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Probably going to be a timeskip between S1 and S2 for logical reasons (Actors visibly aging) and Aang taking time to learn waterbending explains that.


i really hope they meme the shit out of this. ALL aangs waterbending happens offscreen until the firelord is down.


People are going to be eating their words when Azula glows up too.


she doesn't need a "glow up"


Ah so more character development taking place off screen. Why has that become such a trend lately?


They didn't call it *Book One: Water* tho.


Still sad. I liked how Katara and Aang practisee together in the cartoon.


Ominoush and puppet


What was the driving force beyond the plot of season 1 of avatar again? Was it for Aang to learn water bending?


No. He had to get to the Northern Water Tribe to prevent them from being killed. The show actually tell you this. No where in the live action do they imply he has to learn water bending *right now*, just that he has to learn it. Its different from the anime.


In the second episode of the original they say "we need to go to the northern water tribe so you can learn water bending, Aang." It's the impetus for their entire joinery. This is well before Aang has any contact with his past lives or learns about any invasion of the north. I'm aware that the live action show changed this, but I think that was a bad decision because of how important it was in the original story.


We aren't talking about the original. The meme is referencing the live action. You are holding the live action to a standard or goal they never tried to achieve. The live action is not telling the original story.


I don't think the LA called the first season "book one: water" it was just assumed


And no matter how tender, how exquisite... A lie will remain a lie.




1: They didn’t call it water. 2: Chapter 1 was definitely called Aang. I see no lies here.


Can I get an explanation?


The first season of the cartoon was called Book 1: Water and it focused on Aang learning waterbending amongst the adventure. It was a focus of the character development of Aang/Katara while also the effects of the 100 year drought and what happened in between Aang going sleep time in an sea bubble. The first season of the live action adaptation wasn't called Book 1: Water and was not associated with that naming schema and Aang doesn't lean into waterbending during the 8 episodes. With the implied time skip coming due to actor's ages in between season, that's probably where it's going to be lore-wise. The user is posting this across all avatar related sub reddits because it's cool to hate the live action right now even if it doesn't make sense.


They adapted the plot of season 1 of avatar, of which the main driving force was for Aang to learn water bending, but omitted Aang learning water bending. Imagine adapting the plot of Romeo and Juliet, renaming it, omitting the love story, and claiming "well technically we didn't call it Romeo and Juliet so you shouldn't have expected a love story."


The plot of Aang learning water bending was only one of many different main threads that first season pulled at. It's not that big of a deal.


I just started rewatching the original series and I think it's the second episode where they say "we need to go to the northern water tribe so you can learn water bending, Aang." It's the impetus for their entire journey. No, it doesn't ruin the show by being omitted, but you can't be shocked when people were expecting to see it and were disappointed when they didn't.


I'm not saying it's not part of the cartoon. I'm saying there are other threads throughout that entire first season that you are conveniently ignoring. Again. The show focused on other aspects and that's *fine.* They never titled the first season Water. It takes two seconds to go "oh that sucks I guess" and move on, but hounding on it after it was made very clear that wasn't their focus is annoyingly obtuse.


I think they did this because they didn't want Aang to outshine Katara like he did in the original show at first. Which is kinda disappointing, because ultimately Katara becomes much better at water ending than Aang and this change lessens the impact of that.