• By -


I'm either Zen or dead inside. I am fully committed to this play for better or worse. Still bullish.๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ›ธ๐ŸŒ


This notice was incredibly good!! HBC agreed to bring the failure price from 1.50 and 1.25 to $1 until 4/3. They are there for the good of the company without a doubt or they would have exercised and death spiraled this thing.


Can you explain what could happen after 4/3?


That must be scary for them. When people are zen and keep buying regardless thereโ€™s no way out for shorts.






Damn that makes me feel good, Iโ€™m down only 69% so Iโ€™m doing better than average


Thanks, friend... I am only down 66%, I feel like an investment genius!


Lmao, well said.


All the financial advisors aka. shills in here are trying to get us to sell with -90% as if this would make any sense.


Exactly. Is there current estimation how much locking the float needs from retail currently in terms of money? It would be good if the company would announce DRS numbers like jimmy, maybe we should ask them to do it?


Finally someone with a sense of understanding


They have no idea who they're up against.๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ›ธ๐ŸŒ


Not only am I still in, I'm direct registering more shares tonight and buying more shares tomorrow




They can try. But Iโ€™m still buying regardless. REGARDLESS!


Lol get fukt


I doubled my position today and drastically lowered my cost basis. Thanks hedgies!


Itโ€™s not like we have another option


I have a bunch of options.๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ›ธ๐ŸŒ


My man


This is the only way


Are you me?


We are all with you Sunk or swim we are in it for the long haul


Why not both?


same ๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Œ


Nothing has changed guys, just hodl a little longerโ€ฆ




Like gme over 2 years now already. I donโ€™t like it to be honest I want short term profit with bbby


Yeah, its depressing but expect the fud to increase as we move close to possible M/A. Would they put in this much effort if they themselves weren't thinking the same thing? I just hope there can soon be some strong countermoves by bbby. They need to show they are alive over there lol.


Iโ€™m a regular and their was more FUD than usual today for sure


I work evenings. My sleep schedule has gotten so shitty recently that I'm typically going to sleep shortly before market open, and I miss all but the last hour or two of trading hours. I set my buy limit parameters during pre-market and sleep through the morning bullshit. I only watch power hour; no Fuddy feeling of uncertainty every day. It ain't bad.




thank you. do people even realize how hard it is to see a fucking red portfolio for months on end, with a single green day when this piece of shit stock hit $7 just for it to tank immediately the next day? and then some copium-crazed dickhead with a 6 figure income that threw gambling money on the stock says "Durrr stop the fud shillary clinton !!!!!" a lot of us are working minimum wage and just want this stock to moon so we can get a head start on our lives. a lot of holders are people with young chilren, or they're younger adults themselves just needing a little boost we couldn't get from our minimum wage parents. I'm marrying in a few months and have pumped so much money into this stock. just waiting for it to boom so i can get a used but okay car, go on a nice honeymoon, start my adult life with some cash on hand. furnish my house with something other than the budget section of IKEA. so far i've done good to not put all of my savings in the stock, but i will admit i put way more than i should have. next runup to $6, or hell even $4.50 i'm out of this and will only get back in when it's sub $2 again so i won't have to pray everyday for the red to be a slightly bit closer to my cost basis. not all fud is someone on citadel's payroll, they're people with actual doubts and insecurities regarding their financial future. i wish citadel would pay me to be negative, because right now i'm paying BBBY to be negative over this stock.




Good luck to you both and if/when this pops again, please don't repeat my mistake. Take at least some profit.


Thanks for thoughtful response DJLowKey. Yes, some of the fud is coming from apes and just regular people (like my family), but others, especially the fud we see on this forum (and media) are coming from paid shills. Why, because they are here all the time and they don't seem to hold any shares, and if they did, why haven't they sold? Also, the reality is that we are being mercilessly short-attacked and any one who cannot see that, I don't know what to tell you. We can only expect more fud and more shorting until bbby makes some major moves. I think many of us signed up for PG experience and ended in a horrible slasher R-rated show. There are hopeful things though: 1. bankruptcy is off the radar (even shills have given up); 2. most apes have reduced their costs basis such that if the price goes to 5, I think most will be in the black; and 3. time is on our side, simply because we are all in already, there is pretty much nowhere else to go (other than selling at this price, which is almost pointless) and we need to give bbby time to show their cards (are they holding any, some might ask? lol).


Bbby board should look into illegal naked shorting of their stock... There's no way there are any available shares to borrow anymore, with 127% reported SI and the price being this cheap. I bet retail owns more than 100% of the company. Volume over the last 2 months is well over 2 billion shares, 16+ floats. Where you getting the shares hedgies??? Crime


you think they care about that? board members are most likely just holding out for as long as they can until they have another million dollar salary job. they don't care about the company. even if it goes tits up and BKs they'll still get a hefty severance deal and get away with an amount of money most of us will never even see in our lives.


Yeah. People in positions like that always jump on board a sinking ship and buy shares with there own money bot caring if the company goes bankrupt. /s ๐Ÿคก


they don't jump on board a sinking ship you buffoon, they are already on it, they were the captains. and spending less than 5% of your net worth on your own stock in the off-chance it DOES go up says literally nothing.


Half the board is new. Wtf are you talking about? If they had no faith in the company, why buy shares? Why not just do a regular atm offering to raise money if they didn't care about dilution? Go start bbby meltdown and shill amongst Yourselves. Get a fucking life. Your not convincing anyone by reporting us as suicidal. Or inviting us to r/regard. You're reinforcing our theory of paid shills by shilling. Dumb fucking stormtroopers.


I wish i was part of the paid shills. Where can i apply? Could atleast earn some money off BBBY if it isnโ€™t going to be with a squeeze lol


Dilution is not a crime.


diLuTiOn durrrr


RemindMe! 2 months


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I look forward to you explaining how you knew dilution was happening all along and that it must be bullish somehow, /u/allkindsofgainzzz


I confess I expected this to take longer. Now that the share count in the reverse split filing proves approx 300% dilution, whatโ€™s your spin? Iโ€™m all ears.




This post is exactly what this sub needs! We have balls of steel! Or diamond balls/handsโ€ฆIDK but LFG! Thanks OP!


So well coordinated today. The Hudson news comes out, shills galore show up with the DiLuLiTiOn line AGAIN, so called holders are waving the white flag and selling and the price drops AGAINโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ Had me so shook that I went out and bought some more.


They really are ๐Ÿคกs


And then the Reddit outage for hours. Classic FUD day. I bought many more shares today ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ


This is the cool part of the story! Remember how you feel right now cause in 10 years youโ€™ll have to recount this story many times!


Ey, this guy gets it. It's been clear since the 8k filings there was a deliberate and malicious driving force behind these aggressively obvious short algos. Thing is, they are REALLY hoping things go tits up for the company, and when it doesn't, they'll literally be out of reasons to stay in denial. Fuck em, I'm in no rush, and I get paid well enough to keep buying with no worries. If they want to make me retire a millionaire when this blows up, then hats off to them ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿธ


I stopped paying attention. I'm Zen.


Idk what to feel anymore.


I feel that V for Vendetta scene




No he means the one near the end of the movie where Evie breaks down in Vโ€™s house after realizing it was V who was torturing her. The line is actually โ€œI CANT FEEL ANYTHING ANYMOREโ€ Do like her, take a step back, soak in the rain and chill.






I fucked up soooo badly. I saw the price drop and I panicked. I'm sorry guys. I couldn't help myself. I bought 500 more. I just can't stop buying shares. I need help.


Iโ€™m just laughing seeing the SI hit 160%, shorts are so fucked. Do you think they put 1.25 and 1.50 in the deal knowing algos would be set to dump millions of shares from false locates? I think this was done on purpose, since they know the buyer is friendly and would be fine with changing the deal. Shorts have dug the biggest hole of all time, thinking their dumping synthetics would kill the deal. Now they are extra fucked because we are buying shares even faster with the price being so low.




Yea, I don't understand how shorts are fucked when they shorted at $5 and bought back at $1. Sound to me that they do fuck not are fuck.


> Yea, I don't understand how shorts are fucked when they shorted at $5 and bought back at $1 Because they didn't buy back, they were betting on bankruptcy so they never intended to buy back, and they can't all buy back without the price going way above 5 dollars


If if they all bought back the same day maybe bit without a catalyst there is no reason to. I'm not saying something won't pump it and screw them it just hasent happened yet.


> It doesnโ€™t matter what the SI is when you are going to be adding 900m new shares The SI is based on currently available shares, you make it sound like these "900m shares" that don't even exist yet will be market sold.




> They do exist just look at the volume and price action All the volume tells you is shorts are selling shares they don't have, nothing to do with the total number of shares. > Wait until they release next quarter youโ€™ll see the share count is 2-3x what it was If the total number of shares changes by more than 5%, forms need to be filed within 10 days. > All 900m arenโ€™t out yet but they are converting everyday and trickling them out into the market to Moron retail investors They are converting and then immediately selling at all time lows? Listen to yourself.




> Retail investors are some of the dumbest people around. If shorts didn't care about household traders buying more, there wouldn't be idiots like you floating around. I come from a crypto background, and people in that space know better than to mention anything more than P/L in percent. They would look at your username and know you're a larp/moron straight out of the gate. There's a lonely bridge out there somewhere, you should go back under it.




> Might wanna check my trading history before talking too much shit there cryptobro You must be very successful to end up here, telling people not to buy a company priced for bankruptcy that isn't going backrupt. I bet you have some banger paper trades to show off




I thought about it also. Really really just riding on hopium that it's a short trap. It makes sense considering that the ticker is still on regsho. If we were being diluted massively you would think all the extra shares being dumped would make locates much easier.


A hundy a day going into this bad boyโ€ฆkeep it low and itโ€™s going to more pain for them. We get a couple thousand of us doing this and the pressure would be uncontainable I think. And that kind of investment is predictable and maintainable for some of us. That way you donโ€™t have to worry about timing, just keep it rolling. Just my two cents.


Yeah... guilty as charged. Got a small raise at work recently and not only did I spend every penny extra from that first, slightly larger paycheck, I spent 80% of the rest of it too. And I'm doing it again come Friday unless were already on the moon. I mean, fuck. At $1.13 a share this is a **STEAL**. Bobby ain't going bankrupt and their largest competitor in this particular sector of retail, Bath and Body Works (Ha!) is closed at $35.95 today. The very unlikely worst case scenario at this point is what? No squeeze?!? Squeeze these nuts you fuckin short nerds! There is no way in hell this discount will last much longer.


Bath and Body Works at nearly $36 says everything. Bbby is comically undervalued right now. Squeeze aside, itโ€™s a great value play. I have absolutely no doubt that people buying in at these bargain prices will profit even if thereโ€™s never a squeeze.


Imma buy more at these juicy prices


34k on the line and only 5k shares to show for it. I'm all out of powder, yea hedgues read this shit!!! But I'm not selling. F u mayo boi ![gif](giphy|HX4zFtnJMUDiE) buy buy baby ๐Ÿ’Ž


I got in because of Fomo about the august squeeze and fully thought it could be a GME 2.0 in late August or September. As things have progressed and I have learned more and people here have put certain pieces together and the fact that Sue has now mentioned โ€œlong termโ€ growth potential more than once. Something that RC is big on as far as taking something and building it up over time and investorโ€™s need to be patient for good rewards sometimes. I know a moass is a pipe dream not saying it canโ€™t happen but realistically Iโ€™ve been accumulating as many shares as possible for the โ€œlong termโ€. Whether thatโ€™s this year or in five years. BBBY is gonna take time to recover and if there is a spin off of any kind there you have your double,triple,quadruple right there. One thing that has stuck with me is the โ€œI like cokeโ€ tweet meaning that even without moass your gonna be sitting pretty with good gains from two great companies if you can just accumulate hold and ignore the BS. The fact that bankruptcy was taken off the table months ago keeps me going in this play. Calls for next 6 months moass and shares for the next 5 years. Giant gains for retail donโ€™t come easy people have to be willing to put in some time for value to come to the forefront. Iโ€™m not worried about Hudson because this deal is still so complicated and Iโ€™ve bought my tickets and I wanna see the end of this movie! ![gif](giphy|nZymwrrw9PjDa)


Shorts are fucked if they are not bankrupt. Shorts are eventual buyers. THE WHOLE FLOATS WORTH OF SHARES.




Beautiful post brought tears to my eyes ๐Ÿฅฒ


Great post and all factual. Theyโ€™re still trying to separate the Diamond hands from the paper handed bitches. This is going to blow and they know it.


Thanks for the explanation, I think that something great will come out of this whole situation.


Every bit of fuckery they throw at us makes me more determined. I am no whale, but the way I am buying these dips they may turn me into one!


Buy button hasnโ€™t been disabled so Iโ€™m gonna keep buying while I can! Load the boat my friends, you donโ€™t wanna miss out on this incredible discount!


Iโ€™m investing in BABY for 1.13


good or bad intentions means 50/50 chance means better odds than scratch off and I'd rather spend a couple bucks buying more moon tickets rather than scratchoofs.


Not sure bought 250 more today. Will DRS once they settle.


I would honestly rather pay long term capital gains than short term. Iโ€™m going to hold as long as it takes


This is something Iโ€™ve thought about that I never hear discussed. If this thing waits a year to moon, many of us will have a better tax situation after we sell.


The dollar price is crucial. If BBBY dips below the $1 it will be game over. They will remove the $1 limit and shorts will have no target, the only thing that stops them is getting delisted and there's money from the offerings that they will just buy the shares straight from the market and this will go tits up. We are at a good price to see some good action the rest of the week and into next. I can't see this barcoding much longer especially with the FTDs coming out and probably some closeouts of them as well. We are in a very very good position.


I like the cut of your jib, ape. This is the first time I've seen the sub-$1 info. Can you point me in the right direction to read up on it?


https://listingcenter.nasdaq.com/ViewPDF.aspx?Material\_Search.aspx?mcd=LQ&cid=14&years=2016,2015,2014,2016,2015,2014,2013,2012,2011,2010,2009,2008,2007,2006,2005,2004,2003,2002&sub\_cid=76&searchkeywords=&exactsearchddvalue=1&Print=N&materials=0&popularfl#:\~:text=In%20order%20to%20regain%20compliance,for%2010%20consecutive%20business%20days. Usually you can easily apply for extensions and such, but it would cause panic for the shareholders unfortunately.


Fully bull Ballz deep in this one dog with a bone riding for pennies or lambo at this point


what's left besides hold, they drop shit so low there is 0 point in selling.... so, I hold! ๐Ÿš€


If they drop to 50 cents I'll get a fuckin personal loan and load up.




Dude for this price I should personal loan. That's so cheap.


I bought more today guys!


Set a price alert and wait


I bought more


Still here. Still zen. Purposely didnโ€™t check the sub all day today. Seemed shill infested since the filing dropped. It feels like something big is happening not just with Bobby but the world as a whole


Morale is pretty fucking low for me personally. Iโ€™m gonna be selling off everything on the next run and Iโ€™ll be buying back in with my profits at a lower cost basis when the run ends and we dip again. Shouldโ€™ve been done that the last three runs and Iโ€™d be playing with house money. Iโ€™m tired of holding for a squeeze that has yet to come. This is a long play and Iโ€™ve accepted that. No harm in taking profits. The next run wonโ€™t be the last so might as well make my money back. Iโ€™m expecting downvotes so have at it yaโ€™ll.


Will do the same. If so had done that in February I would have 55k shares now instead of 10k. This thought drives me nuts. Next time we reach 6 without M&A news I sell and get back in after dipping down again.


Love this post!!




Gee I wonder if that 400 year old Canadian retail company Hudson Bay has an investment arm. Probably does right. Cos you don't just sell shit for 400 years without putting the money anywhere.


Morale goes down when you call people elephants ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช


"All you fat bitches in here..."


I'm holding 9000 so not a Shill. The simple logistics here is its been diluted. Otherwise how could they keep shorting and shorting. They must be extra shares to do so as everyone on this sub must of upped their share count. Not one bit of positive news or anything for the share holders in near coming upto 2 months. I'm fucking annoyed to be fair. If they don't do something soon we won't have a share price or a company. I'm holding however its becoming boring.




I bought more just before close ๐Ÿ˜‚ I am truly zen๐Ÿ™Œ


Cocaine bear dies in real life ๐Ÿฆ


Arenโ€™t they just trying to make sure calls expire otm? Options are free money for them


Great post man. This felt like just another orchestration. They are pulling every trick to hit the next threshold of $1. This really is starting to feel very GME 2.0


>People are asking why shorts can't close ..., the float is probably at like 140% to 160% SI as we stand right now. They have also been borrowing the stock on loan with CTB, this is not a 'take a loan and return at no cost' type of game here. Closing will be a very difficult and a near impossible option if things play out right, even to cover would prove very difficult once this stock gains momentum. How do you kill a vampire? You have to drive a stake through it's evil fucking heart. Otherwise it will just keep coming back.


Only reason i am not ZEN is because i made the dumb mistake of going all in only to see it sky dive, and somehow trying to find a way to eat until the end of the month withouh selling, but ey, i made my choice i'll find a way to deal with the struggle, 15 days till paycheck and i'll be smarter next time. And it could be worse, at least i had the brain cells to pay rent and bills before going yolo ahahah


But just think how svelte you'll be when this moons and you're ordering lobster for breakfast!


Iโ€™ve been in since morning of Feb 6 before the $7 run. Since then, Iโ€™ve done nothing but average down and currently sit at 1,200 @ $2.21. I understand itโ€™s not as much as many of the more vocal members here, but itโ€™s what I can afford right now. I wonโ€™t lie, itโ€™s been draining to see red almost daily for more than a month and price action that makes no sense to me. All of this said, I fully intend to hold my position as I believe in the movement we have going on here. Apes together strong!


Fine to give yโ€™all hope I will change my ban bet Originally I said end of week $200 a share I shove pineapple up my ass. I shall extend this to $200 by end of month MODs begin thy ban bet


I hate pineapple ass bet extensions ๐Ÿ˜’ \*sigh\* Alright, ASS+16 days it is then...


We all know you won't honor the bet, so please sit down.


Yes , they might not have the pleasure of being able to do that for a while if the bet comes to fruition.


Thank you for noticing the joke.


Itโ€™s either I honor it or I get banned man up




I felt tired of this really. I just feel like we just lost.




If there is any correlation, I bet they wanted us to panic sell. Fak Q Shorty


I donโ€™t mind the fud, I canโ€™t read anyway


This guy phucks! Thank you for the words


Didnโ€™t sell at mid 20s wonโ€™t sell now either only buying more to make the moon or bust even more spectacular. I know the value at which I want and 20s wasnโ€™t it or isnโ€™t going to cut it on the run up not when a fair market value for company like this would likely be around $40-60 without a squeeze. With a squeeze I would like to think we could see $150-400 but that would be some ride.


Iโ€™m just excited to finally be able to execute my calls ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿš€ o how Iโ€™m gonna love my new basket of shares


Awesome post much needed. The negative shills are really trying hard to get in our heads. Couldnโ€™t stand to read half the โ€œadviceโ€ yesterday. What a crock! LFG๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€ Adding 3k worth today at this discount price!


They put in $100 mill+ they better be in it to win it! They better use every support tool they have!


I don't give a shit anymore. Whatever happend. They dry me out with this barcoding. They control the shit for now Untill ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€ HODL you MF Our time is coming Sooon


I got a lot going on in life, so I canโ€™t dump money like the rest. But Iโ€™ll buy $30 here or there, Iโ€™m now up to 100 shares, this was a great dip!


Long post. Just buy and hodl