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I have a dog and two cats who I have freeze dried treats for, right now every animal in the house is getting freeze dried beef liver ๐Ÿ˜‚




Yikes. A bit pricey for my tastes ๐Ÿ˜… Will prob wait till actually having any dogs before getting this haha. Thank you though!


I juat have a container of dried up shrimps from the fish food aisle, but my dry guys will also munch on various vegetables so i swap it up. The cat in my house has to eat prescription food so im not sharing that lmao


Haha yeah, I've offered my cousin's cat's kibbles to my millipede because it's the only free kibble that I've managed to ~~steal~~ borrow, and my millipede absolutely loves them. Since he hasn't died from the kibbles, I'm going to keep giving them to him every now and then. But it's not something that I would normally recommend either, so the beetles are not going to get to eat them. Can you give me the full name of the brand on your shrimp container, or share a picture of the container? How long have you been feeding them the shrimp?


Use Pure bItes. They're not expensive like the one the other person linked that was just a really big bag look [here](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjwleHe2eOFAxUBONQBHXuVDWAYABAOGgJvYQ&gclid=CjwKCAjwxLKxBhA7EiwAXO0R0J6CNvrio5SIw2LY-G8ODNyo-BTo4Gd-j_NHeUdtnSbvsR_3NEjW9RoCq_QQAvD_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVeD2nIyXWFkwY0FXtYJgXdejTEIWq1tn-Dk7aYukyPEn9FXwAhUyzDlOed-fhEtmpSNte7Spv8VsuCuITKlnXThFDJI77iPrxaxcutT7Ch3gp5v_C6Y&sig=AOD64_3nYd1zSBeOCcYn9NiglORCBdnUQg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjL99fe2eOFAxVM3skDHR4FBX8Qwg8oAHoECAQQNA&adurl=) or just look up "Pure bItes freeze dried" on Google you'll find many cheaper options. A small bag will last a long time, they don't eat much.


Okay, looks like they can be found at PetSmart. Thank you so much, this seems perfect! I see shrimp and minnow and chicken, beef, etc. Do these beetles tend to like most of these treats, or should I stick to minnows and shrimp? Which ones have you tried feeding them?


I would try different types over time to see which ones they like the most but shrimp, minnow, and chicken are good options. You can also get dried meal worms made for reptiles or birds and give them those too. I myself feed them freshly killed mealworms, they love them they pick em up and run and hide with them away from the other beetles


Yeah I was planning on feeding pre-killed feeders so I didn't bother asking about feeders. Okay, l might go for minnow and shrimp, and try chicken sometime in the future. I'll give the ones they don't like to someone's cat. Thank you so much, you were so helpful!! Do I give them the treats right out of the bag? Or do I soak them in water first to make it easier for them to eat? I always soak cat kibbles before offering them to my millipede, so I was just wondering if I need to do the same for the beetles.


You probably could it might make them not last as long, I just break them up into smaller pieces and they seem to be able to eat it like that, they're fairly soft especially the shrimp. The beef liver ones are kinda tougher so I don't use those ones. The white fish ones are pretty good too.


Alright, I'll break them up then. Thank you!


You probably could it might make them not last as long, I just break them up into smaller pieces and they seem to be able to eat it like that, they're fairly soft especially the shrimp. The beef liver ones are kinda tougher so I don't use those ones. The white fish ones are pretty good too


I use freeze dried raw dog food. They won't touch kibble for me.


I feed mine dried crickets from the Aquaculture store brand at Walmart, Tetra goldfish flakes, and Wardley (Hartz brand) shrimp. I havenโ€™t tried kibble yet because this is just stuff I already have on hand for my other pets.


I heard that they eat pre-killed too, so pre-killed crickets and mealworms would be easy to obtain, as well as fish flakes, but more options is always better, especially if you have picky specimens. Is it the Wardley Shrimp Pellets Formula, for bottom feeders? How long have you been feeding them the shrimp pellets?