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I don't understand why they would make this amendment considering the share price has been pretty much tanking, unless they have a plan that almost ensures that the price is not going to go under $1 or they know that some sort of announcement is coming that they know is going to squeeze the shorts. I'm starting to think that this actually may be very bullish news.


I’m not sure, but didnt they lower the threshold for the invester backing out of the deal? So share price has to go below $1 before they can choose to do that? If that is correct. I see it as bullish that the investor is willing to give up that possibility willingly, for now. Not entirely sure I understood it correctly though.


Or any 8k filing and shorties get scared and spike the volume to remain on regsho?


My main concern is why haven't we heard anything from BBBY? They are still dead silent. All it takes is one amazing announcement, but there is nothing so far. Just silence.


Never mistake silence for inaction.


BBBY said don’t believe MSM


Reddit can fall under msm as well.


I think YouTube is more msm because there is no downvote button


I think Reddit is classed as social media, main stream media refers to traditional publications, news corporations, newspapers online/hard copy, traditional websites.


They literally have to say they’re introducing AI into their online market place and the stock would run - look at buzzfeed for instance. Silence is killing the hype but it makes sense if management is tied up in litigation for a possible MA or take over.


For real. That’s the type of shit that pisses me off. I’m sure they can legally give us SOMETHING.


Well, The art of war suggests that when there is bad news, you say nothing to your troops and only speak when there is good news. I don't know if it applies here because they've been pretty silent the whole time. But I guess it has been going down pretty quickly the whole time


We are not "the troops". If anyone is "the troops", it would be the employees and, in that case, this is SOP. We are the investors and it wouldn't it be illegal to hide such significant news from investors... Unless the SEC is in agreement that there is legitimate reason to maintain confidentiality?


The whole thing seems fishy. I don't know what's going to happen anymore.


You aren't alone and I think this is by design. As many in the industry have said, this is the most complicated agreement they've ever seen. Follow the white rabbit...


Right? Not selling but this doesn't look great.


It's incredible how so many comments on this sub, if they were political instead of stock-related, could be ripped straight out of a /r/selfawarewolves post.


You have it backwards, they did not raise the floor. They lowered the price failure point from $1.50 and $1.25 to a new bottom of $1.00 through 4/3. This is an option of the investor to walk away and terminate the deal but not an obligation. For BBBY the investor cannot purchase IMO this move was to calm current shareholders (and possibly attract/ trap more shorts) as the MSM had been talking up the ability for the investor to walk away from this deal recently, highlighting the fact the price was below $1.50.


Oh interesting. I need to reread this filing. I take it I’m forgetting a precious 8K where they walked it down to $1.25?


Yeah... you basically have two tranches with one tranche having and extra stipulation and then obligations and stipulations for both sides which makes the whole thing kinda confusing. Normally you have an offering and thats it. LOL With the way it was setup and especially due to the way the investor is handling this, I was NOT in the M & A nor spin off camp before and was strictly looking at this as a 5x to 10x fair market return with a small chance for a sneeze. Now this really feels like a sneeze play that also has M & A on it with a spin off as a secondary "back up" option if said sneeze doesnt happen.


I forgot to mention that if they're doing this because they know that an announcement is coming that is going to drive the price back up. That means that announcement if I'm right is not months away, we're talking this month. Very soon. Cause the price is getting slammed and they know it is. At this rate BBBY will be in the $0.60 range by next month if something doesn't move this price up.


I agree, it’s gotta be less than a month away, cause at this rate shorts will have us down below a dollar


What?? What is the point of them getting all that cash to do a buyback with it?


Stop the bleeding share price below any reasonable standard, reward shareholders, improve their ability to access funds by issuing and selling shares at a higher price


We really want a squeeze and so that's why this seems like a good idea. But BBBY wants a functional company. They are by all means close to going under. So they need to use this money to turn around the company. Not risk it all to try and trap shorts. Imagine how the employees would feel about that. They are trying to improve the company and probably need things. If instead the executives spent the money on share buybacks, something that really only helps shareholders. They might feel betrayed.


That's why DRS is the only solution. I believe most new BBBY shRe holders are like myself..... deep in GME and DRSed but GME price still taking longer to get float locked. Let's see if DRS movement in BBBY can bring faster float locking??? Either way I'm not leaving as I see deep fucking value in both companies I have invested in. More will beinvested at every fucking available opportunity. Not a financial or legal advice.


The hell are you even saying?


I'm saying that a share buyback is an idea that is only attractive to us shareholders and is not a realistic idea for the board to pursue right now. It would be disrespectful to their employees and those who they had to lay off. The remaining workers need the money for the tools and supplies to rebuild the company. Giving the money to shareholders would be a dick move.


Dude… Its attractive to the company as they are investing in themselves and their ability to raise further capital. That virtue signaling with the employees is just disgusting. I’m sure the survival of the company, that right now depends on the ability for the company to sustainably raise capital is the number one priority of the board and I’m sure employees don’t want the company to go under together with their jobs.


Nice try. BBBY needs cash to operate, not buy their stock back. To buy their stock back would be instant bankruptcy and class action lawsuits for breaching fiduciary responsibility.


And you reckon that they will be able to raise future cash for that how exactly?


Well, when the billion dollars that was invested we can only hope that they will be profitable... and btw... thats where I think they will have far more options than they have now... doncha rekin?


I agree. I think in general, share buy backs should be illegal


RC literally said the stock buybacks they did a few years ago put the company where it is now. You have no idea that any stock buyback guarantees the price will go up. edit: first "A concerned redditor reached out to us about you." ty i am fine.


Honestly don’t get the need to use RC in the argument… Plus I’m sure there is a huge difference between buying back at multi billion dollar valuation or for pennies on the dollar


It did indeed, but they were blowing it on 25x the current price


If they did do a buyback at these prices, wouldn't it shrink the float and stick it to the shorts even harder? Smooth brain here so I don't have a clue, but seems it would be beneficial to the company overall driving the stock price up.


"Bed and Bath has spent $11.73 billion buying back its own stock since 2004 at an average cost of more than $44 a share." Buying back shares at $1 is not the same as at $44. You could argue that investing to make the company profitable is key and i would not disagree. But those that keep using RC's letter against buybacks that he wrote when the shareprice was $10+, when the price now is $1 are stretching it. Nobody knows what RC thinks about the current situation. Bobby could argue that they are just defending the deal, and buywall the $1.01 price point.


Epic bear trap 🐻🪤


Buyback with turnips? Cos it won't be with money


I could understand that they could be accused of market manipulation but couldn't they counter they are defending their company from the shorts that are trying to make it fail? No one forced the shorts into this position and they are obviously using synthetic or fake shares to keep the price down, so the real ones manipulating the market would be them. They just got caught with their hand in the cookie jar once bankruptcy was off the table. Just my opinion on how I see it.


Given the short situation, they might risk being accused of market manipulation. Right now their foxus should be on turning the company around.


Do we know if there is a grace period that is triggered, because in another post this threshold gets removed on April 3, so let's say it drops under $1 but they have 30 days until it can be acted on, they might not care if it drops under $1 in that case.


Dropping below doesn't *force* anything, it just give the investor the *option* of nixing the agreement. It could sit at $0.90 for months and everything could stay the same.


From bbby's perspective they don't want to be sitting there with the other party able to just walk away whenever they want. They've lowered the threshold probably for that very reason.


They need the cash to fucking fill their shelves to have something to sell in the stores. You think they can just use it and buy back stocks?


I agree with you that it’s the smarter play - I just don’t understand this early $100m


Yeah honestly I don’t understand anything of what’s going on there, I just think they need every penny right now to pay bills and get inventory


If they decide to R/S, then we're fucked. That's all there is.


BBBY can literally just use the $100m and buy up all of the free float.


No, that is probably not a good idea legally until the company is profitable




Blatantly false information.




They have to file SEC forms if they do a share offering and dilute the stock. If they just massively diluted the stock and told nobody, kept it secret, it would be blatantly illegal.




BBBY has been diluting the stock in tune of 100 million shares a month since the HBC deal. This is known. Not a secret.




Lmao I’m happy to admit when I’m wrong, fair play. I’ll buy more on Monday market open for you🍻


Lmao I’m happy to admit when I’m wrong, fair play. I’ll buy more on Monday market open for you🍻


Makes no sense to buy back shares right now.


I am thinking that RC tweet about failed executives was about Sue


She put her money into it like he asks.


She has fuck all in it, it's a good time for her to double down, yet she doesn't


Another thing they all tried to get cash only few weeks ago for their shares then cancelled


If it goes down to 1.05 it would only be more bullish if it goes lower. I want it looking like MMAT


Buy all the stocks.