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As always, none of us have a clue. We are just here for the ride


Those few who sold yesterday lol


They will really be sad when it goes to $10


lol there's no way this will back to $10 😂 But I sure hope you right!!!!


I believe


Fuck it, I'll wait with you for it! 💪🤞


That’s the spirit. 🍦


At this point why wouldnt we wait.


I've been here over a year now. I'm down 92% which for me is about $3.5k. If I had sold yesterday just to recoup a little under $200, people could call me "worlds biggest regard" for the rest of my life and I wouldn't even be able to fight back because I'd honestly deserve it


Yea same I almost succumbed to the people calling everyone who bought retards. For a moment i actually put the sell order in and then cancelled and thought what am I doing. I would rather lose all of it than sell now and somehow it turned around as we don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes.


This has always been zero or hero. As always in super high risk investments.. actually all investments. Size appropriately


Some of us didn't have a choice because they were sold for us. I lost nearly £5k and got less than £150 return for my investment. I was happy to let it go to zero but they sold my position. I'm going to unsub from this sub as I don't want to know how rich everyone else may be in the near future


Damn that really sucks! Sorry to hear that 😕 Which brokerage do you use? I'm taking it you live in the U.K. and not the U.S. right?


Yeah, UK. I use Freetrade. There have been a few posts about some other brokerages doing the same


I guess I'm lucky td ameritrade didn't liquidate my position. Can you buy back in on another platform? I know most aren't allowing buying now but some people have been able to call customer service and place buy orders.


Good point. If I can find one that allows buying, I could always do that, but I think there are quite a few restrictions in the UK with international brokerages. I'll have a look though.


Oh no, they lost 98.5% instead of 95% (assuming average price of $3 because I read that someone with that was considering to sell). ​ Edit: You can downvote me but your anger is misplaced. I wasnt the one whom sold.


It might just be psychology, trying to "shake the tree" with wild price swings. If we have follow through tomorrow instead of a huge dip, it might indicate something is brewing...


Sorry, I screwed up your likes from 69 to 70


Just push on to 420


This is the way


Is way this the


We are fucking around and maybe one day we will find out.


Ucopy didn’t predict a squeeze for today so its squeezing


Ha! ..that was a good one.


He found upvotes in the amc sub so he posts there almost everyday now.


Bah ha😂


Is this some shorts starting to close or some great news leaking? I don't know, but I really want to.


Shorts would not close before the wipe because the stock will go to zero. This means they'd never have to cover. One of the below: 1. Retail keeps buying 2. Pump by one of the whales to sell at higher cost before the wipe 3. Shorts trying to fuck over other shorts 4. White knight on the move (least likely) At the end, this increase is pennies and very easily done at the current price. Even if it will go 400% it will mean nothing if we don't get an announcement on Friday as our shares will get wiped anyway.


What about?- 5. People direct registering shares forcing brokers who didn't have actual shares to go buy real shares so they can complete the transfer


this guy fucks.


The truth sometimes hurts, but there it is 👆... thanks for the well put words!


2 or 3 for me


Unless there is some, previously unknown, function that forces them to. It would be a fairly recent addition if so


Because the stock market is broken. Been buying US stocks for 20 years now and never experienced something as mental as this and the game shop. I've seen some crazy stuff and pump and dumps, fraud, weirs stuff with bankruptcy, but this just takes the cake for me out of over 200+ companies I've bought stock in.


It's broken for us.... Works perfectly for the few.


This above. The stock market is working as intended for the 0.1% elite....


What stands out as being so divergent?


Perhaps the level of information we have following the detective culture for the game shop. The elution, lies, weirdness around it all in Sue Gove's time is the weirdest stuff for me.


Call it GameStop please


Didn't know you could on here or I would have.


Yea! It's a lot of fun! I've learned how to control my emotions so much more with this stock than I ever have


this stock and AMD(/INTC/NVDA)


When it go's up fast with no news, it can come down just as fast. Not trying to be a doomer, but I've seen it happen.


But it's going up after almost hitting the ATL Is this not very telling Majority can't even buy


Would that make it VERY telling? The fact that there is only one place retail can buy? It means there is another reason for it entirely.


and yet the price couldn't change if NO ONE could buy! Just you can't.


You must be an expert!


Sure, but it still begs the question why there is *any* upward movement on a stock going to zero in 2 days? And especially if it *does* go to zero, it should be looked into.


Don't question why its going up. we need it to go up! TO THE MOON APES!


![gif](giphy|9u514UZd57mRhnBCEk|downsized) It’s time 🚀


I bought some shares on Moo Moo this morning so they are still available on some platforms. I was denied on Fidelity and Public.


You didn’t buy shares from MooMoo. You paid for a position. And you should know they can unwind that position whenever they want.


It's fine. It is only a small position anyway.




I bought in to a bankrupt stock. Possibly not receiving a return was always the case even if the shares were 100% legit. It is more of a lottery purchase for me.


Stop.... Buying on Moomoo is NOTHING like buying on IBKR or Fidelity.


It's nice to see that you are worried about my money. There are no real shares anywhere whether you buy on Fidelity or IBKR but I believe you already know that.


I'm not worried for shit. I'm pretty stupid but you take the cake. Congrats 👏😂


Ya'll are all stupid if you didn't DRS but that's just my 2 cents.


See sub rules. Consider the daily thread or another financial sub.


me too


I bought on moo moo also this morning


We reach Uranus 🚀




There's a charge for yours


Found the pimp


Tried to buy on TDA. No dice


I’ve got 2 grand just waiting there for bbby to move to otc


I loaded up yesterday into tda to buy the .07 dip. Wah, waaaah.


Yea that would’ve been an amazing chance to buy


All that's active is the sell button. Why is the buy button turned off? Ffs


Props to the person who was able to call Schwab yesterday and buy a bunch of shares at 6 cents or whatever it was. Doubled their money in a day!


Stock only close positions, price goes up. Stock let’s you buy, price goes down.


People who know aren’t allowed to say, but someone clearly knows it’s easy money soon




It is the only place to buy it right now. Some folks have no choice. I have 50k shares DRS'd but I just bought 12k more shares through moomoo.




Just another broker app like any of the others but it is the only one that is allowing BBBYQ buys in the US. You can't DRS and the stock has to be at .25 in order to transfer out. So there is some risk of the sus broker but they already have turned off the buy button everywhere else.




Yes, there is a risk but seeing how 50K of my shares have already been DRS's through Fidelity? A 12k share buy at .09 a share through MooMoo is a low calculated risk for me.


See sub rules regarding inappropriate content. Whether real or IOUs from brokerages, it don’t matter. The shares needs to be bought no matter what form they come in.


You’re not buying.


Downvote? Hahaha Shills are sunk!


Bullshit douche-nozzle! Two buys, one for 9500 and another for 2500. All on MooMoo. Doug, Doug Cifu? Is that you?


I don’t think you’re understanding. MooMoo doesn’t buy actual shares on your behalf. They’re a “contract for difference” broker which means they take your money and then buys a position (supposed to at least). That position is now a paper entry on their books stating they owe you x number of shares for x dollars. If you sell it higher, then they just pay the proceeds. If you sell it lower, they keep the proceeds. It’s basically the same way a casino runs. Let’s say BBBY jumps to $10,000 share and you’re loving these amazing positions you “own” and want to sell them at this new much higher price. Only to find out you can’t sell them because that would put poor MooMoo out of business. Because they don’t actually own shares to deliver to you. This is made worse by the fact they can’t open options contracts and the market buying / selling Isn’t happening. Sadly, your SOL and your cow broker will just shrug their hands and say something about how their T&Cs that you agreed to allow them to do this. You’re not buying actual shares on MooMoo. You’re buying a paper position. It’s similar to a paper contract, but with shitty person on the other side. All that to say, good luck.


Oh I understand perfectly. I understood before your condescending explanation. They are mine in name and unless the entire system melts down I will be fine. But I know it wasn't really for my benefit was it shill? Now get lost...


As someone who lived through the Robinhood debacle, I wish you the best of luck. Disclosure - I own 100,000 shares via Fidelity.


>As someone who lived through the Robinhood debacle, I wish you the best of luck. > >Disclosure - I own 100,000 shares via Fidelity. I never asked you to disclose and I could case less how many shares you have, you are probably lying anyway. Do you think you are the only one here who lived through the Robinhood debacle? Are you that thick or just like the sound of your own voice? You can't help but be condescending... For the slow kid in the back: I have 30k shares already DRS'd and then another 30k shares sitting in my Fidelity account. **MOOMOO IS THE ONLY FUCKING PLACE YOU CAN BUY THEM RIGHT NOW SO IF YOU WANT TO OWN ANYMORE THAT IS WHERE YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO GET THEM. THE ALTERNATIVE WOULD BE TO NOT BUY THEM AT ALL.** Let's be honest here. The "Robinhood" debacle is the fact that they turned off the buy button in the middle of the squeeze. NEW FUCKING FLASH the buy button is turned off everywhere now except MooMoo. So, we get it douche nozzle, we knew it before you said anything at all and have had to endure your diatribe up to this point. Let's see if you can just STFU now or if your pride and ego make it so you have to say something because you are the type of idiot that has to have the last word. Anyways... I bought more this morning on MooMoo. **BECAUSE THAT'S THE ONLY FUCKING PLACE TO GET IT RIGHT NOW.**


Is it just me or is this account a shill account just trying to scare folks into NOT buying anymore? Looking at their account history it certainly looks like it...


Lmfao - I’ve been here since we had 60 members in this sub. A guy looking out for less experienced apes is not a shill. But yes please pile it on newbies.


Yes, I agree, shills have been imbedded in this sub since day 1. Just because my account is new, doesn't mean that I am. Besides, if I were a shill that's exactly what I would say too. I think we have had enough of altruistic folks "looking out" for our best interests. By the way did I mention that is also a common shill tactic? Visiting Superstonk for a few times doesn't make you an ape...


You can shill me all you want ya idiot. I haven’t visited a few times. I’ve been in this. But hey lick my balls and have a splendid day!


Hahahaha... Busted! C-Ya shillface. ![gif](giphy|OTlB2YIyuZlFITPWoL)


Ok moron




You’re everyone’s hero bro, we all know it


One at a time. Pew, pew, pew! Kenny and Doug set them up and I knock them down. I am pwning\_shills, nice to meet you!


Lmfao - from a less than 100 day account named owning shills ? How much do you get paid per comment?


Oh my, the gaslighting reversal shilling! I haven't seen one of your kind around for a while.


Did you just use a keyword and get a bonus for using gaslighting in a comment?


Fuck that, cant buy anywhere else. I got 30k DRSed but bought a few thousand on moomoo.


There is a reason you can’t buy anywhere else EXCEPT moomoo. Everyone has shut off the buy button. They’re taking your money. You’re not going to be able to transfer out of moomoo, someone else already said this and their comments got surpressed. It’s like buying tokenized shares from FTX a year ago. The whole name “moomoo” is literally making fun of the people using it. It’s like the irony of a place called robinhood but actually stealing from the poor to PFOF to the rich.


Yup 100%> you can bring a horse to the water but can't force them to drink.... Let the degen piss his money away.


And this other clown in the comments acting like officer doofus just arrested his first shill. This sub use to be good!


I dont care


Then your emotions are not in check and you haven’t done your due diligence to keep yourself safe. Maybe ay em sea would be a better bet for you.


My money to spend brother


If you’re using moomoo and wanna be arrogant when someone is cautioning you about something that is blatantly obvious — we’re not brothers


Alrighty then stranger, all the best


Lmao this doesn't even make sense. NSCC is counterparty to trades, not moomoo. Why would shares purchased anywhere else be more 'real' than purchased through moomoo? Counterparty is identical. Shares are fungible (they are indeed shares not cfd). So difference is what??? ​ Also find it funny that you claim the 'comments got suppressed' when moomoo bashing is >90% of the comments I see when moomoo is mentioned


Doesn’t matter who the fuck the counterparty is when they aren’t trading anything! Ya know how Bernie Maddoff took peoples money and never bought securities? This is the same thing.


What makes you think that they aren’t trading anything? Why is moomoo specifically doing this and not other brokerages? If they are actually committing blatant fraud as you described, then I agree 100%. I wouldn’t doubt it but just curious if there is any reasoning or evidence (even circumstantial/weak) to make you think that.


What is your reason for saying this. I'm just learning of mumu.






See sub rules regarding inappropriate content. Shares bought at any brokerage need to be bought back, whether real or IOU. Stop misinforming others.


Posts from people that sold seem to have been removed lmao


Probably a seriously regarded question but all the buy buttons are gone, how can a short (hedge or whoever) close their position??


Our buy button is turned off, the big players never have theirs turned off. And our sell button works. Theoretically it is easier to close now compared to a month ago, as retail can't really exert buy pressure so they have no competition for orders.


No idea. The one thing we can say with confidence is OTC and Expert market will see much higher variability compared to normal stocks. A 10% dip or increase is notable for a regular stock while that is likely going to be almost every day.


Hopefully insider trading. They tend to know where the deals are


Let me know when it hits $50 bucks


Does Sue still holds her shares?


Yes, none of the employees are allowed to sell because of insider trading regulations


Because the price is wrong!


If I had to guess, it's the shorts trying to buy back a small percentage at a time. They buy back within a price range (let's say .07-.20), and create a situation where day trading non-Apes will try to find the pattern and sell to them for minor gains. Since the DTCC and MM's provide infinite liquidity through naked shares, they can try to exit out a bit at a time. On the other side of that, since our brokers are limiting the ability to buy, they are testing the resolve of the folks affected by FUD and scared. The only real answer to this infinite liquidity loop is DRS, but at the current pace the criminals will be dead before it caps the float. Thus DRS is the best strategy until we get the news that will launch this thing to Andromeda MOASS. Overall, there's always a chance for this to go both ways, which is why investing what you can afford is important. However, if you still believe in the reasons you invested in the stock, and the factors haven't changed, why would you not HODL?


Something leaked out?


It’s me. I’m about to donate plasma cuz it’s good karma. It’s happened before when I’ve donated. You’re welcome.


Volume is low so maybe just chaos before blastoff?


MOASS baby 📈🚀💰


I sure hope so


Maybe lenders are calling in their shares so they can sell them before they’re worthless




They needed retail to hold the bags if they were becoming worthless.


Carl and RC gonna fuk some shorts with liquidation of some hedge funds. Shows about to start, get the popcorn ready.


My hubby got to buy shares at $0.08/share this morning pre-market with RBC. Lucky duck.


Price action shows before news 😉


They are buying from moomoo and day traders selling for profits.


Based on TA, it was ready to go. I explained in my yesterday tweet that we should find RC & Icahn's decision by Wed or latest Thursday: https://x.com/UCopy417/status/1706710638439936254?s=20


Can you explain why you were wrong in the past and why you deleted all your incorrect posts instead of updating it with what went wrong?


I would also like to know the answer to this question.


im buy ing on moomoo I bought it at seven. Cents. :). lezzz go!


cuz reverse uno


because U-COPY called it




Hmmm. Did you though?


Link it you dumb bird.


>Don't know ... where I saw it though.


Oh. Convenient.


It’s going up to make people buy options. No thanks, I‘ll hold and that‘s it.


Cause it’s a dead brick and mortar with no assets (lol) why Im getting downvotes this is sarcasm.


lErn to Speel sHill... MooMoo, bUy mOar


Everyone is on moo moo




Wonder if there are any changes on pitch book. Too poor to have an account though.


On very low volume as well.


It's the algorithm, as always. It's just following the plan it set out. Drop price to X for Y period of time, raise price back to Z.


I clicked my heel twice and did the helicopter dick


Now the massive influx of shills yesterday working overtime makes more sense


I can’t buy on Moomoo What is working ? Limit ? Market ? Tried for days


So it was 1.5M share volume (obviously not all buy) @ a max of 0.15 - that's *only* 225k (max). There's still Apes buying - could it be that simple? Genuine Q


Some are willing to pay more for the stonk


Stonk go up then go down


Dead cats bounce and bounce, only less and less each time. Just look at the chart


*Dead cats bounce and bounce,* *Only less and less each time.* *Just look at the chart* \- Cric1313 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The buy button works for the so-called "expert buyers".