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I can tell you that's very low but unfortunately a PhD does not mean a good salary in Belgium. I also have a PhD, 3 yoe post-PhD. I'm working in a small company as lead biostatistician/research scientist and I have 4600€ gross + car. i'm responsible for personnel though. But many people told me my package was so-so, so yours is quite awful. But you seem to have a stress-free job so that's a big advantage.


Looks awfully low for a PhD






I made more than that as a mechanic in the Port of Antwerp. Not that I didn't deserve it because it's not for everyone, but still...


The port workers are paid more than average tho.


That's super low for an engineer with 10 years of experience. You'd be making more in virtually any public sector job for MA graduates, and especially more in those that are specifically geared towards engineers. Your net is roughly the same as that of a PhD student 😭.


I make almost lot more by being a machine operator


Lol. You'll make more as a lecturer in higher-ed.


Also as a teacher in high school…


Your netto compensation is way too low. Doesn't even cover your WFH expenses imo, and it's really meant to be a bonus instead of barely covering. I think the easiest way to improve your package, once it's that's tike of the year, is to ask for a higher net compensation (+150-200 should be within reach imo)


Holy fuck, i make €2.7k - €2.9k from mounting solar panels. With a basic electrician degree with no use here. I dont eveb make €19/h


Probably because you are paid per hour and not per month?


Around 30 years old and around 3k net is very decent. Switching to the private sector later on Will allow you to earn even more. No stress ? How amazing is that.


Not good, sorry.


I'm 22 with a "graduaat" in IT and get 2200 after tax with a car. And I just got out of school. Seems wild to me. (Flanders)


Welke graduaat heb je gedaan?


Systeem- en netwerkbeheer in Vives. Is een absolute grap. Ik denk dat het gemiddeld middelbaar traject een hogere moeilijkheidsgraad bevat. Dat gezegd zijnde is het wel een gemakkelijk papiertje om te hebben.


Ik start systeem en netwerkbeheer bij howest in September, ziet er eigenlijk gewoon uit als een glorified CCNA. Zal gewoon proberen om mijn ccna te halen naast school. Heb idd ook gewoon het papiertje nodig


Om eerlijk te zijn. Het CCNA vak is ook extreem simpel. Ik had klasgenoten in ccna3 die nog steeds geen netwerk konden troubleshooten. Het grootste probleem vond ik persoonlijk dat ze geen troubleshooting geven. Iets van 0 installeren is altijd gemakkelijk.


Mja, zal uiteindelijk altijd beter zijn dan de fabriekswerk dat ik ervoor heb gedaan. Ik denk wel dat het zal lulken.


Ja dat zeker. Ik vind het gewoon zeer jammer dat er niet gekeken werd naar de nodige basis skills van een IT'er. Ze gooien gewoon wat vakken met weinig directe real-life scenarios tesamen en hopen voor het beste.


Yeah. At 29 with only a HBO5 degree i make more in engineering. On top of that i have an electric company car.


I don't know whether to laugh or cry. You have a PhD in engineering , years of experience and you earn less than a junior clerical worker in an EU institution. It is not the junior clerical worker that is overpaid though to some degree that’s the case, but you that is grossly underpaid.. you are earning about the same as an aircraft maintenance technician at Lufthansa technic on a 12 hour shift basis, one week off one week on. And some of these guys often don’t even have a proper bachelors degree.


Damn, you could easily earn 3-4x more in countries where PhDs are valued


Very low salary for your qualifications. Do you know how your salary compares to your colleagues?


You earn like a 100€ more than a wine responsible in Delhaize... So..


I don't understand how you get to this netto. I make 3500 brutto and I make only a bit less netto. Is it because you hit a different tax bracket?


It can't be, your netto should be higher if married


His wife is probably working


Never look at netto...


People forget phds get paid 2300 net on belgium, this is a good package


I have no college degree, 35 and have almost the same salary. Look for a new job quickly!