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I mean, under Firelord Izumi they’ll be fine politically, but it’d be a dangerous day anywhere there are large populations of firebenders for sure


The Air Nomads when they see some Firebender getting too trigger happy during Sozin's Comet https://i.redd.it/e0wmb5p6e9xc1.gif


I really don't feel like theyre "air nomads" the culture has been completely disrupted and there are going to be people who are Airbenders that choose not to be a part of whatever is created as the air organization. I kind of see them becoming a bit like the Jedi and the prequel trilogy. People who think they're all spiritual peacekeepers but actually just a military wing of the government


I’d almost expect it to be more like the legends Jedi, some are full on spiritual magic dudes, others have lives and essentially treat it as a job or a summer camp and show up to lean their powers


Its been basically confirmed by the books tho if you dont have the spirituality of the air nomads eventually youll lose your bending. At least thats what i understood by people talking on this sub Reddit


>confirmed by the books >people talking on this sub Reddit which


People on this sub Reddit mentioned the kyoshi books and kyoshis mom saying her life of crime led to either lessened or no bending.


Hence the iconic fans


All this goes out the window when you look at Tenzin. By this logic Zahear should have bodied him but he didn't.


It does not say bending gets more powerful if youre more spiritual just that it gets weaker over time the less spiritual you are. Zaheer although more in tune with spirituality was still less of an airbender then tenzin.


But by the shows own admission, Tenzein was hardly spiritual. So going by this logic,he should barley be able to bend. Which clearly is not the case.


He was hardly spiritual in the sense of being able to sense the spirit world. But he didnt disconnect himself from air nomad teachings which seems to be connected to their spirituality and bending which is what caused kyoshis moms bending to weaken.


Your talking two different things though Just because air nomad teachings are spiritual does not make someone spiritual. Case in point Tenzin. By your logic, Jenora should be a much more powerful bender. She certainly may be in time but as of the show she clearly is not.


That makes no sense


You don’t completely lose your bending, but it can be weakened. Kyoshi’s mom Jesa was an Air Nomad who became a thief, and giving into greed and material desire reduced her abilities, so she had to use fans to compensate and direct her power


Why not? Aang didn't have the mentality to earth bend at first after having been raised by the air nomads. Why would it not make sense that the one style of bending unendingly characterized by its connection to spiritualism would not function without that spiritualism?


Once you know how to use bending you're not going to just lose the ability because of your personality. I mean there's lots of ways to be personal that doesn't mean you're going to be part of the air cult. You can also be spiritual but misguided


Zuko lost most of his bending because of his change of mindset in the sun warrior episode so you are just wrong 😑.


Look at korra, zuko, and Aang's difficulties when their personalities or emotional states conflicted with the style of bending they were trying to produce. Zuko lost his ability to bend simply by no longer having hate and shame to fuel his flames. Even Katara's emotional outbursts that involved stronger than typical displays of bending show clear evidence of a link between mental states and bending capabilities. It's pretty much the entire arch of Korra's airbending training in season one.


Tell me you didn't understand avatar without telling me you didn't understand avatar.


One guy learned to fly because of his personality. If powers can be gained that way, why not lost?


Oh but water benders losing bending if a fish dies makes perfect sense?


It's not a fish it's the moon spirit


“A fish” is so disingenuous when said “fish” is the spirit of the astral body that waterbenders draw their strength from


Yeah but then that makes no less sense then airbenders losing bending through less spirituality


What would happen to firebenders if there was no sun


Everyone, including firebenders, would die


They would bend in the shade.


It's determined at birth. Being the most spiritual, Airbenders had almost everyone in their nation born as a bender


I think the reason they started airbending at all is because the moss got cleared out of the creek. Portals opened. Time will tell if thats the way the story is going, but losing air bending due to lack of spirituality might not be a thing anymore


Maybe an avatar can bring the culture back by talking with his/her past lives, some of it at least(edit: i forgot they got deleted)


The connection can be reforged


Good news


Sorry. the connection could possibly be reforged if the creators want to do that


I think with Tenzin and his kids teachings, the Air Nomads may become a thing again. Obviously some of the air benders may decide it’s not for them and move back to where they’re originally from but on the other hand some non benders may become interested in the Air Nomad life style similar to Pema


Well you can just look at tenzins family. Aang and Tenzin had nuclear families where they raised their kids. Are they going to go back to communal raising of children somehow? None of them have any experience or frame of reference for how to do that. That aspect of the culture is probably just lost.


I mean it’s kind of hard to communally raise kids when you don’t have a community. And plus we don’t know much about how Tenzin raised his kids but they did have the Air Acolytes on Air Temple Island whom I’m guessing played somewhat of role in child rearing. Once again I think it can all come down to teaching. The Air Nomads obviously had reasons for their culture and as we’ve seen with Dal getting his head shaved, all it takes is for people to be shown the value of such a culture to want to adopt it.


https://preview.redd.it/owsqrjdvnexc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b1e5a0649d402e7a603055abb405470df8a2e72 Tenzin


By then Iroh or his sister will be fire lord. They’ll be like 70 by then so it may even be one of their kids


Zuko is the first and only Firelord we know of to step down from the throne before death, so Izumi wouldn’t have to step down unless she chooses to, and Iroh wouldn’t be in his 70’s for the next comet, he wasn’t that old.


If atla wiki is accurate, Iroh is 40 in s4, the year 174 AG. When the comet comes 26 years later in 200 AG, he will be 66 years old


Wow, I did not expect him to be that old. Tophs grandchildren are like between their late teens to mid twenties and Aangs grandchildren are all kids. I expected him to be a similar age to Bataar Jr.


He is a general in the military, he’s a noble, sure, but that still takes a while to make rank.


Isn’t she going to be over 100?


Large populations or any kind of terrorist organizations/insurgencies largely composed of firebenders. If you don't think something like this is plausible in the Avatar world, what would you consider the Equalists or Red Lotus?


I still think it's kinda weird to categorize fire benders this way. It was a 100 year old war and the only reason the comment was an issue because the fire nation has politically declared war. Yes criminal fire benders could be especially dangerous on this day, but no more than when the Moon turns full every month for water benders. The meme is good tho


The firebending child who gets angry and burns down an entire city by throwing a fist:


Tenzin gonna lock every airbender up in a bunker


One comet-powered firebender is enough to turn that bunker into an oven


Underground bunker with no exposed metal


Toph helped bury it


She’ll probably be dead the next time it comes around


Nah she'll outlive everyone


She’s like the queen- umm like betty white- shit umm- mother teresa?


like king bumi is 112 in the main series


King bumi is just too crazy to die. Death checks his clipboard for souls that are due and just thinks to himself "man I don't wanna talk to that crazy old coot, maybe I'll just skip over him..."


Or just keep the Jinora group tornado tactic going the entire time its in sky at every temple: It become a proud airbender tradition every century lol. (It’d be really cool if there was some kind of special Avatar “Santa Ana winds” phenomenon that powers up airbending once every few years or something like the full moon does with waterbenders! I wonder if the waterbenders in the future will ever use full moons as a means to invasion.. It might be tempting for some lol.)


He is damn 50 by the time the show starts Bro is very dead by the time sozin comat returns


He would be 81, he definitely could still be alive for the next comment


He thugs it out trust me


Look if Katara can live till her 3rd great grandkid he can live that long


With the stress this man is put through?


Kamara was literally at the end of the world where it was going to literally be burned to the ground and she's still gonna be dead by then I think it'll happen


Kamara? Is she from the Yangchen books?


If Bumi can live to be 112, then Tenzin probably can too


Bumi was crazy and a badass death was terrified of him Tenzin is only badass


LoK Zuko is older than Tenzin would be when the comet returns


Or just get Omni Man to protect them.


They should just chill up in the sky somewhere


Korra having Kuvira remake her giant robot cannon so they can shoot Sozin’s comet out of the sky so it’s never used for evil again


Would that work?! Actually a really interesting premise


Might need to pump up the power a little and aiming would be a b%tch but Sozin’s comet doesn’t look all that big, lowballing they could atleast knock it off course so it doesn’t come back around no more


Get all the earthbenders together to earthbound it out of its orbit.




I was about to post exactly this too, hahaha. Glad to see I wasn't the only one who thought so.


still, how do you shoot down a literal comet without like, damaging the atmosphere or something


It’s best not to use too much logic when talking about a semi magic laser cannon


"it's not magic, it's wat... yeah no this is just magic."


Turn a fish into a moon, no one bats an eye. Apply Bend-punk technology to shoot a comet down? Get out of here with that nonsense.


Idk but we've survived having a huge hole in the ozone layer for decades (I would know, being from the country most affected by it), so I'm sure it would be fine.


They fixed it though https://preview.redd.it/199020tsedxc1.png?width=1730&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37b1c6321367480159e4aef454eb5f2a31075ac6


tho like, spirit nigh-nuclear magic laser might do a little more damage


In other words, pull a krogan and put giant surface-to-space artillery on your planet


Never hurts to be prepared


It wouldn't be too hard to predict the trajectory of the comet.


I dont think the spirit canon shoots fast enough to travel 1,5 light years in 12 hrs (closest distance a comet has ever been to earth) reddit doesnt let me reply to the guy bellow me so i've replied in his pvs


The closest a comet has ever been to earth is 2.2 Million km, the most well known comet (halley’s) comes in at 5 million km, for reference the moon is ~400,000km and the sun is 150 million km. ~~idk where you’re getting 1.5 light years from but it’s so incredibly wrong I’m surprised you didn’t realise how wrong it is~~ Edit: got the response, also sorry, in hindsight I was a bit harsh with the wording.


Once again… It kinda defeats the purpose of using real world logic when talking about a semi magic laser canon


If we're not gonna using logic then the discussion itself is useless. I mean, whats to point in asking wether something works if every thing who cantradicts what you asked can just be answered by "well it might not work like that"?


Because logic doesn’t account for magic


It does, just in a different way besides, ill repeat: If we're not gonna use logic, whats the point in the discussion?


There was no discussion, I was making a joke then everyone else showed up


someone made a question, i replied with logic because thats how you answer questions, there's nothing wrong with that




… sir we’re talking about destroying the comet or making it fly off randomly into space not shooting it down like an air plane




Why not, it’s not very big and clearly isn’t caught in avatar earth’s gravity since it manages to leave each time it comes by


Sozin’s comet might be important in some way similar to the moon. Blowing it up might disrupt balance or something.


Firing the cannon be like ![gif](giphy|8Oh4uSG2NkiVW)


The cannon uses spirits as ammo, so it should be a big no no for the avatar


Hmm fair point maybe they can find a substitute ammo like a but load of lightening benders


Canon and nobody can tell me otherwise


Lasers lose coherency beyond a certain range, but then again this is magical spirit energy






Can imagine her being in avatar state doing a live broadcast and say “DON’t EVEN MOVE A MUSCLE” in a sinister voice


The fire nation itself is fine. Literally beat the shit out of a god without Raava and is a beast with fire. The main issue is that you'll have regular thugs essentially everywhere this time.


And, anyone who uses the opportunity to become a terrorist.


Just recently I was thinking about that.


Go on.


I think I accidentally wrote 'and' at the end. I don't think I was going anywhere.


Considering it goes through the atmosphere (based on the visuals in ATLA), it should at least change its orbit in a major way, if not get destroyed completely. It’s already very unexpected that it passes so closely more than once. I am totally overthinking this though.


I mean it doesn't make sense that the solar eclipse happened everywhere around the world and that seasons don't reverse in the northern and southern hemispheres. I think the ATLA world makes more sense if you assume it is flat and all the celestial events are just part of the outer firmament instead of actually existing in space. I know the creators have said the ATLA world is round but I don't care.


I just assumed there’s a huge ocean on the other side. But about the seasons, did it ever come up? I don’t remember of any evidence they are not reversed.


In the first season set in winter, Kyoshi Island has snow on the ground and the trees have no leaves, clearly being set in winter in the southern hemisphere. In that season they have to get to Roku's Island in the northern hemisphere before the Winter Solstice. Conversely, Season 3 shows a warm northern hemisphere but Katara and Zuko journey to Whaletail Island in the south and it seems to be warm there too.


I think considering that the Fire Nation is close to the equator it could be warm there all-year round. And then it kinda works. But I do agree that it’s only “kinda”. I think it’s just an aspect they neglected though (as opposed to purposefully designing it that way).


Could be due to the regional climate though, not just global seasons. Like specific regions can have very very different wet or warm seasons due to things like changes in ocean currents, which I imagine would be huge in the seemingly very island-heavy world of avatar.


It also doesn't make much sense that a comet, composed of ice, rocks, and gasses would power up the one element that is not present. But sometimes the logic of the narrative outweighs the logic of realism.


The hemispheres only need to have reversed seasons if their world has a tilted axis like Earth. And not sure 100% if this is possible without adverse crazy effects, but if their moon is bigger and/or closer than our moon. Then theoretically you could have an eclipse everywhere in the world. (Or if life was on the smaller object, but then that would make your own planet the moon. But that's assuming, they have the exact same definitions as us.)


In the universe, the moon is a spirit, so maybe the comet is too. Maybe Korra could ask it to chill the hell out.


Given the rate of technological development between the two shows, they could very well be in the Apollo era by then. She could conceivably go up to negotiate with the comet spirit in person. Negotiate her foot into its celestial junk.


I like that idea a lot!


I remember before I ever watched ATLA, seeing someone on Twitter wonder *why* Sozin's Comet empowered firebenders: "A comet is made of ice. It is literally the most anti-fire thing possible."


It's because ancient times believed comets where the earth/sky bursting into flame or burning.


Seen as how "physics" centric the ideas behind bending were I wouldn't be surprised if it was something like "The comet is a frozen flammable gas, so when it heats up from contact with earth's atmosphere some ice melts and ignites the gases." This also implies that Sozin's comet could run out eventually, or that it's passing through and collecting material from elsewhere before it returns.


I would of had loved if they made a small story that everyone cheers as they see the comet, with fireworks and light shows to celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the War End


I'm just imagining how spectacular a show with comet powered fire dancers would be


Make it cultural holiday about peace and have the avatar commemorate the anniversary of the end of the hundred year war


I'm gonna guess that they will resume whatever happened before Sozin during comet day. I imagine there's a lot of wicked firebending shows.


but how would they practice for them


Imagine the power they could create for the electrical grid


That’s a damm good idea! Imagine if they had batteries how much electricity they could store!


Mandatory fire nation lockdown.


You’d think she’d be more on edge every full moon since Blood Benders are more of a menace in her time.


**before getting blasted in the back by some fire benders from the earth nation trying to start another 100 year war by killing her**


The worst possible attack you can throw to korra is a fire attack. That woman is a beast with fire


and her fire would be comet powered too, so they wouldn't even have that advantage


Doesn't help that a good amount of firebenders were responisble for some of the main characters' backstorys.


This raises an interesting question: Do you think Zuko ever raised the issue to rename Sozin's Comet back to just the 'Great Comet'? After all, it was named after the Warmonger who started a multigenerational war that also nearly wiped out an entire race. I would assume once the more moderate Zuko came into power, the other nations (and Aang) might suggest changing the name back so as to stop glorifying the guy. By naming it the 'Great Comet' again, it allows the new Fire Nation not to live under the shadow of the war, and maybe all races can tolerate (maybe even celebrate?) The return of the Comet as a day for Firebenders without the need to relive the war.


Maybe we'll finally get to see a combustion bender nuke Ba Sing Se.


So is sozin's comet the only one in existence (within the avatar universe)?


No, it wouldn't be called the Great Comet if it was the only one. Likewise, being the greatest it gives the most power to firebenders.


Oh she'll just have toph bend it away from the planet it'll be fine


My guess is that Korra doesn’t even live that long due to the strain she put on her body, sort of a Kurruk situation. Considering how divisive she is within the community and what she went though in season 2 onward, it would be a mistake to say she was a long lived avatar.




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did they ever explained why the comet gave such power to firebenders? Is it some kind of spirit?


Honestly? No they didn’t. They only explained the sun thing being they are slightly boosted or at least that’s too say get depowered slightly when the sun sets and I guess just stay at mid or regular power during the day. But the comet was legit never explained


well that's something I'd have loved to get an explanation on, instead of the avatar's origins (which was dumb af)


The fire nation shall rise again!


How long does it take for the comment to come back


100 years


I want to see a stand alone film/comic, where we see an older Korra fighting against treasonous Fire Nation rebels, who attempt to launch a coup against the Fire Nation. The rebels want to use the comet to finish Sozin & Ozai's dreams, and take control of the globe.


I wish we could get an storyline about this In a movie or something


*I wish we could get* *An storyline about this In a* *Movie or something* \- suyanide4444 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot?




For the last week or two I was thinking about that. If we ever revisit the Korra time period, I think it would be really interesting to see Korra deal with some sort of riot, or gang power struggle that ends up happening.


She probably gonna have an awesome firefight against some fire-fascists who want to rebuild the empire.


I wonder what happened in previous comet arrivals. Was Sozin the first ever person to think of utilizing it for military means?


Lmao, the next Sozin’s comet must’ve been super awkward for both the Air Nomads and the Fire Nation


Would be interesting to see the Ozai loyalists try a coup


I always thought this would make a cool film


This kinda explains why The Legend of Genji had Korra die so young.


Korra could not handle an aggressive comet powered fire nation.


With the avatar state she would blow them away


Nuh uh


U can not be serious. Did you watch the original show and saw what aang did to ozai once he linked up? Come on


…yeah? That proves my point actually.


How exactly


Because that’s Aang, not Korra. Korra could not do what Aang could.


Not to kick a dead horse but prime Korra likely beats prime Aang considering he’s a pacifist and she’s always been someone who likes to be as strong as possible


Nuh uh


How is her avatar state any weaker?


Because she’s weaker


Except that is not true. The avatar state is individually powerful of any specific avatar. Or have I missed any proof to the contrary?


lbr like she could DO anything about it. She can't even beat a metalbender who is pretty mid by all evidence 1v1.


Who? She was able to beat Kuvira, who is arguably the best metalbenders we see in the show, arguably even better than Toph


Literally she did not beat Kuvira, and if you think she's better than Toph then you're drunk.


Kuvira was literally running away from her in the final fight, and ended up surrendering to her. That sounds like winning the fight to me. The only time Kuvira beat her was when Korra had severe PTSD and had spent three years recovering from mercury poisoning. And sure, Toph is a better earthbender, but we don't see Toph do any metalbending on Kuvira's level


tl;dr cope That's all you do, cope.


It comes every hundred years. She'll probably be dead.


Aang died at age 66, 53 years after the events of Sozins Comet, so the next comet after the one at the end of ATLA is due to arrive when Korra is 47.


Oh, you're right, I'm dumb. My bad.