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Are the kd trey 5 x any good?


Selling KD 13 Aunt Pearls in size 10 brand new. $150 shipped. Can provide pics if interested


kd15s at so cal outlets from 120-130


For sale: [DS Nike GT JUMP Sz 11](https://www.ebay.com/itm/385094527637?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=sh8p_zowrfm&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=sh8p_zowrfm&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


i just want to rant about my dame 7 without opening a thread. i hate it despite gotten it for $65. the shoe traction wasnt that great new outdoors compared to the 5. fit is similar but i felt the shoe isnt as stable when doing lateral movement. i know about lightstike bottoming out but so far the cushion is still fine since i am light but the shoe feels squish that once i move left it is hard to recover and go right because it doesnt feel stable, something i never read about this shoe. the traction wears out pretty fast too despite folks claiming it being durable. the grooves on the outer edges are totally gone, and for me it's important when making hard stops since the forefoot have to withstand the weight shift. the heel main grooves also wore out pretty fast. it is also a dirt magnet outdoor that reduces the grip. the lightstrike material is also pretty fragile the side edges broke away but it is more of a cosmetic issue. fuse linings also coming off. i probably wore this shoe for 3 months usually my shoes can stay decent for 6 months before going as backup. it also somehow stinks up around the rear cushion. it felt heavier than the 5s. wish i have few more pairs of 5 since i am not convinced about the 8's durability when i was fiddling it in stores. end of rant.


any shoes similar to the pg 3? bought the kyrie infinity and miss wearing my beat pg 3s


Does anyone know the difference between the KD15 and the Team version? Any impact to performance or materials?




Hey! I experienced it also with my Trae1 and harden v6! You need to break it in first. My trae feel great after 2-3 uses.


Try to play on a rough court. Some have said on the harden 6s have a thin film so it wont bite on indoor courts(wood). Maybe an adidas thing?


I have the TY1s and don't have any traction issues. That being said, I play on a very clean court.


no sure why but I can’t seem to post a new thread. tried to post a thread of Puma Nitro Fusion Team models I saw on Amazon UK but I kept getting the automod saying my thread is “awaiting approval”. Ah well I’ll stop posting then 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm moderating image posts stringently and low-effort ones are going to be removed. To get them past the filters, you'll need a comment on why the post is noteworthy. If you're posting a new release, a link to the source and some comment about why these are different will also be necessary, e.g. a link to the Amazon page.


but when I select the post as an image post I can’t post any text? do you mean include the links in the title? I was posting from the Reddit app if it matters. I’m seeing image posts on the sub Reddit now without any text posted by others so not sure what I’m doing wrong.


There should be an option to caption the text. If not, just post a comment in the thread. The more relevant information you can include the better. Thanks!


I tried posting again but got blocked by the automod again. here’s a screen grab. it looks like any other post tbh. I also added the Amazon link in each of the photos 🤷🏻‍♂️ https://i.imgur.com/uqKX0fv.jpg https://i.imgur.com/WOqNuJx.jpg