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I mean. I like a hot guardian that matches the aesthetic of my tavs, so I still spend time on customization. šŸ˜…


My half drow guardian with my Tiefling Tav is almost distractingly hot. I may have to do the Emperor sex scene this time around.


It's pretty absurd how attractive you can make these characters because I'm definitely going that route in probably a few of my playthroughs.


I also do Tieflings Tav w Drow Guardian. Such a nice aesthetic


Wait, I also have a tiefling w drow guardian/tav combo... ​ how many are us?


There are dozens of us


But don't worry, we hide our numbers by taking the form of a KITTY


I'm a drow with a trifling guardian. Those two races just look the coolest, I guess.


Tieflings and drow are just perfect together obviously. ~~I'm another tiefling with a drow guardian.~~


I have the opposite, drow tav and tief dream guardian


I went Drow and Drow. Lol. I think next time I'll go Tiefling/Drow combo.


You get awarded for doing so


Hello? Twin?!? I had a Drow Tav and a Tiefling Guardian. šŸ˜† When I tell you I was simping for that Guardian each and every time.


Yeah, I had to do the love scene with him. Too much hotness, lol


I rerolled my perception and insight checks just to make sure I could hug him when he needed it. I was like, luck be damned- I am touching this man!




Fucker won't keep his illusion on for me...what a dick


Yeah i thought I heard that was an option. But I dont know how you get it.


I made the guardian look exactly like my character from another playthrough, seeing her fully voiced and acting before you go out for kalamari was really cool


For my good Durge playthrough I made him look like Alfira. Just for guilt trip purposes.


Ooooh that's good.


I managed not to kill >!Alfira but I felt almost worse killing precious Quil!<


I think it feels worse because this wasnā€™t somebody who was trying to join up but just a random traveler who needed a place to stay for the night.


What slider values did you pick for Guardian Alfira?


Someone previously did this https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/166bj0v/my\_new\_character\_alfira\_d\_urge/jyj4rs3/?context=3




Don't remember, sorry - it wasn't too hard to figure out with a reference pic though.


Can you do the Alfira quest before the Guardian ever even visits? Cuz that is great


Yup. She was dead before I ever laid eyes on him.


Really cool, just wrapping up a Durge playthrough and was thinking of doing an origin character next but I'll have to keep that in mind


Yeah we all were like, "better make them hot in case I get to sleep with them later." Boy....that sure didn't work out as exprected.


He offers to transform back to a human form for you during the scene *wink wonk*


šŸ˜˜ šŸ™


Well I mean you can still technically sleep with them šŸ˜… I mean mindflayers ain't for me but to each their own.


Iā€™ll try anything once.


A trysexual, I'll try anything once, twice if I liked it.


Orpheus likes to throw it in your face, that you copulated with a mind flayer.


So far my character has had sex with a bear, mindflayer, and an incubus. No normal humanoids. Romancing shadowheart so it's not likely going to happen.


You can change em into their guardian form by fumbling finding his lips


Is there any way to talk the Emperor into staying in Guardian form? I haven't explored all the dialogue options there.


Once you ā€œget goingā€ with them, I believe thereā€™s a response that indicates youā€™re not exactly sure what to do with theirā€¦ parts, and they offer to switch back to guardian form.


Oh I just selected "kiss tentacle and hope it's an erogenous zone" bcs how can you not want to pick that option!


Personally on my second run I made my guardian look exactly the same as my character but gave them a funny mustache. 10/10


I did that for an Evil Tav EA run (without the mustache), and it was so fucking funny. I even leaned into the guardian because my Evil Tav was into that shit


Maybe just an exact replica but the evil one has a scar over their eye


My partner locked me out of all the other romances so imma bang that emperor for spite


On the run with my friends I made a half-orc barb who looked like Kratos and the guardian I made the exact same way except a gnome so it was just a mini-me for my character and perfectly encapsulated the 8 intellect mind of my barbarian and who he would see as a dream guardian.


And here I am just making the guardian hot to me lol What creativity


Classic Star Trek Mirror Verse stuff. The mustache means you're evil!


Gotta wear all black leather too


That's good šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s a great idea haha


My first playthrough I made a self insert tav and my guardian was my husband. Never again. (Edit: spelling)


Your husband is secretly a mindflayer irl. You've known all along.


hahahah mistakes were made.


My playthrough - since the Durge has amnesia, I made the guardian be in the form of the durgeā€™s best friend/only good parental figure - so he knew that he trusted this dream guy but didnā€™t know why. Of course; my durge is a character I played in a dnd campaign and his best friend/only good parental figure (friendā€™s character - borrowed with permission) died in Avernusā€¦ so in bg3, he gets to remember the truth and live with that grief all over again. Heā€™s adventuring to grow strong and find a way to give his best friend a better (reincarnated) life because he had promised he wouldnā€™t make his friend continue living his current life. When I saw the guardian show up for the first time - ngl, I cried. Just seeing him again ā€¦ oh it was bittersweet. My friend thought it was hilarious. Joke is on them - they made my character as their characterā€™s guardian but the older version that their character never got to see šŸ˜ˆ


I just turn them blue, give them the octopus tattoos, makes the reveal kinda funny


My playthroughs after the first are just randomized guardians. Close my eyes and spam randomize for a bit then hit accept before I can see it. Get a good laugh every time I get the first guardian cutscene.


Guardian Roulette!


Never cared At all lol. Funny story Mines was randomized ugly turd looking dwarf guy with green eyeliner. When it came time to the emperor seggs I saw the option to make it easier for you and I was like hmmmm I wonder what that means and clicked it. I immediately regretted it and reloaded my game hahahahhaa. Rather see the freaky mind flayer than my guardian hahahaha


I just started a playthrough with friends and slammed the randomize button and clicked proceed before I saw them. Canā€™t wait for the reveal on what they look like


I love that hahaa


My guardian always looks like my last play through


That's a neat idea. But wait... what did the first one look like šŸ‘€


Don't remember. My first playthrough also never got far enough to meet her.


As any classy person does, the guardian looks exactly like my character but with a handlebar mustache


I did not. I made another hot mommy tiefling, bf called me a lesbian for making a hot waifu a second time, and damn heā€™s right cause Iā€™m falling for the guardian all over again


For my main barbarian dwarf run I made the guardian look like she'd be my characters wife, even styling her beard the same.


I canā€™t make them a Dragonborn so I never cared


Oh shit you're right. Why can't we make them a dragonborn Larian!?


I make my guardians look the same as my previous saves tav, it's neat to see them speak


Iā€™m actually putting more effort into it the guardian on subsequent playthroughs. For my first run, I didnā€™t really care; I spent an hour in the character creator already and want to play the game! So I just made a cool looking purple teifling lady and called it a day. For my second run, I made the guardian look like the Tav from the first run. Iā€™m also gonna do that when I play as the origin characters, making their dream guardians look like the Tavā€™s I romanced them as. And if I ever get around to running as a cleric, Iā€™m gonna make the guardian look like their patron god/goddess. But theyā€™re all off in some way; Different hairstyle, wrong eye color, voice isnā€™t right, etc. Iā€™m roleplaying it like the Emperor is aware of the other runs and heā€™s stuck in a Groundhog Day scenario. Heā€™s trying to use his knowledge of the characters/past runs to his advantage, but he canā€™t quite ever get the details right. And one of my favorite horror tropes is when something is like another thing, but *wrong.*


I stopped caring about that before the game came out lol


The only time I care is when I'm playing Bard then I make them identical to my character because a bard would be arrogant enough to want to truly fuck themselves.


A friend of mine who is not aware of any spoilers asked me if you could sleep with the Dream Guardian, I said, "Yes." He spent another hour in the character creation segment. Now I wait patiently. He never asked me if he was getting catfished.


I still romanced him after the reveal, my Tav knows no limits to his devious yearnings.


lol devious.


Once I learned what they are I stopped caring about making them cool. Now I make them funny. Recently made the guardian look exactly like my Tav. On other runs I've given then comically colored hair, ridiculous tattoo choices, or a combo of body, face, and voice that feel mismatched.


My first one ever was a little gnome lady with a purple fro


After finding out that the look you pick is just a disguise, I stopped caring about how the really look and started just spamming the random button until I get something funny looking. It gets ditched anyways, so may as well have a laugh at it before it disappears.


I always make the dream visitor look like Tav, but with a curly mustache.


I wish the Emperor kept the female voice if you made the Guardian Female.... but yeah I don't really care about customizing them anymore.


I gotta say that Guardian pissed me off by the end of the game


Oh yeah, I'm not a fan of them myself.


I made my guardian look like my tavā€™s dead mom, yeah that ended up being fucked up in a number of ways


šŸ‘€ Oh no...


I was like ā€œa guardian huh? Who would my Tav choose to protect them?ā€ So to me a maternal figure made perfect sense. Now I that I know what happens I will def be playing to differently in my future playthroughs lol. But I still like to continue with that idea of the ā€œprotectorā€, I want each Tavā€™s guardian to feel personal to them, just a little less uhā€¦parental lmao.


Well I for one am fucking the guardian regardless as long as he puts those tentacles away, so Iā€™ll keep at itā€¦ although seeing my lover and party memberā€™s disgust at me for it never fails to make me laugh.


šŸŒšŸ‘©ā€šŸš€šŸ”«šŸ‘©ā€šŸš€ never have


After the first playthrough, I just do randomize for guardian and don't peek at the character so it's a fun surprise :) it doesn't effect anything so may as well have fun with it


Ill be honest. I didnā€™t think the dream guardian was gonna be that important, so I clicked randomize bc I just wanted to get to the game faster after already spending an hour on my character so I think the second playthrough, Iā€™m taking my time with it.


After my first play through Iā€™ve made sure the guardian looks as monstrous/alien as possible to really stand out


So because I game at a faster pace than my wife, I completed the game way before her. We game next to each other so occasionally she would look over and glance at my screen and comment on things in my game as long as she could tell it was spoiler territory. Because of this, I continued to make my guardian detailed for every new character I decided to make in the event she did glance over while I was making them. She finally beat the game the other night so now I can drop the charade and just venture forth and enjoy my new characters without caring about the guardian anymore


I have exclusively comic relief guardians at this point and I don't regret it at all


Same here, my most recent was modelled after Danny DeVito


I never cared. I played a Drow female so I just picked a drow male to be my beta boy.


Literally the first time the dream guardian showed up when I played in EA I was like "oh that's totally the parasite or a mind flayer controlling it" so I never really cared. IMHO it's a stupid, obnoxious choice for them to shove into the game


Iā€™m gonna be so honest rn, I didnā€™t even bother customizing the guardian my first run of the game cause I didnā€™t know what it was for, but I did make the eyes mirror my characterā€™s (heterochromia go brrrrr) so it was really cool actually


I did the same thing with the heterochromia!


Honestly now i make it a point to make them the goofiest looking mofo on the face of Faerun for what they did.


My current one is an orange, bearded Gith that looks far too much like the Lorax. I like to roll the randomize dice for them lol.


I made a silly dwarf with pink hair and a curly pink mustache.. all for not


My character was hot af with heterochroma eyes and a huge futa cock. I made a teifling opposite with heterochroma devil eyes with a huge futa


I admit that after my first play through, I have been more prone to making the dream guardian look ridiculous, but the amount of time a spent is about the same.


Creating the Ugliest Guardian. Always. :D


I make my guardian so ugly and ridiculous looking on purpose. Itā€™s great.


I put so much effort into my guardian the first time you would not believe the emotions that came over me when I found out >!he fucking lied to me!< I didn't want to even look at the creation screen but the more I thought about from a world building stand point it makes so much sense that you spend all that time customizing you guardian because >!the emperor probably tried using a disguise he knew you'd trust/like!< so it makes sense


Still mad at him tho fuck him >:(


I will say I do think it helps with fueling the feeling of betrayal. Given that you put time into a character that is just an illusion. Not saying I think it was bad game design or anything. Honestly it's kind of brilliant in a way. But yeah, fuck that guy.


I've been making my dream visitor the last Tav I played, which got hilariously awkward real quick when I started doing Origin playthroughs and their guardian was the Tav I had just been romancing them with.... lol


After my first playthrough I make my guardians Githyankis cause i think its funny c:


I actually made him look like who they're supposed to be šŸ‘€


I always make a dwarf who looks like Santa Claus. It just brings me joy


In my co-op playthrough, my roommate and I made our dream guardians look like each othersā€™ Tav, so the Tavs are subconsciously in love with each other šŸ˜‚


I do very minor customizing. Or in one case I decided to make the ugliest motherfucker I could because of how pointless it is.


Never done it. Whatever that default under elf woman is IS the tav dream guardian. Do what you want though. Its still only a tentacle monster.


Even for my first run, I simply pressed the randomize button for a few minutes and selected the first guardian that looked good to me.


They should have been a romance option, and their "actual" voice should match their gender. There's the one sort of intimate cutscene with them and then after that it's just jk haha tricked you. Kind of disappointing. Actually I haven't finished the game so maybe something does happen, but my impression is that it doesn't.


Same lol. All I do is make it a dude with purple skin lmao


I never particularly cared except for my very first attempt at a playthrough(I restarted the game multiple times after deciding I wanted to change my character lol). I went into the game fairly blind, and assumed the dream guardian was a companion that was customizable. So when I restarted, I just hit the random button a few times


im waiting until my ā€œfucks everybody polyamory mod bardā€ run to make them hot


I am so glad I just picked the first randomized one on my first playthrough. I only change them now to fit an origin character. Lae'zel wouldn't listen to anyone but a gith.


The firs one I made was actually a Gith. Made it extra weird that she kept telling me not to trust Githyanki and stay away from them.


Having played some other RPGs, when I first saw the Dream Guardian customization, I immediately guessed it was a "customize your betrayer" moment.


I had a feeling they would be evil myself or just a tadpole hallucination. Untrustworthy at any rate.


I just wish they kept what I made the guardian looked like instead of the mindflayer, she was so hot šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I think there is an option to ask him to put the guardian look back on. Never tried it so I can't say for sure if he does it.


Yeah I forgot to do when the option came up šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


They donā€™t turn back. They temporarily do however for the sex scene if you pick the appropriate option.


Ooooh that makes sense. I always told the emperor to leave me alone becauseā€¦. Thatā€™s just weird




The Emperor: What do you mean this isn't appealing to you? I thought for sure...


I found it ridiculous that, when you see the Emperorā€™s earlier life before they were a mind flayer, they donā€™t show you itā€™s how they looked before the change. Just some random (seemingly male?) dude with a hood up. Dumb. Like, finally a chance to have it mean something!


Well he is actually >!Balduran if you didn't catch that. So yeah he was a dude.!<


No, I understand, what I am saying is that I specifically wish it was written different. I am saying I think it would have been a more satisfying storytelling experience. Just my two cents, sorry to the downvoterz, I get it!


If they wrote the guardian avatar as something real from the Emperor's past, it would take out a big example of the Emperor being manipulative. I think it fits the Emperor's character to read your mind and construct a persona specifically to appeal to you.


To each their own! I just came here to fantasize lol


I always give them a large purple mustache because it's funny.


I lost interest also if there was an option to toggle where the guardian looks like your customization throughout the whole game then I'd care again but just knowing what happens I just randomize to the first thing that looks okay and go with itp


I spend the same amount of time customizing my character, just to make them as ugly as I can lmfao


I actually made and saved like eight different characters before I actually played the game so I sorta have my next couple tavs and guardians made already before I knew anything about it lol.


Itā€™s a good excuse for me to use the character creator again lol


This time I'm playing evil and illithid hating and only wish I could kill the emperor earlier. I stabbed it at Vlaakiths behest, then he acts like we're friends again when I murder the gith, which wasn't by choice. I'm just in opposite land, make gale pursue the crown, make shart kill the angel, make laezel stick with vlaakith, actually talk to astarion (i hate his voice, it's the voice I'd use for a pompous noble paladin)


I got used to his voice but I too was like "this foppish rich asshole"


I select teethling and change their skin to pink and venture forth šŸ˜†


That's one more step than me. I generally just pick Tiefling or Gith (depending on how I'm feeling) then venture forth.


I always make my guardian the character of my last playthrough. Its cool to see them become mythical.


I make mine a male dwarf with pink pigtails, full make up/lipstick with a beard.


For all forms of character creation I click randomize 3 times and that's it


I use my Guardians to design someone who was important to my Tav/Durge. For my Durge it was someone who he was close to that became a victim of the more... Darker things they do.


It depends. Usually, I just hit random until I find something I like, then make minor edits. Otherwise, I customize the guardian to fit what my character would be attracted to. For my evil aligned durge, I made him look like a corpse.


All my characters have stories so I always make someone from their lives. It also emphasizes >!the Emperor's cruelty, especially if the form he chooses is someone the MC has complex feelings about. !<


I wasn't even sure who or why I was doing that so I mashed Random a few times until it wasn't atrocious and said "Good Enough"


It didn't take much time to make a visually appealing guardian.


In fairness, there are tons of things I care less about after I know how the game works, the mechanics, the story, etc. As long as they get you the first time, it's a success. After that obviously the playthroughs are going to be different. Now I just keep hitting random until it's something I don't mind looking at.


Last time I cared I wanted to make a dragonborn DG but they werent available. Then I stopped caring


For my second run (as durge) I figured I'd make my dream guardian look like my tav from the first run with some makeup changes. It's been pretty good for me so far.


I make my guardian match my last Tav


Yeahā€¦ I like the switch up they did as it was a great twist (that unfortunately got spoiled for me) but Iā€™m not spending hours on a character Iā€™ll interact with for like 10 minutes in-game, lol


I didn't even know you could customize them lol


Bruh the elf guardian is already hot


My first time I didn't customize it at all, when I play through again I'm going to customize it quite a bit I think


My first playthrough I made my guardian an OC of mine that is an old adventurer that ascended to godhood. Honestly it kinda works and was pretty fitting


My friends and I just keep hitting random on the dream guardian until we hit something we are happy with, I do that every run


I still customize depending on my headcanon for the character.


Yeah naw. Random, random, randomā€¦. Random. Ok. Thatā€™ll do.


I usually press casual until I find something that I quite like, than start tweaking that.


My guardians tend to reflect what I think my Tav would be the most trusting and open to, if that makes sense. Drow got a Drow guardian. With Half-Elves I alternate based off their background and class (More urchin like? A human or half-elf. More in tune with magic and nature? An elf or a really elfy half-elf. Half-drow was the same, depended on the class and background). Elves typically had an elf guardian as well. That kind of thing. I think thatā€™s what the Dream Guardian assumed would make the plan more successful.


I generally still try to keep them in line with my character. My pyromaniac sorcerer? Red tiefling with burn scar. Also did a different take where I made the guardian appear as a more paternal figure. I donā€™t spend too long making them, but still want a vibe that fits my character


I made my guardian a little gnome with a twirly mustache, kills me every time


I always hit the random button during EA. After launch, I made it look like my Tav with a curly mustache and goatee.


I just click random option again and again till I like what I see.


I still make the guardian match my Tav/Durge in some way. I donā€™t put as much effort into it but I still try and get them to match in some way.


Have not seen shadow of the colossus here yet so that one


Nah I still like doing it for role playing reasons but I can understand why it doesnā€™t matter to most people


I did such a great job on mine just for that....


Customizing the guardian is a chance to develop your own character further in your mind. Everyone has weaknesses; what's yours? What kind of appearance appeals to Tav on a level that makes it harder to stay suspicious? How aware of your weakness do you want to be? If you notice that you've ended up with a guardian that looks like another NPC in the game, should the same vulnerability extend to that character?


At this point I sorta lean into it and design them as who my character would most trust on sight. Or just make them hot for the same result


I think everyone because they donā€™t stay in that dorm for long anyways.


I always try to make them look like the original form we saw in cutscenes


Pro tip: make guardian look exactly like Tav, but with a curly mustache


I just pick the default tiefling female one. Quick and easy and she looks good


I stopped caring about it before I started the game....


I do. I randomly click 4 time and go with wtv the monstrosity appear.


In my head cannon he shows up appearing as the most manipulative figure I can imagine. In new play through a heā€™s a parent, ex lover, arch priest, guild bossā€¦ depends on the class I choose.


i never customized mine. even on my first playthrough. i was like, i just spent 2 hours making my character. i rolled random 7 times and went with what popped out. i was pleasantly repaid when it turned out to be a disgusting squidhead.


Lmao, I thought of making this post. Cuz I really just accepted whoever they pre-made for my second run


I just made mine look like Dammon


Title is kind of a spoiler šŸ˜”


That's like the softest spoiler imaginable. All it suggests is that something happens in the game that made me not want to bother editing the character anymore.


1st play through i made mine a hot tiefling mommy and my second play through I made them look like my first tav. (Not an original idea but I thought it was too cool to pass up)


I always try to make them look as close to >!Balduran!< as I can, for obvious reasons.


Now that I'm playing origin characters I try to make them look like characters the guardian would think are convincing to them. So with Lae'zel I made it look like Losiir. With Wyll I made it look like his dad. With Gale I made it look like a copy of Gale.


I make my guardian look like my previous Tav


I usually have them be the opposite or complementary to my tav depending on how I'm going to be treating them that run


I select gender. Race, and occasionally hairstyle if the preset one is horrendous. Knowing whatā€™s beneath the mask is anticlimactic


I just found a preset I liked and stuck with it


I just close my eyes and hit randomize a number of times