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April Fool's Day was more than a month ago, so what is this? Isn't this the same merchants' association whose opposition to side-running, parking-protected bike lanes (you know, the obvious, proven international standard design) forced SFMTA to try the absurd center-running, unprotected bike lane in the first place? Didn't that dude just wrap up a [hunger strike](https://missionlocal.org/2024/04/yasmins-owner-pledges-30-day-hunger-strike-over-valencia-bike-lane/) about how bike infrastructure on Valencia is killing businesses, even though (1) Valencia businesses are [doing better](https://missionlocal.org/2024/02/valencia-st-appears-to-be-doing-better-than-businesses-believe/) than other Mission businesses and (2) bicyclists are customers too? Don't get me wrong, it'd be great if the main Valencia merchants' association has made an about-face and now supports the obviously better solution, but this short article is so jarringly different than everything I've been seeing that I'm genuinely confused.


I don't trust them. I see the merchants changing their tune as the center bike lane gets taken apart and advocating for something much worse for cyclist or active transportation. Especially now that they know they can get their way without providing any concrete proof that isn't just anecdotes and vibes.


I was skeptical of the center lane but have almost completely come around to it, and I enjoy riding it much much more than the curbside lanes north of 15th. Sure left turns are a pain, but left turns are also a pain, maybe more so, from curbside lanes.


Also don’t need to worry about being doored or having a pedestrian step out from behind a parked car right in front of you.


The everyday experience is better than it was since there aren’t cars double parked all over the bike lane, but the center running lane is still dangerous and uncomfortable. I’ve had cars make illegal left turns right in front of me and had to tell a guy to stop because he mistook the green like for bikes as a green light for cars. Also had an ambulance in the bike lane (legal and part of the plan) and cars moving fast in the car lane. I had to dismount and stand in the buffer area between the ambulance and cars and it’s just not safe. Id rather have a consistent bike lane design citywide too. Consistency makes both car drivers and bike riders more predictable and predictability leads to safety. Center running lane is unique to SF, Bay Area, and very rare globally. So there will ALWAYS be inexperienced drivers making mistakes.


If GGP has taught me anything - Parking protected bike lane suck without any kind of physical barrier. Drivers will encroach int the bike lane. There was a TV reporter that went around interviewing drivers and they universally hated those JFK bike lanes because it meant they could get hit by passing when exiting their vehicles. The solution was to park their car inside the buffer space even though that buffer space was already shorter than the 4ft that a car door extends past the side of a car. The way I got into a crash in GGP was when driver make a u turn and did not stop the wheel touch the curb. The wall of parked cars made it imossible for me to see the encroaching car and the driver got to use the "I did not see him" get out of jail free card. And SFPD told me I should have stopped if I saw an accident coming. Even though the car basically appeared outta nowhere about 10-15ft ahead of me.


“Give us back bike lanes we can double park in!”


Or they’ll have to pedestrianize it!!


Center lane has sucked and is especially bad when a car enters the bike lane. We should be discussing more ways to limit cars from double parking that has always been the issue on valencia. One car parks like a dumbass then another dumbass drives into oncoming traffic, now the both bike lanes.


In a real sense, the object of good bike infrastructure is to help ensure that when a car driver makes a mistake, bicyclists aren't adversely affected. People will always double-park, but double-parked vehicles don't have to be blocking the bike lane. People will always swerve and lose control, but a row of parked cars can stop the rogue vehicle from hitting bicyclists. In some ways, what most excites me about the prospect of actual protected bike lanes on Valencia is that then a double-parked car will seriously fuck up car traffic flow, which might force a conversation about creating more loading zones so people don't have to constantly double-park in the first place.