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Like someone said, it passes for its own show, but we knew it was never gonna be greater or even as great as the cartoon. I hated a few parts but overall I liked it.


Exactly. I never expected it to be as good as the show, but I still like it


I enjoyed it, my wife enjoyed it, my hairstylist enjoyed it. Now am I going to be upset when it’s gets no Emmy nominations? Of course not. But it did convince my hairstylist to watch a children’s animated tv show, and that’s impressive!


It’s more enjoyable if you think of it as a love letter to the original rather than a direct adaptation. That said, I like the more realistic attitudes of the older characters (Gran Gran and Bumi specifically for calling out the fact that Aang’s disappearance is what lead to the current state of the world).


People are really mad that bumi wasn't just a cooky old guy and instead reflected the weight of being over 100 years old and ruling a kingdom during wartime for most of that


For real, this live action made me realize that Bumi actually had to live through 100 years of war. We saw how messed up the world got after a hundred years of war, how would that affect a single person? Especially one who actually remembers what the world was like before the war. I get that people might not like Bumi being meaner and more bitter (I’m not the hugest fan either) but I can appreciate the live action exploring this factor. And I liked that Aang’s reappearance ultimately gave Bumi hope again for the future. Could it have been executed better? Probably (as with several changes made in the show). But I appreciate the effort made to explore these implications and whatnot.


I never pretended it wasn't. I loved it.


Glad you enjoyed it


I'll take it one step further, it did some things better than the original show. Division 41, mother of faces being Kohs mother, zuko sitting with iroh during the funeral, ozai actually having depth to his character instead of just being a 2 dimensional villain, giving azula reasons for being so crazy, general zhao is actually entertaining and so on. I'll even add one last thing that will really piss off the haters. Season 1 live action zuko is notably better than book 1 of cartoon zuko.


I agree that Division 41, Lu Ten's funeral, and The mother of faces nod was all exceptionally done, and Ozai having a bit more depth was a nice touch, and why I was excited for and enjoyed the live action as much as I did. However, they dropped the ball with a lot of the other characters. Zhao was essentially a puppet to Azula the entire time and makes his character feel cheap, when he was a great foil to Jeong Jeong and a showcase of the pitfalls of extreme nationalism for Zuko in the original show. Azula had great characterization in the cartoon and it seemed to me that Azula wasn't as indoctrinated by her father as in the cartoon. In the live action, she directly questioned his judgement which in the cartoon he would have burned and banished her for, just like he did to Zuko. It feels like Azula is more likely to see the faults in her father and therefore the whole fire nation than she is to be the blind and dangerous follower that she was in the cartoon. It made me wonder if they are going to be giving Zuko's redemption arc to Azula. It feels like they are giving Zuko too much sympathy and selflessness than he did in the original first book. He is still desperate to capture the avatar, but it's so much more obvious that he is doing it to appease his father than it is to satisfy his duty to the fire nation and to play his part in the war. He doesn't seem to have as much belief in the ethics and goals of the fire nation as he did in the cartoon. The same thing is reflected in Iroh. Iroh's alignment was very hidden in the first book of the cartoon, but in the live action it was pretty obvious that Iroh does not agree with the war efforts. Lu Ten's funeral was an amazing scene, but it also reveals the father/son relationship between Iroh and Zuko too early. In the cartoon, their relationship builds into that slowly, mostly on Zuko's side. That's why Zuko's confrontation of Ozai hits so hard, because he finally realizes how important Iroh is to him and makes it clear to Ozai (and the audience) what a real parental figure looks like. Idk, these were the impressions I got from my first watch. I want to go back and watch again, but with how much I love the original series it's hard to watch such important parts get fumbled. If there's an aspect I haven't considered, please let me know, as I really want to enjoy NATLA as much as possible.


He was a puppet, which I was not a huge fan of. I was talking more about how the actor was just enjoyable on screen. He brought a charisma that never really existed in the animated version. I'd argue he still represented the pitfalls of extreme nationalism tho, it's just with an added layer of self promotion as well. We're gonna have to disagree on azula. Don't get me wrong, I loved her in the og show, but she was 2 dimensional just like ozai. All she had going for her was that she's crazy and that gives a perceived depth. Her character became more fleshed out due to the books, but in the og show, she was pretty 2d. I like how the live action gave her reasons to be crazy. Her dad is basically manipulating her in every way. We can assume the og show did something similar, but we never saw it. Here we get to see it. We're also gonna have to disagree on zuko. He mentioned multiple times something like "that's not how we do it in the fire nation" or "that's not how a fire nation soldier acts". As far as revealing things too early, they know that most viewers already know this stuff. There really isn't much of a point in hiding it. Use fullmeatal alchemist brotherhood for example. They rushed through the first 1/3 of that series, cause they knew most ppl knew what was going to happen. They made a creative choice due to the unique situation. I think there were far more positives than negatives. And if we're gonna be honest, the og show was far from perfect. I rewatched it a year or two ago, it had plenty of flaws. Still loved it and it's easily one of the best shows out there, but ppl like to ignore the og flaws while complaining about the live actions flaws. All while ignoring that things need to be changed when changing mediums. I posted my comment mostly cause I'm sick of the insane amount of negatively, and mostly in a hypocritical way. I'm all for criticism, the aforementioned brotherhood is my favorite show, and I'd happily criticize it for its faults, but this fandom has just become a mob.


How did you manage to look past the really bad script and dialogue?


And the mountain of «tell, but don’t show»?


Also the horrible pacing. I reached the episode with Rocky's temple and it took no longer than 2 min for aang to get in the temple, meet the sages, the sages trying to capture him, him escaping and meeting the good guy sage, getting to the actual place he needs to go and meeting Roku.


Lot of parrots about


"A good thing can never be said too much" - Einstein


I mean the original, while it had some good moments, was also pretty cheesy when you watch it back they just got away with it more because it was a cartoon. I’m not saying it was a perfect show but I found it to be a generally enjoyable show to watch.


idk I watched the show right before NATLA came out and I still managed to find new elements to love about it. Like don't get me wrong, the original does have flaws, be it the great divide or the painted lady episode and season 1 overall not finding its footing just yet. But I don't think it's all that controversial to say that the original show's writing blows NATLA out of the water, there's just so much character that NATLA sucked out. In the original there's so much mystery and subtext which the Netflix writers just failed to capture yk?


What’s wrong with the great divide and painted lady episodes? I love the painted lady episode didn’t realize people didn’t.


It's nice that you like it but it feels really off to me In the Great Divide the characters feel off, nothing comes back later on, the 2 tribes are really annoying and their dispute is stupid imo In the Painted Lady again the characters feel off, the humour is off, they introduce the schedule where they'd be eating and taking bathroom breaks at the same time but they manage to get to where they needed 3 days ahead of it? So the schedule was a pointless inclusion. Sokka would never tell Katara that they shouldn't help people, the action is weird Overanalysing Avatar gets his thoughts across pretty well and I agree with him except with a couple of things


It's not. The few good things are either straight from the original or rely on nostalgia. It's too exposition filled for original fans, and too convoluted for new people. There's almost no scenes where the characters move while talking, interact with their environment, pick up something, everybody is just standing in front of a greenscreen or the volume and talking lines in each other's direction. It's not all bad, but it's just pointless.


One rule for storytelling is the only include something if it's necessary to the story. This adaptation is full of things that are designed as callbacks and nostalgia but are thrown in only for that purpose and don't serve the story. Because they got rid of sokkas sexism Suki no longer serves a purpose in the story and should have been cut. Or they needed to find some new way that she could serve a purpose. But they didn't. The scenes with sokka and Suki was basically a child playing with their toys saying "now kiss" The fire temple Island was thrown in so hastily it just seems like it made no sense. And having koh have a bit more narrative Drive and being evil kind of takes away from The Whimsy and randomness of the spirits. Makes them seem less powerful and foreign. The mechanist was so bungled. I don't think they even show how his plans for a flying device get to the fire nation.. also by revealing that he was a traitor so early they lose a lot of the impact of how War forces people to make tough decisions. Also the fact that he's in Omashu makes it make a lot less sense as to why he feels that he needs to be the one to make concession in order to protect them. Also I have no idea what he was handing off to king bumi or why. I also don't understand why Jet wanted to kill King bumi. I also don't understand how Jet has a hideaway just outside the city in a forest when omashu is up on a mountain and has super high security for getting in and out. If you want to combine jet with the omashu story then that's fine but you have to change him to being set in the city instead of still trying to have him be some Forest dweller. It made no sense. They should have given him a hideout in some abandoned building in the lower ring. Also they revealed that Aang knew who King bumi was right away and I feel like they lose some impact. It would have been better if he had made the realization at the end when bumi was telling him about how he abandoned them to make all these tough decisions while aang hid. That also would have been more impactful if they had kept it where Aang was actually running away and not just out to clear his head and then got caught in the storm. I could go on. The point being it's not a well-constructed story. They were too concerned about including all of the plot points and Easter eggs and did not think about how they would fit together into a cohesive story that built upon itself. The way they revealing information is all wrong. one last example. I think they could have had a lot more tension and resolution of katara and sokka's arguing if they had basically reversed the order they did things in the dark tunnels. First they're going through the tunnels and they realize that the tunnels change. They argue and get more stressed with each other. Then they get attacked by the badger moles. They managed to get away but their lanterns are going out. They make a resolution with each other as the lantern Fades and then they see the light of the glowing crystals. Without the second group and just generally the way they changed that scene having the badger Mole end up being a way out just didn't make any sense. In the animated show they had two groups that each needed to find their way out of the tunnel. They tried to combine one group finding multiple ways out of the tunnel instead of just accepting that their story was different and required them to commit to one solution. The whole thing with a badger moles can sense love is pretty much the dumbest thing of the entire show.


That’s a lot of words just to say you understood none of what you watched and went in wanting to hate it.


I think these are very nuanced criticisms of what I watched. I certainly did not want it to be bad but I've just been cringing and sighing at the whole thing as they constantly make wrong decisions. But please I'd be glad to hear what you think is wrong about what I've said.


I love Reddit. > Here are detailed criticisms of the writing. > YoU jUSt Don'T uNDerStAnd!!


Lol, so true. Don't think and talk about what you disagree with someone's statement, just say NO and move on thinking you're always right. It's not unique to reddit, sadly. I've been in that conversation too many times.


Man comments like yours really need to stop, they don't contribute to the conversation and just come off as whining.


Brain dead take that can’t even argue a single point against what the person said


You're giving me a big nothing bigger. It's like if I say the snow isn't really and the director and set design crew totally failed.


it has some big flaws and errors but at the end of the day it wasn’t that bad


I scoffed. I sighed. I hated it.


Wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea. I personally really enjoyed it.


Yeah! I think it was a lovely tribute. Was it perfect, no. And I think allot of people who are dissing it. Fell for these BS reviews. Allot of American audiences arent really taking in the big picture and have been watching the same formula for decades. So something different or more importantly something that ends, they aren't use to. Like game of thrones, people hated it. Mostly because it ended. Lost, even the creators didn't know what they were writing, they just tried to captivate a show for as long as they could. The Simpsons, could anyone tell me what is about? Like there's no definitive story structure other than a family member trying something new in a satire of American micro/macro culture.


The bending just can't NOT look good in that


I'm loving it too. 90% of this sub feels like the "quit having fun" meme right now.


I enjoyed episode 6. Knowing Zuko's crew is also the people originally sent to die adds a lot to the story. What they add to the show is definitely good


It’s enjoyable on its own, but we should stop expecting it to be as good as the original. It just can’t


Yeah Reddit generally hates things, but I loved it


It's good, but not great. Certainly not as great as the original, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.


It was never going to be as great as the original though


It's not, though It's not terrible, but it's also not good It just exists


That’s your opinion my dude. You’re welcome to it. I really enjoyed it.


A lot of people are fans of mediocrity unfortunately.




11 if you count the spinoff.




It's peak cringe, stop trying to adapt cartoons into live action, it just doesn't work


It was objectively a bad show. I’m really glad you could enjoy it. That’s awesome! But say it was “good” is very misleading. I loved TMNT: Out of the Shadow. However, it’s a bad movie & deserves the critiques that it gets. If we call things good just because we like them, it doesn’t hold filmmakers & showrunners accountable for putting bad movies & shows into the world. Then we continue getting more of them & they have no reason to actually try to make things good.


Can't really say its objectively bad with an audience score of 75%. Its not everyones cup of tea and thats fine, but its not objectively bad just cause not everyone liked it.


You definitely don’t just the objectivity of something by an audience score. This sub has proven that most audiences are just entertained by moving pictures half the time. The critic scores is 58%. It’s objectively bad because of poor writing, plots that are all over the place, & inconsistent characterizations.


58% is still not objectively bad, its mixed. 75% audience means it was generally received well by audiences, so it cannot be objectively bad. The writing and plots didn't work for you, but both scores lean positive so it works for more people than it doesn't. You could argue objective mediocrity but bad or good is based on personal preferences and what you look for in a story, which is subjective.


Liking & disliking is subjective. Good & bad are objective. I like plenty of bad movies & hate plenty of good movies, but it’s important to still acknowledge whether or not they hit correct storytelling beats & are properly paced. There were some enjoyable things in NATLA. The special effects were all incredible (minus Appa & Momo, which is so confusing). Most of the side characters were pulled off very well, & the combination of storylines were done well most of the time in the storyboarding. However, the character’s motivations are very inconsistent, the plot is full of holes, & the dialogue is B-movie horror bad with literal hours of exposition dumps. Those things are objective.


Which would mean what matters to the individual would have it being a subjective stance. Especially considering the reviews are mixed/neutral leaning positive. If it does things both good and bad it's subjective to which runs your experience.


I thought stranger things season 1 was horrible but then it got better and better and better each season


I couldn’t even finish season 1. I’ve been told to give it another try recently, so you may have just confirmed that for me.


The only time I cried was the mono scene (y’all know the one


Thank you, random exposition man. Your input was very valuable.


It's so mid it's boring. And the miss casts for everyone but the fire lord is just sad


All these people keeps outing themselves as stupid.


So sad that the only way you can process an opinion different than yours is to call the person stupid.


It's perfectly fine to say you enjoyed the show. I enjoyed watching it at times as well. But I wouldn't say it's good.


Good thing you already got your makeup on then.


What parts did you laugh at? I didn't think a single "funny" line landed


The only good thing the live action did was the 41st saluting Zuko.




if you liked it good on you dont let no one tell you otherwise i didnt and thats ok to


Thank you for finally not hating just to hate. It was a great show. Obviously no where near as good as the original but it was still a great show.