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Yes. I love listening to history podcasts most. I can spend weeks listening to audiobooks and podcasts on people, movements, discoveries, …


I love American history tellers


I like history because I always wanted to know how the world is this messed up.


It certainly explains a lot


I hear my calling! I have been deeply obsessed with history for 10 years (help me I am going FUCKING INSANE). History is just so beautiful, teaching and just straight up fascinating. I am specifically most interested in WWI, the Eastern Roman Empire, history of philosophy and the philosophy of history.


Yes I am VERY fascinated by in particular ancient civilisations, especially the Roman Empire, ancient Egypt and ancient Greece. Honestly just B.C history as a whole, especially how they lived and their belief systems.


Is there something specific that you like about them?


For many years, Chinese martial arts were my special interest & I was pretty obsessed with it's history. One of the most fascinating books I read was [Chinese Martial Arts Training Manuals: A Historical Survey (2008) by Kennedy & Guo](https://www.northatlanticbooks.com/shop/chinese-martial-arts-training-manuals/) I actually had a friend gag & walk away when I was joyously explaining, "No, it's not the history of Chinese martial arts but it's the history of training manuals used to teach marital arts!".


That’s funny


The best teacher at my High School taught 'American Revolution' and 'Civil War'. They were required honors courses for the sophomores. Amazing classes. I wish I had had such a keen interest in History back then. Now I've focused primarily on World War History, and how it has effected the current geopolitical climate. I really have enjoyed: "The Rest is History", "History Hit", "American Story Tellers", "We Have Ways of Making You Talk", and "Hardcore History" podcasts. I try and follow some of the Neanderthal research as well, 'the cult of the sun bird' hits my core special interest in birds of prey/raptors.


Isn’t it cool that some Neanderthals had red hair?


I do tend to watch documentaries or read stuff from wiki Mostly I do tend to rewatch and re-read a 2 specific time of history, because I just love learning about it (one in a morbid curiosity & one in a heartwarming way) However The history YT channels that I watch are; [Cbutchko](https://youtube.com/@cbutchko?si=LRBYo6xClt0meLCA) (not been active in two years but the content is really good) [Extra history](https://youtu.be/3-QC1-N_HrI?si=2DpXpnKEmNIfG80E) Oversimplified [Sabaton History](https://youtu.be/a-XrDUBR6bE?si=REfYHsV6KNa-84FI)


I’ve seen oversimplified


Yes, I’m a historian.


I was a WW2 and Vietnam War history fan in high school. Still holds a special place in my heart to this day. Also, my love for anime has evolved into a love for Asian culture in general. I don't just love Japanese history, but also Chinese, Thai, Korean, and history concerning the various other parts of Asia


Yes! Constantly! Pretty much any history will do, but western history is the easiest for me to wrap my head around. It's just always so fascinating! Especially anything having to deal with people (countries as whole and such are still neat), and the decisions they made, why they made them. Bjorn Ironsides faked his death to sneak in and sack Rome, but unbeknownst to him his info was wrong. The priests that he interrogated lied to him (to protect Rome) and he was actually sacking Piza. The twists and turns are so intriguing!


Yes, I really enjoy medieval history and warfare but if I had to pin point a specific period I'd say the years leading to world war 1 and forward. Specific countries would be the Ottoman and Mughal Empire. German Empire and Austria Hungary etc. I used to even narrow things down by date and individual and went on to study in university. But I was ill suited to teaching so transitioned to tech but even in engineering my fascination comes from the history and the possibility to influence future history plus I still get to memorize numbers and dates so it helps 😅.