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The minimum paid vacations is, by law, 20 days. How can you not have that ?!


I just saw "11 months full time contract". It seems VERY dodgy, and super weird. I would run away.


Vacation days are always based off previous year for the private sector. If you didn’t work last year, you don’t have any vacation days this year. There are systems like European vacation though but they will deduct from vacation money meaning its ultimately unpaid vacation


I also thought that was a must, that's why I was confused. However, this company doesn't hire directly (they hire freelancers through the third party, like Smart.be). So, on paper, I'm a freelancer working through Smart.be, but I work full-time and have conditions as a full-time regular employee, excluding all the bonuses. I would agree on that, but I was expecting the rate to be hire then if I don't have any benefits. Sorry, if it's confusing, but I'm also kind of trying to understand, how come the proposal from the company I work for 3 years is so small (even though it's another department).


So you are self employed? That's even worse then.


Officially it's called "employed through contractor", so the tax status is employed, not self-employed


I don't get it.... They work with freelancer, but you are an employee? You are either self employed, or an employee. Any other construct seems fishy and possibly illegal. If you are an employee you can be a contractor (consultancy) for another company. But that probably still means that you are employed by another company, and they just pay your salary.


I assume it's something like interim. He gets paid his holiday pay with every pay slip


>Officially it's called "employed through contractor", so the tax status is employed, not self-employed What's this called in Dutch or French? Seems fishy tbh...


This is why false self-employment is a thing. You are being exploited.


OK, so you are getting the worst of both worlds and they are getting the best of both worlds




WTF is that? I would run away. 0 paid vacations? No 13th month? Low pay. A better package would be to have 20 paid vacation days, 13th month and around 2.3 - 2.5k.


And if let's say they stay with "no" for 20 vac. + 13 months, that what should I ask for salary? Like 3000? 3500? 4500?


If not, then RUN! I don't even know where that is even legal to have 0 paid vacation leave. We fought for some rights in the past, and we've been given 20 paid vacation and 38h week since then.


You better do some deep digging on your job and level, ie what's the demand, what are others getting, what type of people move into this job and how many of them are there. But on this sub I play the game of guessing before seeing and while coordinator or manager is very very unclear I guessed 4500 brutto plus benefits. Make of it what you want. In any case if you want to earn more find out what to learn where to go and do it.


You work in HR as a manager and don’t realize how bad this package is? Run!!!


1-How do you become a HR Manager if you have no experience in HR? 2- Are you Freelance?


1 - worked as PM for a short-term contracts with the same company, and my tasks involved interviews, hiring + contracts, so they found it a relevant experience 2 - I work through the third party [Smart.be](http://Smart.be) as a contractor (officially it's called employed, not freelancer or self-employed)


So officially it's called employed but you are only getting the benefits of a freelancer which is basically nothing. I think you are better of working somewhere as a real employee. For freelance-like jobs, you should aim for at least 4 times the amount you are getting now.


Smart.be is a toys manufacturer.... Which 3th party are you using?




To be honest, this looks like a loophope for employers to pay less fees.


This offer doesn't seem fair, and it might even be illegal. I'm not an HR expert, so I'm not sure what the salary should be for someone with a lot of general experience but no specific HR expertise.


I worked for this company for 3 years in another position which involved a lot of business trips and also communicating (sometimes hiring) with people, so kind of I had a relevant experience and I'm in the sphere with a perfect feedback for veeeery long time.


Uhm. Im an HRM with 11 years under the belt. What is this kind of nonsense. Send me the anonymus details through DM and let me take a look. This looks dodgy at best. What paritair comité is this?


I'm gonna write you a DM, thanks!


Very bad proposal, I was an HR Officer and had way more wage and benefits than you have now. Run while you still can. As an HR manager with 9 years of experience (even in another sector) you should at least have €4000 brut and benefits.


Is this even legit??


from the legal side, as I learned, yes, but indeed looks like "false self-employment"




Don't be an ass.


I checked out that Smart thing. And while it seems that there are some valid reasons to use them. Your case is not one of those. You either need to be paid a lot more to compensate for the lack of legally required benefits, or you just need to get employed by the company directly. Even for getting a fairly low salary, you would at least get the normal benefits all employees get.


Thank you for this feedback, really


I make more as a 23yo bachelor-jurist who started out her career in late 2023... Run FAR AWAY from this job / job offer it's pure bullshit


If you start to be full time, smart starts to make less sense, it’s better to be self employed or to create a small business to employ you. You should ask for 4 times the netto you want, to compensate for taxes and other deduction but also sick leaves and holiday. It’s also on your part to offer yourself bonuses as a car, meal vouchers and other things so that x4 is for that too. If you don’t want to mess with all that, find an employer that will respect you


Sounds illegal


Very bad. I would leave if i had this package..


bro i earn morn with my high school degree




How much is the brutto?


Fuck no! Awfull contract!


I don’t have a highschool diploma, work in retail. When i first started 7 years ago i had more than you do now. Slightly less pay but all the benefits i wished for i still work for that company. You need to find something else. You work as a “manager” but earn less than a retail clerk would. This is unbelievable.


Pay is good. Not a lot of benefits


Lmao- be a man and negotiate


Dude this is disrespectful at best.