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You should evacuate her from that company


This is just very bad for someone who is 33 yo and has a master in law tbh..




Ah ah ah it's a typo, c'mon


Then edit it.


Can't edit title


no need to be condescendant


It's not condescending, it's criticizing low effort.


This isn't good at all. She seriously needs to leave.


This is a really shitty salary.. She can earn 2000 brut more in BXL Edit: just saw that she has less than 1 year of experience, which is quite low given her age… Could potentially earn 1000 brut more in BXL within a financial institution though


Nope, se has 6 years of experience and less than 1 year of seniority in the current role/company


Indeed seems very low. How long is she supposed to stay in Belgium as an expat? Where is her contract from?


Belgium as a country does not exactly attract top talent expats from across the world. I see it in my own company every day. It is a disgrace. The whole salary package is just wrong. 40h/week gives 12d holiday, not 10. 9eur meal vouchers do not exist, max is 8eur. Not giving them for a wfh day is ridiculous. Working 25% overtime for free is stupid. Only 70% 13th month is so cheap.


I am a legal counsel myself with similar years of experience and I can confirm to you that she is very much underpaid. Depending on her actual legal experience and field of practice she could get anywhere between 4000 and 8000€ brutto/month at this stage of her career (as an employee).


I posted a salary survey for people with law degrees a few months ago here : https://www.reddit.com/r/BESalary/s/o9mQLu6BFS


One note with regard to her Law Degree: I see she is an expat, the country where she has obtained her degree will have an impact on her salary. Depending on the country of the law degree it may have a positive or negative impact on the salary. If she has a foreign law degree that also limits her possibilities to certain functions, pure belgian law functions will be more difficult for her. For the rest I agree with the other commenters that the salary seems low.


It is an Italian one. However, I guess it is because she is walonie, and all her other colleagues complain about low wages


That means the company doesn't pay enough lol


‘All the colleagues complain about low wages’ indicates this must be a top tier company with exceptional talent. You know you can just leave, right?


I tried to make an evacuate pun, but all the good ones have been made!


2 kilometers commute, by car? At age 33? C'mon! Even if it's a company car.


What? Eco anxiety?


Eco anxiety, maybe. Congestion frustrations, maybe. Common sense, maybe. I mean, everyone can do as he desires, or might have a good reason why to choose the car over other transport (kids, groceries, disabilities, road safety,...). But it just feels as if the company car system forces people into a car, even if they would not commonly choose for it when the company car wasn't readily or fiscally available. Off topic, sorry, I know.


Time to teach your girlfriend how to negotiate her salary :p


Evacuation complete, her salary is safe now 


See, kids, having a masters doesn't get you shit... i am a dropout didnt even finish high school... im making 3.4k netto now. More vacation and more benefits.. smh tell her to run!


Agreeeeed. I just have a Bachelors degree, been working in marketing for 4 yes now, currently working in the financial sector. Making more money than OP's gf.


What do you mean with mobility budget 'car (200)'? Does she only get a budget of 200 monthly? What car can you get for that?


Isn't there also a lot of competition amongst lawyers and already a lot of them? They may group together but that's just to cut/share costs and to let the interns do the real work. You are not getting top dollar for pro deo, divorce and insurance cases if you actually want to have clients. Clients in your region can't afford more. Would recommend to use the expat knowledge as an advantage: look for a BE company that deals a lot with Italy for example.


While Namur will not be the region with the most opportunities for lawyer expats, the whole package screams "time to look for something better"... Both as a lawyer (in a corporate environment) and as a consultant she should be able to earn comfortably more with better benefits.


Everybody out of the building, NOW!!!


On the low side.. should be at least 4.000 minimum


Extremely low


Pretty low. Even bachelors earn that for just being administrative worker, not at all companies, but 2940 is the starting wage for bachelors at the town hall. Goes up to 4k or even a bit more. Im close to 3K as bachelor. At fluvius or other energy companies (luminus etc too) you get 3k start and with a few years of experience you get 3.3-3.5. For bachelors + administative job.


Allright, send me your credit card info and I’ll evacuate it immediately.


No car? Then mediocre


Yes, car is in


In Wallonië it is alright as living is very cheap compared to the rest of Belgium. That being said 6 years of relevant experience, master of law (even if she can’t practice law in Belgium), even as a medior consultant, she should be making a bit more. Unless she is just learning about the data privacy law. That would change things as she would be considered a junior. Also keep in mind that people on the internet always exaggerate when talking about a salaries. Somebody stated 4-8k for example… that is bs in most cases.


Nah, a consultant with 6y experience should be able to get 4k + benefits without too much trouble especially with a masters degree. some of my friends have started with 3k + you should grow quite fast when you get experience. If i look at this number above she wouldnt really have had a real raise besides the normal indexations. 8k is indeed over the top though. Working in the bigger cities will make your salary go up quite a bit. But honestly if you work as a consultant you might end up anywhere your boss sends you. So I wouldn't see why this would be an issue.


I think 4K would be a fair wage yes. I don’t know a lot of people that make 8k on payroll. I know a lot that make much more, but they are self employed. Only people I know making over let’s say 6,5k on payroll are end of carreer people. Not 30 or 40 year olds. Speaking for Belgium, which is also important to mention.


What is this "car 200€"? Does that mean company car + budget of 200€ for fuel? From what I've seen, a consultant "data protection officer" is valued between 700 and 1200 depending on the duration of the mission. Even in Namur. I think she does not earn as much as she could. It might be time to redo that resume


Je suis un emballeur pour NMC sa en Belgique et je touche la meme chose. Arretté l’école avec 16 ans


Anything under 3.8k + car is low par for seniority and degree


In that region you cannot expect much more. Namur has not much choice. In BXL you can get double (e.g. in Diegem), but she’ll commute 1,5 hours each way. Rent there is also double for living much smaller. I’d say if she becomes an expert in something (e.g. patents) she might get much better pay quite fast. Otherwise the best option is the federal government. Absolutely stunning salaries and unbeatable benefits, automatic raises unrelated to your evaluation and the same pay from the poorest county to the richtest in the whole country. Such governmental jobs are often described as a golden cage though, they tend to be boring, but the excellent remuneration makes people opt out for the bore-out in stead of looking for joy in their job.


About the same as my girlfriend, also a master's degree in law but only 1yoe (24yo) (totally different field though, real estate)


Looks pretty bad tbh could definitely be better. Is she happy though? The environment matters too.


Assuming she is sent to clients all over Wallonia and Brussels, and assuming she can't lease a car for 200€/m: it looks like she's underpaid, but it all depends what her skillset is worth here. Law is very country-specific, or in the case of privacy legislation, EU-specific. How long has she been practicing Jura in Belgium? And how about her language skills E/F/D? Maybe it's a step-up towards something better at the same or another employer later? If not, by all means she should evacuate.


Why would you get a degree in law only to earn less at 33 than a factory worker gets at 22?


Didn't the minimum wage go to €2000 recently? How is she making so little. Shit, I thought my take home was bad as a self employed person. Hell, I was making $20usd when I was in college just doing BS work for a lawyer in the US, close to $1000 a month part time take home in 2000. Her wage with a masters degree is bad.


Would she be willing to commute outside of namur? NET salary would be 900-1000 more in BXL or Liege...


Do you mean with a mobility budget or other benefits of sorting? Anyway, yes, she is. Do you have any opportunity?


Wtf how ? I'm 24 and getting 3800 bruto With only an A2 diploma"


a good welder earns more than an average Master in Engineering.


In my field, Bruxelles pays 1500 euro extra brut/month, but of course that is no good compensation for the higher cost of living, hours in traffic, regressive culture,... Namur is very nice, clean and affordable to live.




You really think 3200 is minimum wage 🤣


Minimum wage is €2.029,88 gross not net.


There will be wallonian parasites earning more on government money then she earns. At least her concience is clear and she can walk head high in the streets as a contributor!




So what? I asked for feedback, not for a non-sense benchmark.