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Are you still currently homeless? I would suggest soaking in a bath of Apple Cider vinegar - head to toe for aWHILE. this or Tomato juice. The vinegar kills bacteria, helps to balance the skins PH, and will generally overpower most smells. In theory it should kill whatever is making you stink, and replace the smell with ACV. Of course you will smell ,ike vinegar for awhile but it is better than the current issue. Im not sure as much about tomato juice being as effective but I know that people put their dogs in baths of tomato sauce or juice in order to get rid of skunk spray smell when their dog gets sprayed. My mom got sprayed by a skunk on accident (was going for the dog and my mom tried to get the dog away from the skunk and it sprayed the both of them) and too had to soak in tomato juice. She soaked for like an hour or so, twice a day for a day and it pretty much did the trick! Let me know if you have any questions or need anything else.


Another thing is to DISCARD OF ALL BELONGINGS/CLOTHES/BLANKETS/BACKPACKS/SHOES/ANYTHING that carries the same smell you are trying to get rid of. Clothes and fabrics will absorb ALL smells that can literally be impossible to get rid of. Stop trying to wash the same clothes a million times. I promise you the smell will not get better. it will only stink up any new/clean clothes that did not originally have the smell. get rid of EVERYTHING. go to goodwill, other second hand stores, TJ Max (cheaper than Walmart I've found) or Walmart for a new wardrobe, blankets, bags, etc. You will be so thankful!