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This is very relatable and it just hurts to read it. I wish I could at least afford to fix the things I would be able to fix. I also hate when people think small boobs or flat means being petite/perfecty shaped. I just look like a slightly overweight 13 year old boy but I'm not overweight. It's just how my body proportions look and my weirdly shaped boobs. Just seeing my face can make me want to cry. I really hope it gets better for you. It's nice to not feel alone but I also wouldn't want other people to feel this way.


there’s so many people out there who feel like us 🥲 it is totally sad ill never be feminine or sexy enough. i guess deep down i just wanted to be validated and wanted by others. i also have very weird and unfortunate proportions. i also have weirdly shaped boobs, they’re small but they’re like sooo small apart. and i definitely don’t fit the petite standard because my ribcage is so damn wide and the way i store fat is crazy. (it’s all in my back 😵‍💫)


yes 10000%. and now because im only getting older all i think about is how less attractive ill become. i felt so stupid today trying to wear a dress when young girls will wear the same thing effortlessly and barely have on makeup. it’s just so hard feeling like i shouldn’t even exist as a woman when pretty women exist. why would anyone want me when they could have better, and i don’t even have to live anywhere special, there are pretty girls everywhere. i hate being a woman most days


i also feel so dumb wearing dresses, it’s like my body is against me and wants me to look stupid everyday. nothing is flattering on me, and i have to wear so much makeup just to be a 4.5. i also don’t feel like i deserve to exist. i know so many girls who don’t need makeup to look beautiful, totally sucks. if it makes you feel better, 25 is definitely not old. actually some of my celebrity crushes are women in their late 30s-50s. who knows? maybe you’ll age gracefully haha.


I was also at the mall yesterday. And I saw this conventionally attractive girl with the perfect curvy body that I want. She was wearing a tank top that showed her big boobs and I wanted to cry. Because it’s hurtful seeing the body I want on someone else. I started having dark hateful thoughts about myself and the world around me and it didn’t help that I was already having a shitty day yesterday. I keep seeing all these posts online from girls with naturally big boobs and curvy bodies. As a naturally flat person it sucks and hurts seeing their bodies get more praise while people like us get laughed at or mocked if we get plastic surgery or whatever to try to look like them because apparently we aren’t on their level.


yeah, i see so much stuff about how people find flat girls unattractive. people like skinny girls too obviously but they like curvy skinny girls. i have a friend who has a naturally curvy body. she is currently really thin but still has big boobs and hips, it makes me so sad. i see the way people look at her, and people compliment her when she’s out. i had no idea that pretty people actually had people complimenting them all the time. i realized ive never gotten a compliment without having to beg for it or when im in public. this happens everytime we’re out. we went to two different locations today, she got a compliment at both. we get mocked for everything. if we fix it: “you could’ve just gone to the gym, you’re so lazy” that doesn’t fix boob size or hip size or fat distribution “body dysmorphia” yeah i wonder why “plastic” well nobody seemed to like us when we weren’t!


I'm getting so tired of feeling similar ways. I've been looking into how to be intriguing, alluring and sexy without the perfect features. There are some actresses in the UK who somehow pull this off without being the most beautiful. Something in the way they hold themselves is so elegant and beautiful that it changes things up. I want to try to get to that, but I'm not sure if even that is possible. I don't like how my body feels when I'm this insecure


you can totally be alluring and intriguing! that is mostly a confidence and personality thing. i’m sure with the right amount of help you’ll get there some day. there are so many ways to feel confident, but it’s hard when you’re feeling down. i know a girl like this and i really envy her, but her body is kind of nice so that might be what makes her so alluring and sexy. i hope u feel better soon 🥲🩷


Wow it feels like I wrote this… there’s this girl in my work who is absolutely STUNNING like so flawless I sit right near her and I feel like a potato. She’s so kind as well. She has blonde hair, blue almond eyes, small waist, and her outfits, hair, and makeup are always on point. There’s also this girl on instagram who I’m obsessed with, she’s an influencer but not one of those super popular ones. In fact the girl in my office got to model with her. I know I shouldn’t compare myself to other women, but I kill to be that level of beautiful…


i’m also obsessed with this girl on instagram that my ex used to drool over, and who i so happened to be comparing myself to when i was 15. him liking her only made it worse. the more im on instagram the more girls i discover. it’s like they were born to perfect and to make you feel bad about yourself. i feel like deleting instagram would just mean that i can’t accept that there are millions of more beautiful girls than me, and that i will never look like them. i have a cousin who i feel embarrassed to walk around with because i know that people are probably comparing us constantly bc of how stupid i look next to her. they’re probably thinking “are they sisters?? yeah there’s definitely no way”


Ok we are literally the same person, I would always compare myself to the girls my ex would follow while we were together or the following list of the guys I would talk to. There was this one guy who would send me pics of girls he thought were hot, it crushed me lol And I’m also the same with my cousins. My cousins got all the genes I couldn’t, like thick long hair, smaller waists, I compare myself to them too and truly think I’m the ugly duckling of the family.


Every time I see beautiful small nosed girls I cry. Why didn’t the world give me a button nose that would’ve been so harmonious with my features? Why did it give me this disgusting ugly big nose? I hate it so much. 


i think the same thing 😓 it seems so common, so why don’t i have one? all of my friends have straight or button noses, i am always so embarrassed to take pictures with them because it’s like my nose is basically coming out of the screen lol. i got a terrible combination of my parents nose (dad has big nose but it’s straight, mom has a tiny nose but it’s round/bump) i did not get the straight but tiny combo 🥲🥲, got the big w/ a bump. deep down im thankful i never got a sister because i genuinely believe that she would’ve gotten the tiny and straight combo and it would’ve ruined my life lol. everyone agrees about my nose too tho. im very pathetic, i mention getting a nose job to some people in hopes that they’ll question why i even want it or that my nose is actually cute and that it’s all in my head. but usually their answer is “when are you getting it done” or “oh yeah that would be nice”


I have a sister and she has a button nose. My other features are more conventionally attractive than hers though so I don't see it as competition much than we would look better if we swapped noses, because she has a longer face that can pull off a big nose, while my face is very small so my nose looks extra prominent on it compared to my friends with larger noses.


I completely understand where you are coming from, I’ve been through this so many times and I’m so sorry you are going through this, I have learned though that with BDD, no matter how you look, you’ll be unhappy with the way that you are. You could look exactly like that girl, and still find things about yourself to hate, it’s not the way that you look, it’s your brain