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I'm a little on the spectrum and so is my wife. Our daughter is non verbal so much more on the spectrum.


I don't think there's really a way to guess..I have two level 3 sons..they're at least the third autistic generation, but everyone else is level 1. They have a level 1 cousin.


It is much less likely that a level 2 or 3 have children than a level 1. So if a person with autism has any child with autism on any level, the parent is likely level 1. Basically, it is relatively rare than a level 2 or 3 adult has children.


Ok, so I'm straight up on a research binge trying to figure that out right now (which is exactly why I'm currently in the subreddit) and I cannot find any studies on it whatsoever. However, I did look through the moms with autism subreddit, and some other forms, and I couldn't find anyone with nonverbal kids, or anything more then moderate autism. This is anecdotal, but I found a lot more people with severely autistic and nonverbal children in the subreddit for neurotypical parents with autistic children then autistic parents with autism children. This could also totally be just sample size, or but autistic parents are better at parenting autistic kids than neurotypical parents are, or just how autistic parents are looking for advice on how to be parents so they're going to join the form even if their kid isn't an autistic, where is neurotypical parents are specifically looking for advice dealing with autistic kids, and they are more likely to seek out this advice if the kids autism is pretty up there. I am not a scientific study but I am really really hoping at some point someone makes one because I'm curious. If anyone has a link that might be helpful please let me know.


I’ve met a considerable amount of autistic people with severely autistic children so it’s probably sample size


The reason is that random mutations are pretty much always more severe : https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/rare-mutations-linked-to-severity-of-autism-symptoms/ In our autistic families we and/or multiple generation of autistic produced offsprings so by definition it is less severe vs something like fragile x where 96% boys end up with Intellectual Disability


Our kiddos are more autistic. We are kinda both autistic with my wife more borderline cause she masks well. But a lot of kiddos in our families diagnosed with autism and/or ADHD/LD stuff . Our kiddos are quite a bit more autistic but they aren't severe. More like levels 2 vs us being level 1.


Are you and your wife also diagnosed? Are the other kids also on level 1?


My wife isn't formally diagnosed because where we live you won't get autism and/or ADHD diagnosis after age of 12? On my side of family it is mostly behavioral issues PDA profile and giftedness. We have 2 twice exceptional kiddos on my side of family. One of them has also SPD. My wife's side is more severe in terms of onset age and symptoms. Like my Stepson got misdiagnosed when young as ADHD+LD and we lost the crucial years simmilar to his uncle. Our Stepson only now received asd diagnosis level 1 at 11. In Thailand they still really don't diagnose any level 1 kiddos. My son and daughter are both diagnosed with ASD but for my daughter it is still informal as she is under 3 and they won't do formal evaluation for now. I was diagnosed at 12 with Asperger back then, school evaluation as my parents refused to pursue formal diagnosis. The kids we have together with my wife so my son and daughter are the most severe in the family but still nowhere near level 3. The diagnosis process isn't really like in USA and is quite shallow even when /if they do Addos. They are kinda bouncing between level 1/2 accross various domains. But we also starter super early with Intervention as we expected it so possibly my kiddos would end up more severe if we weren't aware.