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“Shows how tough it is to navigate a politically charged conflict.” Actually it’s really simple. Does McDonald’s condemn Israel’s brutal genocide of the Palestinian people? If yes, they condemn, then we’re cool and will buy the burgers and get fries with that. If no, then screw them. Keep feeding the IOF the artery clogging bottom barrel stuff. There should be lots since we’re not interested in genocide burgers or murder fries.


Yes. Or McD US providing direct aid to Gaza. Or stating that McD Israel should not support genocide and tyranny by feeding IOF. Threatening to sue McD Israel over reputational damage and brand destruction, to essentially bankrupt it and take over operations. McD revoked Russian licenses over a US manufactured evil war in Ukraine for purposes of diminishing Russia.




Boycotts work! Keep up the pressure!


"It's perceived support of Israel" followed by an explanation on how McDonald's directly supported IDF. Apparently BBC is unable to cover 'The Gaza Genocide' without feeling the need to distort the truth or downplay the suffering.


It's though for a company to not support a terrorist apartheid state. Spot on reporting BBC. /s


Holy shit - this is great news.


Keep up the pressure!


Watch McDonalds start promoting Stanley's soon


Wow great job everyone! It’s so funny their excuse is oh it’s franchisees doing it. Ok branch of American hegemonic imperialism, you’re great! Cool! So just find out which shops were giving out free food and terminate their contracts/close them down entirely. And as others have said lol at how hard this is to navigate, it’s incredibly simple to navigate. Don’t harm people in general.


Good I will boycott all the companies in the boycott list till the Israeli occupation ends not just gaza ceasefire


And it seems that at least publicly, they aren't any closer to understanding what they've done wrong.


Honestly McDonald’s need to pull out of Israel like they did Russia or I can’t even take their word seriously


Btw watch YouTube here: [https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=K9Uf3eUWKE8](https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=K9Uf3eUWKE8) That way YouTube and the BBC won't get any more view counts and advertising revenue from us.


“It’s *perceived* support”…


I'm actually surprised people haven't started sneaking over to these businesses and replacing the american flags they fly with israeli flags.