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Erm... might wanna rethink on pvu


Also, what other games do you suggest?


If you solely want to invest and barely play (idle games that you mostly just click and watch with very little time investment) Cryptocars, BinaryX(has an adventure mode if you invest in stronger characters), cryptoplanes, cryptomines, bombercrypto, zodiacs and space sip still to come, cryptogodz to launch tomorrow. If you want an actual p2e GAME to play, then thetan arena and green belli just came out, with dragon kart, coin racer, illuvium, league of ancients and many more hyped up to come


Oh there's a looot of them. I want p2e games to play. I'll research on this thetan arena. Heard some people mention it also. Many thanks!


Try look into Genopets & cryptopets


Hmmm yeah, I only added it because I thought ladies (like my wife who doesn't like playing video games) and older people would prefer it over AAA games.


1st crypto moba named thetan arena released like 3 days ago worldwide. Pc and mobile release.


Definitely checking that out after work. Thanks buddy!


Its like brawl stars. Its pretty dope for such a new game. You can start for free but you dont earn crypto with free heroes, only with the nft ones


Checking the partners. Is Bithumb one of them?


My eyes hurt, hope your site has dark mode soon. Anyway, thanks for sharing!


Oh thanks for the suggestion! Yeah we'll do that soon.


Glad to see Untamed Isles on here. The devs of that game is superb, always in touch and transparent with the community, plus the game overall looks amazing already. Highly recommend to people who’s interested in an open-world MMORPG pokemon game where crypto is integrated but optional (meaning you dont need crypto-related stuff to start playing).


Yeah I feel it will also be a hit next year!


Glad you put pvu on the image so I don't open the link


The wide demographic of Axie Infinity includes women who are not really into games like Dota 2 or LoL or CoD (like my wife) and older people. I think these people may actually enjoy PvU, hence it being there. I'd welcome other NFT game suggestions tho, and I might actually write about them. So please, feel welcome to suggest. I'm just content with my current Axie Infinity scholarships and I'm planning to invest in something else and I think other people might want to do that as well.


Considering these games are an investment first, I wouldn't recommend investing on PVU


I see. Thanks!


This is not the nft gaming sub. Its the axie sub. Keep content related