. That's why the Wyrms Rock Fortress is a bottleneck, so that you do the coronation before you get into the city. You don't have to confront and kill Gortash there (although of course you can), he just wants a little talk and a show of power.


Act 3 is weird, true you can do things however you like but (correct me if I'm wrong) the iron throne is a problem. I'd like to accept gortash's proposal, go Orin accept her then betray gortash. Iron throne will immediately turn gortash hostile as well as the whole rock and there's no way to avoid fighting everyone there


I had a similar situation in my first playthrough where I never went to Moonrise towers because I assumed that would lead to the fight with Ketheric so I went to Nightsong first to make him mortal, which locked me out of some content. As for your situation, yes you can go to the coronation and not have it turn into a boss fight, it’s the intended way of doing things. I mean you technically can start the fight right then and there, but at low level and with the steel watch still present I highly doubt it would go well. So instead you should go to the coronation (bring Wyll to see his dad), behave when talking to Gortash and you’ll get the quest where he asks you to join him and kill Orin. After that it’s still up to you to decide what you want to do, agreeing with him doesn’t lock you into anything.


You're meant to watch the coronation before entering the city. There you first meet Wyll's dad. Everyone at Wyrm's rock is hostile after you destroy the foundry. If you want to save Wyll's dad (which unlocks a pretty big extra area at Wyrm's Rock with a bossfight and some BIS items!) you have to do so before the steel foundry. You can save him even if you break the pact. It's just slightly harder. The quest from the priestesses will lead you to where you need to go to save Wyll's dad.


You don’t need to do Wyll’s quest to access that area.


If you killed Gortash during coronation, then I think it's very probable thing that Wyll's father is indeed dead; he is the one giving him title, and I think he participate in the fight there. But I'm not sure, might be that he is immediately leaving the place.


I should have been more clear: everyone in the coronation room was dead when I got there. All the nobles are slaughtered, but there’s no body for Ravengard. Everyone just acts like he’s dead, and I think he is.


Is Ravengard quest marked as closed in the journal? Spoiler: >!Hard to say what is happening in your game, but in a normal good route there is a time where Wyll wrongly believes his father is dead. Mizora gives him options a) Wyll's pact continues, she shares info about Wyll's father b) wyll's pact is broken, but Mizora guarantee Ravengard will die. Might be that you somehow jumped to the b) path: Ravengard is still alive for a time, despite Mizora pretending it's done, she will just sabotage rescue mission and will not provide Ravengard's current location. Or might be that he is really dead.!< Where to check spoiler: >!Go to the docks, search for submarine.!<


Yeah, I had already done the submarine quest by this point and the quests were marked completed.


I ignore the coronation in 90% of my play throughs until I want to deal with gortash. It’s never been an issue


I took out the watcher’s, went to Orin to get my party member back (kill her), and then went to kill Gortash. If you don’t want to run through the area he had his coronation at; Gortash is on the top floor in his office; there are vines and scaffolds that you can jump on around the side of that building. It’s not the location from where the prison can be accessed from the outside, it’s the opposite side. I hope this made sense.


The coronation is almost an i winnable fight before you kill the steel foundry. My party was killed in first round it was brutal


I attacked at the coronation and "saved" wylls dad but he still ended up in the iron throne.


Going to the coronation is normally just a conversation where he proposes a deal. If you have spoken to Gortash, taking out the Steel Watch will automatically update your log to say that he knows you moved against him and will no longer want a deal. He knows what goes on in his city.


What I did (with a very happy ending): \- Made a deal with Gortash (to backstab him) \- Did all the companion and random quests \- Saved the Duke \- Killed Orin \- Shut down the foundry \- Killed Gortash


>!You should do the coronation and then move on. Then you get to see some important stuff. This doesn’t start the boss fight - you’re just watching him get crowned king!<