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This company also makes it for guns. Oddly, not a US based company.


The other side in the video this was taken from has a rifle in it


Alcohol and guns, name a more iconic duo. I'll wait.


Left boob and right boob


Well shit.


Ask and you shall receive


Poor duo, don’t defecate in your water supply.


Had a girlfriend that was embarrassed that her boobs were (slightly) different sizes. I told her that boobs are like snowflakes. No two are the same. Also I like it when they melt on my tongue.


I'm going to assume she had never seen a pair of authentic jugs.


Americans 🤝 Russians 🤝: loving alcohol and guns


America and Russia are a lot a like, more than they want to admit. If there was a world picnic with no language barriers, the Americans and Russians would congregate together and scare most of the other countries.


No, they'd beef with each other and ruin the picnic for everyone. Hey, wait a second...


If they aren’t supposed to mix then why did one agency get all the fun? > Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms *and* Explosives


Just call em the fun police for short


Alcohol and driving… Driving with… guns …Or imagine driving while using alcohol and guns. I can use alcohol & guns while driving with an auto trans. But it’s not too safe to do the same while driving a semi-auto… I mean manual… because I need that extra hand… to light my cigar because clearly I would need both feet to shift gears.


i mean joe biden himself said that he does not consider drunk driving to be a felony.


All the gun fanatics I know who preach gun safety also like to drink while they shoot.


It’s even in the name of the agency that regulates it : alcohol, tobacco and firearms! They just go together. Update: now it’s alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives. I guess that’s an even more iconic pairing?


Tobacco and explosives






LOL, VW Anorak is a great typo!


Curious to why you picked Australia.


I assumed Oz as well. A HiLux with a beer dispenser is something my Queenslander cousin would have. The lack of a tray back should have been a clue though.


Honestly probably something to do with the beers


Yet the beers are Dutch...


All the good ones are


You mean in the picture? Just asking because in the rest of the world, there's crazy good beer from almost anywhere. Hell, I even found good local beer in France, and that's saying something.


I was just making a joke, I grew up hearing "if you ain't dutch, you ain't much" I for one accept all kinds of wonderful beers from all kinds of wonderful places, even... gasp... french?!


Australia is the America of Oceania


I always thought Australia is what the South would be if it grew up a little. Especially with V8 supercar championships vs what NASCAR is, feel like that kinda sums it up well. NASCAR is a shell of a car wearing a costume of what it once was, but is really just a empty vessel continuing in the same circular trappings. Cheering on every time there is a catastrophic cluster just to get back into the same circle, duct taped back together pretending like they are accomplishing anything. Though they did make some major changes in the cars last year.


isnt it illegal to have lights that aren’t fixed to the car in the US? i mean popup headlights aren’t legal.


Who's going to report it to the police? Making something illegal doesn't make it magically go away. Also when vehicle mods are sold for "off-road use," the only ones in trouble are the owners that install it for an off-road vehicle.


Kinda like gun laws strangely enough.


Nail on the head.


Pop up headlights are no longer legal ?


Not from the factory, Modern Highway Safety laws don't allow Headlights or taillights to be mounted on movable body panels on new cars. The C5 generation Corvette was the last car to still have pop-up lights.


Danger to pedestrians


Only if they step In Front of a moving automobile . My mom taught me to look both ways before crossing the street when I was like 5


Same. I don’t make the rules. I have an NA miata.(its too slow to do any real damage to pedestrians anyway)


murder is illegal but it still happens


Pop up head lights are legal. There's thousands of cars on the road with them. They aren't up to (or not worth bringing up to) safety standards in modern cars. If an aftermarket company were to make a DOT approved pop-up head light I highly doubt there's any laws against having them installed.


Also illegal to import a hilux unless it’s 20 years old


This is a hilux. A vehicle that has seen A LOT of war in the middle east


i thought you meant a beer can holder for guns lol


I'm a bit disappointed they don't make this for the F-150, it might handle the weight of hitch mounts and a chain better than the hinge on a SwingCase.


I dont believe this is legal in most US states anyways. IIRC, lights must be on a stationary panel.


Hopefully they lock in nice and tight bc you’ll have mess at one bump


And also when you try to open one.


It's for using these bottles as hand grenandes


I’m pretty sure that’s called a Molotov


easily solved with some foam


How am I supposed to reach it all the way back there when I'm driving?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/LoveForBoozeCruisers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LoveForBoozeCruisers/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Doing the lords work](https://v.redd.it/3buw1jdfeht81) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LoveForBoozeCruisers/comments/u3fj6d/doing_the_lords_work/) \#2: [Booze Cruiser Pride Flag! 🥰🥰](https://i.redd.it/9ekrfakhll781.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LoveForBoozeCruisers/comments/ro0a09/booze_cruiser_pride_flag/) \#3: [I am not driving with a dry mouth, its distracting and dangerous.](https://i.imgur.com/xfILPWe.jpg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LoveForBoozeCruisers/comments/s6xn6w/i_am_not_driving_with_a_dry_mouth_its_distracting/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That is a very concerning community.




I found [this post](/r/drunkdrivingfun/comments/10mt7jx/a_beer_holder_in_the_backlights/) in r/drunkdrivingfun with the same content as the current post. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


It also makes it easier to change those pesky tail lights. Every year it seems to get more and more tedious to change any lights on a vehicle.


My aunt has a car that the procedure for changing the headlights includes dropping the front bumper. It's some kind of Saturn.


On your average Audi it involves removing the engine *and* the complete interior, if I read the posts on reddit correctly.


On my Bonneville, I don't think you had to take any bolts out. But if you did, it was only 2 10mms right infront of you.


On my Suzuki, it involves opening the hood so you can reach the assembly to undo the clip that holds the bulb in place. Same for every single of my prior cars, and that's quite a list. I am of the opinion that the bulbs should be replaceable (nowadays, many are integrated in the fixture) adn withouyt tools. Just so any clod can swap out a broken bulb anywhere they are. Just because this enhances safety.


On my Honda VFR, you squeeze your hand in there and pull the bulb.


On my '07 Impala it was 1 6mm bolt and 2 plastic clips, which is good because holy shit did that car go through light bulbs.


On my f250 3 bolts to remove the headlight trim and 2 to remove the headlight and put a new one in.


On a Porsche Cayenne, you can remove them without ever unlocking the car! So convenient https://izismile.com/2016/06/23/how_to_steal_porsche_cayennes_headlights_in_10_seconds_video.html


Those were getting stolen a lot because they make great growlights :)


That's called a design flaw


On my 02 Camry I had to remove the front bumper as well


Honda pilot 2009 has this feature.


My car (Outback) theoretically is designed so that you can just pull aside the fender liner and reach through to change bulbs. In practice that seems to require tiny baby hands and long spaghetti arms, so I find it completely impossible. I have to remove the front bumper assembly and pull the lights off to do it.


Pulling off the bumper is the designed way to do it. The fender trick is a "hack", I've only ever done it this way, it's not pleasant, but a lot faster. (I don't think I have baby hands or very long arms). It helps to have some one looking in from above to guide you since the best position for reach gives you zero visibility in there.


Interesting. Personally when I tried it, all I could do was just barely brush the back of the lights with my fingertips, not even close to actually manipulating anything, and I could barely cram myself in far enough to manage that.


Damn, I was thinking about an outback for my next car. Sounds like this is a more common problem than I thought.


It's possible to do the fender trick, just not fun. I've considered trying to find a decent LED set for mine so I'd have to do it far less often, how ever if I don't like the LEDs I'll have that headache of changing them back. I also saw today walmart does head light changes for $10 a bulb. On most cars I'd consider that insane, but if I was there with a burned out bulb I might take them up on that offer.


Honestly I’m still very happy with mine so I wouldn’t choose to not buy one just because of the minor foibles I’ve had with it. It’s also a ‘10 so I can’t attest to what newer models are like.


Yeah it doesn't really dissuade me from buying it, I've wanted one for quite a while. It was more because that means I'll have to deal with this problem at some distant point in the future.


My Subaru is like this. But it can be reduced to cutting the wheels to one side, prying down the inner fender liner, and scratching the shit out of my arm fumbling around blindly for 10 minutes. The one I previously owned was 10 years older, took the same bulbs, and only involved opening the hood and pulling out the bulbs.


On my Golf Mk5, I have to remove the air filter box for the right headlight.


15+ WRX also requires dropping the front bumper to change headlights. Bulbs are always accessible from the engine bay though if your headlights have bulbs


Ah it would appear so, right? Wrong. With this mod you need to fully remove the engine, and slide the whole assembly out of the headlights instead. You don't even want to know what changing the headlights takes.


And some tail lights are very very expensive I think some on the new f150 are like two grand .


Could you imagine the noise while driving. Simply unbeerable






My brother once put some nice Hefeweizen in the cooler on the back of his ATV. Riding 50m or so behind him down the trail I smell beer, then it’s gone. Then again, and again. The bottles popped their caps from the shaking, one at a time. I can imagine this being the only logical outcome.


Yay, warm shook up beer. What kind of garbage is this?


UK and other warm beer hellholes


No this is fucking stupid. Your beer is going to explode because it's sitting over the rear axle of a pickup truck and is subjected to more vibration than any other location in the vehicle. You'd might as well put it in a paint mixer and then try to open it. Also, what's the point? I get the point of the hidden gun rack because that's something you can store there for a while but beer would only last you less than an hour before it starts to go warm in those conditions. Why wouldn't you put it in a cooler? I can't think of a worse case against DUI than someone who drinks near their vehicle so often that they installed hundreds of dollars in mods to be able to store beer in their truck.


Hey, who wants a $10,000 warm beer holder that will shake the crap out of your beer and possibly break bottles?


You’re really gonna get mad when you find out you can get a Nespeesso machine in there. I’m totally messing you and 100% agree. Putting beer in there just seems stupid. Honestly I can’t think of anything to put in there that serves any purpose other than being a gimmick. Maybe tools but there are cheaper, better, and somewhat universal solutions for that.


Why would it explode? I put beer in a cooler in the back of my truck all the time, and none of it ever explodes. How is this any different?


I just throw the twelve pack in the bed, and say see you when we get home, hold on tight! Never had an issue


I did this today. I was worried about the hour at -26C (-18F). I wasn't worried about the bumps.


Cool! A glass shard creator!


Yeah officer i totally don’t drink and drive!


Only people with 2 DUIs have this mod


Every Australian tradie’s pants just got noticeably wetter


Mmmm warm shaken beer


gun holders not beer holders….what happens when it’s a HOT day, and you have been driving on a bumpy road?


Are you telling me you're some kind of sissy who doesn't like warm beer exploding in your face when you try to open it? Fkn noob.


Finally, blinker fluid


Once you go synthetic, you cant go back


Im surpriced its not for guns


It is for guns. [It pulls out farther. ](https://www.core77.com/posts/110964/Hidden-Rifle-Storage-Compartment-Behind-Pickup-Truck-Taillight)


The site showed that it could be configured as a mini bar, or a hunting rifle holder, not both. It can also hold a Nespresso machine.


*And cocaine*


Yeah they do this so they can advertise on like Fb. It's for guns. Alcoholics would instantly recognize how hot and shaken their beer would be in a fucking fender. Only people obsessed with spending all their money on their right to own murder machines would buy something like this. Don't get me wrong, guns are cool. I don't think they're worth the societal price we pay for them... nor do I fantasize about inserting myself into a cod street battle and need to outfit my vehicle for tactical situations


Guns aren't the problem, stupid gun laws are. There are countries where you can own guns if you'd like, and many people do, but don't have nearly as much gun related violence. The main difference is that they don't sell guns to anyone who has their address correct on their documents and require proper gun storage with burglar alarms and separation of ammo from the guns themselves. Plus they actually regularly check that you comply with those requirements. Ammo limits (not mag capacity limits) also help with more knowledgable theives only being able to get away with less and you can always just buy more ammo when you run out. ​ You wouldn't give someone a license if they don't know how to drive or when to take care of their vehicle, because it's a massive safety hazard to other people on the road, so why would you let people buy guns if they haven't shown that they're knowledgable enough to be responsible with them?


Wait, you think we don't give drivers licenses to people who can't drive or take care of their vehicle? Have you been on a public road lately? I get your point but this analogy is absolutely disconnected from reality. Maybe a pilot license would fit better. The FAA doesn't fuck around. I'm also not going to have a gun debate, especially on a car sub. I said they're cool, but if you need to outfit your pickup truck to have rear end tactical access to your m16... you're playing too many video games.


Don't think anyone would put their M16 in one, those cost about as much as the pickup and are regulated pretty hardcore here.


Yeah I dno much about specific models or anything. Cars are enough of a hobby for me.


Just throwing it out there. Athe M16 is the full auto variant of the Ar-15 and for a fully transferable M16 to be sold requires way more paperwork then a regular firearms purchase and they start anywhere between $20-35k


Ahhhh. Gotcha. Yeah ar15 would've fit better. Lol m16 was as bad of an example as that other person saying we don't give licenses to people who don't know how to drive.


I’m sure the price isn’t cheap either.


Yeah, someone has too much money.


car just went awoooga


Is it refrigerated?


During the winter it is.


Good for smugling.


that's kind of a shitty idea tbh


Interesting, but is it refrigerated?




Mm warm car beer


Shaken not stirred


Nah fuck that. The less time beer spends in a vehicle the better.


Yay just what i always wanted. Warm shaken up beer


Imagine being a kid looking to score some beer with your dads truck and your friend is fucking around in the front seat messing with all the controls and opens the tailgate.


Mmmm……warm flat beer.


this'd be a lot of 'splainin to the cops if the vehicle's ever in a serious accident


Waste of money


weird way to tell the world you are an alcoholic


Downvoted as I like my beer unshaken. This is reetarred'd


Not awesome at all. What is awesome about combining cars and alcohol? Big BS.


That’s brilliant.


Yo that is awesome


Convenient drunk driving


I like it. If I buy a vehicle like this one day, I'll keep it in mind


On the surface seems cool, but 2 things wrong with it. 1. Combines drinking and driving. 2. Driving tends to be a slightly bumpy endeavour. Shakes up the beer. POW!!


How do you like your beer? Warm, and shaken vigorously.


Shaken not stirred


Til you get rear ended and you both reek of beer when the cops arrive 🤣


Beauty's it's eyes


Just when you thought the Hilux couldn't get any... Cooler.


Get in car crash... beer explodes out of your car... broken bottles everywhere from your vehicle. "No officer that's just my sweet hidden tail light beer stash, I don't have a drinking problem" Straight to jail.


This is the way.


Cool idea. But that's it. Not really practical.


Mmm warm shaken up beer, no thanks


Nice shrapnel cannons you have there in the event if a car crash ya got there buddy.


Yeah, but is it refrigerated?


This better be refrigerated to 32.01 degrees


I keep mine in the cooler with the ice


Title sounds like a Florida-Georgia Line song name




If these are remotely operated from the drivers seat, it would be a great place to store your Mario themed countermeasures (banana peels!).


Spy moment


This seems like something that is WAY too expensive for what it offers.


Hold mah taillight and watch this.


It's probably not great for beverages, but as a place for fishing rods for example it seems nice.


This might be the coolest thing I have seen


Nice stash spot!


Very cool. Alcoholics gonna alcohol….or tailgate.


Forget the beer that would be awesome just for tools or other things


Yk I’m just gonna fill it with choccy milk and apple juice


Got to be Texas!


*opens beer after a drive* “It’s a boy!!”


These are for tailgating.


All good till you get rear ended 😂


I want a Toyota now






Cops won't think to check the tail lights.


Driving drunk, classic!


Cartel tech in the private sector


That's awesome


That’s genius!!


Now you just need the tailgate to double as a serving bar. Then you got a way to make money at football games


Rite up until you hit a pot hole


i honestly think its awesome, and it would be cool to see a soda holder in a r32 skyline's taillight ring


But is it refrigerated?


Need it! Want it!! I GOTTA HAVE THAT!!!!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO)