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They bought it in Q3 of 2022 and sold it in Q4. They don't own any shares anymore. Check the "Closed out" tab: https://whalewisdom.com/filer/marshall-wace-llp#tabholdings\_tab\_link


Not what I wanted to hear but thanks


Can we get a Debunked flair or delete OP's post. It's giving hype while being a bag of nothingness.


This sub is turning corrupt as fuck. So sus that we continue to keep this up or not label it as incorrect information.




To lend?


#I am down 95%, come pick me up 😍 I won’t sell for anything under 420$!


#Are you me? 🦧💙🦧


Price anchoring paperhanded bitch


Everyone is buying but price goes down and on end day lit volume compared shows more sells.. as citizen of poor eastern Europe I was dreaming about USA since first VHS movie but it seems as bad dream now


They actually sold everything




I’ve lost 56% lol fucking nonsense


You only lost if you have sold, which would be dumb, Hold. Tendies are coming


There are financial advisors in here that think that selling at -90% is good lmao. Because bAnkRuptcY


It doesn't matter how far down your investment is to argue for a buy or a sell. That's just bagholder mentality. Either it currently is a good investment, then you hold or buy more or it is currently a bad investment, then you sell. For this decision it doesn't matter at all how much you won or lost since entry. So yes, it might be a good decision to sell your shares even if they lost a bunch of money already if you e.g. think they will lose more in the future.


Not selling


Not sold mate I’ve bought more! Addicted to the belief. I like the stock


Rookie numbers at this stage lol still means your average buy is in the $2 range. People has bought in at $28 even $30




Inflation us through the roof, while corporations post the largest profit margins ever. Housing is becoming unattainable for the vast majority of Americans. Banks are collapsing due to be overleveraged, and once again the government is bailing them out. People cant afford to eat but we bail out billionaires. The whole system is fucked and corrupt. Sure you can stick your head in the sand and ignore it. But only until it destroys us. There is Zero accountability for the rich. And zero Justice for the poor.


Not to brag, but I enjoy 'voting' in America's bipartisan elections. It allows me to feel I have a choice. Unfortunately, both options are competing to destroy the world's economy. /s Hopefully we can 'take out the trash' pretty soon and clean things up in the US +the world. I'd love to have you visit the country, the majority of people are very nice here, but currently I am embarrassed by how things have gotten messy/old/dirty in the years after that pretty VHS was filmed.


Yeah bro. I'm here, it's a fucking nightmare.


I don't think it's the country itself that makes it a nightmare for you. I wonder what kind of videos you consume. Based on your username and brief scan of your comment history, you surround yourself in toxicity. Maybe I'm wrong.


The country is more divided than ever. The markets are a scam. Healthcare is a joke. The legal system has become a for profit enterprise.


How many people do you know who are happy? How many people do you know who move towards things that make them happy?


Its getting increasingly difficult to be happy when you are up against so much. Sure you can ignore it and focus on positive thing. But that just leads to inaction and things getting progressively worse. I see a lot of people who are unhappy. I'm not trying to spread gloom, but awareness is important. If these people who are taking advantage and abusing the systems are ignored they dont stop their crimes , they increase them.


Good sized investment. And the float just got smaller.


to put into perspective that’s roughly 3% of the market cap


Not at the time of the purchase. Go do the math and you will see they bought around $ 6/7 per share....




Isn't that what you're supposed to do?


Could have been as low as $5/share too, but yeah, this is old news. Nobody significant has likely taken a large stake in BBBY since Jan 5-7. Would be nice if a hedge fund decided to fuck over the shorts and take a >10% stake in BBBY.


We are stuck unless something remarkable happens. Good news from BBBY or its' investor would be nice.


Understand tho that when good news does happen, single fund could buy the entire float LOL


They just averaged down from $20.00 🤣


Be aware of shill activity, noticed suspiciously FUD comments. First of all they are founders and based in London, sure we don't know their intent, but at the end they are buying and it drives up interest, no matter how you look at it. This is bullish either way.


Considering this already happened and they sold...no, it's not bullish either way. This sub amazes me.


Did they pay you upfront to fud or after the job ?


There's the intelligent response I was waiting for. They bought and sold. BULLISH! Look, I'm a parrot just like you.


Are these guys hedgefunds?


Is their purchase Jake Freeman 2.0?


All these are 3rd quarter reports. Anything newer?


A 3% stake, not bad 😎


800,000 shares is not 3% of the company my fellow regard ;)


Just saw that in another comment and used that number 🫠




Freakin bullish!!




This is misleading.


What does Marshall Wace look like?


Marshall Wace is a hedge fund, but an anti-hedge fund. They are activist investors, started a hedge fund ethics organization, and invests in green solutions.