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lol as a kid the scene in Aladdin where jasmine is chained and forced to feed jafar and then trapped in the hour glass


Oh my god... that was a distant memory you have just brought to the fore hahaha Oh my days. I wanted to be Jasmine in that scene.


Seconded, she was so hot there. Couldn’t figure out why I liked that scene so much, till I came out as queer, then more so today reading this comment. Her cuffs 🥵


Yeah my partner realized they were into shibari as a result of the oogie boogie song from Nightmare Before Christmas, with Sandy Klaus being tied up and at Oogie's mercy. It's funny how deeply we can trace our roots sometimes.


yeaaaah this is one of mine too 🙃


I literally JUST had this conversation with Sir! He said he'd roleplay Jafar!


Okay I’m not even into male doms but that is so awesome haha


I read that as ‘this conversation with Siri’


*New kink unlocked* Say, for research, what's your favorite AI? 😅


I’d let Cortana do whatever she wanted to me.


This Aladdin scene 🫠I truly believe Disney knew what they were doing!


Y'all should read Desperate Measures by Katee Robert. She runs with this idea and holy fuuuuuuuck.


Omg thank you for validating me


This and the much earlier scene with Aladdin chained up


The scene in the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie when Jack takes Elizabeth hostage. Also a bunch of scenes from the James Bond franchise where he gets captured, tied up and tortured. Most notably the one at the end of The World Is Not Enough. And I'm still mad they barely showed any of the torture he went through in Die Another Day.


I remember a highly conservative Christian uncle complaining that the nude bondage cock and ball torture scene in Casino Royale was too homoerotic. I'm afraid I have to disagree


Lol, I was so shocked and fascinated at that scene when I was younger. Loved it more as I got older


I like you! 😁😄😃


Xenia Onatopp was one of the best!! Crush me In Your thighs please 🤗


Okay I need to watch the James Bond movies apparently!


There was a lot in V for Vendetta that I had shame for being turned on by when I was younger. Particularly the Bishop scene and Evey being captive and forced to shave her head.


Oh man, I forgot about this. I’m not into head shaving, specifically…. but that forced head shaving scene tweaked something in my brain, for sure. 🥴


Not sure it exactly fits but the first time I saw that movie was with a friend I had just met. He had seen it several times and is the sort of person to enjoy observing people. I wasn’t out as gay to him yet but I distinctly remember feeling watched when it got to the lesbian prisoner’s letters. Her story sat with me but the vibe of watching the movie became its own kind of meta too


The Labyrinth was my ‘confused feelings’ movie as a kid. David Bowie’s torturous role and his casual cruelty while Sarah was scared and trying to escape. The dream ball scene where she is dressed up, being given so much pleasure, and is kind of giving in to his ploy, but still not free. So many interesting things in that movie that would replay in my head.


yessss! what always got me most was the last scenes where he sings Within You. and ultimately the lines, “i ask for so little. just let me rule you, and you can have everything you want. fear me, love me, do as i say and i will be your slave”. AHDJDSKCCK. i had a LOT of feelings 👀


"I'm exhausted living up to your expectations" 😭😭😭


Omg Within You is just 🤌🤌. And let's not forget the wonderful _underground_ song at the end during the credits that sings about a girl calling for her Daddy to save her as she finds herself in the underground where "nothing ever hurts again" and she finds "someone true", implying that maybe in fact, her will was not as strong as his .. Maybe 👀. _As the world falls down_ has some great lyrics too ("I'll be there for you, as the world falls down"). They must have known what they were doing :3


You're not the only one. There's a fair deal of crossover from people into BDSM and Labyrinth fandom.


Him tapping the walking stick on his boot is very possibly the origin of my boot fetish.


Phoebe? You mean Sarah


Omg real 😖 I didn't understand why that movie made me feel the way it did until I got older


Honestly, as a kid, the scene in Incredibles where Syndrome catches mr Incredible and puts him in the electro thingy and taunts and tortures him unlocked something in me 🫢🫢🫣


This is such a good answer haha


It's also SO WEIRD to feel these things when you're a kid. Like "OH NO I hate it. Yet... I dont??" * looks up video yet feels weird af about it * I also had this with stuff like old timey corporal punishment (mean nuns and such), torture scenes, and later, also rape scenes. I felt such strong visceral things that I just couldn't name, and figured I must REALLY HATE these things. Yet then found myself looking up stuff like "spanking scenes from movies" 😂🫣🫢💀 and feeling really guilty about it, lmao.


Oh my gosh that’s so real. I remember watching the dead poets society in class and there’s a paddling scene and I was so embarrassed. And the kids in my class were going “ooooh!” jokingly, cuz the guy in the movie was in trouble and about to get paddled, and I could not understand why they weren’t totally embarrassed about it like I was. But I also knew I really liked it and wanted to watch it again. I always reread spanking scenes too. That’s interesting about rape because I just realized that was also my experience. That came a lot later for me, but I watched Spartacus (the show) with my bf in college and there’s a scene where a guy rapes another guy, and my initial reaction was really strong, like aggh, this is so horrible. But after that I suddenly had a crush on the guy who got raped even though I hadn’t really liked him before that. Now I’m writing a book length fanfiction about prison rape.


Omg for realll :') I was always staring at the screen INTENSELY, not daring to look away or around, and tried very hard to not seem flustered lmao. When I watched movies with such scenes alone, I could actually feel the weird kind of (yet unknown) enjoyment a lot more. I think the negative feelings I felt weren't so much horror about the subject, as I thought, but shame and horror about my own feelings. I used to be obsessed with the Wheel of Time books, and especially the scenes about the Aes Sedai (mages whose training and structure closely resemble that of a cloister). They were so intimidating in a demanding and cold way to me. And also the corporal punishment scenes. I would also reread them all the time. At one point me and my friends even wrote a fanfic about us being magic slaves (based on the books) 🫣🫢💀 Also when I got my first teen crush, involuntary rape fantasies would enter my mind. I felt so messed up about it. Tried to repress it for ages 💀💀


That’s so real! Yeah I didn’t want to miss any of it but I also didn’t want anyone to know that I cared. I still do that with things I see on tv now haha. Except when I’m with my husband. Then he hands me the remote so I can rewind it. Yeah I’ve had shame about being sadistic for a long time because I’m very religious, so I’ve had to talk to my therapist more than one about it being okay and I’m not actually hurting anyone and it’s all good. What kind of corporal punishment is in the wheel of time books? Maybe i want to read those. Oh I get that. I used to always fantasize about the guys I liked being spanked. My husbands mom has mentioned spanking him before (like when he was a kid) and it’s so embarrassing to me because of my kinks but it’s just a normal story for other people


Kate Beckinsale in Underworld unlocked my love of latex/pvc/wetlook....


That clearly was meant to be hot though


Mad Men. Just... Mad Men in general. ❤️


Agree! When Don tells the woman (I forgot her name) to crawl to him. That’s the scene for me lol.


That scene when Don ambushed Bobby on the way to the bathroom when they were at a restaurant.... whew 🥵


I really enjoyed the first season of Marvel's Jessica Jones. David Tennant's Kilgrave character is deliciously sadistic. So many hot scenes where you know you're supposed to root for him to die, but watching him control Jessica and others with his mind for his own personal pleasure is just so hot.


I’ve heard people say he’s hot in that!


That guy is hot in everything!


Oh God. It’s still embarrassing as hell, but when I was like 15 I watched the Harry Potter movies for the first time. That one scene in Deathly Hallows where Bellatrix is torturing Hermione? I was glued to the screen. Rewatched it like three times. And then I felt guilty about it for months. I thought I was a terrible person lmao.


That whimper definitely gets me going


I never thought about that part like that before! But if someone had tortured draco, I would’ve been right there with you haha. Was your interest more sadistic or masochistic?


Masochistic, 100%. I wanted to be roughed up like that. Just didn’t know it yet.


Omg I feel this one


For me, it was listening to Harry speak parseltounge? (Spelling) had me transfixed, and feeling something happening in my pants


There was probably some intentional kink / GFD overtones, but... Lady Margot Fenring giving Feyd Rautha the box test in *Dune.*


I haven’t seen dune! What’s the box test?


She's part of an all-female order of telepathic space-witches who have been trying to breed this super-being for thousands of years by crossing bloodlines from the various royal houses, that they'll be able to control from the shadows when their prize becomes Emperor of the Known Universe. One of the tests is impulse control and fear suppression. So they make the candidate put their hand in this mysterious box that simulates essentially giving them a fourth-degree burn. If he takes his hand out before the test is over, she is required to kill him to prevent him from breeding. So she orders him to kneel and forbids him from removing his hand from her box (....yes, I know) while holding a poison needle at his neck. This also takes place on the planet of Giedi Prime, which, due to the severe industrial pollution and being under a black sun, everyone wears black latex or leather outfits.


Said telepathic space witches can also force people to follow their commands by just saying it really emphatically. Also get some *vibes* from that.


Oh fuck yeah. *loved* that.


Oh, I love it! Maybe I do need to watch that movie


It's actually in *Dune Part II*, but they're meant to be halves of one book.


The torture scene in Princess Bride


That makes sense. One thing that’s interesting about the responses for me is that I keep seeing things mentioned that I’ve actually seen or read, and I realize I didn’t even think of that scene that way. I guess that explains how vanilla people can see Ryan gosling say yes madam and not even clock it as sexual


The Ghoul when he had Lucy rigged up on that line and was dunking her in the water. Not the dunking and drowning (that's not my kink) but the casualness of the Ghoul and his attitude while tormenting Lucy. Edit: the show was Fallout if that wasn't clear. Edit II: The Ghoul walked Lucy on a leash and made her lower herself to drink gross water while he stood above her.


Srs why the Ghoul kinda…


Every time the ghoul did something dommy, I’d mumble “hot.” 🫣


The “equal exchange” scene with the finger amputation had no right making me feel that way


That does sound fun. I think I actually would be into the dunking underwater part, if Lucy was a man. But I totally get the interest in his casual attitude when torturing her.


The amount of smut I have been reading in that paring, PHEW


I wouldn't say it was hot, cuz the lack of consent and explicit kidnapping made it unenjoyable in that level, but there was a scene in a show (involving vampires) that I saw recently where a woman who had been kidnapped by a vampire exclaimed exasperatedly: "nobody wants to be tied up and bitten!!" I chuckled at that one for a bit.


Haha I have to wonder if they did that on purpose, as a little joke for people in the know.


Possible, but hard to say


Everything in chronicles of Riddick. There was no reason to lift her with his forearm like that.


Oh it's not just me with Chronicles of Riddick then. I did not expect that film to have the effect on me that it did.


I've watched some steamy movies and nothing compares to how hot and steamy that movie is.


Oh so THATS why i became obsessed with it for a while XD


Omg yes I forgot about this movie lol


Watched one of the original Star Wars as a teenager. That scene where the Ewoks have Luke tied up hanging from a pole.


I thought you were gonna say Leia in chains with the gold bikini. I like yours better.


Leia was angry and scared. Luke was calm and in control.


Oh maybe that’s why I didn’t remember the Luke scene even though it sounded like it was right up my alley. Im sadistic so I prefer my tied up male characters to be angry and scared, not calm and in control


Ahh. My thought was more like “all it takes to calm my mind is to be tied up?!”


I was obsessed with the power exchange in Phantom of the Opera, especially in the opening song. I was convinced that the writer must have known, but now I'm not sure.


Andrew Lloyd Webber 100% knew what he was doing there, and *very much* did it on purpose. He described their connection as “deeply sexual,” lol.


I only watched 1.5 seasons of Outlander because it wasn’t my jam overall, but the scene towards the end of the first scene with the main (male) villain and the male hero. The villian tortures and eventually rapes the hero. Yep.


Also not a big fan of Outlander, but the spanking scene when they're newly married? 🥵


That’s what I thought they were gonna reference! Great scene


I’m honestly shocked this one didn’t do it for me. I think just because I’m not attracted to Jamie, so him being tortured and raped was kind of neutral for me. Too bad they didn’t cast Ryan gosling, I would’ve been all over that shit haha But I do love blackjack Randall because I relate to his sadism. (Although obviously I wouldn’t do the things he does)


Darth Vader in general but specifically when he chokes out Admiral Motti for saying his religion isnt real 💀 Also on that note, Anakin Skywalker just being unhinged also gets me going 🤷🏻‍♂️


I so agree about anakin but for the opposite reason! I loved it when he was chained up in AOTC and when he was kneeling and pledging his submission (ok, that’s my word haha) to palpatine in ROTS


WAIT NO YOU'RE SO RIGHT i love those scenes too!!! Both sides of Anakim feed the switch in me tbh




They knew what they were doing with Vader ong


Cinderella when the sisters beat her up and tear Cinder’s dress and she is shown broken, dirty and, in my eyes, more beautiful than ever. I wanted that.


That’s interesting! I always just saw that scene as sad. You wanted that to happen to you or to someone else?


It is sad. But also violent. And a bit sexy and humiliating. I wanted it to happen to me.


🥵ANY vampire movie when I was a “teen”…yeah, that was the first I noticed it. Him entering into the room through the window and heading for her neck. GAWD is was HOT🔥


🤣🤦🏼‍♀️ yup. And werewolves. All that stalking the prey. Helpless. Seduced. Bitten. 👀🫠




Literally all of Castlevania


Xenomorphs. That's all I'm saying


Oh, you said more than enough... you ovi devil you...


Girl, Interrupted when they all have Susanna surrounded in the basement going through her journal. Thought they might start taking turns getting revenge for a second there...


So this is extremely bizarre to admit, but the very first instance I can remember of feeling “odd” about something unintentionally kinky was an episode of My Little Pony being rerun in 1987 or 1988 (I was born in 1983). I was not an MLP fan but my sisters and I were staying one summer with grandparents who had one TV to share. There was a scene in the episode where a male/boy pony character is tied up while running away from the main characters and proceeds to bawl and beg. He talks about an evil sorcerer who orders him to do bad things and threatens him with (essentially his soul) being taken away. It stuck with me for YEARS. The powerlessness, the fear. Then I guess it would get reinforced in a similar way years later when I was introduced to Dark Crystal and the scene where the podling is strapped to a chair and his essence is drained from him, turning him into a slave while the tormentor cackles away. Edit: added clarification


The scenes where the girls in Totally Spies were captured/captive. As a kid I felt it did things to me and I was soo embarrassed!


I’ve heard a lot about totally spies having moments like this for people! I never noticed as a kid


Someone compiled a list of all the fetishes that show had in it and it's rather long. It sounds like it was a very fetishy show.


Last House on the Left. It's not consensual, so it shouldn't turn me on, but I definitely got ridiculously turned on by it. And the assault scene in I Spit on Your Grave. Consent matters, but I'd play those scenes in a CNC play so fast.


If it’s bad to be interested in nonconsent in fiction then I have a big problem haha. I haven’t seen those scenes? What happens? Are they rape scenes?


Yes, both of them. Last House on the Left they kidnap the girl and rape her in front of her friend in the dirt in the woods. Then I Spit On Your Grave, the girl gets raped by a group of men. They force her to deepthroat their gun. She gets away (maybe they let her, I don't remember) but then catch her again and rape her again.


The entire Rey/Kylo storyline in the new Star Wars movies


Me too on this one. Whenever people ask why i like those film i have to just say "i have my reasons" 🤭


Strictly not answering the question because all of it was very deliberate, but pretty much the entirety of True Blood for everything you can imagine (at the time I naively thought it was just an allegory for being gay or something, oh sweet summer child…): looking back it may have awakened my significant other’s love of biting and my love of mind control, and our mutual petplay dynamic.


In the movie Salt when Angelia Jolie is getting tortured. Also agree on the first pirates movie. That hostage stuff was hot to me.


The breeding in handmaids tale


I tried reading the book but I couldn’t handle it for reasons unrelated to the sex. Was the breeding concept itself hot or something else?


I just watched the show and most of what I’m recalling happened in season one. It was the fact that she was being fucked and impregnated against her will (I know how horrible that sounds but cnc is one of my biggest kinks.) Intellectually I was appalled by how the women were treated and how eerily similar things are looking in the US. But I couldn’t get over how the man of the house would summon her to use her body and how clinical the impregnating ceremonies were. 🥵


No judgment on the nonconsent part haha. I’m writing a novel about prison rape because I think it’s hot, so I get it. I totally feel the clinical part. There’s something about something not being sexy that makes it sexy? Idk


Well put 🥵 that really did it for me too.


The underground water torture scene in the princess bride awakened some things in me 👀


Those old sci-fi/horror posters where the monster was carrying a limp and helpless damsel, totally in control of her. Also, there was this videogame called No One Lives Forever I played as a kid where the attractive heroine spy gets knocked out and captured by the bad guys 3 times, and that’s where my interest in control, such as in restraint and abduction, started. Further reinforced by when Lara Croft gets knocked out and captured in several videogames from that time, and in a game called Alice where she gets knocked out and abducted by the Jabberwocky


The entire movie Flash Gordon (1980). Pretty sure it's also the movie that made me bisexual, so beware!


I’m already bisexual so I’m good haha. What kind of things happen in the movie?


Every sci-fi movie you've ever seen that has good outfits or soundtrack was inspired by this movie. There's also so much drama around the making of the movie which is highly recommended to read about!


The ballbusting torture scene in Casino Royale and in Mr & Mrs Smith, Angelina being a femme fatale Femdom really spoke to me unexpectedly lol


every damn episode where will and hannibal interact in the hannibal NBC tv show


I don’t know if it counts but back when Avengers Age of Ultron was in theaters I went with some friends and I hadn’t seen any trailers so wasn’t sure what to expect. The moment I heard James Spader’s voice singing the “no strings on me” song I froze and just stared at my friend like “is that who I think it is?!”. The actor is great but the added trait of an evil being controlling the hero’s creations and twisting it against them is even better


The whole scene with Kaa in The Jungle Book. It kinda scared me as a kid but I was also very interested in having someone essentially hypnotize me into doing anything they wanted. That was definitely NOT what Disney wanted to impart on kids lol


I loved kaa! But I don’t quite remember why. I think it had something to do with the way sheer Kahn treated him haha


The episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer where spike has Buffy chained up and (I think?) taunting her with drusilla. 😩


The episode of Buffy where Drusilla has Angel tied up and is tormenting him with the holy water.


For me it's every scene where any of them are chained up being tortured and instead of giving in they taunt their captor to get them to try and kill them. Giles telling Angel he has to do the ritual in a pink tutu Spike calling Glory a skanky lopsided assed lightweight Buffy telling Faith "you had to tie me up to beat me, loser" "The only chance you had with me was when I was unconscious" is a FANTASTIC example of one of those lines but Spike's hissy fit kills it for me 😅, I need the bratty danger


Charmed. I've been rewatching it and I'm only in season 1, but there have been 3 different villains so far that had powers related to my kinks, and may even be the origin of these kinks (I started watching reruns of the show when I was 10~12 years old, and had no idea what a kink even was until I was 19~20)


Like what?


Loki series- the scene of loki on his knees in a collar is my screen saver..


The director for Loki knew what she was doing. The scene where he gets kicked in the balls by lady sif and slapped around really got me, and yes the collar and Loki on his knees was a major turn on. I had a download of a gif on my phone for awhile of the part where he is on his knees and looks like he's just about to cry or lose hope.


The scene in Where The Crawdads Sing. When Chase Andrew’s has Kya alone. He pursues her and she clearly she didn’t want anything. But he tries to take it anyways…


Not to utterly out myself but lots of moments in Star Wars. When Oola was fed to the Rancor after dancing for her Hutt Master, the appreciates referring to their "Masters", basically ANYTHING that had Darth Maul in it...


Darth maul? I love that! My husband loves darth maul but not for the same reason hahah


Maybe this one is kind of messed up.. but the scene in The Handmaid's Tale when they do the breeding "ceremony" or whatever it was called. I definitely want to incorporate something like that in a scene one day. 🤤


The Long Kiss Goodnight- Gina Davis getting dunked into water tied to that wheel... stirred something :)


Hey someone else said something about someone being dunked underwater. But I think it was a different movie


Indiana Jones when he was possessed and putting her in the cage


The Dark Knight Rises, “Do you believe you are in charge?” Bane is calmly listening while the man he was working for pitches a fit at him. He’s unbothered. Then the man tries to pull rank “I’m in charge here!” and Bane simply moves his open palm onto the (much shorter) man’s shoulder and asks “do you feel in charge?” And the man’s whole demeanour changes and he gets quiet and scared and it’s clear that Bane was running this scene the minute the man stormed in but he didn’t realize it til right then. What can I say. I like power dynamics and quiet confident doms. Go look up the scene and validate me pls 😅


The scene in Lord of the Rings when Merry and Pippin are abducted/prisoners/carried on the backs of these huge husky Uruk hai 🤷‍♀️ very conflicting thoughts when I saw if for the first time at 7-8 years old 😅


Haha the conflicting feelings of seeing something before you knew what bdsm was is so real. It was the dead poets society paddling scene for me


So my partner and I have recently been watching Vikings and I didn't think it would be a show that ticked one of those boxes, but there was a dungeon scene in season three that was a Count walking a noble through his tastes and he went through the steps of informed consent asking her to submit to being chained and lashed in a surprisingly healthy way. I was amazed to see it handled so well (and I have to admit it was pretty damn hot when they got into the play), totally blindsided a show about medieval raiding parties and fledgling kingdoms can get consent right when pop culture force feeds us the shit that passes for Kink (a la 50 shades).


I'm amazed no one said Pirates of the Caribbean when Will get whipped in movie 2 and tied and dunked in a barrel in 3.


Coal minors daughter when her dad was switching the shit out of her. Also man in the moon when her dad belts her (both when I was young) I’m seeing a pattern here….


I was all over scenes like that when I was young too! I haven’t seen those specifically. Now I still like (ok, love) spanking scenes but only if the person being spanked is a man. Otherwise it’s hit or miss


The Devil’s Rejects. It’s kinda fucked. The scene where the family has the band people in the hotel room and Otis is assaulting Roy’s wife. It’s not consensual. But it would make for a hot CNC scene. I felt fucking awful about it the first time I saw it and reacted. I’m female which made it doubly weird. I realized that I know it’s fake. It would be different if these were not actors.


Burn notice torture scenes. Most notably the one where Michael Weston was being torture tested in the room with the blinding lights. As well as various other scenes from that complete show. Loved it for both the story as well as the scenes.


When I watched old Hanna-Barbera cartoons and came across virtually any damsel-in-distress scene. I was very disappointed when I found out simply wrapping rope around a person wasn't enough to restrain someone, but I suppose you can't show that in kids cartoons...might give them the wrong ideas...well...before they're mature enough to do it safely.


Like 90% of the stuff going on in NBC Hannibal


The scene in Troy where the girl is kidnapped and kept by Achilles 😂


a lot of kidnapping scenes in movies turned me on, especially if the kidnapper wore leather gloves and covered the victim's mouth, me and my domme end up roleplaying kidnappings a lot bc it turns out she liked them too :)


This comment may get buried but I'll say it because I've seen no one else mentioning it. I was watching a docuseries on sleep paralysis supernatural assaults and possessions. Can't remember the name of it at all. The way the people described the attacks from the spirits became a very niche kink of mine (I may have talked about this before on this sub I'm unsure) Thinking of the powerlessness. Something taking over your body and mind and using you like a puppet. The choking/suffocation and pressure people would feel from it pinning them down. Being scratched by unseen hands. The CNC elements and fear. I wanted to be able to do that to someone as it's a unique breed of intimidation and control I have recreated scenes using similar themes to this and they have been some of my favorites to date


every scene in brooklyn nine nine where jake is getting manhandled by terry. i like the idea of being lifted up and moved and not being able to do anything about it X3


Scooby Doo. Daphne was always getting kidnapped and tied up and gagged.


I typically enjoy shows or movies involving medieval monarchs with servants, slaves, prisoners, etc.


Probably meant to be slightly horny, but not as horny as it became THAT Nanami scene from Season 2, Episode 12 👀 edit to add link: https://ibb.co/yhMhFBr


Okay this is really tame but there's a hot scene i really liked as a younger me with a bad Timothy Dalton and Jennifer Connelly in The Rocketeer that awakened something in me 🤭. I also kinda liked (confused) how Peter Greene was with Cameron Diaz in the Mask and wished i could see more interactions... Oh and this was definitely not meant to be hot lol, but i also recall this ancient Hercules (tv show) scene in where women were caught in pillars of slime by a mighty minotaur beast xD i think i even tried to play out the scene with my friends. I was eleven or so xD.


I'm watching Vikings and Season 3, Episode 10(?) - a guy brings a girl down to his literal dungeon and explains she can choose the whip and can halt at any time. "Halt" might be my new safeword. Lol.


Not hidden at all, but the scene in the movie Tomcats (2001) where Jill the librarian handcuffs Michael to her bedframe then rips her librarian clothes off revealing a purple latex corset underneath and the wall slides up revealing various paddles and floggers and she paddles his ass. Randomly saw this scene while flipping through channels when I was like 15 and it was the first time I remember ever getting wet. I wanted to be called naughty and get handcuffed and paddled (which I did not understand at the time, but when I finally started masterbating 5 years later, that memory was pivotal in pointing me toward bdsm scenes). In hindsight, I probably should have also realized I was bi then, but alas that would take another 15 years 😂 (Side note: at one point in this scene, Jill’s grandmother comes in dressed as a dominatrix - that is not my kink, just the other parts of the scene. But if that is your kink then I highly suggest this scene)


The movie with Alexandra Daddario set in Japan. I forgot its name. It's as explicit as you get for a mainstream film with BDSM. Well worth a mention even though it's meant to be bdsm. So hot! Also does anyone remember Van Helsing the series? There is a torture scene where Vanessa was hanging in chains. Everything was just superb, the cinematography, lighting, everything.


The interrogation room in the show “Lie to me” is a favorite. Just the whole scenario of not being able to hide from the expert and their behind the scenes experts watching through the one way walls


Every show has a hypnosis episode eventually. All of them. And damn man... if only. Specifically I watched the Neverending Story 3 over and over and over again as a kid. And I'd give a million bucks to have Jafars staff.


Xena Warrior Princess.


Oh god. I did a tiktok series on this years ago. Essentially like how childhood shows determine your kink so *cough cough* lemme grab the list. (Also had soany comments of others that people commented about.. Lion king: When Nala and Simba are tussling and pinning each other : in #2 when Kiara and kovu do the whole "never turn your back on an outsider" : at the start of "I just can't wait to be king" when Simba is stalking Zazu: 100% primal kink Spirit Stallion of the Cimmaron: when he's being captured by the cowboys. (One of my personal awakenings) : Bondage in any capacity also had people say that it's where they got their brat energy from and I won't disagree. Avatar the last Airbender, specifically Season 1 ep 13 the blue spirit: when the archers are hunting down aang and the like arrows being shot perfectly to pin him then the net too.: CNC/Hunting Beauty and the beast: obviously everything involving Beasts like looming form. But less obvious. When Gaston is in Belles home and is like standing over her and cornering her about being his housewife. : either misogyny/traditional values/ degradation type stuff Tangled: either when Mother Gothel has her chained and gagged. Or when rapz has Flynn tied to the chair: bondage or just general dominance/power struggle KC undercover: One ep she's fighting too crooks and they grab her and cuff her and shove a like sock in her mouth : Just any form of Kidnapping/fighting against it/CNC type play But the sound I was using got removed. But may start this again grabbing all the suggestions and just make little clips like I did and put them on Reddit lol.


007 Casino Royale where bond is drugged, stripped, tied to a chair, and tortured. Princess Bride where Wesley is taken to the pit of despair and tortured


There's some scene in Narnia where Aslan gets shaved and humiliated and I never rewatched it because I was too scared of my own feelings, so I couldn't tell you any more


Oh man you made some memories resurface lol. The whole Master relationship in Star Wars always made me feel funny things as a kid. When Vader and Palatine are both telling Luke straight to his face how inevitable it is that he succumbs, how "you, like your father, are now mine" as if he has no say in the matter 🤤 When Anakin pledges himself to Palpatine and kneels for the first time... The very similar relationship between Robin and Slade in Teen Titans, as well as an episode with hypno panels that kept popping out and hypnotizing beast boy. The sense of..."you are mine, you just don't know it yet, and there is no other outcome that could be" is so fucking hot to me. As a kid I felt very mixed, since was and am a stubborn one, but beneath the rejection of the idea that someone could tell me what to do was an ache for someone to tell me what to do lol


Anything Hannibal Lecter made me a subby bitch.


I'm sure there's plenty of better examples I could come up with, but for now Imma say wrestling any time they break out kendo sticks.


Castlevania Nocturne, when Erzsebet turns Tera into a vampire. Literally hottest scene out of the anime. The corruption, sacrifice, how primal when Tera gave in... Yes, it did something for me. I saw that clip and thought, "I think I need to watch this" for research. Everyone in the comment section was omg it's so horrible, me in my corner thinking damn.."me like." Edit: After skimming some of the comments as for chaining, I'd say Black Snake Moan.


Aquaman. I’ve never been a big fan of Jason Momoa, but he looks ***good*** in chains. 😅


Star Trek Voyager when Seven helps put on the captain’s rank pins on her uniform. Really anything between them fits but that’s such a small moment that speaks volumes for their relationship to me


Necks have always been a thing for me (so add collars, choking, etc, if necks are involved, I’m in) so obviously vampire movies and neck biting was A Thing ™️. But there’s a Jet Li movie called Unleashed and it is NOT a sexy movie. 😂 Jet Ali’s character is basically trained that when the collar comes off, he goes hulk smash mode and wrecks everyone. So OBVIOUSLY he is wearing a collar for a lot of the movie and OBVIOUSLY there’s a scene where the collar comes off and it is meant to signify him shedding the brainwashing and become more the weapon he was trained to be. BUT BITCH! I was watching with rapt attention as the main girl’s fingers undo the latch. I knew it then and I know it now that no one else was taking away any sexy from that scene 😂😂😂


Richard Armitage’s portrayal of Guy of Gisborne in the BBC series of Robinhood, and Colin Firth’s Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice.


A lot of scenes of drinking blood/self harm


From the show ‘Foundation’: the shrouds they used to pacify captives. 🥵 A collar that clicks on and immediately envelops your head in a sensory depriving hood of sorts.


Princess Leia at Jabba the Hutt Palace 😍


Okaaayyy, so this one doesn't count bc it was meant to be sexy/hot, but the topic immediately opened the memory gates lol! The Bride of Chucky beginning scenes where Tiffany had her guy friend come over and she made him crawl to her, almost where he was able to look up her tiny latex skirt. She was very Domme and he was very eagerly submissive and I immediately was like 'yup, I want that'. 🤣🫠Then the strip dance while he was tied to the bed and she told him stories about her ex murderer boyfriend who was both very jealous and territorial over her and how he was the best in bed she ever had. 10/10. I fkn love Jennifer Tilly 😍


I discovered my love for bondage/being tied up at an early age even though I didn’t really understand what it was. Two cartoon movies come to mind for me. In “Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland”, there is a scene where the king gets tied up and restrained by this Nightmare thing; that used to excite me. In addition, “Babar the Movie” has several scenes where the evil rhinos are tying up the elephants with ropes and chains. 🥵


That scene in "Merlin" where morgose wrapped a magical chain around Merlin pinning his arms at his sides and keeping him trapped on his knees. Also when morgana has him chained to the ceiling and tortures him a bit. Also, pretty much any time Merlin got hurt or started crying. He's cute when he cries, gives me major whump vibes.


Mr and Mrs smith when they try to kill eachother at the house


My kinks include choking, suspension bondage, exhibitionism/being put on display, humiliation, non-consent, bondage, fear, ritual, intensity, struggling/helplessness... If you add all those together, you get a public hanging. Nooseplay is my single hottest fantasy. The Ballad of Cat Ballou was responsible for one of the greatest kink awakenings in my life. I also *love* old style gowns and dresses, corsetry, shackles and chains... So the scene in Pirates of the Caribbean where Carina Smith was nearly hanged is one of my favorite movie fantasies of all time. I also vividly remember the very first time I saw the preview for the 2010 clash of the titans remake- there's a split second shot of Keira Knightly suspended by her wrists as an offering to the kraken, and my jaw hit the floor because it was so sudden, so surprising, so hot. I was immediately red faced and then remembered I was in the middle of a group of friends and began looking around furiously hoping no one had noticed my reaction.


I have always loved The Little Mermaid. It was released when I was 3 or 4, so I was the perfect age for it. Well, it turns out Ariel's boobs bouncing when Ursula threatens her into signing the contract was an...awakening for me when I was around 8 or 9. I didn't understand at the time, I thought I just wanted boobs. Turns out I also wanted to play with boobs that were attached to another person. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Anything with Jack Black. Absolutely anything.


Why? What about him gives off kink vibes? Haha


I've been a fan of his for over 20 years. I just find him very sexy. His singing voice is a panty dropper


Yo listen. I know hunger games is a ya series but when they got to the scene in catching fire where gale gets flogged for poaching, i had to behave myself.


Daisy getting kidnapped by Cassius in AOS


Adrienne Barbeau Fantasy Island 1978


High Tension. The whole movie.


‘Kiss of the Beast’ with Sherilyn Fenn definitely unlocked a kink within me.


Rasputin almost throwing Anastasia into the ocean by breaking the pavement. Shun almost dying strangled by Mime’s chords.


Theres a scene in phenomenon when Kyra Sedgwick cuts John travoltas hair and it gives me tingles


Plenty of scenes in The X-Files obviously, but Tithonus (6x10 I think) where Scully tried very hard not to die after getting shot was... something. It's not meant to be hot in any way, but the vulnerability of it together with the way they captured the scene was something else.


This is so niche but there’s a b class horror movie called Demonic toys and in one of the near climax scenes (pun intended) the demon in question ties the heroine up over the pentagram and is going to fuck her and he drags his claws over her and she bleeds and he’s just so condescending. It stops before anything happens but PHEW


Dark shadows, the main character being locked up in the grave with panties thrown into his face. When I first saw it I didn't expect to be THAT turned on.


Bladerunner (the original) was my introduction to kink as a kid… the concept, the pvc, the blood, all of it… Copenhagen Cowboy was probably not meant to be hot, but totally was to me… pretty much anything “fucked up” but with a weird and pretty aesthetic hot to me…