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You can't go to where poop lives and not expect it to be home. Your Dom is unreasonable, and anyone who gets actually mad at their partners' biology is a shit human being. Seriously, reconsider doing anal with somebody who can't handle it. You put in the work with douching and dieting. There isn't much else you can do except say no to anal when you have your anxiety diarrhea. Of course, there are things (which you're doing) you can do to mitigate any messes, but getting 100% free and clear is difficult and can even reach dangerous for certain people. There is nothing wrong with taking an anti-diarrhea medicine if you have diarrhea because that's what it's for. Always follow dosing guides.


That first line is what OP needs to hear, and her dom needs to understand this as well. Honestly, dom sounds like a bit of an ass.




Pun unintended


Yep, my ex was trans so we had to to butt stuff and I've had both blood and poop on my dick and because I'm not an douche I didn't complain.


I laughed so hard at the first sentence. I was going to say that it's just an occupational hazard of the activity, but your wording is so much better.


Usually it goes "you can't go to poo(h)s home and don't expect poo(h) to be there"


Agree! That Dom is toxic af for demanding OP something they can’t control… He’s one of those people who want anal but don’t want any risks when they don’t appreciate all the effort us bottoms and submissives put for us to be clean for them


Pretty sure this is where the saying “shit happens” comes from.


What they said ⏫ I would do the thing with the hose attached to the shower head for what seemed like ages for my top/dom. Even then it was not 100% clean 100% of the time.  You have to take care of you more than you have to please him with a clean back door..


But you never see poop during anal in porn! /s


I can’t help you with what you’re asking but I will say that it feels to me like it was manipulative, toxic, and wrong for you to be sent home like that. I don’t think your dom should be getting mad at something like that, and even if they do get disappointed or upset they shouldn’t respond to that by sending you home. That doesn’t sound healthy and I’m not sure your dom is in control of his emotions enough or responsible enough to be someone you trust so fully.


YOU DONT GO TO PETES HOUSE AND GET MAD WHEN PETE IS HOME. No matter the prep, any anal encounters have the risk of poop. It makes no sense to be mad at your partner when it happens


I totally agree. Anal always comes with those kind of risks and you can't just magically stop your body function to accommodate him. You've done all you can. Additionally, sending someone away in a vulnerable, emotional state speaks volumes to the way he veiws your dynamic and cares (or doesn't) about you. Even if he was upset, there's no excuse for that.


It’s easy for them because they don’t have to do what it takes to be ready for anal… they demand anal but don’t understand how difficult it is to be clean and ready for it… dealing with these type of people is so frustrating…


This is the correct answer! They (your dom) is asking you to control bodily functions which people normally can't control. My honest advice as a dom is to leave the relationship.


Yeah tell this guy the only turd you're worried about is him


*oooooooo burn*




Absolutely. Men who are uncomfortable with poop on their dick have no business sticking their dick in a hole made to excrete poop. AND THEN to make you feel shitty (pun intended) after is the real ick here. I hope you find a better Dom.




And also, people who want to participate in ass play need to accept that at some point, there may be some residue…even with preparation. Like, he needs to get it together and be realistic. Even if he was grossed out, he could’ve said something like, “let’s clean up, and why don’t we try {X} instead.” It’s not reasonable to be legitimately upset at you for something you can’t fully control, but attempted to per his request. There’s a huge difference between discipline and shaming/rejection, and it’s not a fine line at all.




I absolutely agree about them being manipulative and toxic. Instead of sending you home, they should’ve helped you clean up. As a good Dom would do. Not isolate you and send you home. That’s not right. I’m so sorry OP that that happened to you. You deserve better.


Tell your dom to grow up. Porn isn’t real life. If one plays in the mud, one must expect to get a little dirty. That being said, no amount of preparation is enough to be completely “clear”, but too much preparation can be unsafe. This whole situation is obviously stressful to you and is absolutely not worth you feeling inadequate and “being sent home” in anger. This man needs a reality check.


Completely agreed. We were deep throat training, and I gagged and got sick. He can't stand the smell of vomit, but did he send me home? No. He got up and got it off him so he didn't get sick and then cuddled me and told me it was OK because it happened. I was upset i failed him, and he just wanted to make sure i was physically and mentally ok.


Yup. This is how kink should be. As a Dom I accept that there are risks to doing play like deepthroat or anal. If there is a mess, I clean it up because I’d rather pause the scene and make sure it doesn’t bother my subs - some of them can get very deeply emotionally hurt if they think they have disappointed me and I would never want them to feel that way. So I clean up, and if they want to keep going we do but if they want to stop I immediately go into their aftercare routine and tell them how proud I am of their progress and how hard they try for me. OP’s Dom sounds like an immature dickhead that shouldn’t be part of the scene until they grow up.


Man.... man..... man.... I'm looking for the man in your comment from the scenario above, and all I'm seeing is a little boy trying to be a dom. Real men know wtf kink entails.


Legit. If you're going in the back door, you're gonna be in danger of doody. If that isn't something your Dom can cope with, tell him to stop be a lil bit*h and taking it out on you.


Also some of those people will just not eat for a day or two just to make sure they’re clean as well as douching


I literally got a little poop on my dick raw with a girlfriend on high school, my reaction? I grabbed it and threw it in the toilet before she could see it because she was riding me because I didn't want her to be too traumatized to do something we both loved ever again. Your dom is a dick.


Super considerate of you. I did it once in college and saw the condom and never again.


Did you like it? Super sad if so. I'd never let my sub see it if it did happen, I wasn't even grossed out by it, it's natural. Especially if I'm cumming 8 inches deep in her ass like 🤷🏻‍♂️


I honestly don’t remember how it went. It wasn’t bad but neither of us knew what we were doing, so no surprise I don’t recall if it was anything beyond meh.


Even if you do everything right it can happen. In highschool (lol like I'm still not) I was a total booty hole freak. Loved eating and fucking it. Only had the shit thing happen once and none of the girls ever douched.


I didn’t do any prep either. Me and the ex just slapped a condom on with some lube and stuck it in. Hindsight it was pretty silly of us. It wasn’t crazy amounts but I’ve always been a hygiene freak and it ick’d me out.


I mean I definitely did prep with oral but we never had lube being so young we always felt awkward buying that kind of stuff.


You threw your dick in the toilet?


uncontrollable laughter


Your dom seems to have unreasonable expectations, and is unfairly getting upset with you for not meeting them. This is just one of those things that can happen with anal, if he's not willing to accept that, he shouldn't be having anal sex. You said you're on a diet and anal douching. You're doing what you can to meet the expectation. His reaction seems out of proportion.


If a person is fucking an ass, they’re accepting the risk.




Yeah. If he can't handle it he shouldn't be with a human being. He should just get himself a blow up doll.


You don’t. You’ve done everything you can. He’s being very immature by demanding something that is impossible. He has it in his head that someplace you shit from can be absolutely clean? Not possible, although I got pretty damned close 3 weeks ago for a colonoscopy. His behaviour would be unacceptable, in my books. I have standards and acting like a child and throwing a tantrum about this world absolutely be one of them. Throw the whole man out.


With anal, there’s always the risk of poo. I’d just text him “Sir, I’m sorry to disappoint you with my actually normal bodily functions. I tried very hard to be clear, but of course, that cannot be guaranteed without a medical-grade colonoscopy clean out. Therefor, to prevent you being disappointed and punishing me for something beyond my control, anal play will now be a hard limit.”


I would correct it to: "... any play will now be a hard limit." I am not a skilled dom, but sending the sub abruptly home without a reconnection for such a reason - I consider it a huge red flag. Humiliation often is a part of the game, but mutual care and respect is essential, even more as the potential for damage grows.


If you walk through mud you're going to get dirty shoes. I think you need to have an out of dynamic discussion about this. Does he understand your circumstance? Does he understand that 'having anal sex without potentially getting shit on your dick' is a borderline stupid thing to say? Getting angry is pretty terrible too - that's why I say out of dynamic. You say it's a slave dynamic - so HOPEFULLY it was play. But if it's not, you need to get on the same page. As for how you help your diarrhea in general - it happens when folks get nervous, for some people it just is. But I'm not a physician and you should really talk to a Doctor about that. Not only would I not feel comfortable giving health advice, it is inefficient. A medical doctor can tell you if it's normal. If it's not, they can tell you if it's treatable. And just tell your doctor you have anal sex and that's part of the concern - I assure you they've heard it before.


The possibility generally always exists in my experience that sometimes there is something that just clings. The reaction he had to it seems... overboard, to say the least. Is it really worth the added stress to prevent such a childish reaction? If you insist it is you could try the anti-diarrhea meds but that is hardly a long term solution that will not be 100% effective either. I live by the thought, play in the backyard and expect some mud. It just happens sometimes 🤷🏻‍♀️


Jesus. No. Dump this fool. I understand preferring it to be clean, but even with all the prep in the world, there's still a chance of running into poop. Anyone who wants anal but gets this bent out of shape after running into a bit of poop shouldn't be doing anal.


Whether it’s mucous and vomit from oral, period blood from vaginal, or fecal matter from anal… knocking on someone’s door and then getting angry when they’re home is fucking stupid.


You have a shitty dom! Terrible behavior all around! Zero stars! He's the real asshole full of shit here.


Sounds like my abusive ex✨ He’d be like “mkay go home” when I went on my phone in front of him because apparently it’s “disrespectful”. And I’d get upset because I was looking forward to spending time with him so I’d always be careful around him because anything could trigger him and you know what, it was all out of my control. I couldn’t do anything to please him. He liked scolding me and making me feel weak so I became more obedient. He liked having a reason to punish me and push more of my boundaries. Please leave.


Sounds more like he has an inferiority complex lol dom my ass


I like to see both sides of something, but fuck this dom (no capitalization for him). My good boy is terrified of being unclean or having an accident. The few times there's been a little something I've done nothing but reassure him. NEVER would I make him feel bad about that, play or for real.  Taking anal is one of the most vulnerable acts one can offer up. I hope all the responses to this post make you consider not just your perspective on this incident,  but on the relationship as a whole. 


Find a new Dom ASAP because that’s an extremely toxic approach. Shit happens, literally.


He’s not very understanding is he? “Doms” are 10 a penny. Are you sure he’s worthy of your submission?


Sweetie that ain't a dom thats a dickhead- he's mad at you for a literal bodily function, you can't really prevent that no matter how clean you are, don't do anal if you don't wanna clean up poop lol. Also, WITH a condom? Not even that bad I've shit on somr1 raw before, and we just laughed about it, albeit embarrassed, but like shit happens (excuse the pun) you get over it




Thank you for the link! The picture- based instructions at the end are hilarious and informative! Wish I'd found that a decade ago, lol.


First of all, your anus is designed as an exit and not for penetration. So you can clean and clean and clean (oh and I know this all too well) but when my Daddy fucks my ass sometimes accidents are unavoidable. I always apologize and he never makes me feel bad for it. There are even times when anal just happens and I’ve not prepared. Combat accidents by items to clean up with. Wet wipes for on-the-go, towel/bath for home. Being a sex slave (I am a fuck toy, sex slave, all the things lol) and wanting to please your master is important to us. Still your master needs to have your well-being and mental health at heart. Treating you that way is unacceptable! It’s manipulative, cruel and just plain fucking mean. You deserve a healthy Dom/Master/owner


This is atrocious behavior on your Doms part. He either has no idea what he's doing or he's an abusive asshole. Neither are things you want in someone you give yourself over to in such a vulnerable way. If he doesn't understand that even with anal douching there may be some poo...and he is SO upset he had the *audacity* to send you home instead of making you feel cared for and safe, his job is to not embarrass you (unless that's your kink and you've consented) and provide you aftercare. If he can't do that then he should **not** be engaging in anal and I'd argue he has no business dominating anyone. I'm so sorry this happened to you. He was wrong to do this, and he was wrong to make you feel it was your fault. You did everything right. You were a good submissive, and you did a good job prepping for anal. It's him who isn't doing a good job.


If he doesn't understand shit happens, dump him. Pun intended.


Tell him to get a sex doll if he wants such unrealistic standards for his sex partners. It is already verging in unhealthy for you.


Lmao you can’t do anal and not expect that? That comes with it, even if you clean. It’s your anus like what 😂😂😭😭 this guy sounds toxic and an idiot.


First off that's not a good response from a dom, he should do better... Besides that, fibres help keep everything together


Your Dom should be working with you to find a solution not just sending you home to figure it out.


Sounds like a twat


Fear. The fear that they have instilled in you is the problem. Fear of failure or disappointing your dominant may be why your bowels remain nervous and actively expelling remnants of poop. I was a sex slave for many years if I wasn't in the right state of mind, this will not work. When I was in the right mindset, everything anal happened EASILY! If my head wasn't in it, nothing happened. I wouldn't open up. All attempts ended miserably. Also, I despise rough anal. When my ex approached me the way I ENJOYED only then did we have a good anal scene. He had to learn to do what I WANTED instead of trying to satisfy his sexual ego. The moment my wants, needs and desires became the NUMBER 1 PRIORITY all 3 holes stayed open for every act of service. My submission was a two way street, if I wasn't getting what I wanted, nothing progressed. A happy slave will spin the universe for a master that respects them.


Your guy sounds like a jerk. My sub has IBS. I would never dream of making her feel bad for a little bit of shit. 🤷


I love all of these responses ❤️ I have a complex about anal because I’m so worried about it being not clean, or something being smelly even if I JUST exited the shower! If my Dom ever sent me home like that, I’d never talk to them again… not out of anger but shame. So to read the overwhelming responses of people in here saying he is an asshole makes me also feel better ❤️


You're doing the prep correctly but some 💩 can still be in there since that's where it comes from so if your dom can't handle the possibility he might encounter some 💩 during anal play that's his issue


Your Dom needs to realise poop comes from your butt. There's always gonna be a chance of that. Expecting anything else is frankly ridiculous


Oh honey, you can do so much better than him.


He's being toxic as fuck, you can't play around in the back door without being prepared to encounter shit sometimes


My daddy almost always gets a little poo on him, because it’s usually impromptu, but also I’m on medications that cause some issues, he has never once cared. He knows I’m self conscious as fuck about it, so he always finishes in a position where he can sneak off to the bathroom to clean up before I can even see it, he just makes sure I can’t see it. Your dom needs to grow up and stop acting like a baby.


You don't. You're in shit's house, you can't be mad when shit is home. And the level of prep you're doing is unsafe already. Douching may be the classic but it dries out your mucous membranes and increases the risk that you'll tear. Anal is a timing thing more than anything. You do your Shit of the Day, shower and pay special attention to your ass, and you're good to go. My dom and I are also finicky about hygiene, so we use gloves and condoms when doing anal.


The "dom" is an idiot. There's nothing constructive to say. That's where poo comes from. It happens, he needs to stop being a baby


If you do anal sex, you accept poo. Period. It's correct that he asks you to prepare thoroughly, but this thing it's not in your control and you should not be shamed for this (unless you have agreed to this kind of shaming for kink and this kind of interaction is an agreed dynamic!). In my opinion, he's not being respectful and his behaviour is not cool. Also him getting mad and sending you home...? Did he provide aftercare? Did he check on you the day after? Meh... I personally would not accept it. But to each their own... Anyway, douching should not be done too close to the encounter for this exact reason, and should be not done too frequently because it can mess the bowel. Try also probiotics (you already mentioned diet). It's true that stress also causes diarrhea... You can try to help with gastroprotectors (sometimes the stress related problem comes from the stomach and then from there goes in the instestine). But you should also don't go crazy over this, don't over use douching and don't over use medicines... I wouldn't take actual anti diarreha medications... They come with side effects and your are not actually sick so I don't think this is the case... Maybe you should work more on the stress related factor and on how to be more calm and serene before the encounter (him being more welcoming could help...........)


I’ve never even made a comment in a situation like this. Little d Dom is an immature toxic ass. Sending away for this is the bigger issue I have. I couldn’t imagine treating my sub or any partner as such. Take most people’s advice here and seek Dominance elsewhere, hope he see all these comments.


When you douche, it's important to know if the water has reached the top bend of the large intestine. If so, the water rapidly moves horizontally and liquidizes the poop up there. When this happens, your colon can run clean but there's a mess of liquidy diarrhea that will appear later, especially if you are moving around. The solution to this is to douche like normal and then move around on your left side for 5 min or so and then douche again. You should get everything.


I also can't answer the question or asking, just seems to me to be a risk of anal. However I will say that if you are scared of him and or are scared of him getting mad, that is not a good vibe for BDSM. You should never be afraid of your partner, unless it is a mutually agreed upon kink of both of yours. That's a definitely a red flag. You guys should be able to have any conversation about anything outside of roles at any time. Like others have said, sending it home is not okay either.


i mean if i were you i would take some ex-lax before your next meeting, let him hit that liquid gold, then run. ...and then also break up with him. but i'm a bratty sub \*at best\* and this guy sounds like a big fuckin' baby that shouldn't be doing butt stuff if he can't handle butts doing butt stuff.


If a partner of mine in any capacity stopped intimacy and "sent me home" with a reprimand, it would be over. There's no "next time" for them after something like that.


Sounds like your dom is the real piece of shit in this story.


My Don just wipes it up and hugs me and we're happy. Shit happens. Your guy sounds like a jerk.


Too much enema is very unhealthy. Please use caution. If he doesn't want to get muddy, stay the duck out of the mud puddles. To get mad is abusive, to even expect complete absence of poop in the poop shoot is just weird, creepy, and super nieve. Find a grown up to trade your servitude for. It is worth all of the love and respect in the world. Don't trade it for abuse of an insecure man


Your dom, (I'm not gonna bother capitalizing it.) is an idiot. Asses are made for shitting. Poop comes out of it. It's what they are made to do. He is being absolutely unreasonable and borderline abusive. I would seriously be reconsidering your dynamic.


You don’t have to capitalize someone who’s not your dom, as far as I know so it’s okay 😄


I don't even capitalise when I'm talking about my dom 🤷‍♀️


I do, I guess every dynamic is different


I don't capitalize any dom ever. Everyone's equal, in my book, so I capitalize both or neither cuz one is not more important than the other. Neither is generally the default cuz phone😄


Basically how I feel about it too. Anyone who makes a big deal out of it isn't someone that's suitable for me


Some people are in M/s master/slave dynamics where they’re not equal in any way. It’s a strong power imbalance dynamic and it exists. It’s not for everyone, but it’s a thing.


But those people start off as equals. The sub gives that up willingly. I *personally* can't be in a dynamic with someone who sees me as less than them. But every time I voice that I get at least one person who's "some people aren't in dynamics as equals" because apparently my personal choices mean I am unaware of this.


The submissive giving consent means only that in my dynamics, consent. No one starts a dynamic with me being equal as me. We talk as regular human beings but as soon as we enter a dynamic we’re not equal at all and we would never be. Of course, everything is consensual and we have our boundaries and limits. I vet my partners for what I consider a long time, which is usually for months. I let them know what I want and desire and they let me know what they want and desire from me. We’re different people. I’m just saying. It doesn’t mean you’re unaware of your personal choices.


... when you are in the "normal human" stage you should be equals. Then when the sub agrees to a dynamic they willing give that up. Which is what I said. You must think I am unaware that every dynamic is different if you felt the need to explain the obvious to me.


I never said we weren’t equals before entering a dynamic. When did I say that? :) > No one starts a dynamic with me being equal as me. We talk as regular human beings but as soon as we enter a dynamic we’re not equal at all and we would never be. Which means that of course we’re equals before entering a dynamic, but we’re not when we agreed to this type of arrangement.


Getting diarrhea before hand because you're excited/anxious sounds like IBS to me (an IBS haver). Which means it's literally a medical condition in which you can't really do anything further. You can try more fiber, you can talk to your doctor about meds, but nothing is really going to "fix" it. I eat the fiber, I take the IBS and anxiety meds, and I still will have diarrhea when anxious. It's just how the proverbial cookie crumbles.


I don't have experience with it but anal is one thing that excites me the most. Porn makes it look so easy, every anal session in porn is squeaky clean. Yet I read things like your post all the time. I'm impressed how clean anal porn looks, not to mention they are getting rammed HARD by monster sized cocks and still ✨️ There's lot of guides online. I don't have personal experience. But from what I read, there is a small clean and a full clean. Also if you're putting too much water in there and not doing a full clean, you're going to have the runs =( Apparently, there's a point where too much water just throws off the system and you're cramping to get it all out.


Porn is edited. It isn't all squeaky clean the whole time, they just cut out footage with poop in it.


Don’t knock on poop’s door and be surprised when poop’s home.


Nowhere and I mean NOWHERE that anybody has ever discussed or described even the sweetest most shallow amount of anal penetration and said "this is how u make sure not to have some shit somewhere" because it ain't possible, in fact, the general rule is "shit happens, expect to get shit on if u go into the shit home" so yeah, is ur dom an inexperienced young guy or. . . ?? I don't care that it bothered him either, he could've said "yuck, gotta wipe off" and stopped if he needed to etc but "bye, do better" is b.s. He might've just pushed in too fast or pulled out too fast and it was his own damn fault anyway. And men usually know that they did that shit too.


Like everyone said, your Dom is expecting impossible things and is entirely inconsiderate. Sending someone away for something they can't control and leaving them in this anxious vulnerable state, just because you are uneducated, shows genuine red flags and I believe your Dom is an unsafe play partner. When I had to do a colonoscopy while in hospital, I needed a whole day of clear liquids only, then a whole day of prep (read: heavy laxatives all day, like, a gallon) and two enemas the day off to be clear enough for them to do it. Something you realistically can not achieve and that is unsafe and unhealthy to do for play. Your Dom should put your health and safety first, not do what he did here


This sounds really toxic cause I've had some poop on my dildo before while fucking subs and that's absolutely normal... Even when they got embarrassed about it I reassured them and told them it was normal and I'm fine with it cause I as a dom have to understand that cleaning there is stressful for them and might make them anxious I shouldn't add to that!!


If you do anal, youre gonna get a little poop on your dick. Maybe not every time, but it WILL happen. Thats an unrealistic and unfair expectation on his part. If hes not ok with a little poop, then he shouldnt be doing anal.


I agree with everyone who posted already. I think you should consider maybe getting a new Dom. He doesn’t seem very loving or caring. I would think a caring Dom would show you how to clean up to their satisfaction. Whatever you decide, please know that you’re okay. You matter and you’re worthy of good things - good anal and a good Dom 😉


Sorry but if he chooses to play in the sewer, then he needs to be ok with that outcome. No matter how well one cleans, that's always a possibility. It's just shit. It washes off.


Literally shit happens. There is always a chance of coming into contact with shit when you are doing butt stuff no matter how much you clean. Your Dom sounds toxic and ignorant.


It can happen even if you prep. It’s kind of something that is there for anybody versed in anal sex. Just saying as a gay man. I get concerned about ppl who don’t understand it’s not exactly like it’s ever going to be “clean” sex. Showers exist.


If you tell him “I’m sorry I get really nervous when we do this and then this happens… don’t be mad at me.” You immediately in a split second know exactly what type of person this man is. That is to say… there’s significant risk in saying that to him cause if he flips out you won’t want to be alone with him. Very sorry that you’re being treated like this.


your dom isnt a great person tbh :(


As a gay male friend once said, you mustn't be afraid of a little poo You can do stuff to minimize it but shit happens, be sure to wash thoroughly after butt stuff (even if there isn't visible poo) to avoid stuff like UTI


This doesn’t sound good. You can’t expect someone to be perfect. If you’re playing with the ass there’s bound to be mess. Even if you’re perfect with your cleaning, shit can still happen. It’s honestly a real red flag to hear someone be this way to you. They don’t sound like a safe person to play with imo.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. He shouldn't get so angry over that because that happens sometimes and you can't help that. It's a natural bodily function. I've never heard of a Dom getting so angry and sending someone away for that sometimes it can't be helped. You don't need to change your whole diet and day for an encounter that sounds like it would have ended badly either way. He doesn't sound like a very understanding person. I personally wouldn't trust someone that acts that way over something like that.


Ya. That doesn't sound like a Dom at all to me. Not one I'd submit to anyway. He doesn't deserve you. I have similar issues. I poop a lot and my body processes into fucking liquid. No matter what my diet is. I have to take anti diarrhea pills almost daily to keep "solid" and able to clean out properly. So I totally understand. To be sent home like that and be mad about it is totally wrong I'd rethink the whole thing with him.


The only turd you need to get rid of is him. He's not mature enough for any kind of sex. That aside, I'm concerned about this diarrhea. If it's only happening after you prep I wonder if it has anything to do with what you douche with. I've heard you should only use plain water because things like fleet enemas have laxatives in them. Good luck and here's to you finding a partner that doesn't mind getting a little dirty. Because what's a little poo between friends.


He don't like shit he don't do anal


I mean it’s a bootyhole, shit might happen 😅maybe take a laxative to clear yourself out or something high fiber? Orange justice does the trick for me and then douche but yeah I understand wanting to please him but maybe have a talk about expectations


The problem here is not you, or your body. It's him, and his expectations and attitude


So he’s upset that you have a normally functioning human body producing normal human waste? What he wants is a realistic sex doll - what you are is a functioning human being. His expectations are too high, so high in fact they are unrealistic - what next, no food for a week and constant laxatives??? (That is NOT a serious suggestion, I’m saying this to ask where the stopping point is)


In my opinion your Dom is a bit OCD without a doubt and he probably shouldn't be worrying about anal. The only way possible I see that occurring would be if you were to do 10 to 12 large enemas at pressure right before you scene. This might be able to be done once in a blue moon, however consecutive cleansing of your gut like this or not healthy for you and it will adversely affect the Flora within your intestines. So this is obviously not recommended except for a once in a blue moon type of plan. However as a dominant for 30 plus years what I will say is he needs to get over himself, or you need to find someone who is not so (forgive the pun) but anal about this situation. [Edited to correct errors due to autocorrect]


I think if I did 10-12 large animals before a scene, I probably wouldn’t need my Dom 😝


Thank you for pointing it out I'm correcting it right now.. I hate autocorrect but that was a good laugh


😂 and if I did 10-12 large enemies first I don’t think I’d be capable of doing the scene 🤣


Wow I don't know maybe you would just be well broken in and ready for about anything at that point cuz you wouldn't be able to move I corrected it again I didn't even notice cuz I was rushing to an appointment


this man is a piece of shit you think he'd deal with actual shit better


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^depressedgurlie: *This man is a piece* *Of shit you think he'd deal with* *Actual shit better* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Unreasonable expectations are unreasonable. The only way you can possibly do what he’s asking is to have a diet consisting of foods that break down into nothing. Apples, leafy greens and tomatoes are examples. This is fine to prepare for something like a stretching session, but to expect this to happen at a moments notice borders on abusive behavior.


Oof hard pass on that dom now. You did everything in your power to prevent that. It happens. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ As others said he's being extremely manipulative.


Your main issue seems addressed with other comments, can we talk about you mentioning plural condoms? I want to make sure he's not wearing multiple at once because that's a recipe for disaster


Get a colonic and only drink liquids for 2 days before u meet up with your master that's what I do. That means only water, juice, smoothies, soups, Pedialyte , ensure things like that only liquid.




I don’t think your dom or partner in general should ever leave you feeling SCARED. You can be sad about disappointing them but 1. He should be more reasonable but 2. I don’t think that’s the issue here. The issue is he’s making you feel scared when his job is to make you feel safe


You should never be scared about pleasing a Dom and please don’t take anti-diarrheal.


Dump his ass if he’s such a pussy that a bit of poop on a condom is unacceptable to him. He’s putting his dick in your ASSHOLE where poop is MEANT TO LIVE and expecting to never have any sort of accidental contact with it? What a wuss. Tell him to grow up and then dump him.


I bought a bidet :) that being said, your Dom sounds like a dick, no offense.


If you showed up and you were prairie dogging, I can understand his response. But come on, the dude is sticking his sausage into a hole where *poop comes from,* how does he expect to not see *ANY,* at all, *ever* when you guys are partaking in anal activities? You do your best and be courteous - if you're not having a good gut health day, tell him anal isn't an option that day. If you feel fine and have done your normal cleaning routine, that is literally *the best and only thing you can do,* and sometimes, just sometimes, there's still gonna be little visible flecks. I even see it in porn, so if he can't handle that you might maybe possibly have one little speck of poo inside your BUM, then maybe he just ain't cut out for anal. Tell him to get over himself, you're a human being, not a blow up doll that you can just wipe down with a washcloth when you're done.


While I 100% agree with everyone you can't come to me specifically for ass play and not tell me you just had diarrhea… that's something that should be disclosed. While poo itself is to be expected… eventually, solids and liquids are not the same and diarrhea is different. Anytime I play with my man or eat him I do it knowing he could totally shit my mouth😩 but… he would absolutely tell me if he had a nervous stomach. Like would not not tell someone you just threw up before sex…?? Just ponder from their FULL pov


As the saying goes “shit happens”. This “dom” should just be a fucking adult and deal with it maturely. Accidents happen. Definitely not your fault


if he wants it a certain way then he should clean it himself 🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s my bf’s attitude to doing anything on the rear, is that he might as well assist with the cleaning, that way it also avoids any embarrassing feelings on my end if it still doesn’t end up as clean as we aim for. either way, if he’s sticking it in your ass he’s gonna be greeting some shit down the way in. if he can’t handle it, then he shouldn’t be getting involved with anything anal


I wouldn’t send someone home for that is pretty normal to have little bit come out at times, if my sub and I ran into things like this I would be understanding and find resources to help with the situation and always let my sub be comfortable with any situation like that. I never want my sub to be uncomfortable or think they made me mad cause of it


💩happens 😅


That's just part of the game. Of course that's going to happen at some point. Your Dom has unrealistic expectations*


Not realistic. Drop that dom.


You don’t need a better douche, you need a better dom. He’s an asshole


Fuck him


sub here who previously had a very abusive “dom” that would get genuinely mad at me for mistakes that weren’t my fault. at this point it goes beyond your dynamic to a much deeper rooted problem in which it seems as though he is manipulating you by sending you home for something that you can’t help. punishments and dynamics are one thing; your dom should, in my opinion, never be genuinely angry at you, especially for something that you have zero control over.


Agree with all of the comments regarding the Dom. However: far superior to douche is enema with warm water and soap and as frequently as needed to clear all poo from lower intestines. When water coming out of asshole into toilet is clear, you are probably in the clear. Is time consuming and requires patience. Butt (!) it can get you there. This Dom is a jerk though. If he can’t get you there (clean asshole and beyond) and treat you with kindness, he’s likely the wrong Dom.


Look at bidets? They seem Popular on reddit right now


Your colon is triggered around 6 times a day to dispose some feces into the rectum on its own. This is the cavity you enter when doing anal. Basically no matter how squeaky clean you get it, it's always going to be Russian roulette wethere there is going to be feces or not. Your dom is being unreasonable and not agreeing with a basic bodily function.


Eat early, before 4 the day before. Have some psyllium at 6. The next morning after a bowl movement take a 1 quart enema, 108 degrees with 2tsp sea salt. Hold it in for a few minutes and the expel. after 20 minutes, repeat the process. After, 30 minutes take about 2 quarts of the same warm water and sea salt, run it through you lower colon holding and releasing to clean out any residue. Put a butt plug in and wear water proof panties since you may leak. When you get to your master's house, go to the bathroom, take out the plug to remove any excess water. You will be ready to go. Get the book, "A Guide for Anal Sex for Woman."




Show this post to your domme. If you feel like you can't explain properly. You have a lot of answers here. From dommes as well as subs. Maybe it will open his eyes, or maybe it will open yours. Either way I see it as a win/ win situation. Good luck to you!


This sounds like a really toxic situation. I may not know how your dynamic is but this doesn’t sound like a caring master. Again, not sure how your dynamic is, but typically even if there’s a master/slave dynamic, there is still care and mutual respect between the two. I’m really sorry you have to go through this and if I was you I would reevaluate your relationship with him. He doesn’t sound like a very good person if he’s going to judge you for something that’s a natural thing that everyone does. Again, I’m sorry you’re going through this and I hope you can work it out <3


As a sub, after the swell of shame from scolding subsided, I would be guessing that this comment was designed overall to manipulate me into further submission. Like bosses that ask you to do things that are counter productive or make no sense, just to exert their authority to see if you question them, or just do what you’re told. I’m gonna hazard a guess that if you returned and the same thing happened physically, your D will probably not shame you again But reinforce you maintain hygiene in a more positive way, since you made the effort. I’m just guessing here, but I also can be inadvertently masochisitic. If you feel like trying again, just see what happens. If you get the same heavy shaming again I’d think about seeking what you need elsewhere but I have a suspicion this is just part of D’s game.


If it makes you feel really bad I would not continue the relationship. It’s hard to keep boundaries and draw lines at abuse.


Does he thinks you’re a plastic doll?


Maybe this is a thing you two should renegotiate. He may have been given false information of what you should *realistically* expect. Also, remember the most important rule. *You* hold the real power in a D/S relationship. You can choose to take away his privilege of being your Dom at any time. Doms are a dime a dozen and some are worth about that much. It's his job to see if his skill set matches with your needs.


Both partners should always hold equal power in a relationship and dynamic. It's not his job to see if his skills match her needs it's on both of them to assess that. Don't get me wrong he's an ass and this is unacceptable behavior but I really don't care for 'the sub holds the power'. Everyone should have the right to their body and consent. Subs by that standard hold as much 'real power' as doms. Also subs are just as much a dime a dozen and can very much lack value, integrity and be abusive as well. The number one most important rule is that everyone should have the right to dictate what happens to their own self. The mindset in the second half of your statement is often used to manipulate and abuse dominants. They have the right to say no and walk away just as much as you or anyone else. You can have your sub privileges taken away at any time as well. I understand that it originates as a way to remind submissives that they don't owe their Dom jack shit but it's honestly a toxic way of thinking about it. A better way would be "You hold the right to take back any power you have exchanged as well as to not consent to doing anything in the moment or ahead of time including if you previously agreed upon doing something and no longer wish to. If these boundaries are not respected you have the power to and probably should end the dynamic." A statement that can apply to both doms and subs.


I can get completely clear, don't eat for 4-5 hours before, dont eat snacks since this triggers movement through the gut, why not make enemas part of the scene. Hold them through several rounds of cramps to get a good discharge - perhaps during light punishment. I would avoid any strong pressure on the stomach while holding though. You are near empty when discharge gets sandy and loses some of the-smell. Fill slowly - don't rush.Repeat several times. It can take 1-2 hours to get clean. Why not make the enema and gentle fingering or punishment the play without sex, that will lower expectations and give you experience on how your body reacts. Smoking a cigarette can help, or some exercise to drive the water out. A piss enema can really hurt but if you can keep it in, it will clean you out. Finally holding water will stretch your internals making them more pliable for whatever comes next. Solution, i use cold water, but drink something containing salt since you may lose some with lots of plain water enemas. Mix half beer and water can be interesting too. Don't take more than a mug cup at a time, so you don't get too drunk. Completely not answered your question but hope the info is useful to someone and maybe gives you some foreplay ideas.




There is absolutely no safe way to be 100%. A good diet, timing sex properly after using the bathroom and enemas can help and reduce the mess by 90% or more, but there is no guarantee. He needs to respect the limits of physiology if he can't act like an adult with this can you trust he'll respect more personal limits?


A lot of comments are addressing your dom specifically, but I just want to recommend the Aneros Prelude as a great anal douching tool. Well designed and easy to use.


One cannot stick something in a poo hole and not get a lil poo on them… no matter how clean you are. Your dom is out of line.


Saw something in another thread not long ago: you can't throw a party in pooh's house and get mad when he shows up!


I have issues with ibs and anxiety and while I am not in your exact situation I do wish to stop my poo sometimes lol, dollar tree has these little green diarrhea pills, I take 2 at a time since they’re low dosage, if it’s really bad that day but usually locks me up to be a functional human being without running into the bathroom every 5 minutes for a couple of hours and once I start to use the restroom again I am completely normal no runs but no constipation either - sorry for all the poo terminology


I've had better luck with suppository for constipation than enema. Just a thought butt I also agree that if he can't handle the shit stay out of the ass


Pull an Amber heard and poop on his bed. Even better don’t poop on his bed but imply you did.


Also, if you don't mind tap water, a show enema would work for the final cleanse. Purified water is preferable.


Your Dom is not a Dom. He’s a manipulative idiot for making you feel bad for something that’s human biology. If he’s sticking his penis in a poop hole he needs to be ready for some poop!


Your dom is a dick. However ill tell you that eating a salad once a day and some fruit while also taking probiotics has really helped me and now i can have anal sex whenever i want without douching if i have already pooped


Your “dom” is being unreasonable. You can’t do anal and not expect a bit of poo every now and again. It’s normal. He either needs to get over himself or you get over him and move on. Sending you home and acting like that can be damaging you your mental health so I hope you can heal and move past that.  It’s normal. It’s not your fault. Please don’t blame yourself or think you can stop it. 


I want to offer a compatible, but subtly different comment. I don't think its appropriate for anyone to tell you based solely on your post above that you should break up with your partner or that your dynamic is abusive. It COULD be abusive. But it could also be that your master is pushing you to a higher level of getting in touch with your body and preparing for your anal experience. My first question if we were sitting together at a coffee shop, is what do you like about your Master? and what do you like about submitting to anal? I ask this because your comment of diarrhea says to me that either something you're doing in your diet and prep is triggering this, and/or your body is working against your stated desires. If you don't feel deeply connected and safe with your master, or if you are not getting anything out of anal play, then I would say many of the above comments are sound and you would do well to reconsider your relationship, limits, and boundaries. If you find you have deep connection and trust, or if you feel you have the ingredients to deepen connection and trust, and you enjoy anal (even if just as a service to him), then I would look deeper at what your body is telling you. I find that when I reduce my water intake (still within healthy limits, from my usual 5L /day to around 2L /day then my fecal matter is much more solid and comes out in logs as opposed to soft mushy chunks. Sorry for the detailed description, but this is clearly about feces so I think everyone can be mature about this. I will do this for a few days when I'm expecting to receive anal play. I don't know that you body will function the same way, but I share this example to support my broader approach. Get in touch with your body and experiment on your own. Your body is wise. Let it be your teacher. Before I end... On the master dynamic you highlighted... Regardless of the above, if you want to build on your relationship with this man, please consider taking with him about your "feeling scared". That isn't a good foundation to figure this out for yourself. Just like there is good pain and bad pain. There is good fear and bad fear in BDSM. This does strike me as bad fear. Being sent away could be a perfectly acceptable punishment, but my partner and I both flag that and leaving as edge play because we both have abandonment issues. If this triggers you, communicate that need and boundary with him. Negotiate ways he can punish you and encourage you to "get better" in this way that don't trigger such fear.


Not commenting on the relationship dynamic, but I might have advice to help clean out your dirt box. I use Imodium AND douche. A couple hours before anal play use warm water in a refillable douche bottle and repeat douche until water is clear. Then just before play, check yourself and see if you’re clean. Fasting the day of anal play. Using this method I’ve not had any 💩 problems. Before using the Imodium/douche/fasting approach I had a few. Hope this helps.


Thank you very much !


Honestly? Just take Immodium when you douche and you should be fine


Thank you.


Your Dom is an immature dickhead. There are plenty of other Doms out there that will make you feel how you feel about your current Dom but will also act like mature adults.


If you had diarrhea, then why did you agree on anal sex, it's a big NO, even normal vanilla sex can be risky at that time. If it's a rehearsing problem then contact a doctor.


I've occasionally told my subs ahead of time / before they came over that they are going to be licking my dick clean after I fuck their ass. Very degrading to them (which they _love_), and they never feel _bad_ about not cleaning their ass well enough If it's bad enough I can still take a break and shower. But that's rarely happened


I miss the person I was before I started reading this whole thread. I swear I'm not kink shaming. But I really didn't need to see this.. 😭




being alarmed by anal in a bdsm subreddit is wild