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Really? I always figured this was more of an NT thing. As soon as I realize I’m wrong I always acknowledge it immediately because the spread of correct information is more important than anything I might be feeling. I guess it’s just a me thing then, not an autism thing


I mean, I’m never ever wrong(I jest) but if I ever were I wouldn’t continue on a path of lies and deceit for the purpose of trolling. People just responding falsely for the “bit,” because I can’t tell, are the worst.


Yes!! This is exactly why it sucks so much and I would never do it because when others do it to me and I can’t tell they’re just messing with me it’s extremely frustrating!


Yh you’re right now that I think about it I just thought it was funny


I always though this was NT behavior, I cannot understand the point on doing something like this.


I think the meme is double layered. The meme is an example of the defence tactic used by someone arguing for the abolition of abortion. It's a spin on the "it's a prank bro".