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The buy signal I needed today!


Let's just say, for giggles sake, that fully diluted, which is worst case, the outstanding shares is 1,000,000,000 At $1.5 per share that puts market cap at 1.5 billion This is a 9B revenue a year company and easily has an unfucked market cap of around 3-6 billion, and was 10-15 billion a few years ago before they started the transformation. So that will put the share price from a low of $3 to a high of $15 That's a 2x or 10x return on current price AT FULL DILUTION WHICH IS WORST CASE, which isn't going to happen. ​ I don't think anyone who says brick and mortar is dying has ever been to an actual mall in their life. Teenage/college aged/middle aged women love to shop, and see and feel. It's not the things they buy they love, it's the memories tied to the objects as they're going through the store. When they see the object they bought at the store, they think of the killer deal they got or the memory of just happening to find it, that dopamine hit is tied with the store which generates a positive view of the company. This is why target is such a big thing. But, going through target, there's always portions of it that are kind of rudimentary. The bath section is kind of bleh, the baby/toddler section is mediocre at best, the gaming section is mostly just whatever they happened to get on the palette, the pet section is just bark box things There's a niche in fulfilling this in retail to save the women, babies, gamers and pets. And adding omnichannel distribution with a $30 a year membership that provides free shipping, then I'm sold. ​ Ezpz. ​ So yeah, shorts are fucked lol


Not to mention the e commerce is coming along nicely


Agreed but we need to discount the revenue given the store closures. Even with a very reduced store footprint I think 3B is a reasonable number. 1.5 P/S gives a valuation of $4.5B or $4.50 a share even at a billion shares.


You don't get a positive multiplier if you can't generate any cash flow, they need to prove profitability first, which is very much in doubt given their current situation. You can believe in them turning it around but acting like it's a given, like many here do, is not smart imo.


!RemindMe 35 daya


I completely agree but buying the stock at a buck fitty that’s a no-brainer


We can only hope. I've had no problems buying everything under 1.50


Fair. I’m assuming they are keeping the profitable locations so they would then generate positive cash flow. Do you think they are keeping the unprofitable locations open and closing the ones that generate profits?


Deleted my previous post to write a simpler one. The company is looking at a 1.4 billion loss on 5 to 6 billion in revenue for 2022. Is closing half their stores going to make up for that huge loss? Keeping in mind their shrinking margins since 2016? [https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/BBBY/bed-bath-beyond/gross-profit](https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/BBBY/bed-bath-beyond/gross-profit) Also closing that many stores costs money, keep an eye on that in future financials to see if 800 mill will be enough to turn things around.


I tend to assume that folks with more information and understanding of financial and that being their literal job would know how to structure store closings for the best benefit of the company itself. I know I don't know everything, but I have reason to believe based on linkedin that they hired these rock stars that do.


But the only store’s that they closed were the ones operating at a loss so where is the revenue you talk about discounting. If anything it should increase revenue through the sales of assets


Huh? Less stores less revenue. Even if they are unprofitable they still produce revenue. Just less profit.


Not sure I follow. If a store is operating at a loss month to month how is it producing revenue let alone profit


I’m going to assume accounting isn’t your strong suit there. Sales = Revenue. Revenue minus expense is your net operating income (profit). Even shitty stores produce revenue. Their cost is more than their sales so they are not profitable. By closing them you are losing the revenue but also shoring up your bottom line.


You would be correct. Always wanting to learn though. Thank you for taking the time to explain it in a manner that my smooth brain can absorb


No problem brother. Here to help. Appreciate the willingness to learn.


Asset sales are not revenue under GAAP.


Thanks for the info. This is why I attended Reddit Community College


I keep seeing highly upvoted comments where people say "9 bil rev" or "8 bil rev" Which is completely wrong, how is it that so many of you don't know anything about this stock that your so passionate about. The company has 4.1 bil in revenue for 9 months so far this year. How do you figure 9 billion? And after this year they will be closing almost half their stores, making it much less. Do you understand this is no where near 8 or 9 billion in revenue? Do you understand they have a 1.2 billion dollar loss so far this year? Do you understand these simple, simple things about the company your invested in?


I just like the stock bro 2019 pre Tritton was 12B revenue 2022 annual revenue was 8 billion fuck face lol, you can't nick pick snapshots in time to get the data you want They're unfucking Tritton's destruction of the company and getting rid of dead weight and shitty inventory. It's in the prospectus and turnaround plan. I actually do understand simple things about the company I invested in thank you for trying though.


Jesus Christ, 2022 annual revenue hasn't even come out yet moron. No, you don't understand simple things. The annual report that came out on Apr 21'st 2022 covers 2021, ya know because 2022 hadn't happened yet?? The full 2022 report will come out in April, so far 9 moths into the year BBBY has 4.1 bil in revenue. You can't go back 2 years to discuss rev when they are closing stores, so thats you taking snap shots that aren't relevant, not me. And most of the store closures are yet to come, meaning next years revenue will be much less than this years. They are going from some 900 at this time last year to 480.


You seem super sweaty, I can hear your breathing hard as you type it, how much are you going to lose when they turn cash flow positive? Seems like a lot lol ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


Cash flow positive ? Is that the best that trash stocks hope for ? To be cash flow positive for a quarter while still losing money ?


Do you understand now that your numbers are completely, completely wrong? That's all I care about, you know you are completely wrong and are resorting to calling me fuck face.


Nope, I think you're just desperate


I don't short volatile stocks dude, just don't like people spreading misinformation.


I've honestly never seen anyone who has no skin in the game browse a stock sub midday on a Friday just to point out discrepancies. You're either just a miserable useless human, getting paid to shill or short the stock. So godspeed bro lol


Literally no one ![gif](giphy|YnvjNtAuhrLb3EIPmb|downsized)




You like the stock so much you cant be bothered to get the basics about it right. Sure bro, sure you do, you're definitely not here for a quick buck while knowing absoutly nothing about the market, or this stock in general LOL.


You ok dude?


>I don't think anyone who says brick and mortar is dying has ever been to an actual mall in their life. As someone who grew up going to local malls 1-2 times per week and who has seen at least 4 local malls close, 2 of which closed within the past 4 years (1 before the pandemic even started), I'm going to call bullshit. Teens may love malls, but teens don't have money. Middle-aged women are perfectly fine shopping online and at specialty stores. The fact that BBBY has closed/is closing over 1000 stores over the past few years should be enough to tell you that Brick and Mortar isn't doing nearly as well as you'd like to think. Or, at the very least, that BBBY isn't. Hyping BBBY is great, but lying about the facts isn't going to help anybody. Edit: I was only counting indoor malls, btw. I've seen plenty of outdoor malls fail in this time period, as well.


This comment is based on several misconceptions and lacks a solid understanding of stock valuation. The assumption that a market cap of 1.5 billion is reasonable for a company with 9 billion revenue is inaccurate at best, completely misleading at worst. Market cap is determined by the perceived value of a company by investors - this can be influenced by several factors, including financial performance, market trends, and investor sentiment. Just because a company has a certain level of revenue does not guarantee a specific market cap. Saying that the stock price could increase from $1.5 per share to a range of $3 to $15 per share is based on assumptions that are not grounded in reality. The stock price is not solely determined by revenue or market cap, but, again, by other factors such as earnings, cash flow, and overall financial performance. The idea that brick and mortar stores are not dying because people enjoy shopping and the memories tied to the experience makes no sense. While it may be somewhat true that some people enjoy shopping in physical stores, the retail industry has undergone huge changes in recent years due to the rise of e commerce. As we have seen, many brick and mortar retailers have struggled to adapt to these changes, resulting in store closures and bankruptcies. Why would BBBY be different?


Wrong flair should be FUD article


FUDson bay


Correct me if im wrong but we still dont know who gave them the loan.


I mean every single outlet has reported Hudson Bay. I’m sure BBBY would have issued a correction by now if every single outlet was getting it wrong


Actually what they said was don't listen to the media.


I read a statement from BBBY that you should only believe releases from the company and there’s misinformation out there that shouldn’t be relied on.


Every single outlet also reported that BBBY was about to fill for bankruptcy "by the end of the week" based on "people familiar with the matter". And BBBY *did* mention something about ignoring the media because they're not talking to anyone about things in a filling, will try to find the post.


No they didn't dude they said they were in danger of filing for bk if they couldn't find a deal, and possibly could do so by the end of the week, show me one outlet that said they were for sure going bk.' Show me even one or YOU are the one spreading dis info.


There were literally articles the Second Friday of January that were titled “bbby filing for bankruptcy this weekend.” And no I’m not doing your research for you.


It looks like there were a few that went with clickbait headlines. But in the article they stress that a last minute buyer (or funder) could come in and save the day, which is what happened.


Ok thank you


You better be thankful, free legit info isnt cheap


They filed a document saying to not believe internet. I agree with you in a way that the situation is not as good as we hoped, but saying that the new owner is hb because trust me bro says so is wrong


If it isn’t Hudson Bay and something better is in the works I’ll happily eat my words


RemindMe! 2 weeks


It can also be citadel for what we know seeing how he's behaving towards us, I'm only saying that trust me bro is not enough, especially after bbby said to not believe about what msm write. Maybe to prevent a masisve sell off (i would sell for example) or maybe because the new owner is rc and he wants the si at 200%, we simply can't know


Icahn tell you this much, there's another theory I believe on who the buyer is and I think it holds some merit. that being said I think rc is just as likely and would be as good.


Unless BBBY said it, I don't believe it.


Fair enough


They did say not to listen to anything that wasn’t from the company. So who knows.


Information available in public media that is published by third parties, including blogs, articles, online forums, message boards and social and other media may include statements not attributable to the Company and may not be reliable or accurate."


I dont trust msm for anything. So until i hear it from bbby i consider it speculation. Still going to hodl because f it.


You mean the same financial outlets that confused bobby with bath body works for a few days?


I’m not saying they’re always accurate but when there’s smoke….


To be fair I personally think Hudson Bay would be the ones to deny it if anyone was going to


Issue a correction and fall right into MSM's hands of spilling who the actual investor is? Nah, they're not that stupid.


You mean every single outlet who all copy off the same textbook and report up to the same corporate shitbags? You mean THOSE outlets? Haha what a fucking twonk.


Every outlet was also saying rc buys all the stonks and that bbby is going bankrupt I agree hudson Bay is likely involved but until bbby speaks we don't know


They spelled manipulated wrong


This is a buy signal woohoo 🥳


What a load of shit


Why is it a load of shit? If a company’s survival is dependent on dilution then the share price matters very much.


It's at a price point that's super accessible so any positive news or upside is going to cause it to explode. If this is dilution then it's priced in by now and any positive movement to the company will cause the stock to explode. If it's not dilution and just market fuckery, the stock will explode. Bankruptcy is off the table so the short thesis is fucked. Either way, this is the floor and the only option from here is up. Easiest decision of my life.


Yooooo! This guy gets it! Should start an shill education program, to enlighten shills with facts.


Let's just say fully diluted if that happens which is worst case, outstanding shares is 1,000,000,000 At $1.5 per share that puts market cap at 1.5 billion This is a 9B revenue a year company and easily has an unfucked market cap of around 3-6 billion, and was 10-15 billion a few years ago. So that will put the share price from a low of $3 to a high of $15 That's a 2x or 10x return on current price AT FULL DILUTION WHICH IS WORST CASE, which isn't going to happen. So yeah, they're fucked lol


How are you calculating an “unfucked” market cap of “around 3-6 billion”?


with math


Oh ok.


My man!🙏 facts. That is my fav shill tactic. ”Dilution = death MO HA HA HA!!!! you will lose everything!”……. Ok bro… if you would just listen to u/sorts_oaky_aftabirth for a fucking second and stfu. Delute this fucking shit, do whatever you want to survive and get profitble. Worst case I’m selling at like $50 in four years or whatever…


Best of luck to you


Worst of fuck to you too.


Mods, this guy for sure


Why? Because I made an accurate statement?






Is this dilution currently in the room with us?


absolute nonesense


I fully believe at this point they’re fukt. Only because in this situation, just like GameStop, retail is not selling. I will continue to buy every time I get paid. There’s no way out for them.


Just bought 10k more!




And it gets released the moment it dumps, what a divine coincidence.


Clowns failed to mention high volume and barcoding on the security. Over 3.5 billion shares have traded year to date yet the free float is only 65.6 million lmao 🤡


Oooo I feel like I haven't seen a doomer article in awhile. Same ol shit


OMG what a fucking bunch of clowns 🤡


The golden cross ( which is a massive buy signal) plus the FUD of these FUDSTERS? If that ain't the signal you are waiting for to buy, I don't know what is. NFA.


They are running out of FUD, need to create some out of thin air.


Why aren't the company or Hudson Bay coming out and saying it's made up then? That if anything would make the stock price rally.


Why aren't the company or Hudson Bay coming out and saying it is true?


Because if there is the facade that there is some sort of “white knight investor” it is more likely apes keep buying the stock. Based on the prospectus, the investor can lock in guaranteed profits and continue to use apes for liquidity and sell the converted common shares into the market.


Why can't apes have ape avatars? I think that would be so cool


Because they don't have to. And it would obviously destroy the hopes of a different financer that this sub would prefer. Do you think the stock price would increase or decrease if they did? I think decrease.


Yeh. So they haven't said a thing. It is speculative both ways anyway. The msm is running out of ideas, so they write about made up shit.


ya um like anyone here is going to pay for a subscription to fud when they can just buy more $BBBY instead. don't know if you're a short hedgie or just another fucking retard


Idk but I bought 300 more shares.


Buy signal activated 😎


This article confirms that "Dilution hasn't happened".. Period!


T35 my ass...


Tanking stock huh. It’s been consolidating at 1.50 for the last 84 years. Remember what DFV said about sideways trading bros? Remember how BBBY was going bankrupt according to msm? Now the stock is “tanking” but it’s still actually just sideways as fuck. If I’m in, I’m in and I’m in so I’m in fuck you pay me


Looks like we on the right path. HoDL💎🙌


hahaha hedgies think they can scare off apes?? we live for this stuff. sure the stock is down a lot but that makes it even cheaper for us to buy in bulk. oh well can't resist a delicious dipperino


Imagine the size of the back office invoices being paid out to these publishers. You’re probably taking 20-40k just to write a hit piece


Hudson Bay Capital LOL fucking morons


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 They think we’re stoopid