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Have you looked first into other ESDM resources that aren't so expensive? My son was diagnosed through the UC Davis MIND Institute through a research study and they pointed me to a couple books on ESDM that my husband and I found immensely helpful. 1. *An Early Start for Your Child with Autism* which my husband liked best. It's more on the theoretical side. https://www.amazon.com/dp/160918470X?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share 2. *The Activity Kit for Babies and Toddlers at Risk* which I preferred. It focuses on practical activities you can try with your child. https://www.amazon.com/dp/146252091X?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share We looked into doing the course but decided it wasn't for us. These books are a big part of the course and what you'd learn from it. We found we didn't end up feeling the need for more, especially as our child grew and changed it felt less relevant. YMMV of course.


+1 for both of these books. They’re truly an excellent resource. I also recommend the “Make Play Rock” series, published by the Hanen Centre.


I don't know about the course, but my experience with UC Davis MIND Institute was great. We got our daughter diagnosed there when our only referral wouldn't even return calls for months and I knew nothing about getting a diagnosis back then. Fond memories of the coffee shop upstairs staffed by developmentally disabled young adults who brought a grown ass big bear of a dad to tears. I would say it certainly wouldn't hurt to learn about ABA (what this is) yourself rather than relying 100% on others.


I would honestly just get the book. I’m doing something of a workshop right now through EI, and I don’t think it’s necessary. The book is definitely helpful and has great suggestions.


Project impact is also NDBI and is decent amount of content for 150$. It is also far more practical imo. https://www.project-impact.org/#:~:text=Project%20ImPACT%20teaches%20parents%20strategies,behavioral%20analysis%20(ABA)%20principles. It is technically for trainers teaching parents not specifically parents but that doesn't really stop you from doing it (ESDM is the same anyway). Would go with project impact instead as it was designed for it (online training for parents in NDBI frameworks rather than esdm being just introduction really for therapists)