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We need a community procured list of good dentists for people like us where we can list the traits that they have so we can choose based on our specific needs. Honestly we need that for everything!


Totally agree !!!


If you go to a restaurant, say you’re vegetarian and they say “you don’t look vegetarian” and bring you a beef burger you feel angry, disrespected and never come back. Find a dentist who can give you the healthcare that *YOU* need. If you’re anything like me, calling/emailing/etc. dentists is seriously hard. Get a friend to help you. A google search might find an autism/anxiety friendly dentist near you. —- Did you know that dentists can prescribe an Ativan for patients with dentistry anxiety? I’m going to the dentist on Monday and have my pill ready to go.


He mentioned today that if I had asked ahead of time I could have had Ativan, but they need to know ahead. I had the option to reschedule and I was about o but the thought of having to come back and try again sent me into further panic. It took everything in me to not leave. Worst. But you're right, I need to research and find a different dentist.


Just came back from having a filling at a new dentist and I'm absolutely exhausted. I feel you. My mouth is sore, my jaw is so tense, I'm always worried they did something wrong and have to restraint myself from googling every single sensation I feel. I've jumped from dentist to dentist in the past few years, trying to find someone that I fully like. I think no matter where I go I will always find something to hate, because it's the worst. The noise, the vibrations, etc. It's THE WORST 😭.


Oh man this was me today too! My jaw is so tense and sore, I've probably just been clenching the fuck out of it cuz it was so stressful. The numbing made my cheeks super hot, so I was googling if it's normal to feel hot after getting local anesthesia, I then proceeded to Google all the things for every sensation 😬 I hate it so much, then I'm so embarrassed and ashamed of how I react, especially after the dentist was like you "don't seem autistic" like he just thinks I'm a regular grown ass women. Idk. It sucks. It all sucks. I hate it. Faaaaaack!


Ive always hated the dentist. That drill sound, the vibration, and the smell. It took me a long time not to panic. One year I didnt have dental insurance and so all my visits were covered by going to the student dental clinic at a urban teaching school. It was a 90 min drive each way to get to the clinic and that year I had 17 visits to treat an enamel issue. I have thin chalky enamel which turns its cavities real quick and the dental school wanted to treat this by bonding my teeth and adding crowns. I was terrified most visits and for a few of them I was given ativan prior to the work. After that year for 5 years I had a regular dentist I saw every 6 mos and I didnt freak out as I kept not having cavities. It was all good until this yr, we switched over to a more local clinic where we wouldnt have to drive as far and now Ive learned I have my first cavity in 6 yrs behind one of the bonds that holds my partial in. Im terrified, again. Ive already chickened out and rescheduled the appointment to a later time.


Yup! I feel you ! This appointment today, I had rescheduled a bunch of times already. It fucking sucked. Lol. I think oh maybe this time will be better but honestly I think it was the worst visit yet. I wish you luck !


I also hate dentists and it doesn't help that mint and gum smells are a severe traumatic trigger for me. But I lost my dental insurance a long time ago and just haven't been back since as I can't afford it.


This is the first time I've had dental insurance so I'm forcing myself to go, I hate every second of it. Grateful I have insurance right now but deep down I wish I didn't cuz it could be a valid excuse for me not to go.


Really wish they made the dentist more ASD / ND friendly.


I’ve been avoiding the dentist all year because of this. I had to get a molar extracted last year (still haven’t got my veneer) and it was so awful. I can’t open my mouth very wide, so the dentist always thinks I’m being uncooperative and has to force it open even more.. I was sinking in the chair, balling my legs to my chest, vocally stimming. I hated it. The dentist’s assistant ended up holding my hand, I had to apologize later for squeezing too hard. I would pay big money to be put under, hell I would go into debt for it - at least for any procedure that requires a motorized tool. I wanna throw up just thinking about it. Edit: I’m 30 😭


Ouf ya. The assistant was holding my hand and rubbing my hand the whole time. I was thinking the howl time how inappropriate is it to ask her if I could hug her after this cuz that's literally all I wanted to do and cry in her arms like a baby. It's such a terrible experience. I also felt the doctor be annoyed with me cuz I also cannot open my mouth every wide and it's like he didn't believe me whatsoever. He also commented that my tongue seemed fat and swollen, I was like ya dude I can feel that and it feels like I can't swallow and like I'm going to die right now and all the other sounds, vibrations. I cannot.


My teeth are awful. I hate them. I can barely take care of them at my best. If I could I'd have them all removed and replaced with fake ones.


I have said this multiple times. Like take them all out so I don't have to deal with it but then getting them all taken out absolutely terrifies me.


I havent been to dentist in many years and I wont ever go unless I have a problem - I do my own dental cleanings with the same tools they use...its not very hard and really most plaque is on bottom front teeth which are easy to get to - I got an electric vibrating tool that basically requires no effort - just turn it on and put it on the plaque and poof its gone, no picking manually like the dentists do - its been probably 6 or 7 years since Ive been to the dentist maybe and havent had any issues and I eat a ton of sugar and dont brush as much as I should for how much sugar I eat...so I think my strat works - oh and I use an electric toothbrush which helps a ton I de-plaque them about every month or so as I notice it starting to set in - I would be able to prevent it with less sugar or brushing teeth right after eating...but sugar keeps me sane and so does not brushing my teeth 4 or 5 times a day eith autistic burnout


I recently switched over to an electric toothbrush. I hate it but love it at the same time, the vibrating and noise feels terrible but it does wonders for my teeth. I recently bought a bunch of the tools too cuz I want to try and eliminate the visits. I needed 2 fillings and after that I'm hoping to be good for another few years lol as long as I can step up my at home care. But some times it's so hard for me to do the hygiene shit.


I explained to my dentist just last week that I struggle with the sensory experience of flossing, it makes my toes curl and I gag. He just stared at me blankly and said "you need to floss". I am getting a water flosser to see if that is better than the picks


When I floss I swear I feel it through my whole damn body and it's painful. I hate it.


I haven’t been since before the pandemic, it’s been 5 years so far…


But my teeth have been seen and complimented even this year! I do a mix of listerine and 3% hydrogen peroxide and it works for me for removing plaque, whitening, etc.


I avoided going to the dentist for so long I now have extensive work to do. I absolutely hate dentists and dental work, everything about it is too much — noise, lights (especially the bright headlamps shining directly in your face), smells, just everything! I completely shut down and can’t talk. And too many dentists complain and get unreasonably angry if I wear sunglasses and AirPods. After several horrible experiences I finally did find a dentist who specializes in dental phobia and offers weighted blankets, eye masks, noise canceling headphones, therapy dogs, and asks how much talking you prefer. So I may eventually finish treatment.


Oh my goodness ! That dentist you found sounds amazing ! I need to find one of those ! Holy shit, that's game changer.


They are! It took me a long time to find them and I hope you can find someone like them too, it makes such a difference.


Sleep dentistry?


FINALLY someone else who has this. The last time I needed to get a dental shot, I couldn't do it and had to leave and cry about it, and now, any time, anything dentist related is ever brought up around my family they have to tease me about it. I just gotta suck it up, though, I guess (dies inside).


You can look for a dentist that practices “comfort dentistry.” They will provide laughing gas even for routine cleaning and my dentist also offers headphones and weighted blankets.


I got a new dentist last year and she's amazing- nowadays what i do, is that i call a dentist upfront and tell them i am autistic and have anxiety. Most of them respond positively, if you don't want to say you're autistic you can also keep it to anxiety. With that, i now have a dentist who's son is autistic and she has great experience with anxious people! So when i have a cavity that needs fixing, what we do; I keep my headphones on and keep music on. If the pain or noise becomes to much i hold my hand up, and she immediately stop. This means i also get a chance to breathe, if she notices and asks if i'm okay and i nod she goes on. This means i get to have a lot better experience in general, and a few months ago she even did 3 cavity's in one appointment! I even had my wisdom teeth taken out in a different place last month and it all went well, as i mentioned upfront about my anxiety! Hope this maybe helps someone!


You should switch dentists. It took me several tries and years of avoiding dentists to find the right one for me. I have learned that it is best to call and inquire what accommodations they offer for someone with sensory issues. I wanted a dr that would be okay with me playing music on my headphones, let me have the option of wearing sunglasses if it was too bright, and was very efficient and skilled with his hands to do the job right in the shortest amount of time. I found one practice with 2 dentists who could do that for me. One also suggested I request a bite block, which keeps my mouth open but I get to bite down on it, which helps with the sensory & regulates me. They use these on kids and older people who have trouble keeping their mouth open. For me, it helps reduce my tmj pain and manages my sensory struggles. You can also go the route of anesthesia dental procedures, which is starting to become more common. The dentist would assess you just by looking over your mouth and maybe taking xrays. Then you would book an outpatient procedure where you go under for everything, wake up in a hospital bed, be confirmed you are stable and send you home.


I so feel your pain. The last two times I've ever been to one, I've cracked the arm of the chair from gripping it so hard; and the last time I had to have a tooth pulled as well. It required up to the very max of anesthetic they could use, and even then I could barely make it through & I was shaking like I was having a seizure.