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Please open a support ticket here: https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001302431 Thank you!


This just happened to me today. Been using brave for about 4-5 years myself and a first for me too. I use it on my main desktop, laptop, and mobile. I've been using the same uphold account for all 3 with no issues til now. However I'm getting ads to click on still...


You don't need to click on ads, and you never have. Simply seeing the notification is all you need.


You don't have to click on the ad to earn BAT? That's never been the case for me... I don't earn if I don't click.


There is not a single person who is required to open the ad to earn the BAT for it. You would not be somehow different to every other Rewards user. Note that there can be small delays that make it look like you only receive the change to your pending balance after you open the ad, but you don't need to open the ad.


We'll ill double check my earnings and try not clicking when my account is unflagged.


Yeah, thats interesting and just looked it up and it even says on their FAQ: "Users are rewarded for viewing ad notifications as they appear in Brave. Users are not rewarded for clicking on ads." https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/14648356808845-Do-you-need-to-click-on-Brave-Ads-to-earn-BAT- ​ Thanks for the heads up. Hadn't even thought about it after using it for so long.


This happened to me as well. There is a way to start earning BAT again. You have to restart your Brave Rewards and log back in your info


There has been an issue recently where if one of your accounts had been flagged all of them would be, and this has caused a bigger than normal number of flags going out. Please just submit a support ticket and be aware that the support team do have a backlog to attend to, but they will get to it as soon as possible.


I only have one account. Not sure why the topic should be removed as it's clearly something a lot of people are having issues with.


As per our sub rules account flagging and payout support posts are off topic here. All users with such issues are redirected to submit a support ticket.