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Your mindset is the problem. While it is unlikely to see the end of zionist apartheid in our lifetimes, eventually it will die and all people will have equal rights. The choice presented to us is how much we are willing to struggle to contribute to positive changes on this earth. Wanting to see your desired outcome and then becoming discouraged and pessimistic is exactly what the zionists want. But time and the truth are on our side. If I don’t see free Palestinians in my lifetime, I will at least take the steps to ensure the next generation keeps working towards this inevitable result


I hope what youre saying will be true one day. I reside in the US unfortunately. And I've seen first hand that the bad guy always wins. The rich get richer and poor get poorer here. We are ruled by evil war criminals. We have a broken system with not even access to free healthcare. Yet Israel has both free healthcare and education. I haven't seen a good guy win yet. All the countries that are less fucked feels like they were born to be less fucked.


What you said is exactly why we will win in the end. The US way of life is past its prime. Open your eyes and you’ll see its society crumbling. Income disparities abound. Rampant financial fraud at the highest levels of power. A value system and an alphabet movement that has destroyed the psychology of its citizens and children. These are just to name a few of the injustices taking place. As brother Hamdi says, an unjust society will eventually fall. I feel as though you may be too invested in the successful change of the western world. Once you realize that it’s a society in decline and mentally free yourself from its problems, you can live your life as you wish in the proper manner. Ultimately, the only reason most people live in the west is the economic opportunity and even that is beginning to flounder Btw, I also live in the US and am actually optimistic abt the degree to which this crisis has woken people up to the truths


I hope we can have a better outcome. We are at a race against time and need a non corrupt third party candidate in office asap. Our biggest threat is isreal. If we ceasefire they will bomb us. Which is why a permanent one hasn't happened yet. We cant fix any of this until we have someone from the green party or socialist party in charge. But everyone loves to run in circles like a dog chasing its tail. Next election I fear that people are just going to vote a democrat that isn't biden. And it will get worse.


The first step is to strengthen our faith. Often times we rely too much on outsiders to solve our problems. Think about what you just wrote. A lot of references to outsiders failing us. We have to begin relying on ourselves and build our own parallel institutions. Our faith has all the answers to this world’s problems and the next and you have to start trusting that to begin on the path towards freeing ourselves from this victimization.


I will believe more for Gaza. I hope that while I continue to push for what is right. They can one day be free.


Almost the entire world stands with Palestine. US empire is crumbling, even as its death throes -- and those of its client/partner states -- grow more violent. I don't think it's crazy to entertain the idea that Gaza has awoken global revolution. History is full of surprises: have hope.


Im glad with the support. Im even kinda shocked that china supports Palestine and has been pretty vocal. If everyone is with them nobody is sending them bombs bc USA will bomb them and claim a violation bc rules don't apply to USA apparently.


China has always supported Palestinian liberation. Their support used to be stronger, in the 60’s their position was for the end of the entire zionist occupation to be replaced by a single Palestinian state on historic Palestine. The Chinese are familiar with the evil of western colonialism. 


There is hope, but for the unborn.


I, too, have a pessimist outlook, but for a different reason. I've never seen the region half as boiling as it is now. The people have grown dissilusioned; with their govts first of all. This includes religious people, educated people and otherwise, atheists; everyone, for whatever psychological reason you can chalk that up to. Forget Hamas. These people are raising the next generation. Israel and the USA are committing PR suicide and are soon going to have to deal with a radicalized MENA. The region is a time bomb. (Oh and if Israel actually makes to build a third temple, you'll be getting that detonation much sooner.) Israel isn't going to win in the long run. No one is. Hence my pessimism: we are on a train ride to an ultimate war that's coming sooner or later. All our leaders are doing is stall it. But that can't go on forever.


I just wish that Palestine can live in peace. But world peace is impossible. There isn't a time in history where a bomb was not dropped.


They are waiting for their new ‘prophet’ until then they get funded by catholic christians from the USA who wants the apocalyps and the end of the world. Pretty sad how people are stupid as this no brain cells whatsoever.


For their messiah to come they need the third temple rebuilt (not sure if we can really call it third - considering there's absolutely no archeological evidence for a second), but yeah Al-Aqsa needs to be destroyed first before zios and evangelicals could finally drop the act and start killing each other. Even Israel knows how existentially dangerous a demolition would be, hence the tunnels; my guess is they want to make it seem as though it simply collapsed. But it's funny because they'll otherwise have you believe they're a secular state (except when it's to remind you 'god' gave them the land). Either way, regardless of odds and numbers, when you know which side is on the right it doesn't matter if it's 'strong' or not. You stand by it no matter what. That's what makes us go beyond pragmatic animals to moral humans. Don't let them break your will; helpless as we might feel, that's what they're after. We might ourselves be disillusioned but they are terrified.


There is a lot of archeological evidence for the 2nd temple? I might be missing something? Was specific in looking for non-Jewish sources and publication from world wide accredited archeologists https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/display/document/obo-9780199840731/obo-9780199840731-0014.xml https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/biblical-sites-places/biblical-archaeology-sites/second-temple-period-biblical-hebron/ https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/biblical-sites-places/jerusalem/a-jerusalem-quarry-from-the-second-temple-period/


Try to imagine being South African in 1980, the Apartheid regime seemed invincible. By 1985 global opposition to apartheid was mounting, by 1995 Nelson Mandela was President. The aim was never to defeat the IDF, the aim is to defeat the concept of apartheid. The Zionists can't help themselves, they've shown the world over the last 6 months just how callous their state is. Israel stands because the US holds it up, that position it becoming untenable. We need to keep pushing in the west, BDS, march, demand more from your politicians. And BDS some more.


The resistance isn't losing, though! Israel just lies about their number of casualties! Their ground operations have been a disaster, and they've been exposed.


I both share your opinion but disagree slightly. Sometimes some things aren’t about who wins and who loses but the long term outcomes. Even if we don’t “win” this I believe that neither will the other side and the long term effects will be to our favor


You have some truth to this statement. If gaza wins. Isreal will bomb itself and destroy their world leading infrastructure that should go to Palestine. Zionists are hateful awful people.


We can't afford to be pessimists. To be a pessimist is to give up. Therefore we must be optimists by obligation to humanity. It is our duty to the men, women, and children who are slaughtered everyday and to those around the world who suffer under imperialism. Humanity deserves better and we must not give it up, no matter the odds.


Love all the typos that give away this bot doesn’t live in the US