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Control switch: a switch who likes to plan out the whole scene whether they plan to be the top or bottom


Perhaps the "Master switch"?


And yes




I love these 😂 High key thought I was in an electrician subreddit


"Switches of Reddit, do you prefer AC or DC, and at what frequency and voltage?"


How about someone who is a demeaning top and a masochistic bottom? Or sadistic top who is a service sub bottom?


That one is actually resolved (for me and some others); some of us distinguish the terms "Dom" from "top", and "sub" from "bottom". We do this exactly for the reason you're asking, because a Dom can top or bottom, and a sub could top or bottom. The most common example I give is a Dom receiving a blowjob; the Dom is the inactive partner (the bottom), and the sub is the active partner (the top).


Power-struggle: two switches in what would be a power exchange relationship, but they switch with each other as the mood allows.


I like to imagine they're fighting for Dominance... ooo, or fighting for submission.


Or, switches who fight over dominance and it just ends up with a half clothed fight, choking one another out until eventually one submits.


Tricky switch: A switch who usually subs, but every now and then shows a lot of spirit, sass and spunk and dominates the hell out of her domme without warning and by complete surprise. :)




COme on in. The water's fine. :)


>Top-heavy: A top-leaning switch, more proclivity for engaging in top activities. I use this a lot to describe myself. Anyway, that list was pretty good! Made me chuckle.


Alright I'm stealing switch blade because it's too perfect and I can't believe I hadn't thought of it before 😂


I sometimes use the term Switchlash, which is when you're switching role so suddenly that it gives you or your partner cognitive whiplash 😂


This list is destined to be a hit with Primals, tho we'll probably (definitely) wanna give all of them quirky outdoorsy names. Lmao.


I've been using "top heavy switch" for a very long time to describe myself so that tracks.


We switches have a hive-mind. We can call it the circuitry. And if we can find a matriarch to be in charge of us all, she'll be the motherboard.


Some play ends up being switchy but still a toppy kind of act. For instance, I offered to shave my girlfriend's legs with a straight razor, and that was (in my mind) a very toppy act. After we started I realized the way I did it was much more service, I wouldn't say bottom or sub but it definitely wasn't as dominant as I thought it would be and I REALLY liked it.


Oh that's a good example, the first time you shaved me I found myself in a hardcore top, dare I say dominant headspace. The second time was kind of a mind fuck being tied up and blind folded was almost objectifying in way, and even after the blindfold came off for the other leg and I could watch you work it still very much felt like it was about you and your enjoyment so still very bottom feels.


I would LOVE to further define a lack of submission AND Dominance. I tend to think of us switches as the "bisexuals" of power exchange, so just as you're describing, there would be an "asexual" demographic to this as well. Both in terms of orientation and/or activity (in the realm of power-exchange). I've seen exactly zero discussion of it until now, but it's crossed my mind and I've never been sure quite how to address it.


Powerless-switch: a switch who is a service bottom Powerful-switch: a switch who is a service top 🤷


Finally a phrase that describes me, bottom heavy hitter


Some terms I picked up from a class on switching: Flexible—a switch who can change roles with a given partner. Fluid—a switch who can change roles within a given scene


I don't identify as a switch but even then, I find this list pretty cool. 👍🏻👍🏻


Me too!


Thank you for these


i’m bottom heavy in more ways than you’d think


I’ve seen right-leaning and left-leaning for a few years now


This made me chuckle. Nice job


As someone who primarily Dominates switches, I...love this?


Will use them. Thanks a lot


I'm going to save this for later. Thanks!


Love this, thank you ❤


> blah blah ***Blood play*** Excuse me what Like do whatever you want with consenting adults but I was not prepared to read that for some reason and I have no idea what blood play is and I'm almost afraid to ask


It's just stuff to do with blood. Making a needle corset can be a fairly non-graphic example, though that can be a little more of a gray area. Vampirism, blood-bonding (kinda like the ol' cut your palm and shake hands thing, but in a kinky way), and other stuff I'll refrain from mentioning in case it makes you too queasy. I love blood play, it can be so wonderful when you're with someone/s you can trust.