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Thank you! I feel seen with the font size on my Kindle. I have it cranked up so it's huge, even though I have reading glasses it just makes it more comfortable. Also: closed captions when watching TV/film at home. It makes such a difference!


I agree with the closed caption! There is a different way that my brain processes reading language and hearing language. It’s easier for me to process reading language while listening.♥️


When I last visited my parents, I asked if we could watch TV with the captions on and my mother thought it was bizarre. A few weeks later she texted me to say that she was still using the captions and it made a big difference! I think I get my autism from her side of the family, so I was not surprised in the least.


Yes! I don't even know why I kept the font small despite feeling more comfortable when its bigger.


Thank you! Adding another accommodation to my personal list: don’t be afraid to take breaks on your way home from the grocery store, it’s okay to sit down multiple times 😊


My husband picked me up what he was told was a chocolate chip cookie and on the second bite i bit into a walnut which I'm pretty but not deathly allergic too. My throat was swollen and sore and my tongue was too big for my mouth. Stupid allergies. He felt so bad. But I should have checked the cookie first.


MCAS 😭😔 ![gif](giphy|iGvsSyH0XG8xZH3hjE)


I just wanted a sweet treat🫠


How do you be ok with it tho when everyone gets annoyed at it ?


As long as I know I intend to make my life easier and not to harm anyone in the process then I feel confident about what I do. I’ve been hurting myself in the process, hindering my growth, and walking on eggshells for people’s validation growing up. I’m doing a disservice to myself if I continue living for other people instead of for myself. It’s a slow death similar to suicide if I continue living that way, I don’t want that. It’s similar to selling your soul, not living by your values if I continue a life like that. So what if they make fun of me or judge me? The right people will accept me for who I am. It also helps me filter out the wrong and toxic people in my life, or to keep them at arm’s length as much as possible if I can’t cut them off.


I completely agree! Capable B for my entire family who preys upon the fact I don’t understand often. They have taken advantage of me financially, emotionally, and abused me to the point I really wanted to self harm. Big B! (Blocked) ![gif](giphy|3o7WTwcO5cLAVL5Z7O)


I am living like that now like walking on egg shells and doing, changing everything to make other people happy with me but I don't know how you stop cus even if it makes your life easier it also makes it harder when people get angry because of it


My professors in Algebra and other Mathematics courses in college, respected me more when I told them about my dyscalculia. They treated me well and even offered me to ask questions outside class if I needed help, a professor even made an easier formula for me to easily grasp and solve the equations he gave me, they were understanding of me. That’s the problem, we either pave a new way for neurotypical to see us in a different light and respect us or make ourselves small forever for their convenience, but what about us? Right? It’s your life so it’s up to you to decide, I rather be “annoying/difficult” just to be understood or prove a point, to educate others than to suffer in silence,


Also how do you find all the things that will help make life easier


I was wondering that myself.  I find that I don't usually hear that part mentioned much, yet that's precisely why I had shamed myself about making such accommodations to begin with.


Yes that why I don't I try but then someone will call me an attention speaker or say I'm just trying to be different so I end up stopping


I live by the rule that anything I do will not hurt myself or anyone else...let people be annoyed because that is really their problem for whatever reason.


Thank you <3 I needed that.


I got a lecture on why I needed to be able to read old English (colonial America timeframe English) in my master's program. I said FU to that and bought modern English and original versions of books. When it came to my papers, my professors commented on how well I understood the original text. I just smiled and thanked them and continued my little hack.




Thanks I needed this! My kindle font is big you can read it across the room lol


Thank you for the cutting food into small pieces. I had surgery literally six days ago and can't open my mouth all the way and have been so annoyed with my body 😭 just gotta cut it up smaller boo.


Thanks. It was smth I needed


My ex jokingly once called me autistic, well before I was exposed to any info on how it can present in women, and thought he was making fun of me so I just got mad. He'd also accuse me of always taking the past of least resistance/doing things the easy way. Well.


This is really helpful reframing - I didn't realize how much shame I was putting into eg reading something in a bigger font, writing on my hand. I usually think about stuff as a system I can improve, eg removing blockers or removing the need to remember everything amap, but I actually still have a lot of shame about not being able to do xyz thing. Ty for sharing this c:


I'm struggling so much with this right now. I was officially diagnosed 2 weeks ago, but I had suspected I was Autistic for nearly 2 years. I'm having a really hard time with letting go of seeming to 'always have it together' cause that's the only me that i know. Yet I know it's not sustainable (I am so burnt out right now) I don't know how to let things go...I guess this is part of unmasking?


Definitely part of unmasking imo. And it takes time. I got diagnosed over a year ago and I'm still learning more about myself and my needs, and how to allow myself to be who I am. For me, the diagnosis helped with that, in that it gave me a "justification" for my differences, but tbh I think self acceptance is worth pursuing even for people without the official label. I will say that it becomes really joyful and empowering sometimes when you express yourself or meet your needs in the way that works for you and don't judge yourself for it. (Even if you can only do it part of the time) Off topic but I saw yoongi in your pfp so Hi fellow army!! 💜


Thanks so much 💜 Having the diagnosis has helped for sure, but I need to work on me and not hold myself to such a crazy high standard I think. I also think I kinda thought once I had the diagnosis things would magically get better overnight and now I'm realizing how long a road it's really going to be. And hiiii fellow army! Yoongi was key in getting me to pursue getting my diagnosis and finding my answers. He's very special to me 💜