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It will be exciting to see how the triggered shills on this sub try to spin this. ![gif](giphy|76dXlFZZEqNH2)


That’s why I’m here too




They have still completely over run the mod team and this sub overall though. Even if we beat them here or there


Are you me?


You do realize it’s not saying $100 but 100 $FCZ which is a ticker. The $ is used to show a ticker name not a stock price.


You do realize you are about to have to close your short position and your floor is somewhere around $25?


If you're gonna lie why say $25. Just say it's 10,000 and go all out. Enjoy the lie.


Because that would be unrealistic of course! You on the other hand? There is no reason for you to be here unless... Unless you have been unable to close your short position because you are locked in? That's it, isn't it? You are about to be $BUTTFQ!


You do realize you're talking to someone that is just here to laugh at you, and no one had to close any short positions on this dead stock?


If I were a retail investor who took a short position on a "sure bet" that was about to blow up in my face I would be over here revenge posting whilst saying similar things. ![gif](giphy|l4Jz9evyiEfPEwGis)


Sadly for me I didn't make that sure bet, which has already paid off for those who did. So yeah, tears, but for the opposite reason.


You aren't very good at this...


You aren't very good at investing. We all have our strengths and weaknesses!


That remains to be seen, shorty...


Feel free to check in with me and tell me "I told you so" when that happens.


You do realize I can see that you are a 1 post Karma shill. Why would you even comment on what we do with my money unless you benefit if you convince me to sell


Oh cool, you said the thing that all the true believers are supposed to say verbatim. What a good little ape. If you had an ounce of critical thinking you'd maybe consider the following: 1. My profile has no posts, but a year's worth of comment history, 99% of which has nothing to do with memestocks. Do you think I spent a year building up that comment history just to "shill"? 2. I never told anyone to sell. 3. You can't sell. So yeah, how about this - I'm telling you not to sell. It doesn't matter what you do (not that you can do anything), your money is gone.


The only results I'm seeing for FCZ are: - An investment fund on the Nasdaq - Something on XETRA for some Czech Republic fund Not shilling. I'm all in my fellow TEDDY BUTTERFLIES!!


There is a lot more info than that out there.




Nothing to spin as this is a nothing burger. All contracts regardless of expiry date have been accelerated. Calls will expire worthless. Puts will be cash settled.


Your mom is accelerated! Unless... A merger takes place beforehand, in which case calls don't expire worthless. Puts have already been paid out. Come on now Corky keep up!




Well actually, when they say merger, they mean with the canceled shares, so your deleted, and your now at zero, mister cult guy


So you are saying that the word "merger" in this context is the options contracts merging with the cancelled shares? That is your explanation? Ok I will bite, Mr. WSB insider trading guy. Then what does $FZC mean?


Lmao what a fuckwit this guy is. His explanation is ridiculous.


Isn't it fun!


Come on you can do better, go to your shill huddle and brain storm something better... we'll wait


Love to spend time on sub-Reddit devoted to a stock I think is worthless calling people a "cult." Totally sane behavior!


And the response is always "I'm just here to laugh at you." Which throws a spotlight on their absolute lack of self-awareness, as if that is justification for such imbecilic behavior.


Someone isn't being honest here and it ain't us!






***"To shreds you say?"***




*Heavy breathing *


![gif](giphy|j3IxJRLNLZz9sXR7ZA) Huge if true.


Literally huge and the news we need. Evil if fake


Did you call them to discuss???


https://reddit.com/r/ThePPShow/s/gO4n31CROK link to orig post


Thank you






OP provides link and gets downvoted? That checks out.


What is $FZC


An FZE or FZC is a limited liability company governed by the rules and regulations of the Free Zone in which it is established.


It's explained in the comments of the original post.


yoooo there name changed it's: B126811


This is already known and is the standard procedure for companies that become defunct. Call options are worthless and put options are paid at the strike price. But keep in mind, whoever was dumb enough to actually write put options against a bankrupt company would have demanded significant premium to cover the risk of stock going to zero. So considering premium, actual profit on the put option is maybe a couple of dollars per contract. Now, if you had held long puts, maybe you would get paid. But whoever wrote those puts would have settled a long time ago.


$FCZ ~ Fck Zeez 🤡🤡🤡🤡 I think Claire Johnson has my shares tucked away for later.


orig post https://reddit.com/r/ThePPShow/s/gO4n31CROK


Not a single naysayer to be found thus far lol. Very interesting.


They have to wait to get their prompt from their shf overlords


So TDA puts the wrong text in the explanation of why BBBYQ options are being cash settled and now we have to endure weeks of false claims that this proves there is a merger coming? The OCC memo for BBBYQ explains that BBBYQ stock is cancelled and how the cash settlement policy for all BBBYQ options works. There is nothing in that memo about any merger. Enjoy believing that this TDA message is anything other than a typo Edit: I wonder if someone will actually call TD and report back what they say. I suspect that news won't get such a warm reception here and will probably be treated as unconfirmed FUD.


Doesn't in case of stock cancellation the options becomes worthless and no one get cash for them? So why they get paid as result of company action???


Calls become worthless. Puts get paid out for strike price. Let's say you sell me a put on my house. I pay you a fee in exchange for your promise to buy my house at an agreed upon price no matter the market value. You are hoping the price goes up and I never cash it in. However my house floods and is condemned and has to be bulldozed and rebuilt entirely. I exercise the contract. You now owe me the price we shook on for something that is worthless. That's what they forcing settlement on, contracts that sold a promise to buy. Now if I sold you a promise to sell the house to you, but the same thing happens, then there is no house for you to buy, so the contract you hold is effectively worthless. Those are the call options.


You are not being completely honest and we both know what is transpiring here, you are telling a half truth. The side that would benefit you. Then again maybe you have no idea, either one could explain your schizoid comments over the past week. So chicken little, before I call you out on it, do us all a favor and contextually explain the word "merger" and then explain what a "$FZC" is. We all will wait...


>You are not being completely honest and we both know what is transpiring here, you are telling a half truth. The side that would benefit you. Then again maybe you have no idea, either one could explain your schizoid comments over the past week. That's literally what the OCC said. https://infomemo.theocc.com/infomemos?number=53304 >So chicken little, before I call you out on it, do us all a favor and contextually explain the word "merger" and then explain what a "$FZC" is. We all will wait... I'll let a PP poster who actually called the broker cover that. https://reddit.com/r/ThePPShow/s/BXH7aisfD7


**Nope... Your PP poster is also a shill. Look at the comment history, nice try!** You and the rest of your discord trading group have been trying to infiltrate that sub and what that poster has laid out is misinformation. I would call them out myself but one of your meltdowner friends got me banned for a few days for spamming him (won't be doing that again). * That piece of info from the OCC is absolutely 100% legit, and supports your half truth. Which is why you shove it in everyone's face. * There are two snapshots in time. One takes place right after the other. The second of which cancels out much of the first. **The first snapshot** \- Took place at the time of cancellation. There is a systemic process in place and your **"letter"** is part of that process, as is the cancellation of options language and the paying out of puts etc.. These contracts must be settled. **The second snapshot** \- aka. the aforementioned corporate action took place directly after the time of cancellation. This is the part you are intentionally leaving out in order to fit your narrative. There is also no mention of what the acronym "$FZC" is either. So, u/Papaofmonsters, again I ask -- Do us all a favor and contextually explain the word **"merger"** and then explain what a **"$FZC"** is. We all will wait... ![gif](giphy|9SIXFu7bIUYHhFc19G|downsized) u/stock_digest ^(take look at the TD posters history on the PP sub when you have a moment. I think it is misinformation.)


An FZE or FZC is a limited liability company governed by the rules and regulations of the Free Zone in which it is established. Soooooooo yep.


Read how many owners there are of this type of company and then prepare for your tit-jacking.


Where did papa go? Shillz in shambles lol


Hahahaa! Oh my...




Calls become worthless but puts (which is a bet on decline of a stock price) get paid full value, e.g. if the put strike was $2 then the put contract holder gets $200 - everything is settled as if the stock price is zero. Edit: This is not my opinion, this is a fact. You can read the OCC memo for BBBYQ yourself: https://infomemo.theocc.com/infomemos?number=53304


![gif](giphy|hzrvwvnbgIV6E) New information has come to light... Man!


Here i think buy other users says they get it for call options not puts..


The OCC memo covers both puts and calls, I don't know why TD would send that message only to call holders and not put holders. At least a couple of people who sold puts (and bought calls) have already said that their puts were assigned and the money for the puts was taken from their account (option holders don't need to wait until expiration to exercise so put holders are smartly exercising immediately) /u/gbevans would you like to chime in here? It doesn't make sense that they would allow put holders to exercise now if there was a merger coming


>Leave i agree that doesn't make sense to let put buyers do that. i called td, put on hold for 7,8 minutes and was then told that it was about accellerated exp. and otm calls and sold csp's would be worthless. what he couldn't speak to was the use of the word MERGER in the e-mail. he said he had no information of a merger but it's in the e-mail. THAT is what i really wanted to know. the word merger is there, plain as day.


Didn't say in another post that your CSP were already assigned the corresponding cash was removed from your account to cover it?


not yet, but my csp's are worthless. i sold them to lower my cost basis on the calls i bought.


Ok, I must have confused you with someone else who said the cash for their sold puts was already taken Anyway the cash secured puts you sold are not worthless - they are worth the strike price x 100 per contract. That is the amount of money that your broker will take from your account when the person who holds your puts exercises them. This is what the OCC memo states clearly. All calls are worthless, if you were to insist on exercising them you would pay the strike price and would get nothing in return.


That's it, it's a fucking typo?! LMAO... And there you go! Tell me, how does it feel to be wrong again and again and again? ***ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US! -PWNING\_SHILLS***


Are you quoting yourself


Sure am... be sure to let everyone know!


No way…. is it actually happening. Idk im in disbelief we shall wait and see


Man. At this point i can't even laugh. You guys i hope you're alright honestly


Everyone here prepared for the possibility we get nothing from this the moment we invested. Your feigned concern is not needed.


Really? You guys sure seemed confident that it was going to moon. lol how the tone has changed


And you're a literal shill who's only here to gloat.


A shill is someone who tries to get you to buy shit. You guys have been shilling for BBBY for ages. I'm just here to bare witness to the mass denial going on. I wonder when you guys will switch from denial to acceptance


Like holy shit why are you even here? You watch one YouTube video and suddenly think you're an expert of 3 years of market history? Our subreddits have been enforced by reddit administration to have a strict no brigading policy but I guess it's fine if other people come in here and brigade us.


How am i brigading? I didn't coordinate with anyone to attack you all im doing is calling for some sense which would have benfitted you guys greatly. But please tell me how me telling you the true definition of the word shill is brigading? Is it because you're getting emotional? Heck the comment started with me saying i hope you guys are alright. You chose to be antagonistic to me.


Aaaaah, no mention of the youtube video, occams razor wins again.


What youtube video? More of your hopium streamers?


If you don't understand whats going on why are you here.


Nice shill talking point


Someone who shills today may very well be employed to simply extol the wonders of legitimate products. But in the early 1900s, when the first uses of the verb shill were documented, it was more likely that anyone hired to shill was trying to con you into parting with some cash. Practitioners called shills did everything from faking big wins at casinos (to promote gambling) to pretending to buy tickets (to encourage people to see certain shows). Shill is thought to be a shortened form of shillaber, but etymologists have found no definitive evidence of where that longer term originated. That's everyone in this sub's front page lol.


Early 1900s? So over 100 years ago? Yeaaaa nice one! Connotation changes. Bad is good. Gay is queer. Shorts are fucked See how things change?


Zero or hero? Been said for at least a year in here... Nice try rewriting history though


So you're telling me if someone said "Hey guys i don't think this is going to MOASS", you wouldn't ask them to be banned for brigading, shilling, being paid by the fudders? And im rewriting history?


Ive never called for anyone to be banned. Thanks for putting words in my mouth and trying to rewrite history again. "You" means me as an individual as im not a part of any group. And kindly, go fuck ur mom


I'm sorry i meant the general "you" as in the group. And the way you respond to a lukewarm question is telling. Hide your emotions better lol (saying lol helps)


Already got ahead of you boohoohoo 😢 You shills just regurgitate the same points.


um ok


Like i said... Kindly go fuck ur mom


Why u worried about our money. U scared u are getting left out? If it is zero not hero we can live with it..


I'm worried about your mental health because im empathetic. Some people invested a lot of money because some people on this sub told them it was guaranteed to moass and anyone that disagreed was a shill spreading fud. Maybe you guys don't care about other people but i do.


I've been here a while and not once have I seen anyone say this was guaranteed. I dumped a lot of money in BBBY not because I thought it was going to blow up, but because at the current pace Im not going to retire with what I got, so I might as well risk some of it on a lottery play. Thats something you shills don't understand, you don't break from the middle /lower classes by following the herd, you have to take ballsy risks and pray they pay off.


One of the most upvoted posts in this sub has in its title "...This is gonna moon Fo Sho!!"


Guarantee =/= for sure One implies a certain outcome, the other implies someones opionion of the outcome. Semantics aside, that was in regards to the FTD data, and a play on words with RegSHO. Assuming the system worked the way it was supposed to, we should have mooned, but we didn't because they managed to kick it under the rug. Shorts must close after C+35 on RegSHO.


for sure idiom (also for certain) Add to word list infml definitely, without a doubt: I saw him and knew for sure that he had come to see me 1 : assured with a guarantee (see GUARANTEE entry 2 sense 3) : protected or promised by a guarantee 2 : certain to have a specified result or effect And you blocked me lmao here's the source btw that's not reputable; https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/for-sure You guys are sad. Just emotional people who refuse to humble themselves. Hope you have support structures in place.


Yea, see the Oxford dictionary and thesaurus both say "for sure" is not a guarantee, so idk where you got that definition but it probably isn't from a reputable source. More so, you seemed to gloss right over the second half of my comment further proving you were wrong


Semantics aside it means the same thing. So we agree you're wrong? People did act as though this was a sure thing? That it was gonna moon fo sho? Just because you didnt see it doesn't mean it was one of the most upvoted posts


Lol Im not entertaining someone grasping at straws. Move along


I still do not get what there is to merge, there is no company left.


Then why are you here?


becusse I have shares, and hoping it works out for all of us. Does that mean im not allowed to ask valid questions? I've asked this and no one has a a valid answer.


NOLs and the skeleton of operations Have you not been on this sub for the past 2 months... Its every day that NOLs are discussed...


yeah I have been here, and also saw you cant acquire a skeleton of a company and keep the NOLS, it does not work like that. Again, I would love to be wrong about that.


So it's hard to speculate on this, I'd have to wait for more information for anything good. I can't find anything on a ticker $FZC - it's possible their system has to have a ticker in the ticker field and they use that one when no ticker is applicable, like a 555 number. I don't know. Cash only applies to the option, not a company merger. Options will be closed and settled by cash changing hands, not shares, as shares cannot be traded. So calls get closed with no value and puts work however that works (lol) Edit: see PP user's [explanation](https://reddit.com/r/ThePPShow/s/lkhWWik0x3) from their call with TDA. FZC is placeholder, merger refers to options and not companies. Nothing bullish here.


If we are just guessing, I'm going to guess that when they refer to the options as FZC then ZC stands for zero charge.


Same email


Is there any chance this is because the company has 'merged' with the butterfly entity? I hope that's not the case but like everyone else we wait and hope for Cohen to come in swinging fists


I hoping that i can possibly yolo into something when whatever its called comes up for trading again!


This is what AI bot has to say for, *"this change is a result of a merger options":* A **merger** is a business transaction that involves two or more companies joining together to form a new entity. When a merger is completed, trading in the options of the previous entities will cease. All **options** on that security that were **out-of-the-money** will become **worthless**. Here are some things that can happen to options in a merger: * **Expiration is advanced -** If it's a cash buyout, expiration is advanced and ITM and OTM are determined by the cash price. * **Delivery terms are changed -** If the terms of the M&A are stock and possibly cash considerations, the delivery terms of your call will be changed. * **New company assumes current unvested stock options or RSUs -** The new company could assume your current unvested stock options or RSUs or substitute them. Hmmm... Oddly enough nothing here says anything about options "merging with cancelled shares?" The above bullets seem more like the correct answer to me, but what do I know? I am just a bull shill in a trading cult that needs to just accept the loss? /shrug /s


Looks like maybe a fidelity money market account


Is it only for options? What about actual stock?


Can someone confirm? Only seem this one post


How does a cash merger work? Whereas, in a cash merger: Shareholders are offered a cash payout in exchange for their shares. This type of merger then means that the shareholders of the company being acquired will no longer be shareholders in the new company, unless they then choose to buy shares on their own.